Hello everyone,
an interesting interview appeared on the Forbes site with WG vice-president Andrey Yarantsev. It was made in connection to the increase of WG-modmaker cooperation in the wake of the WGDC event. Some of the stuff is actually interesting. A summary of points he made:
- the main audience of WoT is people between 25 and 30 years old
- developers started to work with modmakers because “every company reaches a stage, when it cannot find all the answers inside the company itself due to the interference of various stereotypes, patterns of behavior and legacy of the past. That’s why we are starting to look for the answers outside.”
- creating a new feature for World of Tanks involves a certain “bureaucratic” mechanism of checks, that prevents implementing a feature, that would for example make WG lose players in another region (SS: related to the fact that it’s not easy to implement a useful mod into the game “just so”)
- current goal of cooperation with modmakers for Wargaming is to allow them to access the internal structures via API, so that they are prepared for future patches and there’s not butthurt over mods stopping working
- of all the WG brands, World of Tanks is the strongest
- WG is constantly working on not becoming a “one brand company”
- regarding the failure of World of Warplanes, the situation there is “special”: he admits that the size of the market (and the niche) was overestimated by WG), he hopes that World of Warships will be better, crossing the boundaries of the niche
- A.Pankov (Evilly) on WoWp: “Let me put it politically correctly and mildly – we need to polish the warplanes.” (SS: literally finish working on them, as in they being an unfinished product)
- WG is working on other projects as well, no specifics, they are looking for niches to expand to
- it’s possible that WoT VR will come in 2015
- it’s possible that China in 2015 will see a boom of microconsoles operating the Android as well as TV’s with integrated gaming equipment. If the Chinese get their licenses successfully, WoT might expand to these platforms
- according to the guy, prices (specifically of premium accounts as an example) are the same all over the world, with some small differences of course. One of the goal of working with 3rd parties is to make the game accessories (portal and such) more nation-specific
the main audience of WoT is people between 25 and 30 years old
i think they are wrong, there are so many 8- 11 year old kids playing this game
So many = main audience.
Here I would trust WG, they have info and we have biased perceptions at most.
They can manipulate the statistics as much as they want, just like the good old USSR…
After witnessing many failures of WG and Russia in general, I created a rule for myself;
“Never trust a Russian.”
So I guess every game company manipulates statistics… the very statistics they use to sell their product and make their marketing campaigns…
Damn that sounds stupid as hell. How are they still in business?
Get out.
GSC claims that the Cossacks and STALKER games are popular among 30+ year old gamers.
Are they lying too?
If you join a clan, or just look around in better clans, you can see that most of the players in them have to be 18+ and in fact there are a lot 20 and even 30+ guys playing the game… Most young idiots still play cod, because that game is fast paced, and easier to master than WOT…
even 30+ guys playing the game
Much old
Very ancient
Trust me, I’m an engineer! ;)
Lol talks shit about Russians, comes up with his own conclusions, but doesn’t waste even a minute to do some googling…
WG is not “Russian” but Belarusian.
You’re welcome.
It’s funny, those who claim that 8-11 Years old kids play this game are often 8-11 years old.
Wat but im 14 D; (BTW im not those idiots who complain all the time :D)
- A.Pankov (Evilly) on WoWp: “Let me put it politically correctly and mildly – we need to polish the warplanes.” (SS: literally finish working on them, as in they being an unfinished product)
Instead of polishing a piece of shit – good luck with that – tear WoWP apart and start from scratch or burry the project. The alpha/beta tester gave enough feedback about what is wrong with that game. Even just looking at WT air should give obvious pointers, though that game isnt without its own problems.
I am a person that does not care for planes at all. Neither for WoWp, nor War Thunder air forces (I play only WT tanks).
What is so different between the two :P. I honestly can not tell, both were bad for me.
And how and why is it impossible to fix WoWP?
Oh oh oh
Mr. Yordanov, you don’t care about planes?
Eat the AP-T shell of my Yak-9T then.
Ever since the air forces became widespread around the world, tanks must have other tanks (SPAAG’s) in order to defend themselves. So, if you don’t care about planes, you will be wrecked by planes.
Aha… you have a Yak-9T?
Sorry mate, NBC threats override everything :)
Seriously now, I just don’t care for games with planes. They don’t have gameplay that appeals to my subjective tastes.
Me too. Though I play the Stuka only!!!! Im a WoT player all the way!!!!!
SS, I actually went back to WoWp the other day (they already had their winter event and it was quite fun.) I honestly feel as if it is a finished product now. They significantly updated their texture models of all the aircraft and environments There is a separate ~5 gig download f just textures, there are new cut-scenes and atmospheric effects during the countdown They’ve also been optimizing a lot, my FPS is ~30 higher than it used to be. The game looked really, really good compared t what it was at release.
Honestly, I still don’t think I’m going to play it, though… I’m more than a little burned out on that game ATM…. and frankly, I like War Thunder planes better. (WT tanks blows so far, though)
Graphics arent really everything… especially in MP games mate :P..
Very true, I didn’t say that the game was actually “good” you’ll notice, just that it finaly feels like a polished product… something it definitely did NOT on release.
If my computer could run it at a reasonable framrate, I might go back to it. About a year ago it would be between 5 and 15 fps ever since one bad patch. If it could be a stable 25fps, that would be great. Maybe I’ll download it again…
All the polish in the world is worth nothing when you queue 5 mins to get in a 5v5 battle at tier 5.
WoWP is a dead horse, they should quit flogging it already.
Oh come on, the game’s far from perfect, true, but lies such as yours are not needed.
On t5 you get a 15v15 match in less then a minute in the evenings.
But ofc you have no idea, you played exactly one match in the last two months.
What is WoT VR?
Oculus Rift and other technical gizmos, designed for realistic visual experience.
But sadly, WG acted like a real Russian company and didn’t really care about it.
Maybe if it costed cheap and didnt look like BS…maybe.
The price isnt known yet so your point isn’t valid and as for the aesthetics, beauty is in the eye of the beholder which again makes your point less than valid to anyone other than yourself.
get over yourself!
Im sceptical about this. Very sceptical.
Oh, you’ll try it at some point and will stop being skeptical :D
Tried WoT with Rift DK1 and it was actually quite playable.
Wanna see someone aiming with his head, half of ppl playing WoT doesnt even have head or not mounted on body, and if thry have head even mounted on body, then they have nothing in it.
Wanna see someone aiming with his head? Alrighty then.
Ah, i miss the old beautifull and sunny render
Belarusian not Russian. Remember dat
“the main audience of WoT is people between 25 and 30 years old”
Is that why the mental capacity of 90% of the playerbase is below of that of a 5 year old child?!
But hey, apparently lots of mature players don’t even know what “aiming” is…
Jesus Titty-slapping Christ, this game has possibly the most idiotic playerbase of all MMOs
They said yesterday that a large % of the player base don’t even know that you should shoot when the aiming circle is small. And these people have Tier 10s
WoT VR ?
what is that?
Virtual Reality.
Your first not troll comment hm?
Pingback: Rozhovor s viceprezidentem WG A. Jarancevem
he hopes that World of Warships will be better, crossing the boundaries of the niche
Ahahaha good luck with that pos game
Im an alpha tester and I can tell you it’s looking pretty good so far
^^That’s what they have been saying for WoWP too once it was in alpha.
“- it’s possible that WoT VR will come in 2015″
So 2070 then. :P