Sorry, absolutely nothing new today, posting this here for the sake of continuity. Celebrations in Russia and all that.
Oh right, one thing. It’s completely possible to retrain your American crews to Mammoth, Soviet crews to Arctic Fox and French crews to the 8-bit TD… forgot its name. These are the tanks from the upcoming “8-bit” mode and while they come with crews on their own, it’s possible to use your trained crews for them. After the event is over, the 8-bit crews will be automatically retrained for free to: T110E5 (American), Foch 155 (French) and LTTB (Soviet).
So if i put my M103 crew into Mammoth, i will get free crew retrain (100%) for T110E5 ? Or is it only the crew that comes original to the Mammoth (some special crew)
Well you have to retrain the crew to Mammoth. But yes.
SS, what’s the ETA on this mode on the EU server?
Search the older posts, lazy reader
Oh well, i hoped i won’t have to retrain the crew, like with premium tanks, so i’d have a better crew for the M103, which i’m gonna get soon. With double retraining it’s isn’t worth it. So, looks like i’m gonna play TD, and train a better crew for my sealclubber FCM 36, lol.
It will be any crew trained for the 8 bit tanks after the event which gets retrained to the relevant tanks. Just sticking a crew in the tank won’t work so no, you can’t get a free retrain like that.
But if you have finished with the M103 then it could be worth training the crew for the Mammoth, getting some extra skills on them (or at least getting them back to 100%) in the 8 bit mode and then using them in the T110 after the event.
Polar Bear was its name. The one with 12.514 DPM.
White Flag more like it.
Depending on convention, that might mean 12k DPM. Some countries use 1.234,56 and some use 1,234.56 to mark thousands and fractions.
Lemme guess – euro-murikans use the wrong one?
Muricans gets it wrong…
and so do you it seems
12×10^3 – thats how to write it :D
Open your eyes bro.
12.514 is twelve DPM.
12,514 is 12k DPM.
So fuck off.
The other way around, m8.
Actually Woras, under that logic the first would be 13dpm seeing as it would round up being 0.5 or over
You Are wrong – most likely in more countries than you are right…
Space every three digits is enough and less misleading:
12 514 DPM
7 825 674 375 190,267 – shitloads of something…
You sound frustrated
Take your pills :D Text doest not sound :D
Woras is right.
muricans do it wrong, as usual…
It’s like the difference between soccer and football :D
This is 12,5k of DPM
what? americans use the commas….
Or maybe go with what it is when its obvious, wnd when its not just ask. On ftr, ss uses commas for thousands etc and defimals for fractions
My goodness.
Are you really arguing about one little pixel?
And, of course it was Woras who had to remark about this little sh*t. You seem to get really desperate.
For the record, what I was saying is twelvethousandfivehundredfourteen damage-per-minute.
“For the record, what I was…”
I see what you did there >.>
In the United States, a comma is used to designate the thousands place.
So to say “one thousand two hundred thirty-four in the USA: 1,234
I don’t know about other countries. I do know many use a point instead of a comma, but I don’t know which ones do.
i’m EU
For Decimal:- Euro = comma. For the rest of the world the decimal point.
Much like Merica has the date backwards MM/DD/YYYY. Rest of the world DD/MM/YYYY.
Also Merica is the last country to use Imperial measurements. The rest of world use metric and a calculator if we speak to Mericans.
Also measures temperature in Fucks xD Ok ok – its Farengeit.
Not true. Myanmar and Liberia are still there as well.
They will be retrained even if the abovementioned tanks are not researched?
Yes. I have a lovely Chaffee crew I’ll probably never use from the Chaffee race mode but I have not researched the Chaffee and have no real intention to.
If it works the same way it worked with the M24 Chaffee Sport retrain to the normal M24 Chaffee, then yes. IIRC I didn’t have the Chaffee researched when the crew training swapped.
So does that mean I can use my Foch 155 crew already in the Polar Bear, or will I have to spend Gold to re-train them? If so, nice scam WG. make people spend their Gold or have a double crew for a tank. Why not just use the Premium system, and allow us to transfer the crew(s) for free.
that way they wont drain the gold from people and make them buy more
a shame but its true.
I’m more itched to the fact that i dont have a 155, and am not even close to it (have yet to buy the AC 46) but it seems i’ll have a crew already.
No one is making you to spend gold, you can retrain them for credits: going from 90% back up to 100% shouldn’t be much of a problem.
They do seem to have conveniently scheduled the event for second half of January, when 50% discount for retrain is no longer in effect… :D
lol then WG fucks up and your precious crew is gone :D
I’m still wondering why they havent brought out the karl to serve as a 4th vehicle.
Its arty.
sowhat? the map was small enough to not matter
arty isn’t fun , can’t put it in a fun gamemode i’m afraid
how much faster the crew training in this mode compared with regular tanks ?
After the event is over, the 8-bit crews will be automatically retrained for free to: T110E5 (American), Foch 155 (French) and LTTB (Soviet).
Like they retrained the Chaffee crew after a few weeks?
I would really like if someone on the RU forums would ask if WG devs intend to keep their “balancing tier by tier” program in 2015… or if they already dropped the idea
I wonder how T6 “got balanced” by not buffing Churchill GC….Or nerfing Cromwell – or its too well?
Speaking of which – just got my 3rd MoE on the Crommie. Little bastard can be a real beast
Open World of Warplanes…. get premium day, play some random crap –> get some gold (first one is for 50g…)
Have fun
Have fun and WoWp? :D Nu-uh!
sorry :D… i mean:
Work you slaves !
OH ! And i found out that tutorial reset itself and now you get 50g when you complete it.
No more, no lesssss
“It’s completely possible to retrain your American crews to Mammoth, Soviet crews to Arctic Fox and French crews to the 8-bit TD… forgot its name. These are the tanks from the upcoming “8-bit” mode and while they come with crews on their own, it’s possible to use your trained crews for them.”
That’s nothing new (it was possible in previous fun modes as well), but it’s indeed worth pointing out as an interesting way to train your crews.
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