Source: FTA VK community
Hello everyone,
yesterday, the testing of stronghold consumables started on the supertest. The first to be tested were the air strike and artillery strike consumables. The artillery strike model on supertest is simply insane, it totally fucks up one square of the map so much that any HT and MT caught there is either destroyed or totally crippled. This is “compensated” by a 4-5 second warning before the artillery strike.
Air strike is even funnier, basically it’s HEAT shells falling straight from above. You get notified when the shells get dropped.
Generally, according to supertesters, these consumables will make life much harder for the heavies and superheavies, shifting the balance of power in favour of medium tanks, that can get away from the blast zone on time.
Doesn’t the favour already lie on tier x mediums with the insane combination of DPM + Penetration and Camouflage + Viewrange?
That was since T10 MTs arrived.
Yes it does. MEdiums rule, the rest are fools!
I agree, Tier X mediums FTW
Yes, but…
1. The people who play the most – pay the most.
2. The people who play the most – are always playing the most OP tanks (typically, with platooned with 2 other experts, also playing OP tanks).
3. The most OP tanks are the higher-tier mediums. So, WarGaming’s bread-and-butter is top-tier mediums now (it used to be TD’s not too long ago, and auto-loaders, heavy-armor, etc…).
4. Nerfing top-tier mediums will piss off the people from #1.
5. Pissing off the people of Group #1 loses WarGaming money.
Why did WG nerf arty and light-tanks into the ground (even though their win-rates were WAY less than the mediums/heavies/TD’s)? Because arty and scouts really pissed off the people from Group #1.
So, I imagine, WG won’t really care that this heavily favors some of their biggest spenders…
“You get notified when the shells get dropped.”
Much warning, such usefulness.
Maus: ”Ok guys, see ye in next battle”.
Same with E-100, JP-100 and E3′s. At least it would stop most of the hard base campers.
In SH….
U wot m8
At least 65% of teams we meet in SH camp.
Yeah, usually tomato teams, but quite a lot of “better: players as well I’ve seen. :/
T95 : “That was an amazing shoot, FOR THE ENEMIES!” *insert TF2 jokes here*
Imagine the unicom rage when tomatoe teams in SH wipes out two thirds of their team with an arty strike. haha
Unicum teams are usually not the ones camping A0 with 15 tanks…
First blo-
Double ki-
Penta k-
You win! Perfect.
Killing spree..
I didn’t say they’d be camping A0
World of Medium Tanks confirmed once again. I wonder how long it will last before WG starts shifting again the meta to force people grind new tanks and spend some money into free exp conversion.
EU tree OP tanks.
Players want historical, they get historical. IRL mediums prevailed too, for obvious reasons.
Well, mediums dominating makes sense. Mobility, gun handling and smaller targets. Real tank battles did not take place in abundance in towns.
It would be fun to just bombard spots where teams gather. You could like kill 5-6 tanks just by knowing people usually sit in those places :P
Any idea on how many times you can use it, i.e. once every battle or is there a cooldown where you can use it once every five battles ect. Also what level of building and how many resources would it use.
Afaik once per battle
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I like it. If you wanna camp you have to be clever about it so you don’t get nuked by artillery/bombs, and as the current meta is to stick together, which clearly is a your best bet, with the consumables spreading apart might work better.
Indeed, as if the current situation ain’t bad enough! WG have shown time and again they don’t know shit about balancing arty.
i feel happy i currently have 4 tierX all of them mediums xD
but i dont have clan huuhuhuhuuh
So.. only the battle leader can summon those arty and air strikes?
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