Jingles Previews Armored Warfare

Now, I don’t usually link Jingles (considering the same or more people watch his videos than read FTR, it’s hardly needed), but you really shouldn’t miss this one. Jingles previews the upcoming competitor of World of Tanks, Armored Warfare.



Inside (watch for details):

- modern tanks (1950′s and onwards)
- modern tech (ERA, that protects against guided missiles)

Different vehicle classes:

- MBT’s (such as T-90A)
- TD’s (light wheeled stuff like the Stryker)
- LT’s (very fast, maneuverable but decently armed things like Stingray II, apparently it’s not a scout class but an equivalent of MT’s)
- light classes can deploy smokescreens. Smokescreens block line of sight and spotting, but light classes can actually spot tanks through smoke and “paint” them for other tank classes
- ARV’s are the scouts, they can designate a target, designated enemy tanks take increased damage
- SPG’s are the artillery

- tank progress not based on nationalities. Jingles is wrong with the EU tree… he could have asked me for example tbh, but meh, whatever.
- strong PvE content with coop content and individual objectives
- RPG elements in the crew, commander system

Also, the Jingles mentioned limited beta, but the term is “technical alpha” and it’s for cca 500 people. And yes, I am one of the people in it too. Should be interesting.

73 thoughts on “Jingles Previews Armored Warfare

  1. The only thing I dont like so far is the concept of scouting – I mean that the tank receive double dmg if lit up by the scout. Makes very little sense to me. Btw anybody knows how the spotting will work? Same way as in WoT? Thanks.

    Edit: are you allowed to review the technical alpha by yourself here? I guess you should be, right? Looking forward to it.

      • i didnt read the article, just watched the video. And there was said, if i recall correctly, that its double. On the other hand, Jingles wasnt the most reliable source ever, so I should probably have consider that :)

      • It would be ok if the chance of killing crew, damage modules and such got increased .. when you get spotted my those little shits.
        But i dont like the idea of higher dmg roll (if they meant dmg)

    • The slowest tanks in AW will have the characteristics of either the E50M or the FV4202 maybe :D

    • However, is fast gameplay “wanted” ? Because from these videos it seems more like “Arcade shooter” like WarThunders Arcade mode rather than tactical game. Im not saying that is bad or good, its just that maybe that its not what a lot of people expect.

    • I think it was mentioned in one QA streams a few months back that autoloaders will have 4 and max 6 rounds in lower tier tanks (scouts I asume). It will work similary to WoT.

    • To be fair, he always goes on record that people should tell him when he got something wrong and he then corrects his error.

      Not many do that.

      • Yeah just to waste 5 minutes of his next video talking about everyone spams in comments to correct him. [nerd voice] “ouhh but actualy Jingles…..”
        But he improved lately :]

        • [nerd voice] Jingles? Jingles?? Wha- What are you doing?? **KABLAM**

          Some of the funniest moments in Jingles’ videos, in my opinion XD

    • It’s just the same we saw with WT GF – looking muck better – doing a lot better but still a lot of players went back to WoT because:
      - a lot og time and money spent
      - stock grinds again
      - learning new game mechanics and maps again

      • WT was and is a game less finished than the unfinished WOT… WT fails becuase want be excesive revolutionary and fail in basics.

        AW accept doesnt reinvent the wheel and using simple WOT system improve all his fails… for me AW has a much better chance to beat WOT IN THE POCKETS, who want invest money in WOT when AW is the “good WOT”???

        WG lose a lot of time, money and resources in planes and ships, ignore tanks and now they are going to have a serious problem not only to release a modern WOT… even mantein WOT is going to be problematic because in 4 years they were unable to improve WOT a lot…

  2. In the first post you said this is the first alpha test. I have played the test and I can approve that this is not the first alpha test, sure you might call it a technical alpha test, but again, this isn’t the first alpha test.

    • Unless you are an Obsidian employee, I highly doubt it. This is the first time anyone public is allowed to get in. “Technical alpha” is a term officially used by Obsidian.

      • They did have a test day where you could go to the Obsidian offices and try the game.

      • I know “technical alpha” is the term used by Obsidian, but this is not their first alpha test. At least it’s not the first stage of it. Back in 2014 some selected players in the community were actually given access to the very first stage of Alpha test, just like warlock2112 said. However, I won’t spoil anything, neither will I keep on discussing.

        • That was an open house on the 22ed iirc of December. The only way to get there was to wither drive or take a plane and with SS in Europe and the open house in California it was not going to be happening. Although SS did know of the test. He seems to have forgotten about it.

    • Wait.. what ? What’s wrong with gay people ? Besides, is your hatered towards Jingles so great that you won’t even watch AW footage ?

      I feel sorry for you.

    • Did you just combine ‘gay’ and ‘Europe’ and ‘the mighty jingles’ in a single sentence?! Your sarcasm must be too stronk for my understanding…

      Yeah, it’s such a shame that there is a place called Europe where even minorities can live without being politically suppressed.

      And despite not knowing the exact political attitude of the mighty jingles (which no sane gnome in his position would publicly announce), a very large percentage of the British wish that their island was a boat with which they could paddle a few houndred seamiles away from the continent.

      You know nothing, Jon Sn- …You know nothing!

  3. ARVs increase damage
    - Welp, nope.

    Light tanks make smoke screens
    - Enjoy losing about 20% of the betatesters because unable to play. Also screwed up spot system, I can imagine (doesn’t matter how good it is, players will still whine)

    Arty movement supported by devs
    - Yeah, in WoT too, we’ve seen how well it works. Doubt arties will move here as well.

    (personal opinion: Commanders looks ugly as shit and the skillset looks weird)

  4. Aaaaand I can’t wait to see WG struggling against an AMERICAN SOFTWARE HOUSE, I really hope this game will kick WG’s gums to also wake them up and stop doing useless things with this game.

    WT GF is just a random game (I tried it a lot) where tactics don’t exist, it’s like a Battlefield 3 with WW2 tanks, nothing else.

    This one will be a “good clone” of WoT and HOLY FUCK THERE IS ALSO GODDAMN PVE!

    PVE! This means: “Are you getting stupid teams and you are raging out because you want to play BUT YOU CAN’T because the retard is too stronk today? HERE, go play with your friends and your tanks in this AWESOME mode to relax or to have more fun”

    Man, I can’t really wait for this game.

    • only problem is its being done partly by Mail.ru….. money hungry people worse than serb

    • Aaaaand I can’t wait to see WG struggling against an AMERICAN SOFTWARE HOUSE…

      How is WG struggling exactly? The “mighty” murican SOFTWARE HOUSE is copying WoT at almost everything.

      • copying almost everything? how about IMPROVING. should i remind you about the 10% RNG or PvE? neither of this is copyied from Wargayming.

        • should i remind you that the tank classes are the same(except for the name), or that the gameplay is identical, or the fact that the UI is the same as WoT but just given a moder twist? I guess that doesnt matter to you.

          • It’s ok with that, they are just taking the GOOD part of WoT to create a game that has this part AND the part that WG promised us one year ago.

            The fact that it is a copy is the best part because the bases of WoT are awesome. The problem is that WoT is EXTREMELY mismanaged, nothing else.

            They just don’t care about their game because they have the only good arcade game of tanks (for now) online and I really hope AW will kick their asses, copy or not.

            • so what exactly do you think is so much better in AW than in WOT i dont see a point to be honest?

  5. “- strong PvE content with coop content and individual objectives”
    I’m totally gonna play this, fuck WoT and its 1vs29 random battles.

  6. The problem with this game will be the fact that a lot of WoT players will transition to this game, and as we all know, WoT has one of the more toxic communities in the online games department. But it does look promising as a game to alternate with playing WoT.

    • lol toxic you’re clearly haven’t played league of legends where every player should drink bleach.

      • I said ONE of the more toxic, not the most toxic. And I did play LoL, I stopped because of the long games and the community.

  7. I have two concerns with this game (“Concerns”, so the game might not have them):
    1- Tanks will lack character, due to the fact that balancing tanks will be completely in the hands of Obsidian. This could mean many stats adjustments and none of the historical data (Well, war performance for T72, M1A1s and Merkava).

    2- Combining modern tanks with close quarters tactics is a bit silly. Coming from Iraq, I don’t think I will enjoy seeing T72s face hugging an M1A1 Abrams.

  8. I like the HD models in WOT and Ground forces better, the tanks felt like they are made from plastic.
    waiting till we see actual gameplay to judge content

  9. Jingles missed a class….


    BMP-1/2/3, BMPT, CV-90 and the like….They are also featured in the game.

  10. Pingback: Armored Warfare: Blíží se alfaverze

  11. I don’t think this will affect WOT significantly… Unfortunatly… some pressure would make them actually do something about their game

    Last night for 2 hours I had either 65 or 35% to win. EU1 was swamped with 20k battle 300 eff players.

  12. anyone one notice the chieftain tank in the video 9:25 in to the video and yet WG has yet to put it into WOT which it should of been in the game when the British line first came out and where still waiting for it even after the releases a med-DT line

  13. Looking forward to trying this game at some point, though I’m not sure if it will win me over from WoT.

    Jingles comments on Swedish tanks not being able to form its own tree irked me a bit but I forgive him as he is a busy man who probably don’t spend much time reading through the WoT forums.

  14. Cant wait to test it. If it has faster gameplay which it seems it will and balanced and smart implementation of arty then HELL YEAH. Also I like the almost RPG like progression of the commanders and crews. Having also an hangar that you most probably will be able to upgrade aswell is sweeeeet.

  15. Whilst the game play is all fine I’d like to be told what the mechanics are about. Is it server sided like WoT or client sided like WT:GF? Given that it is the Cryengine then it’s probably client sided and therefore where will the servers be located? Trying to drive in WT:GF is horrible for someone with what is regarded as high latency (100ms+) where with WoT sub 250ms is playable. Or are they going backwards to Peer 2 Peer hosting ala CoD MW2 debacle?
    If they are going to host servers then are any going to be located in Oceania aka Australia/New Zealand? No, Singapore is not acceptable as the cable between Perth (Western Australia) and Singapore is constantly being cut by Indonesian fishermen resulting in rerouting of all Oceania connections going via Japan – HK – Singapore with a 100ms increase.