28 thoughts on “Android Blitz Russian Ad

  1. I like it!,
    i am no marketing expert, but i would guess that that makes perfect sense on russian market.
    As does SerB btw.
    mfg eXterminuss

  2. Better than one of those cinematic trailers, I’d say. I think the ad strikes a nice balance between making fun of itself & its users.

  3. Just tried it on my fone… Too bad I can’t seems to get used to the control… Hell even a bot can do better than me in WotBlitz.

    Oh well, back to the PC version.

  4. Very funny. I’m definitely like Eddie – it’s definitely all the developers’ fault. I wish, like him, that I could push the “dislike” button on YouTube infinitely many times.

      • Actually,according to Russian government,anything that does not agree with them is fascist/zionist/nazi/imperialistic/capitalist scum.

  5. I tried Wot Blitz for Andoird. And the only thing i can say is that this game is da shit.

  6. So, in Individual missions can i just play a HT line? Or can i must be playing other braneches? Thanks for answer.