Hello everyone,
this is a video ad for the Android Blitz from Russian server. I mean… well, just watch it, there are English subtitles.
Hello everyone,
this is a video ad for the Android Blitz from Russian server. I mean… well, just watch it, there are English subtitles.
I like it!,
i am no marketing expert, but i would guess that that makes perfect sense on russian market.
As does SerB btw.
mfg eXterminuss
#Blame_Dizzik2014 ?
Love it!
Words fail me.
Better than one of those cinematic trailers, I’d say. I think the ad strikes a nice balance between making fun of itself & its users.
Just tried it on my fone… Too bad I can’t seems to get used to the control… Hell even a bot can do better than me in WotBlitz.
Oh well, back to the PC version.
Oh man, it’s easy to get 72% winrate on Blitz :troll:
It feels only Wargaming that can mock their playerbase without much trouble like this…
yep, i am sure they have no reason at all to do that :-) good ad, i like it :-)
Very funny. I’m definitely like Eddie – it’s definitely all the developers’ fault. I wish, like him, that I could push the “dislike” button on YouTube infinitely many times.
Well ppl like Ed are Nazis according to WG. Look at his shirt and haircut.
Actually,according to Russian government,anything that does not agree with them is fascist/zionist/nazi/imperialistic/capitalist scum.
WG spreading the evil kapitalist propaganda MwUHAHAHAHAHA ….GG …
WG what r u doing
WG stahp
I tried Wot Blitz for Andoird. And the only thing i can say is that this game is da shit.
So, in Individual missions can i just play a HT line? Or can i must be playing other braneches? Thanks for answer.
Dumbass, go read older posts.
No need to be mean…
I was just asking man.. geez..
When will IM for T28C come?
I haven’t played it on PC in months but I think I might get it on my phone in case I’m bored and I don’t have the laptop with me.
Any news on running WoT Blitz on Bluestacks?
U should try other emulator
For once, a Wargaming commercial that made me legitimately smile. GG
So if you criticize WG then you are a fascist/nazi?
Kremlin-tier rhetoric, lads.
Not sure what WG is trying to do, but they’re doing it right
That thumbnail though…