Hello everyone,
I am sure the story of Mad Jack Churchill in the Russian magazine is interesting and all that (Listy wrote about him some time ago), but we all know what drew most attention – Ola’s photosession. Well, without further ado, the pics, ripped from the magazine, courtesy of Roman J.
I look at her tits for no real reason..I just do
Well u can look at her tits, when u can`t look at her anus. :-P
Dat gummy smile … well, body is fine tho. I’d still hit that.
For no reason? What are you talking about? They are boobs! That’s the only reason you need to look at them!
russian bimbo.
For some reason, seeing this made me think of this song:
Now i see why shes included as female crewmwmber in upcoming mission.
Whats this gotta do with tenks! Oh well… ziiiipppp
ps. What does NOKA NOKA mean?
Poka poka – “bye bye”
So we are going, eventually, have a European Line (Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Swedish, etc) .
We will need female crews for these tanks.
May I suggest our RitaGamer (covers both Portuguese and Dutch tank lines).
Much better than the usual Russian, Belorussian, etc ladies who look like they can bump start a T-62 on their own, and originate from Bakewell ( British culinary joke)
it’s Paka Paka, it means bye bye
Thought it meant “Knock Knock”
or a pair of knockers :)
Yay! XD
Fenks Spurdo
Rubles are so cheap now, you could buy her for a few nickels.
Lel :P
Over nine thousand pluses to you fine sir!
She is too beautiful to be russian :/
you need to go outside ugly uk, or smth like that to see real world…
Aaand here are some british girlz , just for comparison
Because thrashing anything east of United Queendom.
Feel free to save us from comments like this.
#UKuglywomen (warning – this shit is hardcore)
You are sufficiently ugly to be from whatever shithole country you are.
you just went full retard. Never go full retard!
some idiots “jess cain’t hep demseves’ they HAVE to go full retard, it’s they have. As they say in the south of the US “bless his heart, hes doin’ the best he can with what G-d gave him to work with…”
Worth a squirt lol
Regarding this session: i prefer stright porn from porn producers, instead of from game producer rated for kids allegedly – and having NO human crewmembers at the same time.
Whole this says: I am a girl. A lower entity. I am for fucking only. Learn this, kid. Now go wank in a corner and then go play some tonkz.
Not mentioning that some pics are technically bad, they cut expenses even on that…
OK, now i go wank to some real porn, from real porn producer :P .
p0rn sux hard. Erotic pics ftw.
Did I missclick my pornhub bookmark?
Shes pretty cute. The “bye bye” picture cracks me up.
The comments in here tho…
you guys rly think shes beautiful? I think shes avrage.
u r avrage
in the second pic she looks like a rabbit
She dosen’t looks like a rabbit, but you look like a noob.
As far as Russian women go… This one is nothing special. Silly pictures, too. And for all of you jackasses thinking this is a girl made to do monkey tricks: odds are, she chose the pictures and the poses herself. Eastern European women are very much in charge, even if they do try to make themselves look as sexy as possible.
No thanks, the russian girls are the most ugly ones in europe.
Russia = Europe
You mean eurasia?
You mean Olga is not russian?
Sure , lets see your GF/wife, to see how high your standards are.
I keep best things for myself in jail…I mean safe, so no pics 4 u fgt!
My previos comment was directed to GL , not you, as he was criticising Olga.
Sorry, I was thinking that was reply to me. My bad. I’m so blind.
well, if the ruble will fall eaven further, WG might place other items in the shop if you know what i mean :D
I prefer brunets, but Olga is very interesting. She has that quality of being attractive without any special reason, ok I admit it, the eyes…
LOL.. You guys..
Ola is not just good looking, she has a great sense of humour, as well as being intelligent.
I met her online the first time, when she was working in support, before the EU office in Paris was opened, and has seen her rise through the ranks in the company to her present position. The WoT TV clips, and her work in videos for WG is actually not her main job.
She works as a P.A for one of the executive officers, and doing a damn good job there.
The marketing work she does in the video dept was a coincidence that began while she was still working in support, and she thinks its fun to continue doing it.
She is also a great friend, who keeps in touch, and has great empathy.
The only thing she is bad at, is dancing ;) which can be seen in this video that was made to spice up my spirit while I was fighting cancer last year : https://youtube.com/watch?v=XKJvMP-HkEg
I don’t mind that she dosen’t dance really good (because no matter what I will be worse!), but it’s really nice to know other things about Olga.
Wow, it’s kinda emotional to see all these people from around the world wishing you well. :)
I don’t know you but still hope you got your cancer treated and health back to normal. I lost my dad to cancer a few years ago, so I understand how hard a subject it is. Cheers from France.
What was the supposed average age of WoT players?
Because all I smell from this is puberty.
Pantyshot? Really? Is this middle school or Japan?
Why not … let’s battle … I’m still waiting for havoc
Nice softcore photos (.)(.) :D
She really is damn pretty. She’s definitely one of the better aspects of WG lol. I remember when she used to do the videos for them; always so enjoyable.
*sigh* *empties entire magazine*
get your cocks out boys !
Can’t, i’m still reloading!
Hey that’s my arm holding her leg on that picture, they were suppose to photoshop me out ! ;)
She’s a beautiful woman is all I can say.
Is she doing porn ? Has she done porn ? She should be doing porn.
Just what I needed to put a smile on my face after a long day….. :)
Cute one, not talking about the tank you nerds…..
And Check,
Hormones still works ;)
I’d “NOKA-NOKA” her up :D