Hello everyone,
it’s a widely known fact that tankettes were generally useless in battle (with a few exceptions, as artillery tractors for examaple), but they sure do look cute. Here’s a video of a restored Renault UE 1937, it’s in Belgium I think. Actually, to drive something like that could be a lot of fun, no?
In case you are wondering, here’s a video of the “insides” of the tankette. Notice how tiny everything actually is!
Renault Ü
What what – cock in the pot :D
Woras and his wet dreams
Coulé (you probably won’t understand the joke)
Fordson Snow Machine – 1929 Concept
Yes that is the one from bastogne.
It looks very similar with a Romanian tankette made by Malaxa.
SS actually posted some pictures with it in his “Bucharest Museum Photos” article:
7th picture.
I guess the Romanians used the french design as inspiration.
Chenillette <3 …