Hello everyone,
in the previous post, I forgot to mention one thing. If you bought the Hitlerpanther for old full price and do not wish to have it anymore (regardless of the 4200 gold compensation), Wargaming is offering to fully refund the vehicle – you get your money back, they will remove the vehicle and the garage slot.
If you want that, you have to contact the support service.
Keep in mind one thing however: it’s holidays and so your ticket will probably take long to be processed. It’s also possible your account will be locked until this situation is resolved (have seen that happen with other matters concerning money issues, specifically various chargeback cases).
Another thing also is that according to data from wot-news and Russian forums in general, the Hitlerpanther is the worst sold hightier premium EVER (with very poor sales during first days), which means WG can afford this (the complicated nature of refunds via tickets means few people will do this anyway), as only a couple were sold. That on the other hand means that this will likely not be repeated, like ever. Unless they release another equally unpopular premium :)
classic WG
classic? its rare to see wg returning gold for a tank.
Yea but what is actualy stopping them from buffing it? ok it has really retarded stats. Shouldnt that be fixed?
IMO it is interesting to note how fucked up this tank is, how bad it sold, but yet WG is still not willing to buff it somehow to make it worth the money.
What kind of retard heavily insists on selling such pos premium tanks? we get it that OP premiums are unacceptable but it also should be worth the money. Right now it’s like a heavily nerfed FCM 50t. I cannot understand why would WG sell such a shit balanced tank. Stats balance went down the shitdrain ever since Zlobny left WG. Who is in charge of the supertest now?
Wg never learn from own mistakes…
They didnt release this crap for CT, than they are stupid in front of us.
But of course, we have the best QA department….
What a suprise! Now lets just sit and wait if they come to senses and give Panther 88 and STA-2 premium MM. If not, this will repeat and it will be even worse. Cant imagine someone buying that useless piece of crap.
Yep pretty much the Sta 2 will never sell in its current form without limited mm.
Why? Stats-wise it’s the same as STA-1. And that is a rather good medium, unlike the Panther II.
Ah, because playing the STA-1 in the T10 game is so much fun!
Yes, very fun!
We all know T8s are useless in T10, WG needs to accept it and fix their shit.
Because STA-2 has the middle gun, not the fully upgraded gun.
Actually I personally find the Panther 2 to be a fantastic medium, even in tier ten games. Yeah, the gun doesn’t do a huge amount of damage, but it has a decent rate of fire and the gold rounds for the 88l71 still make swiss cheese of anything that isn’t an IS-7 or Ehundo/Maus frontal plate. It’s also fairly mobile and predictable in performance. I’ve enjoyed mine so far, immensely so.
Doesn’t bode well for the FV4202 move to premium either.
How does this have anything to do with the FV move?
Still can’t believe people bought it at that price though!
Well, in almost every tier 10 and tier 9 battle I see at least one of them.
On the NA server, Panther mit 8,8 cm has gone from $50.35 to $33.89.
WG must consider the Panther mit 8,8 cm to be a real stinker. It’s priced only $.40 higher than the Super Pershing’s regular price ($33.49).
I just like Panthers.
Even the awful ones.
But… How could it be unpopular?
They supertested it!
It was good!
And the supertesters are representative of the player base!
Isn’t that what they kept telling us when they refused to release it onto the common test server?
My word, the hubris of WG at times…
First the debacle with the overpowered SU-76i, now the useless Panther 88.
I really hope they stop releasing premiums without putting them on the common test server first…
I lol’d
SU-76i is old shit , your arguement is invalid.
While on the other hand, the Panther 88 wasn’t properly tested and wasn’t released on common test , so I agree with you.
I don’t see how the panther 88 is shit. It’s almost identical to the Panther II, and wasn’t it always the point of premiums to be inferior to their game counterparts? Lowe seems very much inferior to Tiger II, and it is still a very popular and good tank.
the problem with the Shittypanther, is that it’s flat out inferior to the FCM 50T in pretty much every area, other than it’s minimal ROF advantage, which doesn’t make up for it being worse in every way.
Now, Panther family is a fun indeed: prevoiously we had AwfulPanther and here we got ShittyPanhter :))) …
Lowe is no popular nor good tank.
^this lol
When I first saw the 88 announced on FTR, I thought, eh, it’s okay-ish with pref MM, a little worse than the FCM but pretty much in the same league…
then I read it’s reg MM : W-T-F ??? InstaNOTBUY. I mean even the JT88 has vastly superior armor, vastly superior ROF with the same gun, it has pref MM … and no one has yet called the JT88 overpowered.
IMO the FCM is how you do a premium tank : it’s very good, balanced, not OP, amazing credit maker and before all, it’s FUN to play. Sure it’s huge and armor is pretty much garbage and it’s got no camo at all but it’s fun.
If only the Hitlerpanther had good gun depression or anything to same it, but no… gg WG, gg. I guess that kind of shit goes a long way to explain why I’m barely playing anymore.
Why not buff it slightly?
It and the Panther 2 (it needs some love too).
Why not just offer the refunds AND buff it. It wont take too much.
I bought the grosstracktor and the Panther mit 88.
- grosstracktor is very fun to play, the 75mm canon is OP in tier 3-4 with AP/HE shell. The mobility is surprisingly good for this tank, allow you to flank strong enemies. The downside is when you meet tier 5 HT because you need HEAT to penetrate them. I don’t understand how SS don’t like it, maybe it’s not the same version when he played it. I managed to have 2-3 kills/battle with it.
- Panther mit 88 is OKish, the gun is good, the mobility is also surprisingly good, much better than the Panther. The armour is useless but its compensated by a good gun, good mobility.and no module/crew damage.
“The armour is useless but its compensated by a good gun”
For crying out loud, stop calling it “a good gun”. It’s a decent gun.
Alpha is standard, pen is decent, DPM is not outstanding, gun handling is OK-ish.
Want a really outstanding Tier 8 MT gun? Play the Obj. 416. It also has no armor but good mobility and the hindrance of a semi-turret, but that gun rocks when allowed to sing.
I had all meds tier 8 except the T-44 and STA-1….
sounds like, WG sent u here to sell
nope, I only want to say it’s not terrible like rumours…
nah, let them cry, so they buff it …
not thats not perfectly ok how it is now .. but if they refund me 4000g , and even limit MM for this …. well, definately ok (op) for me :-D
your average tier 10 game: http://wotreplays.com/site/1456361#abbey-makaan_89-panther_mit_8_8_cm_l_71
“nah, let them cry, so they buff it …”
haha, exactly my thought. that’s actually first premium tank i seriously consider to buy.
“Your average tier 10 game”
You don’t even do more then 1600 DPG in all tiers, and your whopping 46% wr in this “beast”.
They just need to make it limited MM and voila, they don’t need to buff anything else frankly. It wouldn’t be amazing but it’s a premium after all.
nope, it’s better to give back the battle tier 12, so you meet less tier X
two things, im testing that thing – so first 40-60 games in my tanks are always crap, because i do things that ill normally dont do :)
also WR doesnt matter – too small battle count and christmas …so, usually i have teams where 6-8 people doesnt have a clue
second – i have Panther for fun, same as some other tanks, i do not care about results, as prio for me is fun ….for results i have other tanks like IS-8
and yeah, if you want to hate this tank, you will always something to hate + i never stated im pro player, im merely average..
I once accidently bought two KV220 packages because of some Paypal fuckup and it was no problem to refund, my account wasn’t locked at all.
I get to keep my tank AND I get some gold?
Well dontcha know its christmas!
Gold you actally bought yourself in the first place
Let the gullible fool feel good about himself Mr. Freeman
Isn’t that amazing ? WG actually PAID him to play the tank (that’s how bad it is lol)
Oh wait…
WG eu fails again:
“T55A, Tier IX, German Medium Tank”
either i missed something or the t55a is russian…
Well technically it is Soviet (made)tank but in the use of East German, National People’s Army aka. Nationale Volksarmee (NVA)
Well i didn’t think of that option…
so there will be NVA insignia on it?
It is a DDR tank so it’s german and it will be in the german tech tree. Yes you definetely missed something.
Edit: Karpo, you sneaky ninja poster. :D
nope, it wont be in tech tree
You only missed the Cold War during history lessons in school… so basically nothing important.
^ that was a great answer :)
It even gets the NVA Insignia like the Leo1 got Bundeswehr one
You can be sure, that Panther 8.8 will receive a preferential MM, just as FCM.
They really should give Panther 88 limited MM and in less time like in case of AT15A which is now finally decent machine worth of buying, problem with Panther 88 is that with limited MM and better gun it will become better tank on avarage than Panther II, so unless they buff Panther II first or at same time, this change to common sense probably wont happen…
Common sense would be to buff Panther 2 also. It’s quite shitty tank. Not terrible, but definitely not good.
T-44 is bad
Most tier 8 meds are unfortunately.
I found the Indien and the STA-1 to be my most fun to play… that f***ing goes to say lol =D
I’d wish I could disagree with you on account of it being fun to drive.
But since the tier 8 mediums mostly have bad winrates compared to the heavies and the T-44 being 8th place…
Yeah, it’s not a good machine to carry games with, even shooting gold doesn’t get rewarded thanks to the dpm on it being the same or worse as heavies on the same tier.
But it’s mobile and fun to play in matches where you can actually penetrate some tanks without premium. I used to have 57% winrate on it, but it’s currently 55% and dropping slowly the overall winrate of the thing drops at the same pace so it’s not hard keeping it green, thankfully.
Retarded. Retarded as fuck. Instead of putting Hitlerpanther on test server so they wouldnt have to deal with complains’n’refunds, they dont put it on test server and now offer refund and have to deal with lots of tickets…
At least support team will have a chance to shine “we’ve closed 30% more tickets than usual”…
@Ionor Rea
They won’t do it (limited MM), otherwise they would have to buff Panther II… and just imagine the shitstorm that would follow (as there are lots of mediocre/shitty T8 meds other than Panther II, so WG would have to do sth about them as well).
It’s a different matter than AT15A, as that was an AT15 clone placed @ -1 Tier with various nerfs.
Hitlerpanther won’t get limited MM.
STA2 – maybe, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. It still seems too similiar to STA-1, just like 88Panther & Panther II.
The only stunt against it rules, that WG pulled off lately, was with T-34-3 (it got limited MM, while beeing arguably better than T-34-2).
But gotta keep in mind the context here, which was riding on the hype59 legend to squish $$. If not the limited MM it would be obvious, that those tanks don’t have much in common…
“as there are lots of mediocre/shitty T8 meds other than Panther II”
Name one.
Because, quite frankly, almost every other Tier 8 MT out-shines the P2 in at least one regard. For instance, the Indien-Panzer is by far the better tank between the 2, due to many reasons.
Actually I can name 6:
This ranking is for ‘normal’ server population, top players can rightfully disagree. Lets not forget, that WG is aiming for it’s whole (but obviously paying) client base, not some cherry picked group.
And yes, tanks have different qualities and will outshine each other in some regards. But in the end, the overall picture is important.
I love how accurate this is:
( T-44, gun penetration is barely good enough for tier 8 games if you target soft targets and weakspots on the side of heavy tanks…. tier 9 is dubious…. It has no place in tier 10. However grab some pay to win ammo and suddenly it’s capable of carrying…. tier 9 games consistently without relying on the enemy having poorly armoured/dumb tanks…. T-34-2 deserves the same gun as the WZ-132, seriously…. fuck that gunhandling on such a mediocre to begin with hull.)
Well you can argue that Centurion, IndienPz and Pershing are all arguably better medium tanks than Panther II with their better balance between firepower, mobility and protection. When I played PII during my grinding and patch 8.8 suddenly arrived my win rate drop hard as I was no longer capable act as scout in tier 10 MM where my gun nor armor means much, hell even some heavy tanks can overtake me after 8.8 when trying to reach top of a hill, which isn’t really that funny in something that have far cry from heavy tank armor nor have same kind of penetration like tier 8 heavy, which can for less agile medium somewhat compensate need for flanking.
Currently Panther II isn’t tank to love, but just to fill a hole to grind for great E50.
Oh well, they made Panther 88 MUCH cheaper meantime. I didn’t noticed that, my bad.
Limited MM probably really wont happen, that would make him too much popular in combination with lower price…
No refund love for the KV5? It’s mostly obsolete now.
I smell a Woras reply coming shortly…
INB4 Worass
”learn to pen with 167mm pen, noob”
I have 1k battles from 2 years ago with 58% win rate in the KV5.
With the accuracy buff, a shot in the general directions hits the R2D2 and armour buff of the enemy (ie Tiger 2 copula) makes the gun impossible to use. So the KV5 isnt as good as it was due to power-creep.
Am I the only one that really likes the Panther 88 (And other Panthers)?
Sure, it would be better if they actually released in on the CT so people could test it. I really hope they learn from this and we get to test the STA-2 and other new premium meds BEFORE they end up in the store. (And no, I am no WG fanboy)
The reason that the FCM gets limited matchmaking is that it is classified as a heavy. I understand that it plays like a medium, but it takes a heavy tank “slot” on the team. A tier 8 heavy that has 212 pen and 240 alpha and sees tier tens would be pretty sad. Oh wait, I think the British have that (and it is pretty sad in tier 10 games).
The Panther 88 is a medium, so it is expected to make due like any other tier eight medium, for which 203 pen is pretty good and 240 alpha is roughly standard (save the Object 416 and the T-34-2 and T-44 with the 122mm guns).
I don’t expect it to get limited matchmaking. If it does it will be in the same situation as the T-34-2 and 34-3, a premium tank that is at least the equal of (if not superior to) the tech tree tank while getting better matchmaking, making a lot more credits, and training crews. If that happens they can bump the price back up to $50.
T-44, 122mm gun? Don’t….
It’s a fun gun, but it’s dpm is so low that even pop-out shooting doesn’t work properly.
T-34-3 isn’t great even with it’s current matchmaking, the T-34-2 is just that terrible.
( Edit for Future-proofing. )
The T-54 Prototype isn’t that great even with it’s current matchmaking, the T-44 is just that terrible.
I was going to buy the Panther 88 at $50 but have to wait til Thu. The price drop just makes it better.
While Panther II is not a major threat in T10 games, I dont feel it is entirely useless, I just have to pick and choose shots and flank for side and rear shots. The 88mm L/71 can still pen a number of T10 side and rear armors.
Panther II and E50 are the two mediums I play the most. Cant wait to get Panther 88. Love VK3002M, Love Panther II, love E50….have a love/hate relationship with Panther.
Poor sales might have something to do with the fact they did not have it on test. So many did hold back for youtube reviews of it, or hear the word on the forum if it was any good. Youtube is mixed and the Forums say its crap. Price drop is nice, but atm I don’t see it getting a limited MM. More or less due to the fact it has the same gun the normal Tank got. And that just about anything with 200+ pen gets +2mm at tier 8 if it got a turret it seems.
Blame the T-44 and T-34-2 for that shit, most useless tanks in tier 10 games, waffletrager/leopard hunters… Flanking doesn’t mean shit after all when you cannot penetrate the sides of tanks reliably. T-34-2 can barely flank with the RNG heavy gunhandling it has coupled with no armour and neither has the DPM it compensate for the mediocre penetration.
just saying…but they could honestly fix it by making all bought prems limited mm. or even just change the mm spead to +/-1
>Tank is confirmed to be shit both by players that bought it and devs themselves
>people out there that are well aware of the situation still plan on buying it
Why, just why ?
I still didnt receive the 4200 Gold…
I did get the 4200 Gold – but i want this sluggish piece of Shit to vanish from my Garage “in no time”!
10 Battles now… 6x Tier10, and 4x Tier9 .. not a single fucking time Tier8
I am not willing ot play the Fool out there, or the Damage Cake for the enemies… This crap shall go where Hitler is roasting!
This Tank is an absolute disaster…. i change it any day against a SuperPershing