- Q: “Why are we forced to get the lower tanks before we can get the Object 260?” A: “How forced? If you don’t want to – don’t play personal missions.”
- Storm states that he considers the current (9.5 CT2) way the personal missions work to be “better for WoT in long-term perspective”
- Evilly (for RU server) states that Grosstraktor and T-34-85M are being sold only currently, it’s possible they will never be sold ever again (SS: yeeeeeeeeea right, remember KV-220…)
- Evilly hopes that the FV4202 mission (premium FV4202 “for free”) will come in first quarter of 2015, the replacement (Action X Centurion) is not modelled yet
- Evilly doesn’t consider it a problem that RU players guessed the marathon tank (WZ-111) correctly in advance (SS: damn right, these things SHOULD be known in advance – surprise my ass)
- apparently, the WZ-111 is quite popular on Chinese server – second place after the IS-6 amongst the heavies
- Storm confirms that the individual missions in CT2 are NOT final – the number requirements will be reworked and 10 mission parameters, that would have negative impact on gameplay will be reworked as well
- the platoon missions will stay in the individual missions
- Storm explaining how the individual missions idea started:
“The idea of IM’s was born after the introduction of CW reward tier 10′s, when there was a massive butthurt along the lines of ‘let me get these tanks somehow’. There were many proposals such as ‘give us these tanks if we have all the tanks in the game unlocked’, they will remain rare and unique’ and so on. We decided to make it easier.”
“- Storm explaining how the individual missions idea started:
“The idea of IM’s was born after the introduction of CW reward tier 10′s, when there was a massive butthurt along the lines of ‘let me get these tanks somehow’. There were many proposals such as ‘give us these tanks if we have all the tanks in the game unlocked’, they will remain rare and unique’ and so on. We decided to make it easier.””
Nah I guess it’s more:
“We want you to play much longer on our game to receive an unique vehicule that give you no advantage ! Enjoy Pidgey !”
Yeah, because the guys at Wargaming do nothing besides contemplate how they can FORCE you to play their game.
“hehehe, we will make these missions to subconsiously keep them addicted to our game, we are totally the bad guys, let’s force them to play our gamge hehehe”
If you don’t want the tank, you don’t have to play the missions. Want the tanks? They are giving you the tools for it, so get to it.
If you don’t want to play their game, they aren’t forcing you. You can stop playing any time, and even uninstall the game any time you want.
Im afraid if i will unnistal the game SerB will come and nerf me and my family . This is why i keep playing. Also, i sacrifice goats and sheeps for him twice a week so he will keep giving me luck and prosperity.. But i want to stop all of these, i cant take it anymore…. Please help me!
What about AW? :D Murican developers, ruskie money, WoT mechanics + Havok :D
When is it expected to be released?
When its done its done
I totally agree.
And moreover, they don’t want to encourage unicums (who are already great) pwning more by having (more) OP t0nks.
If they give a cheat tank as much as E-25 on golds or MTLS-1G14, they will boast even more and will be even more arrogant (humhum[EFE]hum)…
T-34-85m looks somewhat interesting.
is personal missions permanent ?
or for a limited time can someone confirm that
6 months is the limit as per an earlier ftr post….. nothing declared officially though
You get half a year for it.
sounds reasonable
6 months or more. After 6 months there’ll be new missions with new tanks, but possibly (and currently likely) the current missions will stay in game anyway.
They should totaly add reward tank for “finishing” game.
:D “You WON!” medal
or a True Vault Hunter Mode – you unlock everything for the 2nd time, but with 10 tomatoes in your team each game :)
How are they going to enforce less tomatoes on my team on the second playthrough? Right now I got 14 of them every game.
No, I suggest something much harder: Woras in on your team every game. Majority of people won’t ever get past tier 1 from compulsively team killing him the moment game start and getting banned.
Unless… you can buy Bronze package for 10 dollars to get unbanned, so you can kill him again.
For Silver package of 100 bucks, WoT erases one tank from his garage randomly.
And finally for 1000 bucks, Scavenger Contest is activated, where they give you his picture, city he lives in and airplane ticket there, so you can fly over and punch that asshole in the face.
This would be easier to do than Personal missions, of course, and after a while, trivial due to a large crowd (easy to spot from any elevation pretty much) gathered around his fugly body. Pug fugly.
And of course, the reward tank will have a free inscription that says “Woras fucker”.
Imagine how much money WG would make? We would all get free computer upgrades with game account creation.
Damn, I think the analogy escaped from me there, but it was fun to dream eh?
I hate Woras too, his stupid avatar always shows up in reddit thumbnails of FTR posts, fuck that guy
You seem, angry?
Ohh We have just found life without humour.
Make good use of it. :D
Judging from the last few days, they got the “ten tomatoes” implemented already :-)
“- Evilly doesn’t consider it a problem that RU players guessed the marathon tank (WZ-111) correctly in advance (SS: damn right, these things SHOULD be known in advance – surprise my ass)”
I disagree there – some games (and I think WoT is reasonably on the list) shouldn’t be totally transparent, because it can end up hurting them, which does harm to both players and developers.
How comes that you are ALWAYS, yes always pro World of Tanks. Do you have a personal agenda or what ?
Is there anything on WoT you don’t agree with ?
I’m also more or less on WG side.
Of course there are things I do not like – like IM req. platoon thing or numbers to be reached to complete missions,
however, I see them as “do not like it – do not bother with it” or as Serb says “how terrible for you”. I.e. I’m ok with it.
And no, I do not get any bonus from WG in any way :D
And I play without premium – I feel cheep saving 80euros/year for my most played game, but well, I am free to stop playing at any day without losing anything :D
Likewise, I am on WG side on this and many other issues, in direct opposition to SS and bucket full of window lickers who having intelligence of a household rock.
Majority of people here hate WG for simple reason: THEY (as in single individuals) have hard time doing something in the game. Their solution is “Make life for me easier” which comes with implied “Fuck other users, fuck fairness and fuck WG”.
I just don’t stand for this bullshit. I want the game to be fair, rewarding for skill and dedication to it (you want to play 10 games a week while watching TV and have all tanks? well go fuck yourself in your spare time.) and most importantly, profitable for WG to make sure they are around to keep making the game that I enjoy.
Don’t like WG? go fuck yourself. Don’t like the game? Go fuck yourself.
They aren’t perfect, but I had seen same whiny crowds on every forum in every MMO and they mean nothing to bottom line of the game UNLESS company is stupid enough to try to please them.
Fuck you too, counter-whiner.
Fuck MMO’s, fuck their fucking developers, fuck their illusionist fairplay system, fuck their every kind of shit they can give to the pigs which are called as “players”.
TL;DR: MMO’s are fucking shit. You are a fucking shit too.
WTF in life u find FAIR that u expect the game to be?
Deal with it or uninstall it….
I agree with you Daemonik mate ,I understand the concept of PC game being difficult and great because its so hard(Operation Flashpoint 2001-one of best games in my memory), BUT to play 6 months to unlock 1 tier 10 and there is a lot of tier 10s is just ridiculous, and they charge monster prices for a bunch of pixels,why cant all premium tanks cost 5 euro they would still get rich, maybe even more(quite possible). As a result you have frustrating time in the game instead of enyoing it(SPG ,gold shells,tomatoes,expencive premium tanks……………………………..)
- Evilly hopes that the FV4202 mission (premium FV4202 “for free”) will come in first quarter of 2015
And I thought I wont make the grind to T10 until it is released……I was wrong by probably 5 months :D
39k xp to get it,… 350k free xp ready, np here
I would not be suprised if WG, instead of a prem FV, gave you nothing but tears :D
5 years
“… give us these tanks if we have all the tanks in the game unlocked’, they will remain rare and unique’ and so on. We decided to make it easier.”
You have 100% chance for unlocking all tanks – it just takes a lot of time.
Meanwhile “EASIER” IMs are fucking full of PURE LUCK. WG ™ Logic.
You only have a 100% chance of unlocking all tanks if you can unlock tanks faster than they are released, which for a casual one hour a day player is almost impossible.
Competing a set number of rather achievable challenges over the period if six months, however, is easily done.
I’m happy that I’ll be able to get a free stug, I’ll likely get a free us td, and if I’m really lucky I might get a free Soviet copy paste tank that can run my Leo crew. I don’t care that I’m not going to have a hope of getting a free tier ten.
I personally like the non-standard goals to seek, rather than simply seeking to grind xp and cred.
You have 100% to do all the missions as well. It just takes a looong time. If you understand math you will understand. (That is considering missions will still remain doable after 6 months period. As was written here before.)
For a good player, it is definitely less time consuming to do all the missions than to unlock all tanks in wot.
“- Q: ‘Why are we forced to get the lower tanks before we can get the Object 260?’ A: ‘How forced? If you don’t want to – don’t play personal missions.’”
How come no one thinks of it as “complete 240 missions for the Object 260″ and get three other tanks for free along the way?
“- Evilly hopes that the FV4202 mission (premium FV4202 ‘for free’) will come in first quarter of 2015, the replacement (Action X Centurion) is not modelled yet”
Unless they give people who owns an FV4202 a boost for the mission, I don’t think I’ll be bothering to finish the line before the mission starts since the 129k exp I still need to fully upgrade the Centurion 7/1 is more demoralizing than the 200k or so exp I would be grinding for the FV4202 with a fully upgraded Centurion 7/1.
1. I thought that is how it was supposed to work, but active every mission by manual – pfffffffffffff.
2. Come on now – free T8 premium :D Unless you have Type or IS6 or FCM – Im stuck with troll KV-5 :D
And i realy suggest fully upgrading cent 7/1 it’s my favorite tier 9
T-54 >> Cent 7
E-50 >> Centurion 7/1 >> T-54
And I suggesting the Mk 7/1 being a 7/1 with the 20pdr is better than being a 7/2 with the L7
“There were many proposals such as ‘give us these tanks if we have all the tanks in the game unlocked”
- I would prefer this. I have them all unlocked. I think that deserves more than just a stupid badge. Not like they were all fun. Just sayin’. Either way though, I’ll be attempting these missions.
You base camping bushwanking skyfucker one-celled clicker.
Once you go camp – you never go back.
How did someone not neuter Woras early in life?
Freak off :D
- apparently, the WZ-111 is quite popular on Chinese server – second place after the IS-6 amongst the heavies
Well, to be honest, this made me a little surprised. One can met IS-6 only once in a dozen of tier 8 battles, but WZ won’t be absent in almost every tier 8 battle here.
They still have the 300 pen HEAT for the WZ-111
and there is a bundle of THAT shell only, in RMB.
Easy enough ?
Yep, current price is…1,350 rounds, 30RMB (4,85 USD)
If one use 10 of them on average per battle, he’ll be able to earn roughly 7 mil credits out of those. Much more effective with/ than premium account.
WZ111 missions are big waste of time imo, its worse than IS6 and it does have normal MM. (IS6 does not), so with 175 pen gun u can do almost nothing in tier X battles (cos u dont have the accuracy nor the time nor the gun depression to aim weakspots). Ofc if u have premium account u can spam gold, but other than that its useless. (and yes it earns 2 times less money than superpershing or t25…i wonder why:) ) I was so excited about the t34/85M, and now this…f u WG. (at least those premium days still count..)
Tank Inspector on 9.5CT
WZ-111 Battle Tier : VIII IX
You must be thinking 175 pen doesn’t require to aim weakspots ;)
Annnnnnd IS-6 must have better gun depression
i was looking at this: http://tank-compare.com/en/compare/112/is-6/wz-111#T1=473I352I325I575I200&T2=377I316I266I473I183&T3=438I352I300I540I200
thats why i wrote normal MM, looks like they have changed it, thx for info/correction.
In Chinese servers, WZ-111 never goes to tier 10 battles as far as I can remember (I had my KV-1s at 0.7.3, saw Type 59&WZ-111 rolling over every inch of the map, then I checked why these stronk tanks are always punching my poor tier 6 and started to know about matchmaking and many other stuffs).
We have a saying in China: “If one wants to know the taste of pears, one should try a pear by himself.” Many people here on FTR should understand it
IS-6 such pear ;D
Dat shoulder armour,
Dat driver’s hatch…
Even hugging hills.
Yay the hull in inpenable, say hello to your turret front :D
For me, 250 HEAT pen > 217 APCR pen. Because if you meet an E-75 head-on, in the IS-6 your only options is to flank it or for him to be stupid enough to let you shoot his commander hatch (for which 175 pen is enough, most of the times)
With 250 HEAT pen you can safely go for the LFP.
Also, WZ-111 has a much better turret armor than IS-7, which is riddled with weakspots (includin gun mantlet)
- Q: “Why are we forced to get the lower tanks before we can get the Object 260?” A: “How forced? If you don’t want to – don’t play personal missions.”
As if you wouldn’t have to do those first missions (for StuG, T28 Concept, T-55A) if the only prize was the 260. Just doing one class for a tier X: never going to happen.
- the platoon missions will stay in the individual missions
well fuck you then WG
Can you stop calling them individual missions, since we now know they are called personal missions?
who cares?
Tbh they should be called “team missions” because you will need to play in a team (platoon) to complete them.
There is nothing personal, individual, or solo about them.
- Storm states that he considers the current (9.5 CT2) way the personal missions work to be “better for WoT in long-term perspective”
What Storm meant to say was “better for WoT’s competitors in the long-term perspective.”
I think there’s something people are overlooking here…
Sure its 70$ to buy it outright but lets face it, many of us, even those who have “lives” should be able to easily complete a few of the missions in the 35 days that the mission goes on for.
I for one have no doubt that I’ll complete the USA, Germany, USSR and either the french or british mission by then, so the tank would only cost me 30$ (Skipping china, japan and one other).
Its not like getting kills and farming damage isn’t something your doing already, and the way I see it these missions are actually much easier than the t34 mission that ran a few months back… wasn’t that mission 100K XP as top 10 in all nations? I don’t know about you but 100K XP (as top 10 lets not forget) for me takes a fair bit longer than 150K damage… I’m not sure about the kills, but at t8-10 I tend to get more than my average amount of kills and there’s plenty of incentive to grind those 8s and 9s over the holidays…
Why can’t NA server get the Grosstraktor? I wanted it since I first read about it on FTR, I don’t care if it’s not that good, honestly most tanks in the game people think are bad are NOT bad they just don’t know how to play them. For instance most people HATE the D.W.2, and Sturrer Emil, Maus just to name a few and I love them all and do well in them, you even made a post the other day about the T-15 NOT being good it is a great scout tank and crew trainer. I would be willing to pay for the Grosstraktor even if it wasn’t that great, sine I love collecting the German tanks, but I’d rather NOT have to buy them in a package since i already have the KV-5.
Sturer and Maus aren’t bad, but you are a masochist if you like the DW2 :D
My D.W.2 is halfway through it’s second skill :D
You can get it…
I don’t see why you guys don’t ever look at your portal.
I see it now but it wasn’t up when I posted this, I’m going to get it and can’t wait to get that Pz II D as well :)
I hate that they are forcing us to platoon for IMs.
Like, I don’t have anyone to platoon with and I don’t even like playing in platoons so the requirements completely ruin it for me.
And the fact that I want the T28 concept more than any other tank in the game doesn’t make it better.
If only they didn’t nerf it.
Doesn’t help that it has a weedy HP pool, 100mm tumors on either side of the hull, and a somewhat meh gun(You get a better gun on the T25 AT and the T29), but it looks…alright.
Would not be a bad idea. To have a tier 3/5 premium tank as a reward when you completed a nations tech tree. And a tier 8/10 that can have crews form all nations if you complete all tech trees.