
- premium TD’s will not get a viewrange nerf
- developers are working on better anti-aliasing as a part of the next big update of the graphics system in the game
- Storm states that reworked (larger) Murovanka ended up doing nicely (a good map)
- removing the standard render from the game would not save any client space
- WG will consider buffing 121 (Chinese tier 10)
- AMX-30 branch will have “two vehicles” (SS: well, not really, I mean there will be a bunch of lowtiers up to tier 5 IIRC, then a gap, and then AMX-30 Prototype and AMX-30 coming from AMX-13/90)
- when Havok comes, the level of allowed destruction will be the same as it is now
- T28 (US TD) will be changed from the fake it is to a real project (early T95 variant from NARA archives)
- the WT E-100 replacement is a real project and it is not on E-100 hull, it will “fit the Waffenträger concept”
- a mechanism for players to easily find a platoon mate (“platoon finder”) to play with them is planned for this year

- animated models (SS: as in, ventilators turning and such) are not tied to Havok
- FV215b (120) was introduced into the game because “earlier, we considered Chieftain to be too modern. Now we don’t anymore.”
- developers are working on Dx11 support, it wasn’t scrapped
- there are two issues with the bushes, causing them to flicker in sniper mode. Only one will be fixed in 9.6
- XP for “tanking” will most likely come in 9.7
- some graphical bugs in various models (like a tank having too short a barrel) will have to wait until the tank is reworked to HD
- Storm is aware of the issue where players get 4-5 maps all the time during one gaming session (too much map repeating). He states that it will not be fixed in near future, WG will think what to do with it. It’s a question of MM and server load
- Q: “Which high pen shells will get nerf?” A: “All those, that we consider need it”
- dynamic characteristics of tanks in a hangar should come this year, so should a new garage filter (SS: odd, didn’t SerB say those were scrapped or something?)
- Storm states that the IM’s are skill-based, because “skilled players complete them faster than the unskilled ones”
- Storm confirms that the feature where players would be able to disable maps they dont want to play was cancelled
- Italians will definitely not come this year
- AMX-13/90 will not be buffed
- 7/42 format will not return to team battles
- it’s possible alternative IM’s will be introduced
- no plans to nerf SU-152
- LT’s will not get a penetration buff
- no plans to allow players to convert free XP to crew XP
- no plans to introduce multiple types of shells in one autoloader clip
- Storm states that the reason why no more limited MM premium tanks will be introduced is that “it’s good for the future of WoT”
- VK4502 Ausf.B (tier 9) will be switched to Maus prototype this year
- it’s possible penalties for “unsportsmanlike behavior” will be increased
- Object 907 won’t have the M-62 gun, because “it’s buffed enough as it is”
- regarding tier 10 medium tank penetration nerf: “final solution of this issue was not yet decided”
- some IM’s have incorrect descriptions, some will be fixed in 9.6
- regarding new Matchmaker 3.0 – there is an idea to completely scrap the battletier system, but so far, no comment. It will not come anytime soon.
- Storm confirms: the probability of you getting a certain map is different for each tier (SS: as in, if you are getting the same one, switch tiers)
- Storm states that the changes on Winterberg (compared to Ruinberg) were not announced specifically, because Winterberg doesn’t count as a copy map, but as a new map
- IS-6 maximum speed is historical
- S-Tank (Strv 103) will appear in the game
- Swedish will most likely have a separate tree, but it will NOT come this year
- AMX-12t and AMX-13/75 might be buffed in following patches, they will be investigated
- there are no plans to buff Super Pershing for now
- Naydin medal bug will be fixed in 9.6
- Maus will not be buffed, neither will IS-7
- T95 will not be removed from the game
- 1vs1 pvp mode will not be implemented
- Storm states that the decision to remove limited MM premiums from the shop was not yet taken as final
- Smolensk map size is 1200 x 1200

173 thoughts on “22.1.2015

      • Not really, do it like the french do – with the french the turret mount is considered the turret, and the oscilating turret itself is all the gun – you can check it in tankviewer – if you untick “show gun”, it hides the entire turret.

        same could be done for the S-tank, just that the suspension is the tank and the turret at the same time, and the whole rest of the tank is considered the gun. so when you’d aim the whole tank would turn (but slower than when driving) as a turret, and the whole tank would move up and down. It’s actually a very easy thing to implement with how tanks currently work, at least the SD ones.

        • I dont know – maybe its in code to what smallest degree tank can turn – thats why it looks twitchy, at least for me.

          • What part? The movement? The turret? Because those would be separate, like you wouldn’t have to turn the tank using A&D to aim, when you aimed the whole tank would turn, but slower. If the tank acted like both the tank and the turret, it would have track traverse and turret traverse, but both would turn the tracks in a way (both would turn the tank), just the “turret traverse” would turn the tank as smooth as a turret and slower, but you could of course turn the tracks themselves to aim in a place quickly.

    • You know… this might mean that we’ll see the E 10 ingame and that the STB-1 will get it’s historical gun depression/elevation system.

      • Could STB-1 move in it’s lowered suspension state? If not then it actually may get tricky to utilise this mechanism, if you voluntarily immobilise yourself for the sake of gun depression, as pulling back after the shot is one of the most essential manoeuvres.

  1. - the WT E-100 replacement is a real project and it is not on E-100 hull, it will “fit the Waffenträger concept”

    SS, come on, a SMALL hint please? Post 1945 or pre 1945 project?

  2. wild guess about new wt t10 it is other wt desing for panther hull and it will have pen. buffed 150mm gun.

      • Dude, what part of “WG doesn’t only use the internet to find new tanks” do YOU not understand?

        • Learn to read..

          SS wrote that the tank that is going to be introduced was RECENTLY FOUND in the archives… it’s not something we all know or heard about… Which means it’s not the Panther hull WT since we already know about that project -.-

          • There can be more than one project of the same type on the same hull. Look at the Centurion series, you’ve got both the FV4004 and FV4005 tank destroyers on the same chassis and a multitude of mediums too.

            • no, if would not make SS so exited if it was made up. its gonna be legit, but no body will know it until it happens.

              and SS, your gonna torture us for this, are you not.

  3. Storm states that the IM’s are skill-based, because “skilled players complete them faster than the unskilled ones”

    Yes, I’m a 14 wn8 and 23%wr tomato, that’s why those missions will take me…. 2 years to complete at best.

        • Its not impossible, I’ve seen sub 30% win rates. In order to pull it off I suspect one has to platoon with “like minded” players and be frequently top tier, either playing tanks with limited matchmaking or tier 10s. The anti-unicum platoons do exist. Generally they are on my team, while the other team has a platoon of purples in IS-6s (for tier 8) or E100s, Object 140s, or Bat Chats (for tier 10).

      • Not really, just trolling as usual. Until “the 2 years” part – I’m not going to grind most suitable tanks for them now, but when I feel like it. And my friend is taking a break from wot AND he doesn’t have tanks that are any use in platoon missions.

        BTW – ace tanker’d jagdpanther today – damn those tracks are heavy indeed… -_-’

  4. Dammit, if they buff the Super Pershing back to it’s original state (frontal armor) then i’m gonna kick myself for selling it.

        • and if he angles his pike, or you could hit his roof, even then its not impossible. and penning a SP in an IS-3 is hard cos of its semi-bad accuracy. and your rof will prob compensate.

      • I could live with having to load a few apcr rounds for T9 games, but it’s front armor is practically paper now. It rarely bounces, when angled decently.

    • Don’t worry, I suspect that rather than doing anything to the SP, buff or nerf, they will simply remove it from the shop/tech tree in their Stalin-Like purge of limited matchmaking tanks. Perhaps they will turn the T95E2 into a premium (rather than a reward tank) and start selling that in its place. That would make all the rerolls who ground out a tier ten to get one on their main account mildly upset, but oh well, I’m sure they would sell to all the people that didn’t reroll or actually recruit someone.

  5. I’m not really sure that the 121 needs a buff, but I’ll take it. In before “buff gun depression”. That isn’t happening.

    Very much looking forward to the AMX 30, though I’m not excited about playing the 13-90 again to get to it. Not that the 13-90 is a bad machine, but it just didn’t click for me.

    • I’ve already saved 180k EXP for the AMX-30 PT (will grind more just to be safe as Lorraine costs around 190k). I’m gonna love both of the AMX-30s.

      Also why the hell would they be buffing the 121? Isn’t the 113 a lot worse than it’s medium counterpart? Seems really futile to buff the 121 as it doesn’t really need it.

      • I retrained my 13-90 crew already to another tank class. If I am going to have to play through the 13-90 again for the AMX 30s it looks like this might be a good fit for a female crew. Do we know what the crew layout of the AMX 30 is? I’d hate to be stuck with 3 women in the 13-90 and then need a loader for the AMX 30 and not have another female to go there, breaking SOS.

      • Well it does seem a bit strange they are going to buff 121 and not buff 113 UNLESS the 113 is that another tank to be replaced by something else eventually. Seems rather logical.

        • The 113 has better UFP armor and more hit points, other than that, I’d rate the 121 as better. The gun on the 121 has more penetration and a faster reload and, as mobile as the 113 is, the 121 is more mobile. Both are kind of niche tanks, but IMO the 121 is better overall. Maybe that 111 5A will reappear.

    • AMX 13 90 is OP if you can afford spamming APCR and running stronk coffee.

      Will 9.7 bring AMX-30 ? It’s time to start stocking up XP on 13 90 i guess.

    • Fucking suck that we’ll have to play the 13/90 to get the 30PT. I love glasscanon tanks (french heavies, Leo…) and I’m sure that I’ll love the AMX-30, but god, I suck at playing light tanks. I never got the Batchat cause I couldn’t bear myself to farm through the 13/90 and then Lorraine 40t

    • Börk ikea and siemka tenks to the rescue!

      Really not looking forward to the AMX30 though….
      A leopard 1 with a different skin and probably worse gun handling ? Bleh.
      Unless it has the ridiculously overpowered “I can penetrate any tank will auto-aiming easy mode I win” Obus G HEAT round, it’s going to be as rare as the Leo

      Paper meds relying on camo </3 corridors.

      • I’ve got Leopard 1 and I absolutely love it. Amazing tank, great gun, no need for armor since if you let them shoot you you’re doing it wrong in the first place. In Leo 1 you go flanking, let your teammates take the shots and #REKT enemies at their reload.

        • I have the PTA on the live server and have played the Leopard I on the test server. I really like the PTA, and have enjoyed the Leopard I on test, no armor and all. I am also a sucker for French tanks. If the AMX 30 plays like the Leopard, and I expect it will, sign me up.

  6. Hopefully they will give the Chieftain the higher numerical armor values :C

    155mm turret vs. 195mm turret is a big difference with the angling.

  7. I had no idea that capping a base at the end of the game, or setting vehicles on fire, or having 4 TDs to kill for mission completion involved skill. Well, fuck me then… No RNG at all, only stronk skill, eh WG?

    • noob, learn to read
      they never said its not about rng, they just pointed out that skill is also needed/ can speed it up:
      just for u: an example:
      noob gets 4 tds, dies in first min with 2 shots fired.Maybe kills em in 25 try. Very good player gets 4 tds, can kill em on first try.

      Same for setting on fire, if u play good, you normaly do more dmg and more shoots-> higher chance to set an enemy on fire in less games.

  8. The more you write about matchmaker 3.0, the more I start to worry…

    “Scrap battletier”
    “Each tank have their own role”

    Doesnt sound good at all… Everyone here knows how good WG is at balancing a tank correctly… If they managed to fuckup thing as simple as IM’s, just imagine the apocalypse that they can cause with a 100% new mm…

    All we player want is skill-balanced games, with something like, idk, a team total efficiency (or idk how they call their own formula they put in player description), and both team should have about the same with 10% variant at max. Keep battletiers, keep tiers, keep all this. Just PUT FUCKING FAIR TEAMS. When you see full-tomato vs full-yellow/green… Even if xvm isnt totaly reliable, it still isnt normal.

    But WG, always do the most extreme thing…
    “E-25 too good -> remove instead of balance”
    “PremMM not nice -> remove these tanks instead of balance”
    “Skill MM too hard to programm (it would force them to type code D: ) -> put IMs and restart total new MM with total new rules”
    “IS-7 op -> topspeed buff”

    Next step is “TD too powerful -> JagdPanzerE-100 8.8cm gun”

      • With such a large superstructure I would expect an autoloader… and APCR as standard.

        *Autoloaded 8.8 cm L100*

        240/240/295 dmg
        261/330/44 mm pen (APCR/HEAT/HE)
        0.26 accuracy
        1.7 sec aim time

        Clip reload: 20 sec
        Rounds in clip: 8
        Reload in clip: 1.4 sec

        “rounds per minute” 16
        Burst damage: 1920 in 9.8 sec

        Now that’s something I could see myself playing :D

      • Aye, it’s the same as buffing the AMX 40 topspeed to 68 km/h, it’s only of minor use when driving downhil, IS-7 will still not exactly be a medium in terms of mobility.

    • Why do we have Personal ratings?

      Seems like an easy system to place groups in a Skill based MM based upon their Personal rating and not their Win rate %/ WN8

  9. VK4502 Ausf.B (tier 9) will be switched to Maus prototype this year

    i hope this won’t be another no free tank for you!

  10. SS, is the AMX 30 branching from 13/90 pretty concrete? Would like to start getting xp.

    Is the T28 change a new thing?? First I’ve seen of it?

      • OMG Woras commented on my post! Official troll of FTR! :) Long time listener, first time caller here!

        Any links to this t28 replacement? I only made it up to the T25 AT back in the day, but it’s really the T28 that puts me off.

  11. Would bet on Panther hull with E-100 type gun. No speed, no camo, no armor, crappy DPM. No way in hell they make something good. B replaced by Maus prototype, that sucks. Will be garbage.

  12. SS I think it’s fun that you’re teasing us, but knowing WG it will probably take 3 years before they will replace the WTE100, so please, give us something :P

  13. - Storm states that the IM’s are luck-based, because “lucky players complete them faster than the unlucky ones”

    Fixed ;)

  14. - FV215b (120) was introduced into the game because “earlier, we considered Chieftain to be too modern. Now we don’t anymore.”

    Mmhmm… and as soon as they take that stance with smoothbores with early-era ammo types we’ll finally see the MBT-70 and Kpz-70.

    - developers are working on Dx11 support, it wasn’t scrapped

    Just in time for DX12 huh?

    - Storm is aware of the issue where players get 4-5 maps all the time during one gaming session (too much map repeating). He states that it will not be fixed in near future, WG will think what to do with it. It’s a question of MM and server load

    I had this problem – turned back on Assault and Encounter and voila! More map rotation…

    • Only one problem Sean. They’d still have to get over their aversion to the M551 Sheridan and bring that in before the MBT70 came in, as they used the same gun.

      And the KPz 70 Keiler, it depends on which version you’re talking about. The initial test version had the Sheridan’s gun. The final test version had the 120 smoothbore we see today on the Leo 2.

    • Those guns don’t scare me half as much as the dreamworld stats they would give the Soviet 115mm gun in the event smoothbore guns do one day get implemented.
      400 alpha, 6 second reload time…game is balanced comrade ))))

  15. -Storm states that the reason why no more limited MM premium tanks will be introduced is that “it’s good for the future of WoT”
    -Storm states that the decision to remove limited MM premiums from the shop was not yet taken as final

    Well, can we make up our damn minds here? Limited MM premiums, or no limited MM premiums. It kind of defeats the purpose to leave all the limited MM premiums in the shop if you’re not adding any more to provide a sense of balance. As a player, I know which premiums I’d buy in that scenario, and then it just defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

    • The SK-105 is almost a 13 90 clone …
      We discussed recently about it on the French section, and IMHO, they should equilibrate it by doing semi-history (meaning 90mm gun rather than the 105mm that would only fit for a tier 9, as the turret was first designed for the AMX and later exported).

  16. OMG the same “balancing” when TD camo got nerfed
    we nerf everything for balance except if you paid us not to

    fucking low tier fcm 36 pak 40 has to be nerfed like the t40 for balancing low tier seal clubbing
    along with other prem TDs

    • Well, the E25 is gone from the shop, so while it is still an issue for those already out there, the numbers will decline over time. The obvious solution is to remove the FCM 36 Pak40 from the shop also. Sure, they will always exist in game, but the numbers will decline. Besides, the FCM really should be a German tank anyway, like the LeFiFi premium arty is was a German capture modification of a French machine.

    • E25 is already gone. SU-122-44 never had viewrange as a strong point, in fact it’s viewrange sucks. Jagdtiger88? Maybe, but on the other hand it’s mobility sucks so bad it would be even less capable of defending itself. AT 15a? Never had outstanding viewrange nor good camo, it’s essentially a heavy tank without turret. Dicker Max would become even more useless if it had no viewrange… SU-85i? Also has ‘average’ view and is in no way outstanding…

      Am I forgetting a premium TD?

  17. It’s funny how many features alternate between scrapped and coming soon, but rarely transition to being implemented (properly, so that they aren’t removed with the next patch).

  18. - VK4502 Ausf.B (tier 9) will be switched to Maus prototype this year


    - T95 will not be removed from the game
    lol someones mad about the bunker on tracks

    speaking of which, my T95 is gonna be even more indestructable with this accuracy nerf

      • “I got lucky once, the enemy was most likely stupid, his tank must be stupid, I am the king, I rate 0/8 m8, T95 suxx no h8 m8″
        Mhmm, sounds legit.

    • The VK 100 is going to be a beast. Hopefully they include the other one for tier 8 as well.

  19. “- Storm states that the IM’s are skill-based, because ‘skilled players complete them faster than the unskilled ones’”

    Yes, because stuff like getting an enemy team to have two tank destroyers and show up on the flank you go on is totally skill based. :P Sure, a lot of them are purely skill-based, but several of them relies on a good dose of RNG.

  20. *facepalms self for buying the SU-100Y box tank and not the Sturer Emil, with 400m view range*

    Oh well, the Box Tank can make people cry as well. I feel I’m going to go full-premium ammo on that thing, for even more ears.

  21. WG logic:

    - nerf Nashorn (which is already hard to play) to 360m view range
    - keep Dicker Max with 400m view range, while DMax has 60 alpha advantage over the Nashorn. Not to mention the gun depression on that thing.

    If there was any voice of reason in that company, I’m sure they’re long gone

    • Your logic is even more retarded than WG. Nashorn has much better penetration, DPM, accuracy, aiming time, shell speed, mobility.

      • Define “much better”.

        Pen, accuracy & mobility are better. But not “much better”.

        And even so, that 400m base view range is the deal-maker.

  22. when Havok comes, the level of allowed destruction will be the same as it is now

    So basially will do nothing

    • 0

      The number above indicates the amount of fucks I, WG, or anyone on this blog gives about your decision to play AW.

  23. - Storm states that the IM’s are skill-based, because “skilled players complete them faster than the unskilled ones”

    Bullshit, i couldnt complete some of them fast either because the are totally luck dependent or I didnt have a competent team to actually win the battle to fufyll the victory requirenment

  24. - 1vs1 pvp mode will not be implemented

    I for one would really love a 1v1 and a 3v3 game mode.

  25. Why not an ENTIRE French medium branch like AMX CdC(8)>AMX 30 PT(9)>AMX 30 (10) ? Tier 5 to 7 don’t
    remember but there are tanks (Lorraine G1L …)

      • There are a couple problems with this branch.

        First, the AMX-13/FL11would hardly qualify as a medium. Then again, the same applies to the CDC. As said a million times, it’s hard to believe that WG would waste one of the best tier8 candidate for a med/second TD branch onto a premium tank, but they did it…

        Secondly, none knows what the AMX-45 is.

        That being said, there’s a complete french tree, with like two full med branches on the EU french forum. I don’t know why the people who made it haven’t translated it yet, instead of endlessly arguing about tanks that probably never made it past the “Hey, let’s make that stuff” stage, but heh. Their loss.

  26. “S-Tank (Strv 103) will appear in the game”

    woot, does this mean that hydraulics might be introduced this year?

  27. - premium TD’s will not get a viewrange nerf

    Well I both agree and disagree with that one. IMO the PaK40 could use it, even tho its there to compensate for the “slow speed”, I still think its way to high. Even tho you gotta love it when you get Province in it. Tho the others like the E 25 and SU-76I that had less then just about anything at its tier anyway will kinda work.

    • FCMPAK is UP. I am sorry, but calling the TD with the statistically most “scout” and “spot” medals OP is just plain… wut?!
      Give it special MM though… I would love to club dem tier 3s and 4s eben moar!

  28. Hey SS, do you know which Maus prototype they’ll be replacing the VK4502 B with? The Mauschen or the Mammut?

  29. - WG will consider buffing 121 (Chinese tier 10)

    Why? It’s pretty fine by me, unless they wanna make another OP med.

    - S-Tank (Strv 103) will appear in the game


    - T28 (US TD) will be changed from the fake it is to a real project (early T95 variant from NARA archives)
    - the WT E-100 replacement is a real project and it is not on E-100 hull, it will “fit the Waffenträger concept”
    - VK4502 Ausf.B (tier 9) will be switched to Maus prototype this year

    Since they’re switching Waffle E-100, VK Ausf B, T28, T18, T82, FV4202, FV215b, they might as well switch T110E4 with T58.

    • The T58 has proven to be too OP to put in the game. A more logical thing for WG to do would be to give the E4 the E3′s model, and then replace the E3 with the TS-5.

      • Nothing is too OP, as proven by IS-7 ;) Could be easily balanced with a 3 round drum, fully rotating slowwwww turret, godawful gun handling and no more armor than what ’57 has

  30. > because Winterberg doesn’t count as a copy map, but as a new map

    Oh really? And, I assume that Oreo isn’t a copy of Hydrox, Internet Explorer isn’t a copy of Netscape, and Lego isn’t a copy of Kiddicraft…

  31. - Storm is aware of the issue where players get 4-5 maps all the time during one gaming session (too much map repeating). He states that it will not be fixed in near future, WG will think what to do with it. It’s a question of MM and server load

    Didn’t they catigorically deny this for ages?

    • Same procedure as every bug: Deny it until there is absolute proof you can’t ignore, be all understanding and sympathetic about it, promise to fix it in 9 patches, cry about the extreme software problem that is naturally unfixable for the cleaning lady you hired part-time to program your code. end.

  32. - the WT E-100 replacement is a real project and it is not on E-100 hull, it will “fit the Waffenträger concept”

    Great that properly mean that we’ll get a Tiger II chassis with a rotatable with the 12,8 cm PaK 44/2 L/61.

    Playstyle: As you’re too slow to move anywhere undetected to you have to camp in the nearest bush for the first 10 mins. Get of one shot, after which you are immediately spotted, and since you’re too slow to evade, you’re put on fire due to your forward transmission, and burns out doing only 560 HP dmg in the game … well unless you bounce that is.

    • Transmission hits setting your tank on fire by damaging the engine are so 2014. Have you lived under a rock, that stuff has been out the game since 3 patches or so…

  33. - Storm is aware of the issue where players get 4-5 maps all the time during one gaming session (too much map repeating). He states that it will not be fixed in near future, WG will think what to do with it. It’s a question of MM and server load

    Ppl at WG are too retarded to implement 5 – 7 map rotation per week … next week just change map rotation … that’s it.

    • Well 113 needs buff first how about the t34-2 it is much weaker than type 59 and t34-3

  34. Pingback: That's all about lights - Rychlá Rota

  35. Buff on the 121.
    Oh sweet Jesus, give me those 5° today and forgive me for pawning the other meds, in the name of the chinese republic army I will sin over and over with this magical medium-heavy tank gun that I will, by then, be finally able to lay upon my enemies!

  36. Come on SS,tell us what’s the Waffenträger auf E100′s replacement.Damn sure hope WG dosen’t make it utterly useless.But if its just going to be a very bland TD like the Obj 268 I will be very sad indeed.I presume this will come in 9.6,looks like I only have a very limited amount of time to enjoy this TD while it lasts.