Artillery Guide by Tyraforce – Part 2

Silentstalker: First a little announcement. After seeing the comments under part 1, following measures will be taken not to repeat the same situation. It’s okay not to like artillery, but a) spamming b) cancer stuff, death wishes etc. c) rude comments without any merit will be deleted and their posters will be banned (the worst cases, like Woel aka CosmicSquirrel here will be added to my shitlist and treated as HoS members). Sorry, sick of the arty hate shit. Got nothing constructive to add? Then stay silent. Thanks for understanding.

Edit: as expected, turned out to be a bunch of moaning. Comments locked, some offenders banned.

Author: Tyraforce

First, thanks for all the feedback and suggestions concerning part 1 of this guide. I was shocked how much flame the guide started. I understand getting artied makes people angry in the game (almost as much as premium ammo) but I really didn’t expect such whining at FTR.

05 retards

This TK happened just a few hours after the guide went life and it was some funny reading indeed. Big thanks to those special folks for following FTR and reading the guide. I can’t really respond to all the 328 comments you posted but I feel one controversial topic needs to be addressed in more detail,


The most common argument why arty encourages camping was “When there are many SPGs on each team, people camp harder.” This was really not my point. The question all the arty-haters should ask is this: “How would WoT change if arty got removed?”
For one thing, E3, 261, IS7 and similar tanks would become very popular. Right now, they can only camp in arty-safe positions whereas without arty, any hulldown position would become a bunker full of these tanks. This would create huge kill-zones which would be painful to conquer without superb coordination. You know how painful it is now to break through certain camps. This would become much worse and would happen on more maps. Remember the arty-safe bridge camp on Pearl River where teams sat for 10min doing nothing? Would they sit there while getting artied? Can you even imagine CW? Right now every second team camps the southern base on Mountain Pass, which they consider reasonably arty-safe. Now, imagine what would happen if all the bases were arty-safe.

If you don’t like this argument, consider Armored Warfare. It’s a WoT clone, which is trying to fix some WoT problems. They know, WoT players hate arty and only few really love it, so what do they do? Well, the last video shows exactly the same arty view and aiming circle. I bet they couldn’t find a better solution.

That said, we can discuss how to change arty (sb. suggested longer aiming time and better accuracy to punish campers and help meds) or how to replace it. However, if you claim WoT would be better without it, you clearly haven’t thought long enough about it.


In public games, most arties start heading to their favorites spots right after the countdown is over. Let’s make sure you’re not one of them. Before the game starts, evaluate the enemy team and predict where the top players and top tanks will push. When the game starts, wait to see where your capable players and tanks are going. Now you have to estimate 1] which side of the map your team is likely to hold 2] where will the decisive fight take place.
Your position should be somewhere behind the guys you trust to hold the line. The more you trust them to hold, the closer to them you can be, but remember to keep an obstacle between you and the enemies at all times.

06 flanks

It is perfectly sound to hug a sideline and move forward a few squares so you can get side shots in the enemies on the other flank and avoid their frontal cover. It is commonly believed arty shoots you over your hard cover and most really do. This is not ideal, however, as a lot of shells will hit that cover. A well-positioned arty shoots your side while avoiding your hard cover altogether, which is what all the mobile arties should try to accomplish whenever possible.


“Noob team!” is the usual message bad arty drivers use when they die early to 5 enemy heavies. While you can blame your team for not killing a scout you cannot blame them for not sending enough tanks to counter those 5 heavies. You don’t need to win both flanks to win the game and in most games one flank will fall. Using the arty view, you have the best overview of the battlefield and the ability to predict a push before it happens. If you don’t think your side can hold, it’s time to move no matter how slow you may be. If you die a lot, consider asking the “Am I still safe here?” question after each shot.
The following picture is from the same battle as the picture above. It is a typical example of wrong arty play that I encounter way too often.

07 relocate

Since western part of the map is clear, I’m relocating to get away from the enemy who have 2 fast tanks probably crossing the bridge to get the arty. Notice that our other two SPGs are not relocating and get slaughtered 30sec later blaming the “noob e100” for not sniping a speeding Bat Chat. In the bottom right corner you can also see the enemy arty who didn’t bother to move either.

No arty is too slow to relocate IF you watch the map closely and do so in time. Getting 2 extra shots out is in most cases not worth the early loss of your vehicle. Getting killed every time your team loses a flank is not acceptable.


If at all possible, don’t be anywhere near the base when the enemies come to cap. Once again, if the enemy tanks find you in the base it is purely your fault as people have better thing to do than to babysit the arty. You have tracks – use them! However, there are certain bases where you can remain hidden while spotting the cappers so always consider this option before you head out.

Check the picture below where my noob self and a random unicum (in a slow tier 8 British arty) relocated (purple arrows) to cover the base. As the team provided no spots, I fired blind and hit a capper in the most obvious spot. I chose to fire 10s before the cap would be over to have time for my last shell if needed. The FV waited, watched my shell connect and then finished off the same target securing the win.

The important thing here is that if you are the only person who can decap, and the cap is high, you have to think about your reload time and IN SOME CASES wait till ~90% to buy your team the maximum possible amount of time.

08 decap

As for where to blind fire, players of yellow or worse rating (who represent about 90% of cappers) tend to use any cover there is, even if that makes them an easy arty target. In this particular game all my allies were spotted near the enemy base and still there was somebody behind that rock, which really offered no benefit in such situation. Better players tend to stay in the open, which makes blind shots a lottery and it might be better to go in TD mode.


First of all, any combat that may result in you being exposed if of the highest priority and all the following info is only relevant when you are safe. You should generally be focusing the area where the battle will be decided. If you manage to kill an important tank in a 10 vs 10 fight, the fight can go 5:10 in your favor. If you interfere with a 2 vs 2 fight you can never have such impact even if that guarantees a 0:2 result.

Next you should prioritize fights where a lot of HP is traded and both sides are ready to react to a sudden change in HP balance. Also, you should support the flank that is likely to lose but ONLY IF you think you can significantly influence or prolong the inevitable. There is no point in helping your 2 friends who are being rushed by 6 enemies no matter how cruel it may sound.

Also, players in prolonged fights are more predictable and thus easier to hit than a charging wolf pack.


There is no way to describe what exactly you should be focusing. Some guides offer a priority list usually starting “SPG, TD…”. This could work for new players but as you get more experience you should make your own judgment based on these parameters:

1) Chance to hit,
2) Threat level,
3) Estimated damage

1) Chance to hit is self-explanatory. The “skill” part is to know your chance to hit before you even aim at a target. Basically you should know how hard it is to hit certain positions from your location. Another overlooked factor is that some tanks are harder to hit that others. Everybody knows he can hit Maus but few realize that low-profile tanks like Rhm. Borsig are hard to hit in arty with low shell arc. Finally, good players, medium and light tanks are generally harder to hit as they keep moving a lot.

2) Threat level is in fact a combination of four factors – tank, player, position and “life expectancy”. You should know the most dangerous tanks of each tier and the really bad ones. A T29 is usually more dangerous than Panther II even if it’s a tier lower…well…unless there is a great player driving that Panther. There are many useless positions in the game you should learn to recognize. For example all the noobs camping in the central hills of both sides of the Steppes are no threat and will rarely influence the outcome of the battle. There is no point killing them if you can shoot somebody who is actually doing something useful. What I mean by “life expectancy“ is how long you expect that tank to survive in the current situation. A hulldown t29 with 100HP left can be a bigger threat than a full E75, which is about to be flanked by 2 meds.

09 targets

3) Estimated damage depends not only on the tank armor but more importantly on its orientation and the angle of your shell. HE shells ignore the angle of impact and deal more damage if the hit a weakly armored part such as the engine deck. Your aim, however, is to penetrate the armor completely in which case you deal the full damage of the shell. Please, check my terrible picture to get a better idea about the tank orientation.

10 angles

Tier 10 arty shells hit the tank at approximately 30-50 degrees depending on arty type, range and elevation difference. This is a huge simplification but it will work for what I’m about to explain. When shooting a regular tank from the front (pic 1), the only shell that’s very likely to penetrate (green) goes into the engine deck. However, it is partly covered by the turret so the chances are rather slim. Also notice that the second line can hit the gun barrel which often causes a 0 dmg critical hit even when hitting soft tanks. Shooting tanks standing sideways (2) is slightly better, however there is an increased chance of missing the tank completely, especially if it has a low profile. In my experience the sideway dispersion is generally lower than the range dispersion. Shooting the back of the tank (3) is mostly a penetration. Be sure to aim for the rear part rather than the turret if you can. However, it’s the tanks on uneven terrain that make the sweetest targets (as long as they are sloped toward you). There is roughly a 90% penetration chance as most turret tops can be penned.
Turretless TDs are easy to penetrate as you only need to avoid hitting the front – in most cases aim at 2/3 of the tank length.

AP shells are much more predictable and you can just imagine shooting a tank below you with a ~300 AP pen TD (268, JG). More on aiming in part 3.


Should you go for their best player, hit an AFK TD or kill that 200hp guy? Generally, I play for the team and go for the biggest threat as much as possible. However, if your team’s chance to win is either very high or low, I allow myself to farm damage and sometimes even kills. It is mainly a decision between better WN8 or win rate. Please, note that unlike all other tanks if you are in a clan, which tends to fight clans of comparable skill, you will get more arty damage in Clan Wars than in public games. Dedicated CW SPG players tend to boast about 4k dmg per battle, which is almost impossible in randoms.


In balanced battles hitting a low HP target is generally a bad idea as they usually die soon anyway. There are exceptions though. Killing a great player is always a good thing (I already smell the flame…) as they tend to go back and snipe when low on HP and they still pose a big threat even if they are forced to stay. It is also a good idea to kill targets you know you allies can’t finish due to troll armor, the fact they managed to find cover or quite often your team’s stupidity (like when they don’t know where to shoot them). Targets flanking your allies may also be worth a shell as they often turn tour allies around.

When you mark a target and your team kills it while your shell is on the way, it is completely your mistake. Never blame your team for this. First, you clearly picked the wrong target. Also, arty marker never guarantees the kill (RNG) so it is actually a good idea to finish arty-marked targets if you can do it safely. Lastly your shells not only reduce HP but also cause substantial module and crew damage. You have the ability to disable a full HP tank and you should use it. However, this whole section also depends a lot on what arty you are driving – mainly it’s alpha and reload time. Finishing a 200HP ISU with you FV304 is acceptable while generally a bad idea if you’re driving a Conqueror GC.

Note: Getting a lot of kills is the easiest way to get the Ace Tanker, for which you mostly need about six kills.


I assume you know how countering SPGs works. If you don’t, check some elementary guides or youtube videos. While 1-shotting an arty is certainly pleasant, I think most people remember that sweet feeling rather than those missed shots and shots that were never fired as they were scanning the map for the trackers. In short, I don’t believe countering is worth the time unless:

1) you have nothing better to do – there is no way you can get shots at what is spotted. This happens a lot at Erlenberg and Malinovka, when each team takes 1 side of the map and the 15-minitute campathlon begins.
2) you have a very long reload and can spend the time watching possible arty locations.
3) you happen to find the location of FV304 – rarely moves.
4) you are against 3+ tomato arties – rarely move + take predictable positions in bushes.
5) you are against a Bat Chat 155 58 player and you spot his tracer around battle time 13:50 – rarely moves between shells so you have 20-30 seconds to counter him.
6) arty threatens to decimate your team from a very strong position, mainly A0 and J9 Himmelsdorf (yes, I do mean the city map most arty drivers hate for some unknown reason)
7) there is a dangerous arty 2 tiers higher than you and you can’t do much damage to other top tier tanks.


In public games countering is pretty rare. I don’t have the data but in my last 100 arty games I only noticed 1 failed attempt to counter my arty. However, if you are ever planning on joining CW, I strongly suggest you learn the habit of moving after each shot without even thinking about it. Countering in CW is much more common as the players are better (some clans have dedicated scumbaggers) and teams often share info about arty location based on incoming fire (rare in public games).

Other than moving after shot I suggest not sitting in the very corner of the map or other obvious spots and not destroying anything. Or you can choose to destroy stuff it in fast arties to bait the enemy into countering attempts. It works great in games with many arties and it draws fire from your fellow scumbags. Speaking of fellow scumbags, stay away from them so that your tracers don’t appear on the same screen. Lastly, try staying away from any point of reference that can be seen in arty mode. When a tracer is spotted, you automatically try to remember its point of origin based on the nearest memorable object. The ideal spot is therefore “in the middle of nowhere” far from any memorable object (rock, bush, house).

11 position

That’s it for the second part. Next time, we’ll finish with Aiming, Communication and some stuff that didn’t fit anywhere else. Once again, I will respond to any constructive criticism and suggestions. Now, I think it’s time for another 300 but hurt comments. Don’t let me keep you.

Special thanks to Mr.KV2 for numerous additions and moral support (yes, KV2 is stronkest arty).
Thanks to the pandas for not forcing me to pay 5k gold to each clan member (yet).
Thanks to Dex for proofreading.

344 thoughts on “Artillery Guide by Tyraforce – Part 2

        • With arty at least you move your view around the map and click every so often, rather than just sitting in the bush and looking ahead, spending most of your time just waiting and not actually clicking, hah.

    • You 2 experts in artys really should play them to see how hard it is to play arty. It really isnt ONLY AIM AND CLICK, and just so you know, all tanks are “aim and click” to shoot

      • ^ thats what clickers actually believe, lol.
        Arty is 10% skill 90% RNG. Sure you need to know where to position yourself and where to shoot enemy tanks, that’s it. Don’t make it look like its rocket science…

        • 10% skill and 90% RNG ?
          well what to say but that u dont know shit about arty i had 2 arty 261 and batchat but sold em both cuz aint going to play arty anymore
          but to those PROS who call arty CLICKERS they def dont know shit about arty

          and when u hit a tank for 2k with FV everything is ok so is the WTe100 clip some1 and thats normal as well but when it comes to arty everyone cry like fuckin bitches

          • A FV or WTF E-100, as broken as they are, CANNOT FIRE OVER COVER.
            Nor can they FIRE AT TARGETS OUTSIDE THE DRAW DISTANCE (blindshots aside).

            And yes, arty is 10% skill and 90% RNG.
            “but to those PROS who call arty CLICKERS they def dont know shit about arty”

            Ironically, 90% of the arty-defenders are average or worse-than-average bobs & tomatoes.
            Yet THEY HAVE THE NERVE to tell good & very good players that they actually don’t know their shit.

            • Because clearly experience=knowledge in the field.
              The logic of silly teenagers these days…

              • “Because clearly experience=knowledge in the field.”

                Ummm… yes?!?!?

                But according to you, WG should take into consideration the opinion of the 46% tomato bunch, they surely must know WoT inside-out! Not like those super-unicums who dominate almost everything through skill & knowledge alone!

                P.S.: Same goes with ANY competitive multiplayer game – pro-players know their shit and their opinion is FAR more valuable than that of the average random bob.

                • Uniscums are a tiny part of the player base.
                  And rerolls are not unicums, they’re noobs who need to start another account and play op tank to get good stats instead of improving they gameplay.

                  Half of the players in the game dont give a shit, and if WG starts to take huge decisions for hundreds of whinners, the game will be dead in less than a year

                • @SpeedyCraft51
                  I see someone’s jelly… :3
                  It’s always amusing to read unicum hate spewed by lowbobs. If you think rerolling and maintaining non-fail results (3k+ WN8) is easy, then I dare you to give it a try. Just don’t come back crying that you only got 1.5k WN8 because of bad luck and rigged games. :)

            • i dont care whos good & very good player cuz theres a lot of good players that play arty as well and by sayin good are u talkin about WN8 goods that reroll just to look good ?
              the way u learn to scout the way u learn to sidescrape the way u learn to hulldown that way learn to hide from arty and stfu

          • Cause I can load HE and track a WT E100 and kill it with my team, but I cant return fire at a 10 year old kid playing his arty beyond the render distance.

            • That kid will have about 1k dmg per battle in his tier 10 arty. If that kid can hit you, you’re clearly doing something wrong.

              • Please tell me more about the skill needed to nuke people from the corner of the map

                “If that kid can hit you, you’re clearly doing something wrong.”

                Yes, I left my arty-safe cover and stopped camping. Please excuse me.

              • Ok GREAT. so 15 tanks on one side camping in their base. Thats even more boring than playing the sky ca… i mean arty.

      • Please tell me more how TDs fire above obstacles and how the completely ignore draw range limits that any other class other than SPGs must obey.

        Yeah, no difference whatsoever, right?

        l.e.: Copy-Pasted because it’s true:
        “I would really like to stay right next to you when you play your Dicker Max or KV-1.

        And force you to use those tanks to fire at tanks that you cannot hit because they are behind cover. Or at tanks that are lit on the mini-map but are outside your draw distance.

        And every time you’d say “but I can’t do that!”, I would slap you so hard across the back of your head that you will start smelling colors.”

      • Please. I accept it when someone says “I like arty and I can deal with the haters” but don’t give me these BS “arguments”. I played arty multiple times on testservers, always got Ace Tankers and shit. People always say “If there was no arty..” Newsflash: WE ALREADY HAVE GAMES WITHOUT ARTY and you know what? They usually DON’T end in a 15 min. draw.
        You are right with one thing tho, you point and click in every tank, but unlike arty, tanks need line of sight, high enough penetration or knowledge of weak points, armor to withstand incoming fire or mobility and camo to avoid fire etc. Arty simply doesn’t need to worry about many things thus they are easier to play. Just admit that you have fun playing arty, it’s totally fine to me but don’t give me that bullshit.

    • How can you watch long as fuck football match? They just kick the ball in the opposite direction, lol.

      • In my Dicker Max, I point and click. In my KV-1, I point and click.
        In my Object 261, I point and click.
        Tanks move? TD’s move?
        Artillery moves.
        It seems as if the entire game can be simplified to “point and click”.
        Tell me more about what tanks and TD’s do.
        Then you can read Tyra’s guide and learn about what artillery does. (I have a feeling that these negative commentors didn’t read it. Such an action is defined as “Ignorant”.)

        • I would really like to stay right next to you when you play your Dicker Max or KV-1.

          And force you to use those tanks to fire at tanks that you cannot hit because they are behind cover. Or at tanks that are lit on the mini-map but are outside your draw distance.

          And every time you’d say “but I can’t do that!”, I would slap you so hard across the back of your head that you will start smelling colors.

    • I am getting really annoyed by people not having played a single arty game in 10k battles and reducing arty play to “point and click”. Go play some, get a tier 8+ arty, then we talk…

      Also, not a bad idea to check the entry requirements for the top 10 EU clans. EVERY one of them gladly accepts good arty players. Makes you think, doesn’t it

      • Making these people think? What?
        They cannot read the first few paragraphs of this post and decide to randomly spam dumb logic here. If they could think than there wouldn’t be this arty hate problem.

        • “and decide to randomly spam dumb logic here”

          Oh, the bloody, magnificent, GRAND irony of it all!

    • 3 solutions :
      -you have never ever played arty more than 5 times
      -you play arty but you are noober than my grandma
      -you are a huge camper always butthurt by arty

      Same for all anti-arty whiners.

      All the 5 types of tank have a different gameplay.

      Arty is ALL except just click !
      Ok, many noobs play arty, and many arty are noobs, but arty is not 10% skill/90% luck, or you wouldn’t have such a tutorial to be good at arty.

      In an arty you have to find a good place, shoot, relocate, find a good place, relocate, shoot,… Aim at the strongest ennemy, on the ones that your team can’t hit (campers or troll armors), aim well on the tank depending on the shell arc, your penetration and the ennemy, be great TD-arty mode,…

      Only noobs “point and click” without moving, and do sh*t total dammage. But what is camping in your TDs and Heavies or whatever ? POINT AND CLICK without moving.

      So now stop whining about arty, and use your BRAIN and stop camping if you don’t wan’t to be butthurt by arty.

  1. In AW problem seems solved for me. So far, arty seems to have dmg like normal tanks. The main problem is people are afraid of getting in arty fire zones because of retarded RNG 1-shots. Only one thing to change, don’t ask how it could be done, it is not my job.

      • Tanks like the batarty are fine but I think Jixes is referring to dumb SPG’s like T92.

    • Generally, I have wondered what it’d be like to change arty’s method of damage output.

      Currently we have:

      Aim at specific target -> Very slow rate of fire -> Fairly low blast radius (comparitively, you’ll see) -> Ultrahigh damage

      Whether that’s good or bad is a flamewar for the rest of the comments. I find the behaviour above and below deplorable. But what I wonder (not suggest, just wonder) is how arty might feel for both the arty players if it were to be done like this instead:

      Aim when in ‘satellite mode’ covers a wide area, doesn’t focus -> High rate of fire -> Much larger blast radius -> Much MUCH lower damage!

      To my mind, as an arty player and a tank player, I wonder if that might be more fun. You get to unload hell in rapid BOOM BOOM BOOM artillery barrages onto a map grid area and deal more consistent but less aggrevious damage, while players don’t get one shotted but still have a hell of an incentive to get out of an area that is getting bombarded and cease camping in it before their health keeps trickling down every time a shell lands nearby.

      I feel it would represent how artillery actually worked in warfare more as well. Arty players get to be more involved in shooting, players don’t get one shot. Less frustration for everyone as it’s not focused anymore on a single defining shot/death mechanic, no?

      Just a theory. :)

  2. Well, to e completely correct AW will ship with a PvE mode and missions, so no matter how they implement artillery in PvP , it will always have a home in PVE, where people would be able to shoot at dumb AI targets. If WoT gets PvE, I imagine that to also be a new home for arties.

  3. All you arty haters need to shut up and stop whining. There’s more to playing arty than “point and click. Like aiming ahead of targets, waiting forever to aim in, long reloads. So before you say anything bad about arty try it out for yourselves.

    • Yes, all the while safely tucked in at A0 and nuking everything you see. Because arty is literally THE EYE OF SAURON in WoT, since it basically sees everything.

      IF ONLY they’d remove the stupid and idiotic draw range bypass that SPGs get in their “god mode”. Force them to move up and take actual risks, rather than just fapping away between shells.

      Any other tank class must take the risk of being spotted & shot at if they want to damage ANYONE – except arty. Arty is the privileged class for the super-cowards, who conveniently also get the biggest & meanest super-guns.

      P.S.: And yes, I have played arty, up to the GW Panther which was fun and still somewhat balanced – back when it used to see Tier 9 (or even 10?) regularly.
      Sold it and bought back the Grille (which I play about 3-4 times PER YEAR) exactly due to the fact that I can use my SKILLS to get closer to the battlefield and do my best to remain unseen

      • If you played arty then you would know that enemy arty would counter you if you stayed and camped in a corner. (as stated in the guide) Or a light tank that somehow got past your team will go straight toward you in the most used arty spots.

        • “If you played arty then you would know that enemy arty would counter you if you stayed and camped in a corner.”

          Except that almost (in over 95% of the situations) NEVER happens.

          Let alone that somehow, in 90% of the battles where there are 3-5 artys on each team, the artys on MY team are completely inept & incompetent.

          • “the artys on MY team are completely inept & incompetent.”

            So you are one of those players that say your arty is incompetent when they have 2+ kills? and not every arty match has 3+ arty each side.

            Most arty matches I see usually only have 1-2 arty per side which is not a big deal for needing to camp.

            Only time’s there are high arty amounts is when the kiddies are getting home from their schools. So what to do? not play WOT during those times so you don’t see big scary arty.

            • “So you are one of those players that say your arty is incompetent when they have 2+ kills? and not every arty match has 3+ arty each side.”

              No, I claim that my clickers are incompetent when I keep targets lit and/or tracked for at least 30 seconds or I spot the enemy clickers or ANY pro-team activity… and they simply fail to act on it.

              Also, in 90% of the cases my incompetent clickers get counter-artied, because they can’t be assed to actually MOVE or RELOCATE.

              P.S.: Just yesterday we lost a match on Ruinberg because our top tier arty couldn’t be assed to actually MOVE to a place where it could hit the last 2 remaining tanks.
              So yeah, do please tell me how arty players are actually the most intelligent & skillful beings in WoT!

              • you do realise your argument is full of holes?
                how can you lose if arties can click and kill everything? why would he move if, according to you, they dont have to move from A0 to kill anything?

                • Because when they NEED to move, they don’t.

                  So no, they will not relocate to be able to hit that E-100 behind the rock – because firing 10-15 shells after a poor MT or LT driver trying to spot something is more “rewarding” for your average arty baboon.

              • It’s funny how u contradict yourself about arty.
                1. Arty requires just pointing and clicking yet your teammates couldn’t do it.
                2. You were barely counter-artied when u played it, but your teammates are counter-artied around 90% of the games.
                3. You claim that actually arty needs to MOVE and RELOCATE (and flank I might add), because there are arty safe spots, just as there are safe spots against other tanks.
                4. Arty players are imcompetent and stupid and hence they fail to play arty –> So playing arty requires intelligence and competence.

                You need to calm down and decide what really bothers you about arty, and arty players. Arty is a balancing factor for the game (ofc not the only one), and a much needed one from many aspects. It balances maps, skill, armor, damage, and most important, it balances FUN for ALL players.
                Remember every game where your team of newbies got roflstomped from that unicum platoon. Well that would happen much more often, and when people lose again and again, people abandon game! And then you get NO MORE tomatoes to roflstomp in YOUR unicum platoon.
                That’s only one “grand scheme” argument but there are many more that apply for arty and ofc the other classes too.

                For the “all seeing eye of Sauron” argument. Arty has nothing else left! It ONLY has map awareness (hence it requires skill to play arty) and has to put it good use to achieve anything.
                Would you choose to play arty to carry games? I think not. So why complain about arty changing the game so much? It can’t do that!

                As far as the video w highlights from Circon playing arty is concerned:
                He’s a SUPER UNICUM playing a somewhat OP arty (if that can be said and yes some arty may need balancing) spamming GOLD in the TEST SERVER!!!! (that BC standing 20m in front of ConqGC!!! lol)
                Duhhhh! I’m surprised he only uploaded only that many cases!!! Would you stand in front of an E-100 or an 183 spamming HEAT? I hope not…

                Anyway sorry for the wall of text.
                TL;DR: Arty is a necessary balancing tool for the game

  4. “ARTY and CAMPING: if you claim WoT would be better without it, you clearly haven’t thought long enough about it”

    All the reasoning is based on assumption that in case arty is removed everything else stays as is. Well obviously it’s you who hasn’t given enough thought about the issue. If the arty is removed then significant overhaul of all the maps will be required because they were designed bearing in mind that arty is in the game. That should be one of the reasons why devs don’t want to remove it – it implies too many changes in the game besides simple arty removal.

    Morevover after arty has been nerfed i see many fights during game session when there is no arty at all. Has anybody complained about it? I haven’t seen or heard anything like “ooo, fight without arty sucks, fix the matchmaker”. Players feel fine without it, and gameplay is generally much more enjoyable.

    • I couldn’t agree more, the arty hate needs to stop. I hardly even play arty and I know it takes just as much skill to drive those things as it does other tanks (you actually have to take into consideration as to where you will go and how your positioning will affect the game).
      The arty has been hit hard enough as of 8.6 as well, no need to do anything more about them. If anything, 8.6 has weeded out the “clickers” and now most of the higher tier arty players are genuinely good.
      The balance that arty does bring to the game has made it what the game is today, and I’m sure more people will rage if arty were to be removed than people who will support its removal.
      I’m also quite sure than anyone with a 1800+ WN8 eff will agree with this, as they probably realize this.

    • The game play is enjoyable with & without arty in the match. You just need to know how to use your tank instead of staying out in the open like 90% of the arty haters.

        • In general, I consider arty as the lions of the African plains. Gazelles jump while in herds to say “Look at me! I’m fit and fast!”
          Lions pick on the slow and the weak.
          So do I.
          Good players use cover, and keep moving. They are aware of the predators. They make themselves hard to hit. I pass them over for the easier targets at first.
          The targets with no cover. Not moving. Just sitting there in the open like dumb lumps of clay.
          *I* make arty-haters out of bad players.
          So in the end, I consider people who whine about artillery to be simply bad players. I hope I get these whiners in my next match. They will be my dinner. ;)

          • “The targets with no cover. Not moving. Just sitting there in the open like dumb lumps of clay.”

            Yes, and you clickers purposely IGNORE those tomatoes out in the open in their E-100s just to get 1 shot off at the blue/purple player in a Medium Tank 2 tiers lower, who is moving around, trying to spot behind hard/soft cover

            Also… “I consider arty as the lions of African plains”… inb4 extreme cringe-inducing crap, you mean the male lions that do literally nothing but sleep all day, waiting for the lionesses to do pretty much everything?
            Yeah, that sums arty players pretty well.

            • Possibly because the good players that are moving behind my teams front line are the most dangerous to arty.

            • Fedaykin89: “Yes, and you clickers purposely IGNORE those tomatoes out in the open in their E-100s just to get 1 shot off at the blue/purple player in a Medium Tank 2 tiers lower…”

              Yes we do. You see an E100 in the open is a dead E100 and those tomatos can’t hit much anyway. A tier 8 medium is likely to cause more damage on an open map. Also, E100 takes multiple shots so we rather leave those free HP to the TDs.

              • So you admit that arty does anything BUT “punish campers”?!?

                Gee, one would think that a E-100 sitting out of cover like an idiot would be a much bigger priority to a clicker than an MT popping in & out of cover.

                But hey, clicker logic – can’t beat it.

          • Great analogy, the Lions and Gazelles do make sense, but you forgot the male lion which would equal a camping heavy.

      • “You just need to know how to use your tank instead of staying out in the open like 90% of the arty haters.”

        And this is why people are absolutely disgusted by clickers & their players.

        What you are basically telling everybody is because you want to play DoomsdayCannonOnTracks™, they should all just stay behind the biggest cover possible and never, EVER even think about using most of the map.

        P.S.: And no, I don’t stay out in the open. Yet I still get nuked in my paper MTs while driving at 40-50 kph, changing directions. Because THE SPLASH ALONE is enough to shave off half my HP.
        Screw me for leaving my precious cover, right?!

      • In other words, you have to camp. Camping is the best defence against arty even though arty is supposed to counter camping. Arty is completely broken crap but it still isn’t nearly as annoying as the nonsense people say to defend it.

        • ^This!

          And yet they have the nerve to accuse arty-haters of “spewing dumb logic” and of being “ignorant ragers”

          God, the irony of it all!
          Idiocracy 2015, here we fucking come!

    • You make good points. I agree there would have to be a huge overhaul of maps and tanks. Would the result be better tho? Who knows. I believe Armored Warfare (aka WOT2) experimented with this for some time yet they decided to implement arty. I mean, why would they miss the chance to advertise their game as WOT without ARTY?

      I agree experienced players are happy in matches without arty. Out of the 30 players, 20 do not even realize there is no arty and 25 will play exactly the same. Those remaining 5 will hardly change the experience. Also, you have to realize, people pick tanks based on arty metagame. I don’t believe a matches with 20 heavy TDs are very popular.

      • ” I don’t believe a matches with 20 heavy TDs are very popular.”

        They’re still a lot better than matches with 5 Tier 8-10 clickers on each side.

        Who knows? Maybe it’s because the simple fact that TDs actually need Line of Fire to actually hurt anyone.
        Oh, and the fact that their hull & gun needs to be towards the target. Since, you know, you can actually track/permatrack a fixed gun TD.

        • without doubt 20 heavy tds in a match cause far more camping than 5 artys………….by there presence at least 20 tanks will be boosh kemping as a priority anyway

    • They feel fine becasue they can camp a lot easyer. In every battle I was taht hadnt had an arty I saw heavys camping in base, even mediums and lights, and when there wasarty in battle only the idiots were camping

        • Arty doesn’t reduce camping. It just decimates the camper so the game can be won or lost faster = which is good. People camp no matter arty or not.

          • Arty doesn’t do SHIT to campers. Because they’re BEHIND COVER.
            Or completely unspotted until the end of the game, during which they have done exactly ZERO effort for their team.

            No, all arty does is punish active players that try & use the map and refuse to sit their ass behind the nearest rock.
            Arty does NOT EVEN TOUCH the campers, because they’re hard/impossible to hit.

            Fucking logical fallacies, how do they work?!?

  5. okay we all know that deleting artys would start a campfests, but am i the only one who thinks that they arent balanced the way whey are right now? like 5+5 artys on a one game… thats just stupid, 3 or 2 should be a maximum. and damage of some artys should redo because of +2000 potential o.O this is just my opinion tell me if im wrong

    • Deleting artys would NOT start a campfest – it would just open up the maps A LOT.

      An IS-7 or T110E3 or whatever is using a hulldown position, thus having the brains to use his best armor?!
      GOOD FOR HIM! – why should a player like that be punished for knowing how to play his tank’s strengths?!

      Want to do something against that? Outplay him. Flank him.
      Oh, wait, that requires actual thought process. Better to just nuke them from orbit, just to be safe…

      • Except that battles *without* arty are just as campy as one with. Arty is the scapegoat for shit heavy drivers – No arty, they camp because of TDs. No TDs, they camp because of meds. No meds, they camp because of other heavys…

        • “Except that battles *without* arty are just as campy as one with”

          Complete and utter bullshit.

          Just take a few screenshots on how teams deploy on Prokhorovka when arty isn’t in the play (I’ll tell you what happens – people actually try to use the mid & East flank to push/attack/defend, with some TDs camping the West flank, waiting for someone to spot for them) and when arty IS in the play, especially 3 high-tier artys (once again, I’ll tell you exactly what happens – people stay as far away from the front line as possible, out of fear of getting nuked, with the exception of a few very fast tanks that try & spot the ridgelines. Hell, in that case you see HT drivers camping right next to arty.)

          Shit HT drivers camp regardless of arty or not? Fine, then us non-shit players in other HTs or MTs can easily outplay them, outflank them & carry the game.

          Claiming that people camp whether arty is present or not is just a huge, fat lie.

        • The oposite actually. Theres nothing more beautiful then seeing an E100 having a good game on maps like Prokhorovka or Malinovka without being hit from the sky and forced to camp behind a house. I never witnessed a camp fest in a game without arty on high tiers tbh. Such games are very fast paced and a dream come true.

      • “Want to do something against that? Outplay him. Flank him.”
        You realize, there are so many maps where you simply can’t do that?

        • Oh, you mean the most new & most recent “re-made” maps where everything is turned into a corridor inferno?!

          As opposed to most of the older maps, where flanking, sniping, brawling & cross-firing were actually possible?!

          Now please, let us non-arty players suffer well when trying to push through corridor A, B or C against 5 clickers on the enemy team.

  6. Also, friendly reminder that the 8.6 “nerf” was actually…. A FREAKING BUFF!

    Oh, your RoF & aim time got nerfed? Boo-hoo!
    Tell me more how hard it is when you’re top tier in a Tier 8 clicker, feasting on Tier 6 tanks that prior to 8.6 you would never, ever see – because your Tier 8 clicker is designed to face Tier 9 & 10 tanks!

  7. For all it’s faults, you know what game uses artillery to effectively stop camping? War Thunder. In that game, if someone calls artillery on your head, you get a message before it hits telling you to get the hell out of there. Then you have to try and leave your cover while also taking into account what enemies are out there and how you can avoid their fire. All this because they were smart enough to not make artillery a player class that they have to appease. Artillery is there as a mechanic only, specifically designed to prevent camping.

    • The problem is tho, that it’s very hard to aim at behind camp places etc.
      In BF4 commander mode, the “artillery” (= tomahawk) is well implemented, for example.

  8. Wow. Guess people didn’t read what SS typed. Anyhow. It’s nice reading things like this guide and seeing that on the rare occasions I play arty anymore I do a lot of these things. One thing tho- Only an idiot sits still in an FV304 for any periods of time. With it’s speed, acceleration, RoF and aim time, that is one SPG that you should be moving around the battlefield in, and with it’s short range, you need to stay somewhat close to the front line. But yes. I cannot stress enough to arty players, pub match or no – SHOOT AND SCOOT. Not only does it save your ass from the rare CB, it lets you get different angles on targets so they never feel safe behind cover.

  9. Good article,but for every good arty players there’s gonna be 90% of bad ones who shift, on red tanks, 3.kill players who are 100 times above your level!
    And “For one thing, E3, 261, IS7 and similar tanks would become very popular. Right now, they can only camp in arty-safe positions whereas without arty, any hulldown position would become a bunker full of these tanks”
    -that’s why God invented medium tanks!

    • Yup, no arty = TDs and mediums too good and heavies underpowered because gold ammo kill their armor. So what then ? Remove everything exept heavies ? i can see a passionating game

      • Oh please tell me more how IS-7s or well-angled E-100s give a damn about gold ammo…

        Also, if you actually believe that Heavy Tanks are meant to roam across the battlefield, bouncing shots left & right, I have very bad news for you Sonny Jim

        • If arty was deleted Heavies would become underpowered:

          TDs would pen them and kill them
          Meds would flank them and kill them
          Lights would spot them and get them killed

          And so what then ? Remove everything exept heavies ? Woohoo, best game ever.

          • if arty was deleted Heavies would be the least affected (instead of logically being the priority no. 1 target for clickers)

            But the life of MTs or LTs would actually be a lot easier, since they won’t have to worry being nuked for simply being spotted.

            P.S.: And even for Heavies – they would be free to actually PERFORM THEIR BLOODY ROLE, which is to use their armor & HP to make a push!
            Otherwise please explain to me how EACH AND EVERY TIME I try to make a push in my ST-I/E-75 it’s not the TDs that pummel me nor is it MTs that flank & kill me… but it’s arty that nukes me to death?
            Oh yeah, right – because I made the mistake of leaving hard cover.

            Please, take your logical fallacies elswehere

        • So you are one of the base campers with heavy tanks. Sorry to tell you but you are an idiot doing that

    • God bless medium tanks, however, there are so many choke point, which just can’t be flanked. Think about Swamp for example. Middle gets covered by the usual middle camping spots and if you get a few hulldown E3 to cover the fords, you won’t have that much fun in a medium.

      • Then you DO admit that it’s the retarded level design that is the problem – NOT the tank’s problem, since they’re merely performing their role?!

  10. I registered solely to comment on this nonsense. You asked the typical wg question.
    “How would WoT change if arty got removed?”
    Allow me to ask back: Have you seen matches without artillery? I did, people actually pushing, FLANKING, using hulldown positions without the FEAR from someone who uses one hand to scratch the balls and one hand to spoil someone else’s fun.
    You see I have played a lot of artillery myself, hell I started to play with them. I stopped playing because I didn’t had fun with it, I felt like a plus weight in the team, I can make miracles, spoil the fun, but I can’t carry the matches. Since I stopped playing them I have improved with the game, and I enjoy it also. Not looking back at all.
    I feel like wot’s karma didn’t forget me and my dozen’s of artillery games, because no matter how low tier I am, I will be targeted no matter how solid or big my cover is. This FORCES me to camp. Is this fun again? Go and guess it. Even if I stop to snipe one shot from my t-54, in those ~6ish seconds I will be plummeled to death. Now you will think about something like “learn to play better”, because this is the 2nd excuse of the non-artillery targets. Sometimes even myself can’t tell where will I aim the tank, please oh please, clickeries couldn’t or atleast shouldn’t tell it either.
    The answer to the bottleneck-like maps where you claim that artillery is the only way to solve the problem: Have you forgot about flanking? Of couse I too realise that sitting back and waiting to someone else do the work is more comfortable. Besides, don’t you think that WG could make maps a bit easier to flanking like they did reduce the camo’s around maps and forcing you to actually CQC? That would mean a bigger advantage for mediums, I get it, but atleast they could be hit by other tanks also, meaning there would be a fight between the attackers and deffenders.
    I’m getting real tired of the artillery, and their non-targets. They are a problem, they can dish out their hp’s multiple before even getting spotted. That is not good. Not by my standards atleast.

    • Invalid point.
      Yes I must agree people actually flank more, but the thing is, For 1 game.
      Once they realize camping in WoT (when SPG is removed) is actually the way to go, this will kill the game. Why? The entire team can just find a bush and camp! There’s no way to flank – every way is lock down.

      And you tell me that you stop for 6 seconds to shoot someone AND you expect Not to get shot at, you are rather……meh. You are in a T-54 bro. Think about which tank SPG will shoot first if you stop? For example, IS-8 or T-54?

      • “Once they realize camping in WoT (when SPG is removed) is actually the way to go,”

        Top Lel.

        Camping teams lose in 90% of the battles to a dynamic and aggressive team. Reality Check, pl0x!

        “There’s no way to flank – every way is lock down” – then blame the retards & autists hired by WG as “Level Designers” – in most of the old maps, flanking is actually a thing! Same as using your camo & view range to spot the campers!

        • “There’s no way to flank – every way is lock down” – then blame the retards & autists hired by WG as “Level Designers” – in most of the old maps, flanking is actually a thing! Same as using your camo & view range to spot the campers!”

          So you officially agrees with me now? May be it’s not SPG the problem sometimes? Theres so much things cause the hatred. SPG is simply the obvious thing to hate at.

          • You don’t seem to get it.

            Tanks counter other tanks, regardless of their class. There is no need for arty to do that, especially since there is no actual counter to arty.

            • Because they are so easy to kill already?

              Not to mention Thousands of times I was hopelessly watching my team’s SPG get killed by a sneaky LT in a Heavy.

  11. Here’s a rather fair comparison – if you watched one of Jingle’s videos regarding WarThunder, you can recall him describing the HUGE problem that Heavy Bombers in Simulator battles were just retardedly easy to do good in – a complete idiot could just put the plane on autopilot, his AI gunners would just shoot down everything and all they had to do was – wait for it – drop huge bombs from the sky on ground targets.

    So what did the community did, mainly the Fighter pilots that had enough of that stupidly broken mechanic that allowed tomatoes such high success with almost zero effort?
    THEY FOUGHT BACK! – they started DOING something about it, like organizing on forums and focusing down the idiots in Heavy Bombers, even if they were on their own team.

    Now, I must say that AFAIK the WarThunder Simulator Battles has a niche made out of mature people who know their shit – yet even they had to resort to stuff that broke the game rules because they had enough of a completely stupid broken mechanic!

    Same in WoT with clickers – the clicker hate will NEVER stop until WG actually does something about it – like either removing the god view, cancelling the bypass of the draw range in god view OR force clickers to be able to fire only after 5-10 seconds after they have locked their tracks – in that case, only REAL, ACTUAL CAMPERS will be punished, and not the green-blue-purple player in a MT or LT 2 tiers lower that desperately tries to make something out of the battle.

  12. Seriously, what’s the point of keep posting this crap, besides asking for a giant shitstorm then getting mad about “arty hate shit”?

    • And you, what’s the point of keep whinning against arty even if you know it wont get more nerfed nor be removed from the game ? Exept just having fun at posting pointless comments because you feel proud of saying “arty is bad it kills me :(“

      • Please be kind enough, and point out the part where i said that. Or anything about arty itself.
        Also, you must be a very sad person if you feel like you have to whine about a simple comment like mine was. My comment might be pointless, but yours… damn… besides pointless, it’s stupid as well. Good job, please post more. It’s not like i would check back to read it, but someone else might. So please, keep being an angry clown about things i didn’t even say.

        • And the question is, why will you still scroll through this and whine here?
          May be you are trying to gain personal satisfaction via seeing people supporting you?

          Don’t like it, ignore it. What’s the point of posting here mate? Wasting your precious 10 seconds? Appreciate the guy that put effort into this guide.

          • “And the question is, why will you still scroll through this and whine here?”

            Oh, so only pro-arty opinions are allowed here

            Well excuuuuse me!

            • Well excuuuuuse me!

              Then lets whine more and the devs will do what I say! SerB will listen to me!

              If you hate it, why even help this become more popular by starting yet another flame war? Surely that help you hatred!

              • “Then lets whine more and the devs will do what I say! SerB will listen to me!”

                Yes, SerB will listen to us, because SerB depends on our money.
                SerB & co. stated that many things were fine, when the pro-players complained and pointed out flaws. And in the end, they changed things, because those pro-players were actually right.

                WoT is a weird case of a wanna-be competitive game who’s developers are more willing to listen to scrubs than the ultra-good players who know the game inside-out. Maybe because those ultra-good players put more passion in the game than the developers themselves, who knows.

                • “Yes, SerB will listen to us, because SerB depends on our money.”

                  Remember the Huge Email Insider post few months ago where the emails reveals that WG was put under so much pressure to nerf SPG and SerB predicted TD will become the next whine target with that?

                  Yes you are looking potentially the second time.

        • I’m laughing at you.
          Mad because there is a post about arty, then try to appear like “i havent done anything, stop raging kid”

      • Arty haters are sure the ones driving their big tanks with lot of armor or camping TDs overpowered.

        Sure arty is their principal ennemy, no arty = op TDs (they’re already), and then everyone will want TDs to be removed. And then mediums will be too good because others tanks will have no chances…

        Every tank in wot have its own target:

        Arty > TDS/heavies campers > Heavies / mediums > mediums > lights > arty

        • Except that TDs (with the exception of 2 or 3 of the Tier X TDs) are NOT Overpowered.

          And no, arty haters are usually the ones in fast & agile tanks like MTs or LTs – you know, those with enough skill to actually drive those tanks.
          And why are we arty haters? Because clickers would just rather get that nice, juicy splash on a paper MT going at 50 kph rather than focusing the camping bob in his Tier X HT/TD.

          Also, logical fallacy no. 1 of arty-lovers – clickers shoot at tanks that are spotted and are not behind cover.
          Guess who doesn’t get spotted or can’t be fired at? Yep, you guessed it – the camping bobs.

          “Arty > TDS/heavies campers > Heavies / mediums > mediums > lights > arty”

          So according to you, arty should own everything.

          And then people wonder why clickers are universally hated by anyone with more than 2 brain cells.

          • ““Arty > TDS/heavies campers > Heavies / mediums > mediums > lights > arty”

            So according to you, arty should own everything.”


            Did you even put effort to read his comment?
            And if you still get hit in a Paper MT moving at 50kph, there are only 2 reasons:
            1) The guy is so good and hit you by leading perfectly (as if it’s very easy in any T7 or above SPG)
            2) You think moving in a straight line thinking you are safe and think that SPG will not go for Damage.

            • And even if 1 or 2 or valid, please tell me more how arty “punishes campers”?!

              P.S.: There is no such thing as “being good at hitting targets at over 50 kph”. There is only praying to RNGesus that your nuke shell will land close enough.

              • Yes it’s true that campers will not be spotted and will not be shot at,

                But what about their team? Their team now got 1 less tank in the town to fight. The opposing team will win eventually. The game mechanic basically tell you to go out and help out your team or else you will die sooner or later because it’s a 15 vs 14 fight for the enemy. You camp? You lose the game.

                And on your second point: This shows your limited experience in terms of playing SPG. The chance of hitting the target when fully aimed is about 70% (Go and have a look a the devs explaination in 8.6). It’s very much possible.

      • I’m 1470 WN8 (good) and 52% WR (good), and I play arty as well. “No brain needed for arty” well I wouldnt want you as an arty teammate, because it would be 14 vs 15 battle.

        No brain arty just point&click is as useless as a PzI C in tier V game.

  13. Thanks for continuing the article despite the ragers, cheers to Silentstalker and Tyra :-) Enjoying it and finding it both well written and communicative.

  14. Since the topic is free, I felt like sharing my point of view.
    The problem WOT implemented the arty is the fact it is out of scale – maps are 1000mx1000m at most and the arty is just lobbing shells around like it was 3 kilometers away from the target.
    And there is another thing… why would 10 tanks need support of 5 arties?
    I agree, arty puts new dimension to the game and sometimes against super-armored tanks it is just the only viable solution (not counting spamming gold). But let’s keep it at 1-2 at best. It would avoid unbalanced factor when there are like 3… 4… or even 5 arties per team.
    At 5 arties in the game I feel there is no sense in playing anything that is moving slower than 35kph and is bigger than Centurion.

    This is where all the whining and the feeling of “damn clickers” is coming from. It doesn’t matter that WG is defending itself that statistically… blah blah… — fact is that not the statistic create the feeling of arties being overpowered, everpresent and crapping on all the fun in your game.
    The actual facts if arty IS or IS NOT overpowered is secondary in any discussion about it because of imbalanced way arty is implemented. People don’t give a damn about splash radius, damage or aiming time etc. when they play 5 games and 3 out of those games have enough artillery to ruin your fun unless you are playing small and nimble tank.

    Thank you for chance to voice my irritation… but I know this is pointless since WG don’t give a damn.

    • Ones who say things like “arty op” obviously never drove it.

      Arty abive tier VII have terrible:
      -shell traverse
      -firing arc (exept CGC)

      Sure miss a fully aimed shot at a fat tank immobile in the open and having to wait another 45s seconds is op

    • “btw, ignore the whiners most of them have only ever driven Russian Heavies and have no clue about the game”

      No, most “whiners” are actually better players than you will ever dream to be.

      But do please tell me how you’re a WoT Guru and I “have no clue about the game”.

      P.S.: This is another, BIG reason why good players hate the everlasting **** out of clickers – their smug ignorance, thinking that everyone who hates the broken nature of arty in WoT must be a no-brainer tomato (like most clickers are, most of the time)

  15. Seeing the comments and ingame chat about Tyra and arty shows that something’s wrong (though I would NEVER wish pain on someone like that). Arty in this game is incorrectly portrayed, it was never made to kill tanks in such ways, it was made to soften targets, WG has to look into this and fix it.

    • Arty was made to blast buildings and bunkers. And since there is no goal at doing this in WoT, they have a new job.

      And useful: all ennemies are camping the same spot, then arry comes and they finaly move their ass and use their tracks.

  16. Slightly OT but I do like what they did in WT for arty, more of a local area of effect than specific targeting (which was rarely if ever done with arty), I still play WoT occasionally and am not making a general comparison between the 2 games (felt like I had to say this for some reason).

  17. For me i dont think removing the arty or nerfing it is an option.
    Instead what they can is do it like in War Thunder wherw arty actually STOPs people from camping,When someone is calling an artilery strike at you get warned that you have to fuck off any go somewhere else or you will get punished.Not like this in WoT.And i rather flank hull down E3′s and IS-7′s then get shit on by a person who thinks knowing the shell velocity(which can be learned in 2-3 games) is a skill.As well as pressing W key for 5 seconds to avoid being counter shited….

  18. Actually I have to admit while playing on the test server a good portion of arty games I had abit fun… While eating my lunch I was able to ruin someones game quite often without much arty experience.

    Iam sorry, but I will stand to my point that arty on tier 9 and 10 (previously 7 and 8) is NOT needed. All the lines should stop at tier 8 max and all would be fine.

    Respect to good arty players that play the British FV ferrari arty. That one actually requires more then one brain cell to play.

    • Adding to the post:

      Point being that no vehicle should be able to oneshot a Tier 10 tank or hugely cripple it across the map pressing one button and praying to RNGesus. A FV183 can or could oneshot, but not across the whole map atleast. Avoiding arty is easy if there is not alot of them, but avoiding arty, shooting tanks, and avoiding their shots all together is a different story. If an arty player finds it efficient enough to wait only for you untill you poke wasting shots on other tanks then you cant do anything… Literally…

      • 1-shotting a tier 10 tank is rare and happens a lot less than ammo racking a full hp tank. You can’t do much about the rack.

        • “1-shotting a tier 10 tank is rare”

          Oh, except when nuking a paper target. Like Leo 1, STB, Batchat, Foches… basically everything that hasn’t got good to very good armor.

  19. I can’t wait for the third part of this guide :D
    I’ll also probably make a copy of these guides in hard data on my laptop just in case they get deleted off of ftr for the sake of protecting you (Tyraforce) from all the pointless hate comments/ teamkilling in game

    • Also, Dex didn’t do that great job of proofreading this XD there are multiple mistakes, but I’m sure you’ll catch them :P just go back over it a few times

  20. “For one thing, E3, 261, IS7 and similar tanks would become very popular” I have no problem with them now when i face them without arty, arty players think they somehow matter in randoms while they are just there to play on the the backline clicking once in a while. You can make whole reports on how to play arty but the core remains the same sadly, send and pray, send and pray.

    I do must say getting TKed and wished cancer upon in the screenshot was sad. Maybe make an article about cancer and its effects next.

    • It was actually quite funny. This psycho raged for 10 min, did 800dmg and died in the first 2 minutes.

  21. A big bunch of nonsense concerning arty and camping.

    Without arties some parts of the map would indeed become killzones.

    However nobody is forcing you to go there. The more enemies go to that “killzone”, fewer of them there will be on the other parts of the map, which is where you can attack. Really, its like that street of death on Himmelsdorf, if the enemy has jpzE100, you know its gonna come there, and naturally you go somewhere else, because driving down that street and into jpzE100 is stupid.

    • Hint – there won’t be any. Because arty is obviously the most skill-reliant class in WoT that it needs a full-fledged dedicated article. In more than 1 part, even!

          • Yet I don’t see any of them posted on FTR. Gee, I wonder why…

            P.S.: Just as we will NEVER see a ANTI-arty post on FTR. Because whether he wants to admit it or not, SS caters (at least recently) to poor & weak players

            • So Apparently you think that the good players SHOULD be allowed even more easier to pwn the worser players and the worst one should be even more punished?

              This will kill the game.

              And you know why isnt there a Anti-SPG post here? Because they are all like you – Whining! Sorry being not very nice, but I am just pointing out the fact.

          • I’m not planning any other guides. However, I’d appriciate it if others started to be a bit more active.
            I agree arti is the least skill dependat class, however, it’s hard to learn properly as you can’t just watch good player aiming and relocating.

            • Yeah, sorry mate I didn’t mean to force you specifically to make guides for all classes, but it would be nice to see whether SS could accept guides from other players on other classes as well.

  22. “Arty is just point and click”
    Sure, because with other tanks you dont point and you fire with your ass. No, every tank points and click.

    “Arty forces camping”
    When its not arty, its TDs, or Heavies, or Meds…

    “Arty has op oneshots”
    1 Os out of 10 shots. Almost every shot in arty does a third of the potential damage on paper, which means arount 750 damages every 35-45s. Tank destroyers do this every 15s from tier VIII. And FV183 is an arty with 230mm pen and 0.4 accuracy, which is enough to pen so to do full 1750 damages to everything in the game as long as you aim.

    “Arty snipes from other side of the map, at least TDs move”
    Well arty has maximum 530hp and no armor. Spotted arty = dead arty unless spotters are noobs. Spotted TD, how big deal when you have 2000hp and 750 damages to deal every 14 seconds and 230mm effective armor.

    “Arty op”
    Bitch please, you must be a newb here. A year and a few months ago, arty had faster reload, and normal tank accuracy. Be happy.
    Same goes for tier VI whinning about meeting tier VIII. Two years ago they’d meet a Maus from their little T-34-85. Be happy.

    My opinion: arty haters are just idiots who prefer rage instead of using this guide to understand how arty works and so how to avoid it. And ones who say “I tried arty, op” never tried high tier ones. “Arty noskill” well you wont be any useful by just point and click, as useful as a loltraktor in tier V game: sometimes you’ll do damages but you wont make your team win. And you can rage as you want and wish cancer to all of us, the fact is: arty will not get removed from the game. Even more: arry wont get anymore nerfed. Even better: incoming accuracy nerf will probably not concern arty (unless you want a 100% rng gameplay). Deal with it. Not happy ? Nobody keeps you playing exept yourself.

    • “My opinion: arty haters are just idiots who prefer rage”

      Hey SS, what about those bans regarding insults?!

      P.S.: In my opinion, arty-humpers are just idiots who can’t play actual tanks for shit.
      But please tell me more how Orzanel or Garbad or Circon are “idiots who prefer rage” (inb4 broken Engrish)

      ““Arty op”
      Bitch please, you must be a newb here. A year and a few months ago, arty had faster reload, and normal tank accuracy. Be happy.”

      1) No-one ever said that arty is OP. Just plain broken
      2) Please tell me more how your GW Tiger has so much trouble shooting at Tier 6 tanks, something that it could not EVER do prior to 8.6

    • “Sure, because with other tanks you dont point and you fire with your ass. No, every tank points and click.”
      With other tanks you use tactics. It’s a whole other game really, try it sometimes.
      With arty I can click. Go make a sandwich, take a shit, come back click again and then laugh that this company is so retarded that they allow this sort of injustice to competitive players.
      It’s like playing checkers against someone playing chess.

      “When its not arty, its TDs, or Heavies, or Meds…”
      Except one can counter them. No one forces you to fight a hull down E3. Simply relocate and fight another day. With arty it’s unpredictable. They all fire obstacles and can hit you for random amounts of your precious health. This reduces tactics to a standstill because no one wants to get spotted, caught out without arty cover etc.

      “1 Os out of 10 shots. Almost every shot in arty does a third of the potential damage on paper, which means arount 750 damages every 35-45s. Tank destroyers do this every 15s from tier VIII. And FV183 is an arty with 230mm pen and 0.4 accuracy, which is enough to pen so to do full 1750 damages to everything in the game as long as you aim.”
      But the 183 has to move, accordingly, can’t shoot over obstacles or the whole map for that matter.
      If you get 183′d it’s usually your fault, however don’t get me wrong/ I hate the concept of this tank too. It’s not arty though.

      “Well arty has maximum 530hp and no armor. Spotted arty = dead arty unless spotters are noobs. Spotted TD, how big deal when you have 2000hp and 750 damages to deal every 14 seconds and 230mm effective armor.”
      But this once again goes back to the first point. TD’s require tactics, camping base wastes their potential. Arty I can click, take a piss, click and laugh.

      “Bitch please, you must be a newb here. A year and a few months ago, arty had faster reload, and normal tank accuracy. Be happy.
      Same goes for tier VI whinning about meeting tier VIII. Two years ago they’d meet a Maus from their little T-34-85. Be happy.”
      No one says arty is OP. It’s just an unbalanced mess of a class that should never exist. Arty was created to counter OP tier X heavies. Now they’re hardly even good. Arty has no place within this game and you can’t say ‘Be grateful that WG even developed their game’ – it’s their game. That’s what they do. I pay for this game. I’m not grateful for sh*t!
      Some argue that CGC is OP, check out Circons test server highlights from playing arty for one or two days:

      • “With other tanks you use tactics”
        *WTF E100 so much tactic*
        Click 5 times, reload, Click 5 times, reload…. So hard isn’t it?
        Heavies – even more simplier – rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

        “No one forces you to fight a hull down E3. Simply relocate and fight another day.”
        Then if it’s so easy to kill, why do I still see E3 holding the entire flank?
        Why will people still play it if according to you can be easily deal with?

        “If you get 183′d it’s usually your fault, however don’t get me wrong/ I hate the concept of this tank too.”
        As if it’s too much harder? Click Reload, Click Reload. And you have a turrent as well. And some great armour in 9.5.

        “Arty I can click, take a piss, click and laugh.”
        Laughing at a fully aimed shot at a important target stopping your team going nowhere near where you aim? Much Fun.

        “It’s just an unbalanced mess of a class that should never exist. Arty was created to counter OP tier X heavies. Now they’re hardly even good.”
        Agree with this point though. However, SPG don’t need to be removed. It need serious rebalance.

        • “*WTF E100 so much tactic*
          Click 5 times, reload, Click 5 times, reload…. So hard isn’t it?
          Heavies – even more simplier – rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”
          Except one mistake can be enough to end the battle for you. With arty you don’t care, because you have 500+ meters and 10 of your teammates between you and enemy tanks.

          “Then if it’s so easy to kill, why do I still see E3 holding the entire flank?”
          Because if someone tries to flank it he gets killed by arty.

          “As if it’s too much harder? Click Reload, Click Reload. And you have a turrent as well. And some great armour in 9.5.”
          Well aside from the obvious need to actually move around the map, it can die easily if the player makes a mistake.

          “Laughing at a fully aimed shot at a important target stopping your team going nowhere near where you aim? Much Fun.”
          So? It means nothing when you can just wait 30 seconds and try again.

          “However, SPG don’t need to be removed.”

          • LoLz. Thats why there isn’t a Anti-SPG post here. The Anti-SPG community is just as toxic as EFE bros.

            “Except one mistake can be enough to end the battle for you. With arty you don’t care, because you have 500+ meters and 10 of your teammates between you and enemy tanks.”
            Yes? But they get armour (Not WTF of course) and 50% more DPM and DPS too in some cases?

            “Because if someone tries to flank it he gets killed by arty.”
            So SPG are gods and can instant aim and kill someone. Everything that went wrong is SPG’s fault.

            “Well aside from the obvious need to actually move around the map, it can die easily if the player makes a mistake.”
            So SPG don’t suffer from mistakes too? Miss one shot 45 seconds and potentially lose the game for it.
            183? 1750 Damage every 20 seconds. WTF E100: 50 seconds, 2560 DP(10)S. Foch 155: 40 seconds, 2250 DP(18)S. These tanks are much easier to compensate when you make mistake.

            “Laughing at a fully aimed shot at a important target stopping your team going nowhere near where you aim? Much Fun.”
            By the time so the enemy probably breakthrough your line already.

            Proved my first statement.

            • “Yes? But they get armour (Not WTF of course) and 50% more DPM and DPS too in some cases?”
              …which doesn’t in any way counter my point.

              “So SPG are gods and can instant aim and kill someone. Everything that went wrong is SPG’s fault.”
              If a single T110E3 holds a whole flank, there’s a good chance the arty is already aiming there.

              “So SPG don’t suffer from mistakes too?”
              They don’t, as I explained earlier.

              “183? 1750 Damage every 20 seconds. WTF E100: 50 seconds, 2560 DP(10)S. Foch 155: 40 seconds, 2250 DP(18)S. These tanks are much easier to compensate when you make mistake.”
              When they make a mistake they are dead. You can’t compensate anything when you’re dead.

              “By the time so the enemy probably breakthrough your line already.”
              In 30 seconds? No way. Also you’re assuming they would just leave their cover when arty shells are raining on them.

              “Proved my first statement.”
              So… you call me toxic just because I prove that you’re spewing nonsense?

              • “…which doesn’t in any way counter my point.”
                Or may be you simply do not understand my point?

                “If a single T110E3 holds a whole flank, there’s a good chance the arty is already aiming there.”
                Thats what they are suppose to do?

                “They don’t, as I explained earlier.”
                Oh well. Don’t mind if you do not acutally read what I written.

                “In 30 seconds? No way. Also you’re assuming they would just leave their cover when arty shells are raining on them.”
                So you see SPG missed you……..And you still camp. Okay then. :/

                “So… you call me toxic just because I prove that you’re spewing nonsense?”
                Oops. Someone’s not very happy.

                • “Or may be you simply do not understand my point?”
                  You had one?
                  Yes, they have more armour and HP. They can still die far easier than arty.
                  Yes, they have DpM. They are still far more difficult to deal damage with.

                  “Thats what they are suppose to do?”
                  Which means they can easily aim at anyone who tries to flank said T110E3.

                  “Oh well. Don’t mind if you do not acutally read what I written.”
                  “Miss one shot 45 seconds and potentially lose the game for it.”
                  And my earlier response: “So? It means nothing when you can just wait 30 seconds and try again.”

                  “So you see SPG missed you……..And you still camp. Okay then. :/”
                  Again, you’re assuming said tank would be able to destroy its enemies and disappear in 30 seconds before the arty reloads.

                  “Oops. Someone’s not very happy.”
                  So you’re just deliberately trolling?

        • One mistake can ruin your entire game. In arty it’s almost impossible to make a game changing mistake.

          I support Atomic_Emu’s reply. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  23. Great article Tyraforce!

    My opinion is, that artillery needs a REBALANCE:

    - Change its reload time, aim time, and dispersion to pre-8.6 values
    - Change their MM spread from -2/+2 to -1/+2 (so tier 1 tanks never meets arty at all, and tier 8 tanks never meets tier X arty)
    - Reduce alpha damage (by about 10%-15%)
    - Reduce the gun range of most artys (i definetly dont want to create more Bert’s and Bishops, but 1km range at tier 3 (!) is just stupid)
    - Remove all AP, APCR, and HEAT shells, so arty can use only different type of HE shells.
    I thinking about three type of HE ammo:
    - Standard HE: same as now, but reduced alpha
    - Sort Range with zero penetration, higher alpha and splash radius: shorter range means higher accuracy, but it will NEVER pen. (no RNG oneshot kills)
    - GOLD HE: same as previous shell but even higher alpha and splash, but still zero pen and ZERO MOULE DAMAGE.

    this changes would make arty more reliable and more fun to play (and less OP)

    What do you think about this, Tyra?

    • Actualy its a rather good idea.

      Arty isnt fun because it depends too much on rng, acuracy and reload make it frustrating.

      Compensating that with less alpha should make everyone happy:
      -arty would hit their targets
      -players wont be complaining about “op alpha” and will only be able to blame themselves if they get killed

    • this is very intuitive, and I think some of your points are very good ones,
      especially the one about range, I think that is a viable way to balance them without ruining it for arty players

      here’s the issue with your proposal:

      T92, Batmobile 58 and Conqueror Game Cube have reloads that last an eon, and you can’t rely on intuition perk to switch shells perfectly every time. Your proposal suggests very rapid shell changes to accommodate changing battle conditions, which is NOT something those Arties can do.

      AP is one reason you buy the T92, it’s one of the only two things the vehicle has going for it other than alpha, all its other stats are horrendous. The frequency at which AP (or HE) actually collides with its target and penetrates are not very common (yet somehow I’ve seen players with 3 marks on their T92).

      I am absolutely titillated by the prospect of having a Pre-nerf T92 AND M53/55

      Overall I think your proposal is one of the best, it seems the most reasonable, and I think as an arty player, I’d be fine with that kind of rebalance. Keep this idea written down, it’s very good.

  24. Honestly, why people always say arty presence led to camping?

    I mean, the game is less fun if three of them present on each team BUT nowadays i never see my team automatically camp whenever arty is present.

  25. Thanks!
    [WoT without arty would be totally different - and we can have it right now in some battles where arty is absent; FROM zero to MANY - all the battles are different!]

    • “WoT without arty would be totally different”

      Yes, it would be a whole lot goddamn better

    • If arty got removed, another class of tank would become op.
      And WG cant delete them all.

      You can see no-arty battle where Heavies or TDs own the game.
      And “medium is here for that” but medium requires skill, and not everybody who plays the game can be a pro.

      • No. That never happens.

        Without arty, the game would become a whole lot more competitive. You could actually plan your moves, not hump a rock the entire game, only for the conqueror GC loop a shell over it anyway.
        Without arty, more of the map would be available to actually use, instead of the 1 or two chokepoints maps have become.
        Without arty, all classes can be countered by something else. You can use tactics to defeat hull down E3′s. You don’t have to engage him anymore, because the map wouldn’t be limited to a single chokepoint!!!
        Arty you can’t counter. It just clicks without warning whenever, wherever and for how much it wants. Totally changing the metagame.

        • *Tactic to defeat E3*

          Shoot gold at it may be?
          Do you really think flanking is so easy to do mate? 9 times out of 10 you will just die by yourself.

          • Simply relocate. Change strategy, make him come to you or change flanks if necessary. Without arty, the metagame would develop to allow more freedom of movement. No one would be afraid of the random quite as much.

              • “So Everyone relocates. Oh well just let him roll to our base then?”
                If the situation requires it, why not.

                The point is, to engage him at more favorable odds, not just mindlessly trade with him, you will lose every time.

                An E3 is good at a defensive battle of attrition.
                There are many ways to counter that, not all involving random bullsh*t from space.

        • I stopped reading at “planning your moves”.

          Hey, wake up, you can count only on yourself or arty when you’re in random battle.

          No arty = you’re alone, unless you found one of these rare players who understand that this is a team game.

          And if you keep in mind arty can targets you each time you’re spotted, you immediately become a better player because you’ll avoid more shots. How hard is it ? Just activating brain each time you are spotted. Woa, such difficult, very too impossible :/

          • Play in platoons if you’re not good to play alone. I can play alone and dominate at 3k WN8 most of the time.

            You’re clearly not giving the random player enough credit or you’re simply biased. Probably the latter.

            If YOU’RE not good enough to ‘flank’, then don’t worry. Wargaming great map designs specifically for you! Corridor maps everywhere! Yay!

      • “If arty got removed, another class of tank would become op.
        And WG cant delete them all.”
        Those tanks could be rebalanced if needed. But no amount of rebalancing can fix arty as it is broken at the very core of its design.

        “not everybody who plays the game can be a pro.”
        And that’s why there’s arty in the game.

    • No skilled arry drivers are useless in battle and would be even more useless in other tanks.

      Good arty driver has skills, and skilled tanker will know that arty requires skill

      • Anyone can point and click. My 7 year old sister has artillery, it’s the only class she does ‘well’ in.

        • Maybe because WoT isnt even intended to let 7 years old to play with?

          Yes there’s a lot of children playing the game, but the average age for this game is like 22~30 years old?

          • WoT is designed for an average 28 years old ppl.

            And if someone doesnt do well in arty, he’d not do well in any other tank. If arty is the only class some ppl can play well in, what ? Remove their fun of the game ? You’re not all alone.

            It’s like if we removed your favourite tank because someone thinks its too op.

          • “Maybe because WoT isnt even intended to let 7 years old to play with?”

            You missed the point.
            If she’s average at playing arty, what does that prove?
            F*ck, even she knows that this is unfair. It requires little skill.

            Sure, there are good and bad arty players, but the difference between them is not nearly as great as the difference between a good Medium player and not.

            This is because of the retarded satellite-like game ‘mechanic’, which requires next to no skill to operate.

  26. For one thing, E3, 261, IS7 and similar tanks would become very popular. Right now, they can only camp in arty-safe positions whereas without arty, any hulldown position would become a bunker full of these tanks.

    Every arty save hull down position is now a bunker full of those tanks. Allowing them to spread out across several different locations won’t make them stronger, it would make them more easier to kill because you can pick them off one by one

    Remember the arty-safe bridge camp on Pearl River where teams sat for 10min doing nothing?

    People sat there BECAUSE of arty, if there was no arty people would move up and actually use the north.

    This whole arty prevents camping is complete bullshit. Just look at maps like campinovka and prokhorovka, they are terrible but with arty the whole map is just unplayable.

        • There are also a penalty for moving in a game without SPG:Get Insta-Killed by Bush campers.
          LTs spot them, so what? SPG isnt in the game anymore. I can just sit there.

      • “People sat there BECAUSE of arty…”
        May I remind you that larger part of the area beyond the bridge aka the “valley of death” was arty safe? People camped the bridge because at their skill level they considered it the better option and they refused to engage in fair combat.

      • “Reversely saying, why will I move if there is no penalty? :)”

        To PLAY the game?
        At the end of the day, that’s what we’re here for. To play the game… To enjoy it. What’s the joy of camping base all game? No one prevents you from doing so, neither does arty. Arty shoots at targets first spotted. Regardless if TD, HT, MT or in some cases LT.

    • I think it plays to both sides. There are people that are not moving BECAUSE OF arty, and there are some (usually, worse players) who are not moving because THERE IS NO arty.
      It really depends on the experience of the player, in my opinion.

  27. So much tears for one shit, OMG people, do you have life?

    WoT is full of shit, so are you all.

  28. Tyraforce, I think this is a great effort you have done there with this guide.
    I truly believe artillery is not treated correctly, and blamed for things that it is not entirely responsible for.
    An arty that kills you in your heavy, will drive you crazy, bot not necessarily will win the game for your enemy.
    Anyone who says all you have to do is aim and click, is right – it is all you should do to be the average (or below) arty player.
    Myself, just as you have suggested, play only one branch (British) just to learn the way it looks for my rival arties. And it is not that simple as it looks.
    If you read this, please consider the following for the next part: a) tips for city maps b) tips for very slow arties (FV207, for example) .

    Thank you.

  29. Thanks Tyraforce for the guide. All the arty hate makes me play much more arty LOL. Be afraid, be very afraid.

  30. The reason why SPG players usually don’t move at all, is because no one takes the gameplay seriously. When I’m having a sh*t day on tanks, and I’m feeling frustrated as hell. I too will hop into my S-51 and click on some competitive tankers with my satellite – because I can.
    When playing arty, one is basically playing checkers against people playing chess, which is why you can’t complain that arty doesn’t have the qualities of tanks. That’s also why arty winrate can never be taken into account. My 2 cents.

    P.S. arty hard to ‘paly’

    • This footage showed only few shots.

      You dont know how many he missed before doing these.

      That´s why arty haters make no sense, they take their arguments from little exemples.
      “See, in this video circon does only one shot everything”. And on the livestream, these shots must have happened mayne once every 2 or 3 games, and also conquetor GC is tier X arty with most powerful gun with T92. It’s like posting a video called “Maus op” because during 1 battle you made 8 gold ammo bounce on you. That’s one battle, not thousands of exemples.

  31. “I understand getting artied makes people angry in the game (almost as much as premium ammo)”

    Almost as much? Gold ammo is not even close to arty in terms of making people rage.

    • Gold noob spotted here xD

      So for you, getting hit once by arty is more raging than getting pen’ in your over-armored tank by a low tier firing gold ?

      You understood all the game, great, should go in War Thunder next.

      Arty ruins campers’ day and trolls.
      Gold ammo removes any use of armor sice everyone loads it as soon as an armored tank is spotted.

      You say arty is no-skill, but gold ammo is even less. Ppl could play when gold ammo was premium. It needed more skill: you had to aim and select your target. Now, no problem, gold and pen.

      Arty still has to aim and hope for rng to send his shot where it aimed and not in another map.

  32. When I see how people rage about arty, it makes me wanna play it more.

    There is nothing funnier than see a player rage in chat and keepin in mind that you probably ruined his day by just existing.

    Arty haters: you are so funny.
    And be sure if you start the battle saying in public chat: “arty sucks”, be sure you’ll be the first one targeted, because we enjoy your tears :)

    Instead of ragin in the comments of this guide, if you had the brain you claim and you were a little smart, you’d read it and use it to understand how arty acts so you can avoid it more easily.

    Obviously you are the ones who cant use more than one brain cell. Grow up seriously

    • So instead of being forced to come out of your little troll hole at A0 (or any other corner of the map) to come & kill me personally, LIKE ANY OTHER TANK CLASS HAS TO DO, you can just nuke me from across the entire map, pretty much regardless of my position.

      Nothing funnier to see a braindead idiot thinking that it’s “skill” that creates that frustration.

  33. Tyra, this time I will only comment one part of your guide (the part which has nothing to do with the guide itself): Arty & Camping:

    It may surprise some arty apologists, but people play what they like, whether it is the strong IS-7 or the paper Leopard. Without arty, it becomes even more evident, as some tank choices are more prone to be randomly lol-one-shot.
    The IS-7 is already popular.
    The 263 (not the 261) is a bad tank, with or without artillery. It has a massive weakspot on the front, and it can’t even go hulldown. It is not popular because its whole line is bad.
    E3 is not flexible, but it is one of the few which can resist arty frontally.
    Hulldown spots can be countered with maneuvering and skill. We don’t need random HE injection from the sky to deal with these spots. What can be considered better and dynamic gameplay? Moving around and flanking camping tanks or both teams camping until arty randomly removes a tank from one team or another? I guess the answer is pretty obvious. One is a more complicated, skill based gameplay. The other is a boring time consuming campfest, relying on luck.

    And using a game in alpha code as argument is not very reliable. But obsidian already said their arty won’t be the same as in WoT. And in that video, their arty did little damage. The guy wasn’t one-shot.

    • Woohoo, waiting 30s to deal no damages but track ennemy.

      If it was competition game it would be useful, but in random team game really, where nobody understands what “support” means. You can track as you want, if nobody cares and uses it, it’s useless.
      And then a game where you have 3 arties in your team becomes a 12 vs 15.

    • “The 263 (not the 261) is a bad tank”

      Stopped reading right there.
      Literally you have invalidated your entire wall of text with this huge brainfart

      • It may be good on RU and EU server, which are easier to farm damage….in NA is just garbage. Everyone will shoot gold at the paper gun shield.
        In any case, Tyra thinks this tank would become more popular without arty….which is far from the truth.

  34. The talk about hull down vehicles from arty players just proves they can’t play and lack imagination. They see a tank in a strong position and can think only about bombing it out of orbit.
    I remember arties in 8.5. Every game was campfest because arties ruled 80% of the map. It was so boring people stopped playing and WG had to nerf them. And now this situation is back because players found out they are still playable and still capable of griefing.

    • People didnt stop playing, and WG didnt had to nerf it.

      People kept playing because they like the game, and WG nerfed it to make haters like you shut up and stop crying for nothing.

      They nerfed it, and 3 months later everyone was crying again. Why ? Because nobody will get satisfied in this story. They will always be complaining about arty, and if it gets removed, they’ll be happy for few months and then they’ll find somethig else to complain about.

        • Yes, they actually did.

          But lets keep the issue clouded with narrative and invective instead of fact.

          My beloved Su-26 was nerfed drastically, lost it’s 122mm. Still gets matched with KVs which it’s 76mm can’t damage.

          • Ok, that’s one nerfed arty.
            How about all those mid and high tier arties that kept their guns and instead of “fighting” tanks several tiers above them now “fight” tanks of the same tier?

    • Maybe one day, in few months, they’ll finaly see that WG and players dont give a f*** about their rage and that arty will stay as it is. One day they’ll stop.

      They’ll be bored with time

    • Because notoriety on the public forums is obviously important…

      But hey, rejoice in your precious little pigstock filled with baddies. No one every damn player worth his salt has abandoned that shithole

  35. Whine… whine never changes !

    Silent, it seems from the comments above you’ve got moderating work up ahead. Maybe you should add a “flag” button to each post, so we can help you locate and target the *real* scumbags out here. :)

    • And then every haters Will flag arty-defenders because they’re kids who cant admit when they’re wrong and prefer be ridiculous and hate instead of being smart and learning.

      Flag bad idea.
      Ip ban better idea.

      • “And then every haters Will flag arty-defenders because they’re kids who cant admit when they’re wrong”

        So Garbad, Circon, Orzanel and many, MANY others are actually kids who can’t admit they’re wrong.

        Stronk troll logic, 0/10, too much idiot.

  36. Thank you very much for your artillery guide, for arty drivers and arty hates as well. it shows that driving arty does require “skill” and dodging arty shells is a trade as well.

    Artillery is in the game and its in here to stay, whether haters like it or not, we should all learn to cope with it. Personally i like your guide alot, it helps arty to better support their teams and cause more rage to enemy ^^

    Again, bravo on your controversial topic, it is very well done, and i’m looking forward to part3 ^^

    • ^this.

      Finaly someone who understands.

      -arty requires skill
      -this guide could be used by haters to understand how arty works and then how to avoid it, instead of whinning in the comments.

      • lol
        Arty and skill can never be used in the same sentence. Only sub-50%ers think it takes skill because they suck in everything they do. If you don’t know the true meaning of skill, how can you judge what takes skills?

      • Please do detail how much skill is required to play whack-a-mole against targets that can’t even fire back at you.

        Please, shut the hell up with this insanely stupid claim.

  37. Pingback: WoT - Discutii generale - Page 1712

  38. Based on what everyone is saying is wrong with arty, I have come up with my IDEA

    1.The first thing everyone has pointed out, is that warthunder has a area of effect arty rather then player controlled.

    2. That arty is lacking of skill.

    So my solution is…. Command Tanks.
    The idea behind this is you would have these special command tanks that replace arty as a directly controlled class but as a of map shelling, these tanks instead of “normal” shells would have a type of flare shell that could signal the of map arty to fire in that spot. Depending on the flare used (Colours should be assigned to each type) that’s what shell the off map arty would use e.g HE or AP rounds.

    Using this method it would force these players to be strategic, not staying in one spot the whole battle. This would also give the players on the enemy team a chance of spotting the flare and reacting.

    Now there is the issue of replacing an entire tech tree which may seem as problem at first but, If done correctly WG could easily modify tanks models already in the game to suit the need e.g
    Command M4:

    Command Pziii:

    and so forth, I truthfully think that this could be a easy and fun replacement to already ingame arty.

    Notes: This could also allow for the implementation of smoke screens and much more.

    (Please reply with constructive criticism)

    • It’s a great concept, but implementing it will be extremely difficult.

      It’s just like the commandars in Battlefield 4. If your team got a good commandar you get a huge advantage and what if your commandar is really bad?

      Also, I bet the Arty-haters will continue to whine that this is still “Clicking”. They are becoming even more instant as you now do not need to aim, and I bet that will cause even more outrage.

      • Hater one day hater forever.
        They’ll still rage about something.

        And the concept is already planned for stronkhold battles.

        But in random battle it would be a total disaster….
        And replacing arty would be a massive source of rage against devs, who will have to refund arty players with free xp fr all the hours they wasted at grinding a tank they wont play anymore.

        This will never be added to random battles, too many terrible things would happen. But in team/stronkhold battles (any mode with TEAM play) it would be great

  39. there you can see that no normal person plays arty. you need to be a retard to enjoy it …

    • You need to really have no life to take the time of writting pointless things like this.

      I’ve seen 10 years old kids being more constructive than “ur retatd lolz uninstall”.

      • ““ur retatd lolz uninstall”.”
        How ironic that this is the only answer arty-lovers are capable of when presented with a criticism of they favourite bullshit.

  40. Regarding ARTY and CAMPING paragraph:
    1) This could be balanced (T110e3 and IS-7 dominance) by nerfing their respective stats (viewrange, bloom after shooting/rotating, camo, traverse etc.)
    2) Arty doesnt shoot artysafe or hidden campers, arty punish active, spotted players. Its easier to hit moving medium/brawling heavy than hit tiny part of a TD hiding behind a rock or unseen. Most arty players wont even try it because of the low hit chance.
    3) Why are some maps (glaring example is Prokhorovka) universaly liked more without arty than with? Because they actually ARE less campy without arty.

    Although i am risking another ban, i will say it again: guide is shit, full of “captain obvious” hints and tips. I can write perfect guide to arty in three words: Use common sense.
    Its all about preaiming, targetting important targets and running from the no longer safe locations (thats what dumb arty players almost never do). One last thing – i DID play arty: you cant carry, its boring, slowpaced, unrewarding, but incredibly easy.

    tl:dr – This article is complete waste of space and time.

    • Only important thing that could be written about WoT are various reviews of particular tanks – how to use them properly. Theres no such thing as usefull “tactics” guide for a whole class. All you need is to know your tank strenghts and weaknesses, learn maps, always check minimap and always trade (damage) favorably.

      • I’m sorry I wasted your time…again. Please, note that many in fact enjoyed the articles.
        I do agree the guide is not perfect and some stuff is too simple for experienced players. Anyone is welcome to do better and I’ll be the first to like his guide.

  41. “However, if you claim WoT would be better without it, you clearly haven’t thought long enough about it.”
    Yeah, it would be so horrible for people to be able to use most of the map and stop camping behind cover because of tomatoes doing one-shots on top tier heavy tanks or detracking mediums/lights trying to spot.
    Clearly I haven’t played battles without arty, these never happen, therefore I can’t tell if they are 1243123123 times more enjoyable than 5x skycancer campfest.

    • It’s true than reducing the amount of arty per battle from 5 to 2 or 3 (like scouts) would be a good idea.

  42. I can’t believe the amount of butthurt here :/
    This tpic is aimed to help arty players and secondly, this is what a lot of people don’t see: it’s to help UNDERSTAND arty!

    Thank you once again, Tyraforce for this great guide, looking forward to the next!

    • Ey what do you want, haters think raging is more useful than reading the topic so they could learn how to avoid arty.

      Obviously they’re the ones who suffer of a lack of brain cells :/

        • I’m a “good” player, better than “above average” ones, I play every class of tanks exept lights because I suck at driving them.
          And I played all of them enough to say that arty is far from op, and that nobody gives a shit about it because only kids like you rage. Good players with a minimum of maturity will even congratulate arty for good shots and admit their errors. Idk how old you are but keep thinking this way each time you dont like something and be sure you wont go far in life.
          Sorry kid, your comment was pointless, just proving that haters are hopeless and make even more useless arguments just because they want the entire world to know that they dont like artyx

          • You either play passively or you get hit by arty. I wont count obvious mistakes like staying in the open. Arty is extremely annoying RNGesus.

            And as i wrote before, arty is incredibly boring, slowpaced and overally weak one trick pony. I pity arty players as much as i despise them.

            • To remove rng part give them pre-8.6 accuracy and reload, and reduce the alpha and their number in battle. Everyone would be happy:
              -arty players will hit their targets
              -arty targets would get hit even more and more often to not be oneshot but die in 40s.

              Whatever you do to arty there will always be haters, and arty will never get removed from the game whatever haters may say. The smartest thing you could do is just accept the fact that arty is here and focus on the game instead of raging for nothing. You’re ruining your battle by yourself just by thinking “omg arty is here this sucks”, you remove the fun by yourself

          • When will you clickers understand that arty is not OP, but a broken mechanic?
            That its existance in the core is retarded?
            There should NOT be a thing in any game where the player that exposes himself to do something instead of camping has a random chance of instantly dying. It’s like adding “random loldeath” mechanic in an FPS game (CoD or BF for example) where the players just drop dead randomly. Gee, that would be so much fun!
            And to be funnier – the player that does nothing but uses one hand for playing and clicks moving target with his orbital view without expsing himself to any danger gets credited for the kill. Brilliant.

            • “When will you clickers understand that arty is not OP, but a broken mechanic?”

              Please, you ask for them to actually have any logical sense whatsoever.

              In their eyes, anyone who is complaining about arty and its dumb-ass nature is an idiot who doesn’t know how to avoid being nuked to death.

              Unlike that brilliant 300 WN8 E-100 sitting properly behind cover the entire game.

    • Theres nothing to be understood about arty. Theres no enigma about it. They are indirectly firing inaccurate super gun monsters that are weak in itself but incredibly annoying.

      • “It’s annoying, remove it !”

        Well better remove the game itself because it’s full of annoying things.

        • “It’s gamebreaking, remove it!”

          What every sane dev should actually do.

          TDs are not gamebreaking
          LTs are not gamebreaking
          HTs are not gamebreaking
          MTs are not gamebreaking

          SPGs ARE gamebreaking

          • TDs have as much dpm as arty, with actual armor and health. Woohoo.

            Lights spot for the team, and either dies in two minutes or wins the game. No other possibility.

            Heavies either camp (= useless) or charge like pigs because they think they’re invincible. Good heavy player ? He owns the battle.

            MT ? Most powerful effective vehicle, that can win against any type of tank he meets because he is mike all the classes in one.

            Arty is just firin above the map, has 1/5 chances to hit, 1/10 chances to do full damages, 40s reload and no armor nor health to survive after being spotted. Totaly gamebreaking

            • You see, when SS said “if no arty, camping TDs and heavies”, haters said “there are mediums for that.

              Well great news haters: THERE ARE LIGHTS TO DEAL WIT ARTY.
              “Lights drivers are noobs all the time”. And ? There are noobs mediums too.

            • I played all classes of tanks and I can say that you rarely get to OS anything in arty unless you’re really lucky AND the idiot you aimed at didnt move for at least 10s

  43. That IS7 should get a fucking medal. If only more people were TKing arty at the beginning, game would be a lot more fun.

    • You can do it if that’s your only way to have fun kid, it would get you banned in less than a week and then the game would be free from another idiot teamkiller.

      We dont need retards with this mentality

      • We are not in your playground building sand castles with you, so you can stop calling a kid everyone under this article already.

        No shit sherlock. It would get me banned? Who would thought that. Maybe that’s why I wrote that more people should do this? [facepalm]

      • Yes. The solution found in NA is much better. Give a free pass to scouts from both teams to kill the SPGs and go back to their respective bases. Everyone wins, especially the scouts.

      • And yet this thread clearly shows just how many people with mental handicap there are. Insulting others based on several numbers (AKA “THE stats”) or their choice in vehicle class in a fictional computer game is about the only thing they are capable to do. You don’t need to be certified psychologist to realize it’s just a way to compensate for low self esteem.

        • \People insult others for many reasons, but it takes someone intelectually dishonest to turn a blind-eye to one group and only look at the other, thinking of himself as a psychologist.

  44. thanks for the guides, they are excellent.

    all the angry comments make me want to play arty more & more!! making noobs cry is so much fun!

  45. Public notice: SpeedyCraft51′s posts are not to be taken into consideration or given any credit whatsoever.


    Thank you & good night!

    l.e.: And IDK why I ever believed that TyraForce is actually a very competent & stronk player…

    Seriously, SS, mind positing a more a “guide” from someone who is actually more INFORMED & COMPETENT next time?!

      • “Competent = right to speak”

        He must be from EFE or somethig like that, because his way of thinking is obviously not takin in account that he’s living in a world with rights for everyone.

        • ““Competent = right to speak””

          Because the opinions of noobs & idiots are literally worthless.

          And no, I’m not from EFE, nowhere near good enough to join them.

          “not takin in account that he’s living in a world with rights for everyone.”

          Everyone has the right to an opinion. NO ONE has the “right” or “privilege” of his opinion being automatically taken into consideration.

          • No I think you should really join EFE, you qualify for that.
            You are a great player, don’t get me wrong, but you lack the clear mind as normal unicums like QuickyBaby.
            Not once he mentioned his hate to SPG, but he also mentioned he opposed to remove SPG as it would break the core game mechanic.
            Think logically. I understand FULLY your point and hate on SPG, and hell I screamed at SPG when I get shot at. But the point is it’s a core part of the game and there are no better way to implement it. If there is, AW would have advertise it widely, but they dont. They also know it, so they only showed 2 seconds of it. Sorry but unless you got a better way, please tell SerB ASAP.

      • “Competent= Right to speak.
        Stronk Logic.”

        Gee, let’s see.

        Car manufacturers adjust their designs according to the average driver?
        Or according to their test drive pilots, who point out flaws & whatnot?

        Does Blizzard balance their games according to the average pubbie?
        Or according to the creme de la creme of their players, who know the game inside out?

        Yes, being VERY competent at something grants a whole lot of WEIGHT to your opinion.

        inb4 you people actually believe that all opinions weigh the same.

        P.S.: Just as Jingles puts it, it’s like asking Kim Kardashian or 50 Cent’s opinion on the war on Iraq.

        • The thing is, you are like Capitalist and I am more like a communist.

          You point is to reward those who are good (The richer) and the bad one (The poorer) should be punish for their lack of skill.
          Yes it’s very much fair, but in long term the disperity will just get wider and wider. Therefore thats why I say the better one should not have exclusive right to have a say. It’s also very unfair to those who are new to the game or simply not as good as you (Which I respect fully for your great stats).

          • “The thing is, you are like Capitalist and I am more like a communist.”

            Well no wonder sane people hate the everlasting shit out of people like you.
            Congrats, you’ve just stumbled upon one of the biggest anti-communists in WoT playerbase!

            “You point is to reward those who are good (The richer) and the bad one (The poorer) should be punish for their lack of skill.”

            Exactly. Performance always should be rewarded and failure punished.
            The SANE & LOGICAL reason this world turns.

            “Therefore thats why I say the better one should not have exclusive right to have a say”

            By all means, you DO have the right to an opinion. But that’s about it.
            No one should be forced in any way to acknowledge that opinion as long as said opinion is just complete shit.

            • “Well no wonder sane people hate the everlasting shit out of people like you.
              Congrats, you’ve just stumbled upon one of the biggest anti-communists in WoT playerbase!”
              Did I make someone angry? :D

              “Exactly. Performance always should be rewarded and failure punished.
              The SANE & LOGICAL reason this world turns.”
              Yep. Then the world will eventually collapse because one day your so-called “Tomatoes” (Like me, I admit it) will become so discontent that there will be riots. There are already signs of this (Occupying XXX, Revolutions in Middle East, for example).

              “By all means, you DO have the right to an opinion. But that’s about it.
              No one should be forced in any way to acknowledge that opinion as long as said opinion is just complete shit.”
              The same goes for me, I think? Should I never talk again because you are better?But……….. thats why “Freedom of Speech” is created too?

        • Well if you judge other based solely on their stats… Your own stats are not that much different from the players whose stats you posted earlier as a proof of them being incompetent and therefore their opinion not to be taken into account. By your own logic you are Kim Kardashian and not a “test pilot”.

          Also, to quote you: “NO ONE has the “right” or “privilege” of his opinion being automatically taken into consideration”. Your own opinion posted here is just that – an opinion without “a whole lot of WEIGHT to it”.

          But the zeal you spew insults with clearly shows that being somewhat ok in virtual world doesn’t make you good person.

    • Show us your stats so we can talk about how awesome you are.

      I am a good player, who plays every class of vehicle and know how to play it (exept scout). I’m maybe one of the only here who comments with experience, and who is mote mature than all of those raging idiots who have fo only argument “arty op oneshot me once lol remove”


      Stats close to tyra’s ones, only replays online: arty ones, so few battles in arty you have obviously no experience in driving them, mostly USSR tanks driven (clearly not known for being op and never nerfed)
      Principaly TD driver, which requires as much skill as arty exept you cannot be countered because there is no tracers.
      Sorry dude, but you are not more competent than any of us

      • lol
        TDs requiring as much as skill as arty….facepalm.
        Takes a complete moron and incompetent player to say such garbage

      • I uploaded that replay long before existed and mwreplays was down.

        FYI, it was from 1 (or 2? lol) years ago during the “Monthly Contests” or whatever in which you could receive Gold or Type 59s for outstanding performances in a tank class.
        And yes, that was my absolute best performance in the GW Panther. Can’t remember if it was prior to 8.6 or not.

        Also note that the only SPG line I started was the German one, because I valued average damage and accuracy. Also the reason why I didn’t ever bother going up to the GW Tiger.

        “Principaly TD driver, which requires as much skill as arty exept you cannot be countered because there is no tracers.”

        Once again, please do tell me how TDs can nuke everything across the map while camping in base.
        Please tell me how TDs do not require line of sight to hit their targets
        Please tell me how TDs ignore draw distance and are able to shoot targets lit up on the minimap that they can’t see.

        “Stats close to tyra’s ones” – sorry, but they’re not close.
        Also let’s point out that tyraforce has at least the same number of battles played as I do (even more), while he obviously platoons a lot and is part of a clan, while I mostly (about 95%) do soloplay.

        “only replays online” – unfortunately, the “players” filter on doesn’t function.
        But I’m pretty sure you’ll find pretty much ALL of my uploaded replays if you actually google “Fedaykin89″ and “wotreplays”. I know, tough job.

      • “Principaly TD driver, which requires as much skill as arty exept you cannot be countered because there is no tracers.”
        Holy crap, that’s the most stupid thing I’ve read whole year.

  46. Artillery Guide ? You ask yourself for trouble at the very beginning of your article. You should not wonder.

    Bloody Tomato in an artillery can ruin my game by one click. He can destroy my tank in one shot by simply clicking at my tank icon from above. Where, if he would drive a normal tank, he wouldn’t stand a chance vs me.

    That’s the difference of skill you need when playing artillery. So, don’t tell me you need to know any advanced tactics to play artillery well because I get a heart attack of laughing at your article.

    You encourage more idiotic bloody tomato players to go for easy mode and never learn the game mechanics. That’s everything you have achieved with this article and it’s not doing anyone any good as you can see by reaction of the community in the comment section.

    These players will never know where are weak spots of different tanks, they won’t know where to aim to have more chance to penetrate different tanks. They will have no idea about positioning yourself, about using gun depression, side scraping. They will never learn how different types of ammunition work and when is the proper time to use each of them. I could keep giving examples but you get the point.

    Artillery should be so much more harder to play and punishing for mistakes but it isn’t. It’s so noob friendly type of vehicle that I cannot tell in words. Yea, vehicle because I won’t even consider calling it a tank.

    • You talk about player who play only arty.

      Some players play arty as well as other classes, and these players are actualy the ones with more experience because they will know how each class act.

      • Except that most good players only grind arty for CWs, where they actually serve a purpose.

        Also, most good players admit that you can’t have the impact on a game with clickers as in other tank classes. Because playing arty is not about skill, but RNGesus.

    • You honestly think tomatos will read a 15-page guide?
      If a tomato can ruin your day often, you should adjust/improve your playstyle. Pro players rarely get artied even by pro arty players. Think about that.

  47. Guys i think we broke the record as article with most comments. :D btw good job tyraforce

  48. Sorry for the off-topic, but for Alvin:

    “An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.

    After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little …

    The second Test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else. All failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder to succeed the greater the reward but when a government takes all the reward away; no one will try or succeed.”

    Hope this make any sense for you

    • Did I say I SUPPORTED communism? It was just a comparison.
      It’s too idelogical, just like what you say. I am from Hong Kong (Technically a Chinese), and I know more than any westerners why Communism DO NOT work.

      Unfortunately same goes to Captalism as well. Yes the guys who are better are rewarded and the guys worser are punished for their imcompetence. But yet our society had something called “Welfare” to compensate for this. Do we have this in WoT? No I think? So obviously if noobs find that SPG are easier to play (Which After grinding through the US SPG Line I didn’t find it easy, although it seemed easy in low tiers), they will play it. Same goes to TDs as well. Basically all you require is a unified class that require skill (MT). But is such game fun? Everyone using the same class and no variety and RNG? Do you really want a game like that?

  49. The problem with arty is xvm. I make a quick experience. I play 20 games with my 2280 wn8 account and get arty focus in 90% of those games. After that I log with my brother’s account he have 952 wn8 and 48% win rate. Playing the is3 and the centurion mk7. It’s amazing how the sky was free. So the big problems for me is that xvm dictate the arty target and just delete all the thinking process for picking a target.