How to Run World of Tanks Blitz on PC (by Jeno)

Hello everyone,

not having a powerful enough mobile device? Ever wondered how to run WoT Blitz on PC? Here’s a guide how to make it run by Jeno. Please note that playing online on a PC is actually illegal on EU and RU servers. So this is just for testing purposes you know ;)

Earlier, it was written that WoT Blitz doesn’t run on Bluestacks. Well, it does now and here’s how to do it in several easy steps. The following description was made by Jeno. Enjoy!

1. Go to this download. This is Bluestacks App Player pre-rooted. Basically, if you don’t know Android, this is the hacked version of the Android 4.4 OS running through bluesetacks. We need to have it rooted so we can use the tool in a next step.

2. Just install bluestacks from the download and open it up. You will get some initial android config, just get through it.

3. Next, open up Play Store (some more Google config shit may appear – you may possibly need a google account to log in, depends from region to region)

4. In the Play Store, Search for WoT: Blitz and install it. Upon opening WoT blitz, it will actually download the game (install on “internal memory”, it is ever so slightly faster)

5. In the meantime, install Tincore Keymapper also from Play Store. (Now this would start a tricky bit configuring this app but Jeno comes with the solution!) Ideally I would give you my profile but I can’t see how in the hell you export or import profiles :/

6. Open up WoT Blitz and log in. (typing in bluestacks might be tricky later)

7. Tincore Keymapper configuration (with pictures!):

Schermafdruk 2015-01-01 14.11.50

This is what you get when you open TCKM. Basically this app is very easy to configure once you know two little tricks.
Firstly, you can press any button on your physical keyboard and it will show up on the screen.

Schermafdruk 2015-01-01 14.15.30

To get the nice D-pad, simply press the four WASD buttons, or IJKL or arrow keys or 8462 on numpad.
You can drag it around to place it but we will do that later. We need to change one setting int he TCKM options. Click on the vertical three dots on the top left.

Then, go to settings and find this:


“Open mapper on sequence” Basically what this will do is bring up the menu we see on the left side there, but wherever we are. Click on the space below the “open mapper on sequence” text.


Next, click clear & capture. Press your desired button to open up the mapper. I have set it to T (T,1 = button wodn, T,2 being release) Then click stop and accept.
Try the hotkey now, it should open the mapper wherever you are. (If you selected a character key like I did, it may also open up google search if you are on homescreen).

8. When this is done we can config the buttons properly. Open up WoT: Blitz and go into the options menu on top left and find the controls menu.

Schermafdruk 2015-01-01 14.26.04

(Ignore, the LAI, it’s left alt that I pressed for alt+prtscr :P)

Now, open up the keymapper with your hotkey. By default it will always give you a joystick in the center. Just click it and scroll down to “disabled” to remove it, it wont be needed.
Now, if you have other buttons on screen already, like the WASD d-pad and such, you can now move it over to the bottom left and put it nicely on the wot joystick. Do the same with the fire button and “zoom” button.

Now the camera panning is slightly more difficult. What I did is pressed all four arrow keys to get another D-pad. Next you need to click that and change operation mode to ” Touch area centering” . Then move the thing rougly as I did. Basically, the bigger you make it, the more sensitive your buttons will be. You notice I have it wider than it is tall, so the vertical sensitivity is lower.

Next, click on the top rright of the TCK window (bring up your mapper with your hotkey as necessary) and click the three vertical dots. Click save profile and give it a name. Then click the checkbox to apply it. (If the profile ever stops working, just re apply it.

Now, either at this moment or earlier, you will have gotten a prompt saying that the keymapper needs root, allow it forever. Next up you need to set the keymapper as your default keyboard and input, it will also pop that up itself.

Now, open up the tutorial (it may have started already actually, if that’s the case, just get through the first bit with the mouse and then test the controls.

65 thoughts on “How to Run World of Tanks Blitz on PC (by Jeno)

  1. so with this method you basically can own everyone up , as you will have actual control over your vehicle? and you might even be able to angle the tank?

      • The only problem I have is using the left-sided shooting button (for targets on the move)…a lot of the times the crosshair jumps in the sky wherever it wants.

    • You do have quite an advantage in controlling your tank, yes. But untill you can drive with keyboard & aim with mouse at the same time, it is not that insane of an advantage.

      The main thing in WoT: B is that many people have zero situational awareness. Even though everyone has sixth sense by default and it even has the enemy indicator arrow that is banned on PC WoT :P

    • Yeah, I came across multiple russian video tutorials, I actually linked one in my mail to SS too, but he decided not to include it because you know, most of you don’t understand russian and the videos go quite fast and it’s hard to see what they are actually doing without any explanation

        • I did my best, willing to elaborate on anything I can, I didn’t want to make it too long :)
          But thanks a lot :D

    • What kind of system specs do you have?
      Try going into settings (press “all apps” button center bottom and go to settings, the ‘gear’ icon) find “my device” and go to “app settings” find wot blitz and do a clear cache and clear data. It will redownload the game.

        • Can’t really help you unless you give me more to go on mate :/
          Clearing the cache alone won’t do much, you need to either fully delete and reinstall the app or just clear the data and redownload.

          Also, check if the usual stuff is in order like video drivers etc… If you’re on a laptop, make sure bluestacks is running on high power GPU.

    • I haven’t found a way to let the Tincore keymapper use two input devices at the same time, but yes, you can aim & shoot with the mouse if you want to. However, you can’t drive using the keyboard at the same time. If anyone would find a workaround, that would be epic.

        • Yep, definitely! And what’s more, they are even allowed by Wargaming. In the rules, it is specifically stated that conrollers like PS3/4 controllers and such are allowed :)
          Even though you’re not allowed to use them on an emulator :P Don’t see what the difference is, but anyway :P The rules are very weirdly formulated in EU / asia forums. Probs google translate from RU.

  2. i installed bluestacks and done all those stuff and when i wanted to download wot blitz, it wont let me :/

  3. Anything that isn’t that cack-handed screen joystick interface is going to be a huge advantage. The awful controls are the main reason I never play it, despite being a beta tester.

    In fact, anyone know if you can play it with keyboard on iPad?

    • Yes, you can. Using the same keymapper, you can plug in pretty much any controller to your actual Android device and it will work in much the same way.

    • Yes mate, it is perfectly okay. The reason I didn’t link Bluestacks from the official website is because rooting bluestacks afterwards is a pain, it’s far easier to use the prerooted.

  4. Because you want to play against even crappie teams than on normal PC tanks…

    Afk’ers in 7 vs 7 teams are more fun too!

  5. Pingback: World of Tanks Blitz on Bluestacks

  6. I just hope it helps, you guys :D Will be replying to all comments here. My IGN is General_Jeno if you would like to add me there.

      • You mean the panning with actual mouse by simply holding down the button and dragging? That is not ideal. What you can do for perfect mouse control (can put left mouse on shoot and right mouse on zoom for great TD control) is this:

        Configure mouse movement as hybrid pointer and mouseclick as hybrid touch.
        You can see how to do this here:
        Minute 3:45
        Video by the creator of Tincore

        • I somehow managed to do that moving mouse moves camera but it got stuck at the borders of program.

          There again – enable that joystick, press on keyboard and save.

          • Oh yeah, the keymapper does indeed sometimes give you that thing if you move the mouse in the four directions. That one will not work very well, you’d even be better of just dragging the mouse along the screen, holding lmb. Or just making it hybrid pointer.

              • You’d be surprised how effective you can be, aiming with arrow keys. The autoaim is really quite good. What I often do is just aim at the enemy whilst in cover, then pop out and shoot. Only rarely do I actually get a shot back as I am in and out of cover way faster than anyone else.

                • That’s never actually bothered me. When do you not want to go full speed :P ? There are more options to give you increased control but that is hard to do with a keyboard. a physical gamepad with joysticks could give you that if you so desire :P (for instance PS3 controller works nicely too)

  7. I attempted to get this running, but when I start tincore, it pops up with an error saying “could not create virtual devices. It seems your kernel does not have UNIPUT support”
    When I hit “accept” and attempt to bind keys, a blue bar at the top of the screen says “controller jammed. Autoselection deactiveted. You may need to calibrate”

    • Yeah, I’m getting that too, don’t worry about it, it does not seem to impact anything. It’s basically because the app expects to find things like an actual touchscreen and such and it doesn’t. It also tries to look for gamepads which it probably can’t find. Either way, none of this is a problem and it can be ignored :D

  8. “””””playing online on a PC is actually illegal on EU and RU servers””””

    Can people please stop calling something that is againts a game companys TOS & EULA illegal. It is not illegal in any way shape of form.

    • (also on ASIA server btw :P)
      And actually, it is not entirely clear what is and what isn’t allowed. For instance, they do allow “official” external input devices but they don’t allow playing it on an emulator… Typically WG being very grey with rules.

  9. Too bad that my favorite blog condones a way of cheating that may really cripple the Blitz game by rendering it unplayable for people who actually use a tablet or phone.
    More posts like this one and I’ll certainly pull my Patreon support for FTR. :(

    • Mate seriously (I’m sorry mate, don’t want to speak in your name, but I’m quite qure this is true), Silentstalker does not condone this in randoms, he said so right at the start. This is NOT allowed and you should NOT do this, except on NA server (for now, it’s not written in the rules there). It’s just like the leaks, it will get posted elsewhere anyway (there’s already loads of tutorials in russian, I just happened to be the first one to write one in English :P).

      You can also say that Plazmakeks is bad for sharing cheat mods on his mods blog… he clearly says you shouldn’t be using them coz they are banned. Is he doing wrong for posting them? I don’t think so. He’s just providing the people what they want. If not, they will go elsewhere.

  10. Pingback: Jak spustit WoT: Blitz na počítači?

  11. OK I did the key secquencing, T1,T0 and now I`m in the world of tanks game and the key mapper just don`t want to come up so what I have to actually press T+1 or T+0 or what????

    • No, like I said: T,1 means you press the T button. T,0 means you release it.
      So just pressing the T button will bring up the key mapper :)

      • Ok.That`s what I thought,I`m pressing the T but nothing happens, the Key mapper won`t open,I don`t know what`s wrong…sad I really want to play this game…

        • Have you clicked the “apply” checkmark to apply settings?
          Also, don’t forget you need to have TCKM as your default input or it won’t ever capture any keys.

          • Yeah,OK I click apply then it says–To controll key presses Tincore IME keymapper is needed.Please enable it in the setup screenand set as default input method.–Then there is a accept under it but can`t press it because the whole screen is freeze and unreponsible and I have to close the whole thing and restart it.So at the setup screen how do I set it as default input method?

              • Never give up :P
                There are two places where you need to set Tincore right, one is the keyboard in use, the second is the active input, just close, restart and apply the profile again, it will prompt you :)

    • Had that too, there must be an easier way to do this, but alas, I haven’t found it;
      Basically all you can do to get your input detected is get the prompt to select default input (besides the default keyboard, there’s another, impossible to find setting somewhere. Only way I’ve gotten to it is by the prompt of the keymapper itself.)
      To get this prompt, fully close and restart bluestacks, open tckm, selct your profile and apply it, try your keys. Rinse and repeat. It’s a little wonky but it will work eventually :P Also, I have found the import/export of profiles, it’s under settings / profile (what do you know :P)

  12. Now it worked for 2 minutes before it crashed..
    What I did was to go to Settings/Profile and select “load profile automatically”.

    • Hmm, Have not got that setting turned on myself. I do have the app autostarting, it’s just two clicks to apply the profile…
      It’s still Android lol crashing is always an option :D

  13. Ah,so when it crashes, select “apply profile” in the tree dots menu. It works now.