World of Tanks vs Armored Warfare (Round 2)

Hello everyone,

you probably heard of the upcoming Armored Warfare game. For those, who have not – well, it’s basically World of Tanks, but with modern tanks. Currently, it’s in the alpha stage of development, with some footage released (looking at you, World of Warships) and with developer updates coming out now and then. The developers recently released a new video, where they describe the way AW is moving – let’s have a look at it and compare it with World of Tanks.



Okay, here are the basics. No point in sugarcoating it. It’s a WoT clone. But before you go all “fuck that” – the mechanics are the same (WoT was taken as development baseline), but the declared aim of the developers is to actually build a game without the issues, that currently plague WoT – specifically high RNG, disappearing tanks, current model of artillery and matchmaking. Whether they will succeed, well, that is a real question, isn’t it.

Unlike WoT, AW actually has a narrative. Basically, it’s some sort of cyberpunk backstory, where you play as a PMC (mercenary armored company), getting hired by various people. The developers are actually American (Obsidian Entertainment) and they have previous experience with RPG’s, so this might actually turn out really nicely. There’s also the goal of releasing the game with a PvE story mode, something WoT is lacking for obvious reasons (and, seeing the “historical battles” fiasco, probably will for a while more). As a bonus, in this sense, battles of T-55′s versus Abrams tanks are completely possible to fit into a narrative (unlike WoT’s Maus vs STB-1).

The engine is a version of CryEngine, but make no mistake… this will not run on the worst shit the Russians are using. As a result, the game developers apparently decided to focus more on western markets instead (note that the game publisher is actually Russian, a juggernaut of a company called, so I guess we won’t see the stupid Stalin shit here. Even on video, the engine looks superior to the aged BigWorld Wargaming is using – how well will that work is of course the question.

I actually like how Armored Warfare makes it completely known that the game is (for now, anyway) a World of Tanks clone. This is completely different from (in my opinion) wrong route Gaijin took with Ground Forces – with GF, they tried to make them “realistic” and “we are not WoT” at all costs and the result, while interesting to some, did in my opinion not prove to be successful. But the real question is – why bother? Isn’t it actually smarter to copy what World of Tanks did right (and make no mistake, for all its flaws, World of Tanks is an awesome concept) and improve it? I do believe it is.

Anyway, the tanks have the advantage of not being tied to one particular nation, so you have a pretty wide mash-up of various modern vehicles, from BMP’s to Abrams upgrades and such stuff. And yes, there will apparently be a BMPT Terminator – can’t help it, I am a fan of that vehicle. On the other hand, everything comes with a price tag and the price here is that there will not be any “national” branches in WoT sense (WoT solution is actually preferable to me), which makes it harder to identify with a certain group of vehicles and such. The “branch” characteristics will be far broader (basically, Soviet vehicles, US vehicles and the rest), because there are three “arms dealers”, where you use your “XP” (reputation or something) to buy stuff. This solution is probably preferrable for some people, but not for me. On the plus side, according to the preview, each tank will have SHITLOADS of modules, more than WoT has and it will allegedly be possible to create “builds”, tweaked for one particular role by choosing various module setups (not like in WoT, where one setup – “elite” – is, apart from several exceptions, the best).

What I do not like on the video…

Some of the devs are talking shit. On one hand, they say it’s “really different” from World of Tanks, when it’s clearly a clone. I guess that’s just PR talk, they can’t very well say “oh, we cloned WoT, look” – but still, sometimes it’s better not to say anything instead of lying. Plus, the stupid “blend of realism” crap…. it’s an arcade, for fucks sake. The tanks don’t even have realistic armor values, they have “defense” parameters instead (which is actually pretty smart, because it allows the devs to rebalance stuff without the “it’s unhistorical” element). I think they really should drop the “realism” rhetoric completely. Also, “authentic locations”? That’s NOT the way you want this to go – Syria and Ukraine re-enactments, that’s asking for trouble.

The way artillery was shown for like two seconds is the way it looks in WoT. It was however mentioned on forums that this mechanism will be revised somehow, so AW doesn’t end up with fucked-up arty (it was mentioned they’d focus on AOE DPS instead of RNG oneshots). We’ll just have to see.

Third thing I didn’t like is that they are mentioning things WG already has (turrets being ripped off by explosions, active suspension) as something new. No, that’s not a feature you brag about, that’s something you HAVE to implement in order to catch up with Wargaming. But then, Wargaming has like 30 HD models out of 300… by the time this game is released, WG will still probably have half of its models in SD.

The object destruction looks a bit bland on the video too (and so does the smoke effect), but I guess that’s just an alpha or something, whatever.


When I saw the first footage of War Thunder Ground Forces and when I’ve read about its mechanics, I was instinctively repulsed, but I do not feel this way here. In fact, it looks very promising. But it will be a very hard job creating something able to beat World of Tanks in terms of sheer fun. So – developers, don’t fuck it up. I am personally hopeful, we’ll see. In absolutely worst case, it will at least keep Wargaming on their toes…

Oh, and beta ETA? Q1 2015.

137 thoughts on “World of Tanks vs Armored Warfare (Round 2)

  1. Looks interesting, but after all, it will rise or fall with the way the core mechanism will be done.

    PS The ingame UI looks so much like copy paste from Wot (Not only the ary view) :P But well, why reinvent something already working.

      • Yeah SS, that is almost the exact same crosshair as J1mbo’s crosshair. I have also heard that exact same music before in a mobile game I play. Not sure who its lisenced to, I might email the dev of the game to see if there are any intellectual property rights being broken here.

    • BMP-T?, They sold me on that, will be interesting to see how they make the quad ATGMs work on that thing. I wonder if it will work like an autoloader in WOT.

  2. I much prefer the lack of “nations” personally, it makes for far more allowance for smaller nations and their tanks. Like Poland getting a Twardy and PL-01, or Sweden getting the S-Tank, without having to wait for enormous “full tree nation introduction” updates that take half a decade to appear.

    Just anything can appear anytime. That method allows for so much more national variety for the smaller guys.

      • well this look nice and even its is a copy of wot and its better then wot but i doubt they will manage to do that it will be cheaper for us eu guys because they are americans and the dollar is cheaper then euro so if i like the game i will trade one for the other

  3. It is ‘easy’ to beat World of Tanks playability. Because WG has a monopoly on this sort of game, it has increasingly made decisions which are about maximising profitability rather than improving gameplay quality. If you clone WoT and address all the problems which are ignored or exacerbated by the drive for max profits, then you could make quite a popular game, with high quality gameplay, absolutely no pay-to-win(*), and still be profitable.

    (*) While you can technically purchase gold shells and consumables for silver, in practice you almost certainly need to have spent gold (on premium tanks/account) to afford the silver costs, or be a no-lifer, to heavily use the aforementioned.

    • Speaking of monopoly, ever heard of War Thunder GF?
      Gameplay quality is totaly unrelated to gold, except when you meet new players in tier 8 premiums (rare).
      There are very few bad players spamming premium ammo. It’s just too expensive for 99% of them so they prefer to whine. A good player using premium shells wisely makes profit. Premium tanks + account are neccesary to get tier 10 tanks and play CW. I bought a T34 and a year of premium account and now make enough gold to have permanent prem account and not to pay WG any more. I consider the game pretty cheap compared to other MMOs. Also it’s one of few that reward skill by not having to pay.

      • are you happy @ wg paris office? i hear new workers not really earn good. or are you work as freelancer. fanboys generally cut fast worker much more behive like long posts like you.

        • What does it make you? Hater? Haters gonna hate, GTFO.

          He is correct about everything. And original poster is just saying garbage. He HOPES that the game will be free and awesome and they will give him everything for free and there wont be any bugs and arty will be gone, etc etc, but reality it will be just another game trying to milk you for money as any business does.

          Just WT GF, this will change nothing, nobody is going to leave WoT for prettier game, because nobody is here for graphics in the first place.

          • well dopnt be that sure if its cheaper and it will not be laggy it will be a good tank game and arty in modern war wtf for dude the tanks got fucking missile what do u need arty anymore

      • I see people spamming prem rounds at all tiers now, there are many players who do it routinely (a player with over 30k games using prem rounds against my cruiser IV from a T18 – you could sneeze and pen it)

        I use very few prem rounds as I try to get sure shots using normal rounds or perma track and let others do the killing.

        My tier 8, 9 and 10′s I run with no prem account, pay silver for all rounds – when I make a loss its easy to replace the silver with games at tiers 4 – 7

      • Nobody plays WT GF. It’s not a mathematically total monopoly, but for ‘MMO’ arcade tanks games, there is no serious competition.

      • spot on Tyra, WoT is much cheaper for me than other MMO’s I have played.

        My average spend is around 5 euros/month, cheaper than WoW even

  4. I was quite surprised all their videos only show mindles arcade action with no hint of use of cover, tactics etc. This makes me believe they will simplify WOT, which may make a lot of tomatos play AW instead. I just can’t wait :-)

    • Did you ever see any WG made promo video? they have the same thing with 100 tanks retardedly rushing and such, wouldn’t draw too many conclusions from this.

      • I’m sure they just wanted an adrenaline-rush Hollywood promo, that’s all. Can you imagine if they showed a bunch of static tanks hiding behind bushes?

  5. cryengine is way better optimized than bigworld, i expect better fps and graphics in any pc 3-5 years old.

    • This indeed!

      The use of a superior engine makes this game a no-brain-er really from the getgo. Cryengine is more future proof, from it’s first release, compared to WG BigWorldwhale when it was released.

      • love those kids… who needs good gameplay… all we need is super graphics and 300fps on our 60hz monitors :P

        • Don’t break ya bones in those ol’ experienced with mastur… life fingers while you type.
          You are welcome to play titles from 1998, as well as players with new computers are welcome to expect games to have decent graphics instead of terribly optimized eyesore.
          You are not a special snowflake nor a better human being. You are just an elitist wannabe.

          • I like being elitist. Filters out the crap. And he is 100% correct, graphics mean shit, we have plenty of evidence that graphically inferior games are more successful that colorful jizz fests that most no brain teens are attracted to.

    • Some of us might have good PC’s. But Russian’s play with computers made from toasters and bits of metal welded together.

  6. Very happy to see a new wot competitor.competition brings to excellence. Im sure now wg will do something to improve his game or it will lose its players

    • WG: Oh sh*t , there’s another competitor , better make more bundles of tier 3 tanks and a bunch of crap with a skyhigh price tag on it , also, we need to release more content…meh, we’ll do the first one first *Shelves the second idea*

        • Lol they won’t.

          It’s the typical bullshit that everyone will start spewing now like with War Thunder: Oh noes War Thunder is going to completely destroy WoT, everyone is going to leave -> year later -> War Thunder doesn’t exist, WoT is just fine.

          Precedent before: Oh noes MMO X is totally going to be World of Warcraft killer, you just wait and see -> year later -> MMO X is free to play 1 server game with population of a desert.

          It’s typical for people to want something that will destroy the thing that annoys them. Perhaps they lack skill, or getting a bit bored but to addicted to quietly leave and they need this meaningless rhetoric to pump themselves up and (what’s WAY more importantly) justify their decision to leave by seeing other people approving their choice, i.e if I leave, nobody will even notice or care, but if I leave and people follow me, that means I was totally right, the game does suck.

          All this shit means nothing. No matter how much you people whine about WoT and complain about WG, you are still here on the forum for WoT, talking about it and playing it.

          All your hate and derision is meaningless. You won’t go to AW for longer than a week (a month?) and then you will be here again, talking about how WG sucks the money out of you, forcing you to buy yet another tank.

          Want another punch in the balls? You know why it was hard for any MMO to offseat World of Warcraft? Content. No game at release could match 5 years worth of content and people NEED that.

          So AW? It will be released with 30 tanks. Sure that’s great, but 4 weeks in you already will be bored with nothing to look for. WoT has 356 tanks that most people won’t even SEE. And by the time AW releases it will be 400.

          So good luck. I ignore posts like this because I know what they are.

          Disclaimer: I am not fanboi of WoT, but I do love the game, otherwise why would I play it daily? WG is no better or worse than any other company I have given my money too, with exception of my money to fun ratio, which here is pretty damn high.

          Don’t like the game? Quietly fade into obscurity. Nobody will remember you either way.

          • I just read the first line dude you write too much…I never said that AW is going to Kill WoT… But you know, WG does not like being under pressure… And they will come up with something

            • Isn’t there a rumor about separate clients? One for desktop calculators, like the ones in use in Russia, and another one for high end machines?

  7. Can’t for beta to come. I like WoT gameplay, but milking on every step is seriously annoying me. Yes I know devs need money. But I would spend the same amount of money on single purchase of AAA game as buying Gold to spend on things in WoT. Not to mention the grind.

    • Lol and you think AW is not following the same economy as WoT? MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

      You think you will buy this game for 40 bucks and will play it for years where they continue to release new content for you for free?! MWAHAHAHAHA.

      You think they won’t take ALL your money they can? MWAHAHAHA.

      I love the silly optimists.

  8. I don’t care if it’s a ” ripoff ” It looks nice! The environment will be familiar for ppl who play WoT, and familiarity comforts a person. I honestly believe this game will make it big, and it will be something, that WoT only dreams of being!

  9. Well the graphics are not great , but not much worse (if worse then wot), but i’m afraid that cry engine will effect the requierments, i don’t have a very powerful PC as it’s a laptop, it can run world of tanks on low settings with 60-70 fps, but on full detail only 10-15

    Also it has artillery so yeah…. there’s not really a way to make that class balanced as they can still hit you at every location of the map and can one-shot everything

  10. if they wont kill our nerves with some RNG shit, and if they will have real discounts sometimes (not milker bundles like wg) ———> bye, bye wot

    ohh, and at least obsidian guys are real game developers not like those lazy useless russian moneygobblers at wg.

    • I just like how WG devs deal with whiners(How terrible), not much hope for Obsidian devs, they will just pretend to be helpful and tell you to go Alt+F4 for better game performance. Useless? no, I prefer incompetent to describe them :)

      • You being an actual game developer, a very knowledgeable person on game development, and the premiere authority on programming.

        • Nope, whilst I do have actual knowledge/experience on both game development and programming, I am not the premiere authority.

          Some things are obvious though. I love Obsidian’s games. But they are NOT as good as GSC/Vostok or 4A at the objective technological traits of a game.

          More of an attack on the stupidity of Mocsok though. What he said was even more… annoyingly untrue.

          • See, the thing that annoys me of your overprotectiveness of Eastern European games is that at one point it stops being justified and just turns into disrespect. Yes, there are idiots who comment whatever, but you cannot change their opinion, as sad as that is.
            Your constant protection of these games and devs, implies that they dont have the merit to stand on their own, which is not true. Plus, it becomes annoying after the 100th repetition, and people associate these games with annoyance, and their uneducated opinion gets fueled instead of having an actual positive effect…

            • But that is the ENTIRE point.

              Fight disrespect with disrespect.
              Of coarse I cant change stupid people’s opinion. The idea is to bait them at objective things (technology, optimization, graphics) and beat them there :P.

              I mean… for God’s sake, the stupidity and circle jerk some people demonstrate deserves a slap with reality… but I cant do that. Might as well repeat until their puny mind starts believing/actually TRY to argue. ANd lose.

              • I mean it starts to show disrespect towards the games you are standing up for. By defending them too much you imply that they are weak and deserve defence.

                • Honestly, whilst I understand you, I do not think this is what people will see :P

                  Besides… google is free, those games are very well known, it is easy to check what I am saying.

                  I just attack stupidity. Obsidian are good devs, LIKE their games, but bashing European devs just because you have a few US ones you like is… moronic.
                  Especially since objectively (coding, graphics, technology, optimization etc.) Obsidian are poor both in comparison to some “western” developers and some “eastern” developers.

  11. In AW they follow the way of offer a GAME (good game modes, an history etc etc) all i see is better than WOT for me the only but is arty but lets see..

    I expect the game has a much better optimization than WOT and can run it ok, lets see.

    Other point for me to defeat WOT is economy… if they use good prices they can beat easy WOT but when destribuitor is a RU company…. ruble situation is good to milk euros and dollars… lets see.

  12. It’s a WoT clone but i tell you know it will catch alot of people to play it. And you know why? because it’s modern WoT. A WoT 2.0.

    And being a clone will mean that every player who is used to WoT will simply hop in and play it just like WoT, but with modern tanks.

    I only dislike the arcadey feel of the tanks like they have no weight. But WoT had some crappy driving physics too in the first place. So there is time to improve.

    • “I only dislike the arcadey feel of the tanks like they have no weight. But WoT had some crappy driving physics too in the first place. So there is time to improve.”

      Yeah. I noticed that too. In my opinion motion physic in AW is currently worst than WG’s

    • Actually, I prefer the motion physics now in World of Tanks, I wouldn’t want the physics to become another WTGF clone, with light tanks that has low ground resistance just sliding around all over the place , World of Tanks is an arcade game , wouldn’t people just stop wishing that it was more realistic(on the side note, COMPLETELY unhistorical shit like WTF-100 can go). If players want realism, go WTGF and see how good having ‘realism’ is.

  13. Hopefully be a good game and not watered down so much that russian potato computer’s can run it! Main reason why wot sucks atm! They won’t introduce havoc engine because potato computers can’t handle it!

  14. Motion physic currently is worst than WG’s. Look at Tracks motion -.-”
    Models currently are worst than WG’s. AW models looks like plastic cartons.
    World, terrain and little details are awesome.
    CryEngine optimization 10000x better than BigWorld
    Almost lack of RNG.

    WG will have a lot of work to beat that.

    • Haha, can’t wait to see what they will do.

      Btw, the motion physic of WoT still sucks, the tracks of HD tanks still disappear underground at every movement and it is quite stupid.
      Also, this is an alpha so give them time…

      (Prepare your anus WG hehe)

  15. That guy said that he always wanted to make this game..rly rlllyyyyy so why didn’t u??only thing i like is the cry engine it’s just superior to WOT bigworld but i still like these ww2 tanks even if some are just plain stupid(wt100,fv183..) but they just want piece of wot cake and that is not wrong but still we will see,,i think i’m gona try it and dump it like i did with wt:gf

  16. The key here is fixing the match making if you don’t think it needs fixing then you have not played wot since the schools broke up for the holidays.

    • Actually, the key is fixing balance. For a game where competitive play is so important, WOT teams, tanks and maps are wildly unbalanced.

      • disagree!

        maps are not wildly imbalanced any more, some used to be, but most of that has been ironed out.

        tanks have their differences, some are good for their tier, some are bad, i think that is a good thing. Whats the fun with opening new tanktrees if they all behave the same?

        teams are random yes, so sometimes they are unbalanced, thats what makes it random, and just the way I like it, because then you can have a rare monster game

          • The maps are slowly being made more and more noob friendly. The rng is a joke and used to manipulate results so total noobs don’t get too rofflstomped so they stick around and spend money. The tank balancing is lazy. The match making is shit and again used to manipulate results. They are trying to get us to get dormant accounts playing again all my mates say the same carrying 10 or 12 noobs is not a game it’s a job so fuck wot till they fix the mm. I now know more people who have stopped playing than play.

  17. Really nice review SilentStalker, was a good read.
    My opinion about the whole clone thing, it is a good thing. WG has made a good design concept gameplay wise. That’s why we all still play it, even through all it’s pitfalls .

    If Obsidian can recreate it well enough, make the gameplay really enticing (unlike the boring WTGF). Make premium content really competitive, a.k. like not milking your customers.
    And make use of a truely future-proof, well performing gfx//game engine from the start! Then AW will be a really hard competitor to WoT, even though it’s focus era is different.

    Personally if AW will give the same gameplay aspects as WoT, but with a vastly superior graphics engine behind it, I’m over.
    I found it too bad WTGF had such bland game mode. The whole capping/decapping system just became too tiresome after some battles. So I hope AW will get it right.

  18. They are so funny when they talk seriously about developing their game which is just a copy-paste.
    Yep, 73225th WoT killer

    • As others have said, the ‘clone’ aspect is good, as long as they retain and improve the basic concept. And there has only been one claimed ‘WOT killer’ since WOT came out.

      • How can they improve basic concept better than original developer – WG?
        They will need years for mechanics, balancing, soft tweaking to get to the level of fun that WoT has now.
        And in these next 2-3 years WoT will get to the level they can’t get in 10 years.

    • That is like saying every different mobilephone is a “copypaste”, every different FPS game is a “copypaste”, every different car is a “copypaste” etc etc etc.

      Do you hear how fucking stupid it sounds you retard?

      • I didn’t say they shouldn’t copy/paste.
        I just said they are funny when they talk seriously about decisions in developing.
        And your insults, without any reason, are just your level of mental development, I guess.

        • Lee, I hope you are very young, otherwise there is no real excuse for your lack of comprehension.

  19. Yes, there will be a BMPT prototype available, but it is a preorder exclusive vehicle, part of the Platinum pre-order bundle -…which I plan on getting, once it hits EU(RU only atm)
    A BMPT- 2 version might be available as a higher tier option, for regular research.

    Also, if you noticed in the video..There is a shot of the M551 Sheridan module tree – It shows that it gets APFSDS ammop for the 152mm derp….it has 366mm of pen :D And that is just the first ammo unlock….Sounds like a better option than WoT style HEAT spam

    • How does it sound better? Oh I got it… you actually think that you will play with 366mm pen against 200mm armor?

      Awww, so cute. Brain power at the lowest, adorable.

      Oh wait here is reality kicking in:

      Your pen is 366mm? Armor using active advanced defense technology will amount to 700mm. Oh yes… surprise motherfucker (c) Dokes from Dexter. You will still do the same 300 damage per shot and in WoT. Same numbers, all that fluff about what ammo you are firing or what technology you have amounts to the same old boring numbers.

      Glad I ruined that for you.

      • You know , if you want to pull off the whole “internet cynic” look, you are WAAYYY off track,. son. Even if you are a teen, that is horrible.

        So , you know, don’t ham it in so much, just quick advice for you…..So you don’t die alone..and be laughed at by everyone. Don’t be blinded by your giant fedora, boy….Seriously, you sound like a really really bad joke….Its not even a funny troll ;/

        And i was pointing out that derp guns get effective ap ammo

        Seriously , though SS, if you are reading this you really should put an age restriction on this blog, …at least any small chance to dissuade commenters like Captain Poopy Pants over here.

        • Oh the irony.

          All you were pointing out is a stupid number that is completely irrelevant as we know nothing about the game and I was pointing out how stupid your comment was.

          But if SS implements age restriction, it will much more likely you will be eliminated before me :) Which I will accept as a victory :)

          • Awww, you know ironyyyy…(the word i mean, not when to use it)
            Such a cutie pookie little boobooo..tickle tickle tickle

            Look at his little serious child on the internet booboo face…make an angry face and stomp your foot down !
            That’ll make those grown-ups pay attention to you, little champ!

    • Nobody stop you from beeing one of the unicums moron. If you are not capable better shut up and get your ass beaten every battle. I’m sure that you don’t perform well in real life either!

    • WoT scrub logic in a nutshell:

      Complain about Unicums being arty magnets every game because of XVM etc. – “OMG dude but in Real Sports (TM) everyone knows who the top player is, too. This is like the real life man!”

      Complain about RNG that fucks over good players with what are essentially unlucky dice rolls – “Yeah like, uh… just like in Real Sp… ah you know what? Fuck Real Sports, gotta keep dem Unicorns in check.” (drives E100 off a cliff)

      Mighty fine double standards at work here, good one. :)

    • Lol RNG has no effect on unicums. They aren’t beating you because somehow their shots were meant to do better while yours are designed to miss. They are beating you because you are a terrible player.

      Without RNG or with it, you will still be a terrible player. Just another game for you to fail at.

  20. World of Warcraft = dominant MMO in the fantasy sphere, for what over nine years now. Lets try and list all the clones that have tried to go head to head with wow in that market with some or any success;
    Warhammer online
    Guild Wars (1 & 2)
    Elder Scrolls
    Age of Conan

    none of them has been quite as good as WoW overall, each have their niche market, and fewer players than wow, I guess most make some profit for their companies.

    I expect AW to be similar in scope to the relationship warhammer online had to wow.

    • On the other hand some WoW clones had performance problems, lot of bugs or lacked content – AoC, Warhammer or Aion being prime examples.

      Also the biggest WoW card is wide community. When you played WoW couple of year like me you tend to have friends who often jump back again to the game. And don’t forget they release a new continent every 1,5 – 2 years.

      WoT has no such thing. Most of the players play it solo. Maps are small and don’t change often. If AW offers them something little bit shinier they will switch sides. For me if they would not implement arty god view I would be inclined to try it. For other people it can be performance or PVE.

      • No they won’t. People who will leave for AW would have left for some other game, because they have got all the fun they could out of the game. That’s normal player rotation.

        Players that like WoT, won’t switch. Nothing to see there except better graphics.

        And while WoT at heart is a solo game, people leave to get something different, not something that is the same.

    • Love it, +1 man.

      Here lets see how many of them had much better engine and graphics that World of Warcraft:

      Warhammer online – Better graphics.
      Rift – Better graphics
      Guild Wars (1 & 2) – Better graphics
      SWOTR – Much better graphics
      Wildstar – Better graphics
      LOTR – Better graphics
      Elder Scrolls – Much better graphics
      Age of Conan – Much better graphics

      Wait what? They all failed and WoW is still going strong?

      How can this be, I thought all the people need is better graphics?

  21. Hang on, no armor values? So my gun has Y attack value and you have X defense, so I do Z amount of damage or something like that? Is angling/hull down a thing in this game?

    • That’s because modern tank shells and guided missiles drill through armor making angling pointless.

      It’ll probably be based around how much reactive armor you have slapped on your tank.

    • It is a thing in the game, and there are values, of course.

      The problem is that modern statistic for vehicles are mostly classified by governments, so the characteristics in-game are estimated closely, but not taken directly.

      • “estimated closely”
        => completely guessed according to popular belief.

        Challenger II will be the most armored with the term Dorchester thrown around, despite no one knowing for sure if it’s better than other nation’s composite armor.
        Abrams the best all around because it’s American.
        Leclerc a glass cannon with fast reload time, because no one knows if its armor is worth anything or not.
        Modern T-80s a worthless pile of shit, only redeemed by having a big gun and low silhouette, despite not knowing anything concrete about them.

        Can’t wait….

  22. All they have to do is leave out skycancer and gold ammo,and there will be massive switch of players to new game.

  23. Cant wait for this game !

    WG will finaly have to do something instead of whale hunting and doing nothing !

  24. Let’s hope this Armored Warfare will not end up like Watch_Dogs… The Super hyped “GTA V Killer” … Good thing AW is free. I miss those 60 euros wasted for nothing…

  25. Like what are the most complains about in WoT?
    - vision system
    - matchmaking
    - misunderstandings of armour/penetration system

    I not seen how this game will do better on the vision system.
    We don’t know anything about MM yet.
    And about the armour system I expect big problems there.
    With complex armour types and shell types the penetration mechanics become extremely complicated.
    I guess the devs will just skip most maths there and use semi realistic methods.
    And there will be the same moments of non penetration shots or full damage shots to small parts (like commander coupla) just as in WoT.
    People will have problems understanding the system and whine in the forums.

    The biggest problem is that WoT does not give you advice how to advance.
    Somewhere between tier 4 and 8 people start to run into barriers they can’t understand.
    A good game has to help you get better in small steps.

    I don’t see how AW does better in these areas.
    The modul system looks nice tho.
    But from what I seen so far it is also only a work towards elite status.
    With a lot of small upgrades to give you little more protection or other aid.

    About PvE, well will have to see the final product.
    It could be WG has not done anything PvE (historical was not PvE) could be a fear of lower income (for example because of higher server load).
    But I think more of a problem is a good AI would mean tons and tons of work alone.
    Or you just have scripted scenarios that are boring after a few runs.
    In LoL most games are PvE btw.

    btw is there a list what tanks are HD in WoT now?

    • the most annoying about WoT it’s not WoT it’s WG:

      1) they are Belorussian a known dictatorship, also known for “low brow” intellect.
      2) outdated engine, just like any Russian tech, old & stupid.
      3) they are affiliated with Russian Dictator Putin
      4) they are way too greedy as a company, they suck you dry so fast you can’t tell whats going on. e.g the crack dealers of Detroit.

      • Mwahahaha, so what you are saying:

        I am a piece of shit that is angry with Eastern Europe and I’d like to express my hatred on forums. I am surprised SS tolerates people like this on forums but puts them on Hall of Shame if they say the same thing in the game…

        Oh wait, no, SS is also a hater of Russians. Continue…

        But I do find it ironic and joyful that a worthless turd like you HAS to play Belorussian game build by “inferior” race, because clearly your “superior” country can’t make anything this awesome. So funny how that turned out. Give us all your money, you capitalist turd :) Mwahahahaha.

        • PS my most beloved company is Bohemian Interactive.

          WG can learn many things from them, firstly how not to be a greedy whore pig for $$$

          • Lol, he is like one of those racist assholes who goes: Hey all black people belong as slaves, but hey I am not racist, my barber is black and I am totally ok with that.

            What a pathetic piece of human excrement.

  26. shoutout to all WoT Fanboys/Gamers virgins who never knew another game in their pathetic sort life:

    you have gazillion First person shooters (FPS) does someone complains, are they all Doom/Quake clones?

    you have League of Ledgends, and you have Dota 2, a clone? what about SMITE – do all MOBA copy&paste.

    what about H1Z1, is it a clone of DayZ, does dayz invented the Survival genre? (nop)

    the thing is WG just rehashed lots of known game concepts and made a game that is not innovative in any way at all! they just did it correctly and build/dev and publish it correctly with the right business model and it went ballistic. you cannot Clone WoT as it’s a clone by itself, if WG had even a slight/slight chance of proving that in court, believe me good sirs (spoiled children) that they would sue them and spend tons of millions from your (ours) pocket to make AW go away…

    oh i’m sorry that WG is annoyed that maybe they will have to sell you a stupid WWII premium tank bundle for 70euro and not 100euro… keep buying dumbasses…

    AW is the future and it take MODERN tanks, not those silly WWII crap tanks and makes a fun game out of it, hopefully it will not die out like WT seriously moronic tanks.

    • Lot of butthurt in this one. Cant wait to see what he says when he is being milked exactly the same way as WG does in AW. :)

  27. “Basically, it’s some sort of cyberpunk backstory”

    Do you even know what cyberpunk means?

    “The engine is a version of CryEngine, but make no mistake… this will not run on the worst shit the Russians are using.”

    SS, for the love of god just stop talking about things you know nothing about, I’ve worked pretty heavily with Crysis and its is very scalable, even moreso than BigWorld, if you configure it to run on shitty hardware, it will run on shitty hardware so don’t be an idiot.

    • Leave him be, it’s his blog, he can say all the stupid things he says here all the time and it’s none of your business.

      Point of personal blog is to be able to say stupid shit about things you know nothing about, that can’t be published anywhere else.

      Don’t like it, don’t read it.

      • Except for rasist stupidity,Zling kinda has a point,only problem is all the players and ESL are in wot now.Will they all transfer or not.But the new game should be better(shit free).

  28. Nice comparison.

    My only problem with it is the “What I do not like” part. More specifically, the bashing of the devs. I agree the narrator says crap – authentic locations, etc – but the devs haven’t really been lying.

    You are taking “different from” WoT out of context in the review; they were talking about how it is different because they have modern tank features rather than a WW2 approach.

    The other point was “realism”, they specifically mention how the vehicle MODELS are realistic, and mention how the gameplay is arcade-ish and easy to pickup.

    Finally, the ammoracks and individual suspension is something they should mention to express the technical level of the game (technology-wise), even if WoT already has it, at least they are not loosing to them.

    Apart from that, everything else was a nice review.

  29. I am hoping for one of two things for this game.

    A clone of WOT with the bullshit that is arty fixed, in which case I will dump WoT in heartbeat.


    This game starts drawing enough people for WoT to fix the bullshit arty mechanic in the game now.

    I can deal with the MM in WoT for the most part its far better then it was 3 years ago when you had to fight off hordes of Type 59′s in your hetzer.
    But arty is just broken and ruins the game for many players.

  30. Getting so tired of people saying its a clone this or clone that.. Sthu.. Jesus.. I could say every game with guys and a gun is a clone game to whatever the hell I want… It’s a new tank game.. FFS

  31. I don’t care about playing this game. Mostly time wise.


    All you fanboys of WOT should really try to use your brains! I hope this game will be AWESOME. Why? So that WG has to actually put EFFORT into WOT again. They have a long list of failing at improving the game, brining “features” that are useless and nobody wants and struggle with ever doing actually something innovative that people like or even asked for.

    WG is milking the cow like crazy! We love our tank game, but i could be much much better. And the whole money rip off with useless packages and retarded CW campaign rules, now the upcoming completely RETARDED missions for the actually interesting tanks (Object 260) are blatant examples how WG shits on the community and exerts on their monopoly.

    Missions used to be a simple time sink, like the WZ mission is that we now got. Do XXX damage and XXX kills and repeat that XXX times (and buy premium and fire premium to get there faster).

    Now the next step, invest XXXXXX time and then on top of that, even if you are a great player, totally pray to the RNG GODS to ever fulfill those crazy end missions that you can only successfully master when he stars align perfectly for you (or your clan riggs games on a daily basis with others late at night to make it happen).

    AW has to be stellar, otherwise WG will never change.

    Maybe this whole “Free 2 Play” bullshit is to blame. I’d rather go back to full price games and a monthly fee if that means I can actually enjoy quality, service and a FAIR business model.

  32. I’m really fed up with all the hate about Warthunder, which is the only online tank game trying to do something different from WoT. Armored Warfare is nothing but a copy-paste of WoT gameplay and interface, applied to modern-era tanks, running on a decent outsourced engine. Such innovation, very creativity, wow.

    Most of the data about their modern tanks is classified anyway, so it won’t even be remotely “realistic”. And yes, a bit of realism is nice even in an arcade game, just to make the whole thing at least believable. Please tell me how much exactly is Chobham armour documented ? If you want pure fast arcade just go play Robocraft, which is an awesome game by the way.

    In the meanwhile, those same people (Woras I’m looking at you !) are still bringing up issues that have been fixed for months. Damn, even ramming physics got totally fixed in 1.45, no one seems to have noticed that. Also, pretending “NO ONE!!11″ plays it when they haven’t even checked the actual number of active players is pathetic. It’s just made for a smaller, yet considerable audience.

    I’m neither a Gaijin fanboy nor a WG basher, I do like WoT, but it seems like its community forgot to take off its blinkers, so as to see online tank warfare doesn’t have to always be the same.

  33. “This is completely different from (in my opinion) wrong route Gaijin took with Ground Forces – with GF, they tried to make them “realistic” and “we are not WoT” at all costs”

    even those who expected so much for War Thunder realistic tank battles are now complaining it’s not enough realism, even in simulator battles

    for my personal experience I must say that I dislike many things about War Thunder supposed realism but what ticks me the most is how tanks in that game don’t seem to be “physical objects” made from steel and “glue” to each other like they are simply damage boxes with visual details around them to make the tank shape

    if you collide with another tank the engine won’t “simulate” that the steel from both tanks is grinding against each other and instead we can see the mudguards and other parts clipping through each other

    everyone knows that if a piece of metal collides with another piece at least one of them will “bounce” back, unless one is placed on top of something and doesn’t have room to bounce

    in that aspect WoT is more realistic than WT because if an heavier tank collides with a lighter one it will push it away instead of getting “glued” to it

  34. ” build a game without the issues, that currently plague WoT – specifically high RNG, disappearing tanks, current model of artillery and matchmaking.”

    I think for that alone is worth switching over.