An info picture by Wargaming… actually, I expected the numbers to be lower, but then, it WAS a stress test. There’s one more thing though. I complained about the graphics (specifically, low texture resolution) but there might have been a legitimate reason for that, as Locastan explained:
“They were afraid of other gaming companies and “freelance” chinese developers stealing their higher resolution meshes and textures for their copycat game and beating them to the finish line. That could always happen with the closed alpha client too, but at least the numbers are far less…so less chance of leakage.”
That actually explains a lot…
It is a legit reason.
Are you shore?
I sea what you did there
Don’t listen, he says ship. ^^
Dont be such a beach ;)
Guys, don’t be wAnkers.
You took it to whale different level.
Sure aBOAT what?
Time to Wave bye-bye to this subject…
I can’t wait for next test weekend and closed beta. :D
Yes, you can.
woras,when you will make new video ?
3mins already made. I’d like to montage everything this week, but ’tis the season to be baddie, trolololo lo lo lo lo. Anyways, again 10min+.
And only because I ran out of space :D
“They were afraid of other gaming companies and “freelance” chinese developers stealing their higher resolution meshes and textures for their copycat game and beating them to the finish line.”
Or it is just a clever excuse to cover the fact that the ships are the way they should be and they dont even have higher resolution textures for them
It seems a fairly likely explanation, considering those models are were lower res than the original WoT graphics and how much better the WoWP models, and improved WoT models are.
I played the Alpha on Gamescom. It had HD textures, looked fucking beautiful, like a finished game.
This reason makes perfect sense. On Gamescom they had their PCs, but anyone could extract the models from the public alpha.
About 100 shells per destroyed ship then ?
try to hit arti from 5 maps away. endless shellspam…
Sounds about right. About 20 shells to destroy a ship at your level, about every 5th shell actually hits.
wows is so lame. no skill no tactic. not even funy as arcade like wot. useless. i will stay@ wot or going to go back wow or aw
Just think when WOT was in its Beta State and early release, where the highest skill strategy was “peekabooming” and even the best players wondered why shooting into the side of that tank at an angle wasn’t penning.
i was @ wot cbt too. but wot was really funy. wows real problem @here. game isnt funy….
wot beta was 10 times more fun than this crap lol
the beta its off not open again its not good news for u i know … but we still testing in alpha test and report the bags for WG to fix it when it’s bi officially open for all bi ok
problem isnt bugs. problem is basic fun. you cant feel anything when hit the target…
yeah no i feel plenty of fun when my shell does a 6k credit and than you get split in 2 via a torp
Asia comes 2nd to Russia lol. Home of the nerds, the otakus, and the fanboys. EU and US should be glad they didn’t come in 2nd.
at least,Asia comes 2nd to Russia,better than the whiners paradise
Your profile led me to the Asia portal , mmm?
Some additional data that can be derived from the sheet:
Average Players per Battle (assuming 27 games per player for all regions):
ru: 15,79
eu: 13,71
asia: 11,31
na: 11,03
Total: 13,34
Player To Battles Ratio (num Battles / num Players), basicly relative success of wows on each region:
ru: 1,71
eu: 1,97
asia: 2,39
na: 2,45
Total: 2,02
If this trend holds, wows will be more successful in asia and na than in ru and eu by far.
Yeah I noticed it too
47,831 players
96,733 battles
Average 27 battles per player = ~3,582 active players and 44,249 players who didn’t play a match OR iv everyone played at least one match only ~1,811 active players
More derived stuff:
Average killed ships per Battle: 10,17
Torpedoes per kill: 4,53
Shells per kill: 95,89
Shells per User: 1973,28
Torpedoes per User: 93,19
“Shells per kill: 95,89″ –> lol ships are tough! :D
You can safely assume half of them are missed shots
The peak players numbers are similar to what wowp beta had. What a failure this will become.
I doubt that it will become a failure of any kind. It just won’t generate nearly as much money as WoT but still generate tons of cash for WG anyway.
The game is quite fun…
Time will tell.
I predict WG will not learn their lesson from this i.e. NA/Japan/EU in that order are where the ship enthusiasts are, NOT RU. Look at games per player for each server… yeah.