Hello everyone,
right now, the 9.5 Test 2 is in full swing and Wargaming finally added the (early) statistics of the British branch. Let’s have a look at them. Keep in mind that the stats are preliminary. The stats in brackets are for elite version.
Oh right, before we begin:
T55A was “buffed” – sort of (not sure whether this was in CT1 already):
- depression buffed from -4,25 to -5
- reload nerfed from 7,6s to 7,7s
- shot dispersion while moving turret nerfed by 20 percent
And SU-100Y shells got cheaper.
Tier 2: M2A4
Elite armor:
Tier: 2
Price: 3800 credits
Crew: 4 (commander/loader, radioman, gunner, driver)
Hitpoints: 140 (165)
Weight: 11,379 (11,412)
Maximum speed: 58/17
View range: 260 (320)
Radio range: 250 (375)
Guiberson T-1020-4 (245 hp)
Continental W-670-7 (262 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 21,47 hp/t
Traverse: 36 (40)
Terrain resistance: 0,9/1,4/2,8 (0,8/1,3/2,6)
Hull: 25,4/25,4/25,4
Stock turret (M2A1): 15,9/15,9/15,9
Elite turret (M2A4): 25,4/25,4/25,4
Turret traverse: 32 (35)
Guns (values for top turret, note that compared to earlier supertest, the vehicle lost the 20mm gun):
.50cal M2
Caliber: 12,7
Penetration: 27
Damage: 8
ROF: 550 (within clip)
Clip: 40 rounds
Aimtime: 1,7
Accuracy: 0,57
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 1800
37mm M5
Caliber: 37mm
Penetration: 48/70/19
Damage: 40/40/50
ROF: 23,08
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,47
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 103
Tier 3 – Stuart I-IV
Elite armor:
Tier: 3
Price: 43500 credits
Crew: 4 (commander/loader, radioman, gunner, driver)
Hitpoints: 230 (250)
Weight: 12,526 (12,725)
Maximum speed: 58/20
View range: 280 (330)
Radio range: 350 (450)
Guiberson T-1020-4 (245 hp)
Continental W-670-9A (262 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 20,59 hp/t
Traverse: 40 (45)
Terrain resistance: 1,2/1,4/2,4 (1,1/1,3/2,2)
Hull: 38,1,4/25,4/25,4
Stock turret (Stuart I): 38,1/25,4/25,4
Elite turret (Stuart III): 38,1/38,1/38,1
Turret traverse: 40 (48)
Guns (values for top turret, note that compared to earlier supertest, the vehicle lost the stock 20mm gun):
37mm M5
Caliber: 37mm
Penetration: 48/70/19
Damage: 40/40/50
ROF: 24
Aimtime: 1,7
Accuracy: 0,46
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 106
37mm M6
Caliber: 37mm
Penetration: 56/78/19
Damage: 40/40/50
ROF: 24
Aimtime: 1,7
Accuracy: 0,41
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 106
2pdr Mk.IX
Caliber: 40mm
Penetration: 64/121/23
Damage: 45/45/60
ROF: 23,08
Aimtime: 2
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 98
Tier 4 – Grant
Tier: 4
Price: 138500 credits
Crew: 6 (commander, 2xgunner, 2x loader, driver)
Hitpoints: 320
Weight: 29,725
Maximum speed: 39/16
View range: 325
Radio range: 350 (450)
Wright R-975-EC2 (400hp)
GM 6046 (410hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 13,795 hp/t
Traverse: 40 (42)
Terrain resistance: 1,1/1,3/2,3 (1/1,1/2,3)
Hull: 50,8/38,1/38,1
75mm M-2
Caliber: 75mm
Penetration: 90/102/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 17,14
Aimtime: 1,8
Accuracy: 0,47
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: -15/+15
Ammo carried: 65
6pdr Mk.II
Caliber: 57mm
Penetration: 105/170/30
Damage: 75/75/100
ROF: 26,09
Aimtime: 2,2
Accuracy: 0,42
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: -15/+15
Ammo carried: 76
75mm M-3
Caliber: 75mm
Penetration: 92/109/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 20
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,41
Depression: -9/+20
Traverse: -15/+15
Ammo carried: 65
Tier 5 – Sherman III
Elite armor (notice the small green weakspot on the left upper side of the hull, that’s new):
Tier: 5
Price: 360000 credits
Crew: 5 (commander, loader, radioman, gunner, driver)
Hitpoints: 410 (465)
Weight: 29,79 (30,166)
Maximum speed: 48/18
View range: 330 (370)
Radio range: 400 (550)
Wright R-975C1 (400hp)
GM 6046 (410hp)
Chrysler A57 (425hp)
Wright R-975C4 (460hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 15,25 hp/t
Traverse: 35 (37)
Terrain resistance: 1/1,5/2,3 (0,9/1,1/1,7)
Hull: 50,8/38,1/38,1
Stock turret (D50878): 76,2/50,8/50,8
Elite turret (D82081): 63,5/63,5/63,5
Turret traverse: 39 (37)
75mm M3
Caliber: 75mm
Penetration: 92/109/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 15,79
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,46
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 97
6pdr Mk.III
Caliber: 57mm
Penetration: 105/170/30
Damage: 75/75/100
ROF: 25
Aimtime: 2
Accuracy: 0,44
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 128
105mm M4
Caliber: 105mm
Penetration: 53/101,6
Damage: 410/350
ROF: 6,67
Aimtime: 2,5
Accuracy: 0,55
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 66
6pdr Mk.V
Caliber: 57mm
Penetration: 110/180/30
Damage: 75/75/100
ROF: 24
Aimtime: 2
Accuracy: 0,42
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 128
76mm M1A1
Caliber: 76mm
Penetration: 128/149/38
Damage: 115/115/185
ROF: 13,04
Aimtime: 2,3
Accuracy: 0,43
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 71
Tier 5 – Archer
Tier: 5
Price: 395000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, loader/radioman)
Hitpoints: 360 (nerfed from 450)
Weight: 16,007
Maximum speed: 12/32 (nerfed from 16/32, that was on supertest)
View range: 360
Radio range: 400 (550)
GMC 6004 6-71A (165hp)
GMC 6062 6-71M (192 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 11,99 hp/t
Traverse: 40 (46)
Terrain resistance: 0,8/0,9/1,8 (0,7/0,7/1,7)
Hull: 20/20/20
Superstructure: 20/10/10
6pdr Mk.IV
Caliber: 57mm
Penetration: 110/180/30
Damage: 75/75/100
ROF: 24
Aimtime: 1,9
Accuracy: 0,37
Depression: -7,5/+15
Traverse: -22,5/+22,5
Ammo carried: 52
17pdr Mk.II
Caliber: 76,2mm
Penetration: 143/171/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 12,24
Aimtime: 2,7
Accuracy: 0,37
Depression: -7,5/+15
Traverse: -22,5/+22,5
Ammo carried: 39
17pdr Mk.VII
Caliber: 76,2mm
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 12,77
Aimtime: 2,3
Accuracy: 0,36
Depression: -7,5/+15
Traverse: -22,5/+22,5
Ammo carried: 39
Tier 6 – Sherman Firefly
Elite armor:
Firefly got significantly improved compared to the placeholder stats. It’s now mobile and relatively agile. Improved comfort too (depression), it’s going to be a killer IMHO.
Tier: 6
Price: 945000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander, loader, gunner, driver)
Hitpoints: 720 (750)
Weight: 32,761 (33,026)
Maximum speed: 36/18
View range: 330 (360)
Radio range: 400 (550)
Wright R-975C1 (400hp)
Chrysler A57 (425hp)
Wright R-975C4 (460hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 13,93 hp/t
Traverse: 37 (40)
Terrain resistance: 0,9/1,2/1,9 (0,8/1/1,8)
Hull: 50,8/38,1/38,1
Stock turret (Sherman I): 76,2/50,8/50,8
Elite turret (Sherman IC): 76,2/50,8/50,8
Turret traverse: 40 (42)
75mm M3
Caliber: 75mm
Penetration: 92/109/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 15,79
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,42
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 120
105mm M4
Caliber: 105mm
Penetration: 53/101,6
Damage: 410/350
ROF: 7,5
Aimtime: 2,5
Accuracy: 0,52
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 72
76mm M1A1
Caliber: 76mm
Penetration: 128/149/38
Damage: 115/115/185
ROF: 14,63
Aimtime: 2,3
Accuracy: 0,4
Depression: -10/+25
Ammo carried: 77
17pdr Mk.IV SH-SH (if you are wondering what SH-SH means, ask Listy, he’s behind its introduction)
Caliber: 76,2mm
Penetration: 148/171/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 12,5
Aimtime: 2,2
Accuracy: 0,38
Depression: -6/+20 (17pdrs got depression buff from -5 to -6)
Ammo carried: 77
17pdr Mk.VII
Caliber: 76,2mm
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 12,77
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,38
Depression: -6/+20
Ammo carried: 77
Tier 6 – Achilles
Elite armor (notice the spaced armor duckbill):
Tier: 6
Price: 930000 credits
Crew: 5 (commander, radioman, gunner, driver, loader)
Hitpoints: 610 (640)
Weight: 29,324 (28,037)
Maximum speed: 48/13
View range: 370
Radio range: 400 (550)
GM 6046 (410 hp)
Ford GAA (500 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 17,83 hp/t
Traverse: 32 (34)
Terrain resistance: 1,1/1,3/2 (0,9/1,1/1,8)
Hull: 38,1/19,1/19,1
Stock turret (Achilles V Type): 57,2/25,4/25,4
Elite turret (Achilles Duck Bill): 57,2/25,4/25,4
Turret traverse: 14 (16)
3in M7
Caliber: 76mm
Penetration: 101/117/38
Damage: 110/110/175
ROF: 18,75
Aimtime: 2,3
Accuracy: 0,33
Depression: -10/+30
Ammo carried: 54
17pdr Mk.V
Caliber: 76,2mm
Penetration: 143/171/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 12,5
Aimtime: 2,1
Accuracy: 0,35
Depression: -5/+20
Ammo carried: 50
17pdr Mk.VII
Caliber: 76,2
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 13,04
Aimtime: 1,9
Accuracy: 0,33
Depression: -5/+20
Ammo carried: 50
Tier 7 – Challenger
Elite armor:
Tier: 7
Price: 1380000 credits
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, driver, 2x loader)
Hitpoints: 840 (900)
Weight: 32,772 (31,248)
Maximum speed: 52/20
View range: 360 (370)
Radio range: 450 (700)
RR Meteor (600 hp)
RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 20,8 hp/t
Traverse: 26 (30)
Terrain resistance: 1/1,2/1,8 (1/1,1/1,7)
Hull: 88,9/50,8/38,1
Stock turret (Challenger): 101,6/40/40
Elite turret (Avenger): 50,8/40/200 (200 is correct, it’s the turret counterweight)
Turret traverse: 14 (16)
17pdr Mk.II
Caliber: 76,2mm
Penetration: 143/171/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 13,95
Aimtime: 2
Accuracy: 0,33
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 55
17pdr Mk.VII
Caliber: 76,2
Penetration: 171/239/38
Damage: 150/150/190
ROF: 14,63
Aimtime: 1,7
Accuracy: 0,33
Depression: -10/+20
Ammo carried: 55
Tier 8 – Charioteer
Charioteer has only one turret.
Tier: 8
Price: 2470000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander/gunner, gunner, driver, loader/radioman)
Hitpoints: 1050
Weight: 30,02
Maximum speed: 52/20
View range: 370
Radio range: 450 (700)
RR Meteor (600 hp)
RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 21,65 hp/t
Traverse: 34 (36)
Terrain resistance: 1/1,2/2 (0,9/1/1,8)
Hull: 63,5/46/38,1
Elite turret (Charioteer): 30/25/30
Turret traverse: 18
20pdr Type A
Caliber: 83,4mm
Penetration: 226/258/42
Damage: 230/230/280
ROF: 9,09
Aimtime: 2,5
Accuracy: 0,37
Depression: -5/+12
Ammo carried: 35
20pdr Type B
Caliber: 83,4mm
Penetration: 226/258/42
Damage: 230/230/280
ROF: 9,52
Aimtime: 2,3
Accuracy: 0,35
Depression: -5/+12
Ammo carried: 35
105mm L7
Caliber: 105mm
Penetration: 268/210/105
Damage: 390/480/480
ROF: 5,94
Aimtime: 2,4
Accuracy: 0,35
Depression: -5/+12
Ammo carried: 30
Tier 9 – FV4004 Conway
Armor (Conway has only one turret and one gun):
Tier: 9
Price: 3440000 credits
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, loader/radioman)
Hitpoints: 1500
Weight: 50,71
Maximum speed: 35/20
View range: 380
Radio range: 550 (750)
RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
RR Meteor Mk.IVC (750 hp)
RR Griffon (950 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 18,734 hp/t
Traverse: 26 (28)
Terrain resistance: 1/1,3/2,1 (1/1,1/1,9)
Hull: 76,2/50,8/38,1
Elite turret (FV4004): 132,1/95,3/36,5
Turret traverse: 16
Gun (turret – fully rotating)
120mm L1A1
Caliber: 120mm
Penetration: 259/326/120
Damage: 400/400/515
ROF: 7,69
Aimtime: 1,9
Accuracy: 0,32
Depression: -5/+10
Ammo carried: 35
Tier 10 – FV4005 Stage II
Tier: 10
Price: 6100000 credits
Crew: 5 (commander/radioman, gunner, driver, 2x loader)
Hitpoints: 1850
Weight: 50,502
Maximum speed: 35/12
View range: 390
Radio range: 750
RR Meteor Mk.IVB (650 hp)
Elite power-to-weight: 12,87 hp/t
Traverse: 30
Terrain resistance: 1/1,3/1,9
Hull: 76,2/50,8/38,1
Elite turret (FV4005 Stage II): 14/14/14
Turret traverse: 12
Turret limit: 45 degrees to each side
183mm L4
Caliber: 182,9mm
Penetration: 310/230/92
Damage: 1150/1750/1750
ROF: 2
Aimtime: 3
Accuracy: 0,38
Depression: -5/+8
Traverse: -45/+45
Ammo carried: 12
Premium tier 8 – Panther mit 8,8cm L/71
Tier: 8
Price: 11500 gold
Crew: 5 (commander, radioman, gunner, driver, loader)
Hitpoints: 1500
Weight: 46,225
Maximum speed: 46/20
Engine horsepower: 600
Power-to-weight: 12,98
Traverse: 38
Turret traverse: 32
Terrain resistance: 0,6/0,8/1,5
Hull armor: 80/50/40
Turret armor: 120/60/60
Gun: 88mm L/71
Penetration: 203/237/44
Damage: 240/240/295
ROF: 8,7
Aimtime: 2,5
Accuracy: 0,32
Depression: -5/+13 (front, sides are -7/+13)
Ammo carried: 56
View range: 390
Radio range: 550
Yea, it didn’t change at all. For other premium tanks, CT1 stats are still valid.
Enjoy Panther 8.8 in Tier 10 battles:-)
Will be useless
LOL, it won’t be useless. It’s pretty good. Have you ever played the T-34-2? That’s thing useless at every tier except tier 8. At tier 8 it’s mediocre
LOL I bet you roll with this tiny 100 mm weiner or you try to snipe with 122mm baguette.
The T-34-2 is trash you faggot.
It is useless. It may be somewhat mobile but it is too large to hide, can only snipe and simply gets killed in a brawl by every other t8. Hated the regular one.
Oh and it cant flank because itwill be spotted immediately and it doesnt have the armor for t9 and 10. Absolute masochism
What? T-34-2 being mediocre? So I probably play quite different T-34-2, as I find it an excellent tank. One killed Obj. 263 and IS-7 frontally in a single battle would approve… and one JgPz100 frontally on the move in another…. no gold, ofc, as I never shoot gold.
Personally I think Chinese meds are upgraded Soviets meds. Very similar gameplay but better guns. Now I play WZ-120 and with the big gun it’s a killer. Replaced T-54 as my favourite tank because T-54 simply lacks good pen gun, it’s puny 215 mm is a caricature compared to 240+ at WZ-120 or Centurion 7/1.
panther II didn’t get in t10 battle with the same hp and same gun? don’t talk shit dude
it das and it is hell xD You can´t do anything against T10 HT especially from infront and in many cases from side to. Yes it has extremly pointy gun but with 200 pene you are not able to penetrate command centers or other weak spots. I hoped for preferencial MM and its doesn´t come so what ever … this is my point of view about Panther 88. It will be a good tank in T8 battles.
True, Panther II used to get in T10. BUT, back when I grinded that tank, it had an awesome mobility, due to this it was MUCH MUCH better than hitler panther.
I don’t understand why ther’s so much whine about it. The accuracy of the gun gives it a possibility to nicely hit weak spots even from the quite long distance. Penetration is not that bad (still better than on T32 for example).
u don’t understand…nuff said.
No you guys just like to whine too much.
Wrong. Basically a panther2.
That Comet alike thingy still looks a bit.. trollish
better pack your shit and go back to reddit ya loli pleb
Plz tell me about ur secret internet club. :^)
Hehe firefly = badass xD
PS. in CT1 acurancy 0.4 now 0.38 so its lite but here too, or my error.
Great job, SS.
this line from T8 onwards will be called:
“out of ammo”
Emil has around 14 ammo, no one seems to consider it a problem. FV 183 has limited ammo as well. Same thing, no one sees problem, why would it be a problem here ?
The emil does not rely on rof like Challenger and conway does it…..
How come that the Firefly has less gundepression than the Achilles with open-top??
it doesn’t? FF is -6, Achilles is -5
My bad, is was ment the other way around, why does Achilles have less then the Firefly, is no roof that prevents it from going further, anyone know historical value??
Historically both are -5 degrees. WG buffed it to -6 for the Firefly for balance reasons. With the Achilles it could, in theory, go further then -5. What prevents it from going beyond -5 is a welded on gunstop. There are photos from the field that show Achilles with well over -5 degrees but all of the museum Achilles have the gunstop intact and thus that is what was measured (-5 degrees) so that is what was used.
It is also not known how much depression would have been achieved if the gun stop was removed although very very careful modeling to re-enact the wartime photos could at the very least get you close to the depression that toops were getting. It is also possible that without the gunstop there were negative consequences for firing at such angles…
Currently there is a handful of known photos.
Nice info, do you know if the M10 also had the gunstop?
SO why the hell does the Achilles magically lose 5 degrees of gun depression with the 17 pdr? Not like there is any thing from blocking the breach from going up further.
I think there is a bug in the Achilles engines… the stock engine is the same as top in AT serie with 500hp BUT the top engine in Achilles has less power and weight over 2 tons VS 750kg in the stock…
So only talking about the FF, isn’t it still a bit overpowered? It’s really nice and I would be going for it but.
Meaning; with the rate of fire, that 171 pen (150 dmg) per shot on that tier is in most cases guaranteed penetration and damage.
Compare that to the other vehicles on the same tier and tier 7, they do well atm, but they ain’t have those guarantees in most cases.
Just having a look at the vehicles I’m currently driving, only the vk30.01d seems the closest thing in guaranteed dmg with its pen on its tier, compared to the FF. And the E8 and Type58 just seemingly lack behind by miles when its about delivering dmg vs their pen.
Pingback: T-55A mírně upravena
100Y 43% standard AP shell price less
HE 58% less
Nice one!
T55A was “buffed” – sort of (not sure whether this was in CT1 already):
- depression buffed from -4,25 to -5
- reload nerfed from 7,6s to 7,7s
- shot dispersion while moving turret nerfed by 20 percent
Ahem… not really a buff, more like a nerf. Reload time and severe nerf to aim time… me no likey. And for what ? A slightly better depresion (less than 1 degree) on an already bad depresion tank. Yeah, still not gonna used it on hills.
So Archer got the blunt of the nerf hammer. I wasn’t gonna used it when it had that awesome RoF, clearly I won’t use it now. But I welcome this new vehicle, can’t wait to play my ALL-HOWITZER T5 tanks, one more easy one-shot target.
I do like the Firefly though, I was expecting worse. It has over 1900 DPM and nice gun statistics. If it remains like this it might be a fun tank. Clearly better than Achilles, seriously what does that have over Firefly ? 0.05 better acc ? A bad roll will be a bad roll for both tanks so whatever.
Another interesting tank is the T9. 3k+ DPM ? Sweet. And the armor is just enough to not be penetrated by HE shells. And that mobility….. Still I’m never gonna play it since there’s no way in hell I would grind another line past T6.
Overall, I’m disapointed by these new tanks depresion values. I was expecting much better, since they’re british tanks but let’s not be greedy. The rusky population will complain like bitches when they start being killed in their mighty soviet heavies by brit tanks and the stronger ones of this new line will be nerfed – The ones I mentioned earlier for sure.
Why does the M10 shoot so much slower it has another crew member compared to the Firefly..makes no sense
what is Archer’s XP price?
Any Idea what the XP prices are for the entire line. I have 750K in converted experience just sitting there. waiting. For the Firefly, Achilles, and the Charioteer. The Conway and FV4005.. are hmmmphffffff with me.
The Conway is (imo) a better tier 10 than the actual tier 10. It’s a bit smaller, has higher DPM the same shitty armour and a much more reliable gun. I’ll head down the line because why not, but I’ll probably be stopping at the Conway.