Hello everyone,
the news about potentially infected WoT replays already reached the US server. News EU server – of course not, because WG EU, that’s why. So, until 9.5 (which will be released cca 22.12-23.12, at least that’s the plan – in it this vulnerability will be fixed), you have still a chance to make a replay that will open 1000 Pornhub browser windows… not that I am giving anyone any ideas! :)
No, seriously, be careful. This could lead to some really nasty stuff – a very primitive example of it being a replay, opening a browser window with a phishing page, that will say your client is out of date and will ask for your password to “verify installation” – but a real attack would be more sophisticated.
What you CAN do is download/use replays from wotreplays.ru/eu/com – the site now checks for rigged replays and does not allow you to upload them (yes, I tried). According to a developer from wotreplays.ru, they already checked like 900k replays and the rest will be checked shortly. Replays from last 2 months at least are safe.
- Storm basically confirmed that the supertesters are really testing accuracy nerf, but it’s too soon to draw any conclusions, those are just tests with various parameters
- the platoon element in individual missions will stay
- the manual activation of individual missions will stay
- some individual missions or elements thereof (compared to CT1) will be removed
- only a single IM will be “active” at any one time (SS: as in, you can’t do two IM’s at once)
- IS-7 will not be replaced by anything as Soviet top tier heavy (“for political reasons”) (SS: here, the “political” is likely a metaphor, as in “it’s too popular to be replaced” – the main “issue” with it is that it’s unhistorically nerfed)
Pornhub? What’s that? :P
better try tubegalore or try theporndude.com for a hitlist :)
I think thats something like http://www.Penisland.net or http://www.whorepresents.com
no idea, i think it’s a site for kids!
>using Pornhub
u plebs, y u no use mless 4 reel rad shit ?
“only a single IM will be “active” at any one time”
- Most BS I ever heard, so if you completed mission 15 requirements but you don’t unlock mission 13 yet.. you get boned?
You activate mission 15. Than you work on to getting 13. But you cant do 13 and 15 together (assuming they have for example same goals). So basicly you cant do kill 10 tanks and kill 15 tanks together (completed by killing 15 tanks both) but you have to activate and kill 10, than activate and kill 15 thus killing 25 total.
Ah, so that means if for example i accidetnaly complete a mission i havent unlocked yet, it counts as done but i cant unlock like “kill 5″ + “kill 7″ + “kill 10″ in one single 10 kill round, right ?
nope, you cannot unlock HT mission 15 if you don’t complete HT mission 14. You cannot activate HT mission 10 and MT mission 5 in the same time…
You can have 5 missions active at the same time: one for each class (LT,MT,HT,TD,AR) and regardless you cannot complete 2 at the same time since you cannot play 2 classes at the same time.
But what sucks is that you can only have one mission active at one time even if teoretically you could do 5-6 missions in a very good game.
I play different tanks all evening [once or twice only per evening] all those I’m grinding. For instance now I have ~15 tanks. Some more important some not [like premiums for crew grind].
Does ““only a single IM will be “active”” means – single per tank type or single of all types? [My guess is - single per all tank types]
So, if I change type of tank I will play next – I need to stop mission and start new mission of corresponding tank type? :D
Single per tank type, activated all classes at once on test server.
Is7 could use a 1 sec reload buff and it would be fine.
Y not give it a 1 sec reload
Do you want it to have a force field as well?
And Maus couldn’t use that. After all, we want it to reload in 13 secs, it’s balanced.
only a single IM will be “active” at any one time (SS: as in, you can’t do two IM’s at once)
// is that per vehicle class or in total?
No idea. We’ll just have to see. Probably the way it is now though on the test?
would be alright with me then
IS7 is fine as it is. Great armour, speed and semi-derpy gun makes for fun combination. What political reasons anyway? Master Putin loves IS7??
And/or his minions.
“great speed” ayyy lmao
I wonder if they searched 900k replays, how many of them WERE infected.
- Storm basically confirmed that the supertesters are really testing accuracy nerf, but it’s too soon to draw any conclusions, those are just tests with various parameters
The death of WOT to me, I can’t stand even the way it is now.
And worst, that is rigged, if it is the last shot everything will happens to the target survives longer.
Mabe your tinfoil hat isnt thick enough
It’s really nothing to do with a conspiracy. Why would a killing shot suddenly start bouncing 4 times in a row if you just penned the previous 3?
What would acc nerf achieve?
Basicly better players would get screwed because the skill factor would be limited by acc, and the random shot players wouldnt even notice.
I think the acc of the tank should scale with a crew, basicly the better your gunner is, the better chance to hit a middle. Which is how do you say it, “Historical” ? But that would actually benefit only better (longtime) players with good crew.
Also imagine the rage over the Rocket Lanucher gun beeing even more innacurate :-D
Exactly that.
RNG will punish good players and scrubs will be able to have more RNGesus-ridden games and pay for premium acc and tanks. Then SerB can buy himself more rockets and two houses on Cyprus. Simple as that.
Wait later when WG will WONDER REALLY HARD why e-sport in this game is a joke.
I get the impression as well that the “killing” shot has a much higher chance to bounce/miss. I thought I was the only one :)
same for me… even my Leopard 1 accuracy doesnt feel okay to me.
0.3 accuracy, aim for weakspots ? at 450m ? really ? whole maus is inside the circle, now that I know it wont hit in the middle anyway, I can as well use autoaim…
I cant imagine how come do people play soviet tanks. Tried IS once,… I was like what the fuck ? Does this tank have damaged gun and dead gunner by default ? That bad it was… After this nerf, soviet tank drivers should better be careful not to detrack or ammorack their own vehicle…
No, the acc nerf is needed to undo the accuracy buff from 8.6, which turned out to be a nerf to accurate tanks. With the limited render range, that meant that previously inaccurate tanks are now able to reliably engage enemies at the limits of the render range.
So accuracy nerf is a sniper buff. I’m all for it.
unless they will nerf sniper tanks as well, right ? ;)
Every tank is getting it’s accuracy nerfed -> “accuracy” stat becomes more important and there’s no more sniping ISs.
Yes, sniping after nerf wil be overall less effective than sniping pre-nerf, but the difference between sniping with bad acc. stat and with good acc. stat will be bigger.
Exactly, with the 8.6 accuracy buff, snipers became so accurate they could theoretically engage opponents across the map, bit the render range prevents that. “Inaccurate” tanks became so accurate that they could reliably engage enemies out to the limit of render range, thus nullifying the advantage of an “accurate” tank.
For those who cry “but what about weak spots? Snipers can hit weak spots at range better than brawlers” I say, does a KV85 have to aim for weak spots on a Nashorn? Nope, the mere ability to hit reliably is the problem.
IS7 seems a bit unhistorically buffed.
Lower plate in game is 150mm. Chieftain says it is probably 120mm.
Its also unhistorically nerfed – want 8 RoF? :D
Yes please :P
I know that.
Give it real armor and buff gun/mobilty.
Then meds will be no longer needed
The 260 begs to differe.
How 8 rof, T-72 have 7-10 rounds, so Wg can take this soviet propaganda and put in stalin a…
“it was armed with the 130 mm S-70 naval cannon (7020 mm long barrel) innovation is the incorporation of automatic loader can achieve up to 8 rounds per minute”
“The most recognizable disadvantage of the D-25T gun was its slow rate of fire due the massive size and weight of the shells, only 1-1,5 rounds per minute could be fired, initially” -. about IS heavy tank …..so, take u best …
Late war IS-2 tanks with D-25T had 3-4 rounds per minute.
Sorry mate, check your facts :P You are talking about what we call the D2-5T.
yea right, IS-7 is unhistorically buffed. So let’s nerf it to historical value and move to tier 9 ? Happy then ?
Give it real armor and buff gun/mobilty.
Happy now? Was it THAT hard to come up with this on your own?
“the main “issue” with it is that it’s unhistorically nerfed”
SS, could you explain this? The latest Chieftain’s Hatch said its lower glacis is 110-120 mm of armor and turret has 240-250 mm, when in game those values are like 150 and 270 mm. What is worse on IS-7 in-game?
IRL it was faster, agile and had very high ROF
cant this be fixed by adjusting their “balance parameters” ? read damage values…
WG always brag about how hitpoints, damage and so on are only balancing parameters… Go ahead, give it agility, lower hp pool. Give it ROF, lower alpha damage … I dont see a problem…
Well,it already has very few HP.The gun has bad accuracy,terrible aiming time and low DPM,
There’s not a lot left to nerf,if you would give it historical values for reload time and maneuverability/speed you would have to nerf other parameters to absurd values.
Truth is,the tank is simply too good for WoT in its historical value.
Give it real armor and buff gun/mobilty.
Happy now? Was it THAT hard to come up with this on your own?
How can have better rof, T-72 has 7-10 rounds per minute. I dont belive in IS 7 Rof, T-72 is newer tank, more advance
Rate of fire relies on more than just the date in which a tank was produced. It also is affected by how much room the loader has in the turret, the type of ammunition (one piece, two pieces, etc.) and the layout of the vehicle. I would get into more technical details, but all I know about T-72 is that it doesn’t have a whole lot of room to move around in.
The most recognizable disadvantage of the D-25T gun was its slow rate of fire due the massive size and weight of the shells, only 1-1,5 rounds per minute could be fired, initially – > true ROF IS tank, well Mause have a lot of room in turret, but ROF is bad, look on WZ, have 130 mm gun in game and still better ROF. Look T54 have 520 HP engine, and 98 .. ufp. PLS. U know, there is a book about Russian officer in Lwów city, its fun have soviet propaganda tells own people how people live in west. For soviet all their tanks was best, but there is book about first T34 and its is worse tank than PZIII, russian soldier wrote it. I dont belive in soviet/ WG propaganda. Look how good ROF have russian meds on tier X. Its no possible. Sorry for bad eng.
And German soldiers were whining their tanks were worse then the T-34 and KV-1.
You said nothing interesting :P
Also, T-54 statistics depend on the T-54 you use. Some of the early ones had 120mm frontal plates.
-> well Mause have a lot of room in turret, but ROF is bad, look on WZ, have 130 mm gun in game and still better ROF.
And this is wrong, like Jagdpanther II has more RoF than Ferdinand in much bigger fighting compartment with two loaders. All because of balance, not history.
-> or soviet all their tanks was best, but there is book about first T34 and its is worse tank than PZIII, russian soldier wrote it.
There are no such thing as better or worse. Vehicle may have advantage in one side and more disadvantages at others. PzIII was more technically advanced (which is not advantage in this case, btw) than T-34 from side of industry but it doesn`t mean it was better in its fighting capabilities. So, i think someone misunderstand the point of view of soviet soldiers.
don’t understand why there are still news on IM, nobody gonna play them, from post 2 post it looks so meh, so dumb, with all the platooning, mission locks and stuff, it’s too complicated to actually follow and understand, i guess they want it as marketing stuff only but so few will actually do them, only the hardcore no lifers wot school girls, why waste time on this shit.
they should pull their heads out of their asses once in a while, maybe some fresh air will make them think straight.
“don’t understand why there are still news on IM, nobody gonna play them…”
you’re wrong, plenty will, including me. T-55A and Obj 260 might beyond my skills (or luck), but i’ll give a try for StuG or T28C.
Who doesn’t want a ‘free’ tank?! I was delighted when I completed the light mission earlier this year and got a T2 Light!
Why wouldn’t people play them, easy way to get a couple of new tanks plus extra bonus credits/consumables/premium days/pre skilled crew/barrack slots.
You wont even need to do anything different from your normal play.
Sure people who try to get the tier 10 in the first month or whatever need to look at themselves, but for most people these will be long term things providing many small rewards over time for doing little more than normal play.
- the platoon element in individual missions will stay
Has there been a word on the opposite side of this? On the test server, you couldn’t do the personal missions if you were in a platoon, unless the mission specified it required a platoon.
If it goes like that on the live server, it would mean that those of us who usually play with friends, either couldn’t do these missions at all or the friends group would all have to go play solo instead of having fun together.
- the platoon element in individual missions will stay
- the manual activation of individual missions will stay
….so the IMs can go (to hell:))
First they are like “we are collecting feedback” then they are like “fuck you”… why do they even bother to say something that is not true?… PR?.. thats not how this works WG
And they said “to socialize” oh dear how they contradict themselves! :D
IS-7 will not be replaced by anything as Soviet top tier heavy (“for political reasons”) (SS: here, the “political” is likely a metaphor, as in “it’s too popular to be replaced” – the main “issue” with it is that it’s unhistorically nerfed)
“Unhistorically nerfed” What? you mean one of the best heavies in the game isnt actually at its full potential? wargaming balancing stops a historical tank from being over powered? and its russian? my mind has been blown.
Yes, fullblown version would be tier 11
Centurion was superior to T55 and T62. In game, T54 one vs one will eat centurion. History is good for russian if suit them. Well in Tier 11 there culd be a lot of tank far superior to IS 7 stronk tank. I tired of IS 7 super nerfed tank on tier X, Obj 704 was fail, but in game, good TD. etc.
Object 704 was a failure due to things that do not matter in game. Same for IS-7.
We dont have a T-62 in game. We have a T-62A. A nerfed one at that (real T-62A had -7 gun depression, T-62 had -4).
Which Centurion BTW? Some cents were definitely superior to T-54/55s.
the main “issue” with it is that it’s unhistorically nerfed
Fuck off ruski
EU “is” doing things, Ectar is pushing it to portal as well: http://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/2ovju2/update_on_the_replay_vulnerability_issue/cmqy38w
and there’s someone kissing his ass as hard as he can
You mean youreself, kissing all biased players’ asses, because you like to spit on EU moderators and admins?
Sorry, but I only work with pure data – and those show SS isn’t right (and Ectar even explains why it’s not on News yet), so I feel it’s right to tell him.
:) <= smilie so it doesn't feel like offense and I can say I was joking eventually.
did the shoe fit?
All I said was that someone there was kissing ass
did I mencioned your name???? but if the shoe fits, by all means, go ahead and suck it all up
and what I said was a statement not an opinion
and did I mentioned anything about the use of “pure data” or that the numbers or the data was wrong????
I am not an IT guy so I would never talk about that
if you are pissed with someone that didnt gave you a proper rectal exam, dont blame me…
and the ” :) ” was there to represent my smile when I read those comments that I was refering to…
Little Red Idiot more like, taking everything out of proportion and letting emotions get the better of you.
can you explain it to me????
do you know about whom was I talking about??
do you know about which comments I was refering to????
what was taken of context / proportion????
1 year ago:
WG makes guns more accurate by concentrating shell dispersion more to the middle of circle
Players: Omg end of world #serBsatan cometh
WG switches things back to normal more or less
Players: Omg end of world #serBsatan cometh
Customers generally aren’t too happy if are considered by company as testing platform instead of folks that want to be part of testing group in common test or developers themselves.
If developers constantly telling we try this new stuff put into game and see the numbers, instead of listening to community when outcry starts about newly added features during common tests (such as platoons in IM)… they actually confirming this kind of strategy.