Hello everyone,
from long hiatus returns the Insider to tell us, what’s going on inside Wargaming by having a look at the group developer discussions and chain letters, that travel amongst the Wargaming employees. As always, take everything with a grain of salt, as it is the Insider’s interpretation rather than hard data.
Insider talks about Havok:
“I had known since December Havok wouldn’t come to the game yet, and perhaps this needs a further explanation:
The main reason Havok cant be in game is because of synch problems from server-client interface, it takes a very stable internet connection currently and less than half the playerbase has such (red-dotting here and there), so the slightest desynch on such causes the debris go haywire or fall to visually wrong places (server decides that debris was dropped at “x0,y0,z0″, but client displays “x3,y4,z5″). Also, as of the current version test, only high end computers can correctly run the game as desired (can’t have Soviet abaccus unable to play the “people’s game”!)
So until they figure out how to optimize this, the game would be a whinefest of people going through houses that don’t get destroyed or maybe destroyed and debris not doing their “block shots” mechanic (its visually there but serverside, the debris was displayed elsewhere).”
The rest, in points:
- new Xbox map “Pacific Island” is coming, exclusively for WoT Xbox
- some developers refer to Smolensk as “Chernobyl”, due to the nature of the map
- apparently, developers are not happy with the “drag queen” male voices, they are going to contract some Russian actress for girl voiceover. Voices of other nations are not clear yet.
- WG is currently testing map format of 1300×1300
- Battle Assistant (the “arty mod”) is currently considered to be added into the game because “it’s less boring”, graphically decent, not dull “satellite view” and seems to have a generally good acceptance amongst players (excepting the “anti-arty jihad players”), no plans to ban the current mod either
- at least 3 fun modes are planned for this year
- no plans to add “tank healers” (SS: ARV’s and such)
- at some point, there will be a test of respawn mechanism
- maps planned for rework or removal:
Hidden village (complete rework)
Mines (may get bigger, it’s uncomfortably small for end-tier tanks at the moment and it has a large amount of draws on clan wars)
Ensk (unknown)
Windstorm (unknown)
Murovanka (unknown)
- WG is aware of piracy of their images in toys and whatnot, but it’s nearly impossible to fight these (a legal money black hole) since most of these companies that prey on the WG images/products and such are Chinese bootleg makers and they are very obscure to bring into a legal court in China and are generally shortlived, so pouring money in a legal court on china would simply bear no fruits or retribution
game ia good.you can always improwe the game but spoiled people will whine again.its magic circle.
Game is good. Devs arent.
wot need competition.tjat will improwe devs work
if you really want something to be done in this game is that: PLAYERS SHOULD STOP BY STUFF FROM WG. when they will see that the players dont buy anymore, maybe than they willl REALLY DO SOMETHING TO IMPROVE THE GAME, until than … gl, and hf at raging
your a retard. stop paying and you believe WG will spend more on it? If your employer stops paying you, will you work harder?
If your employer says to you that you work not good enough, he is suspending your salary, and if you wont improve he will sack you altogether, and you know you won’t find another job, will you work harder? Yes, yes you will.
I do not understand that comment? That sounds like something a corporate sympathizer would say, unless you are joking then nvm. But bottom line where you spend your money is a vote.
Will translate:
“If your employer says to you that you work not good enough, he is suspending your salary.”
Your boss says you suck and he is not going to pay you anymore.
“and if you wont improve he will sack you altogether”
However, he is going to let you keep working without pay. But if you do not improve you will be fired!
“and you know you won’t find another job, will you work harder? ”
And you know that you will not find another job. Will you work harder?
“Yes, yes you will.”
Yes, yes you will.
So, this person lives somewhere that an employer can just stop paying their employees for work actually preformed. Here in the US that is illegal, so yea. This whole chain is stupid.
AW is around the corner and it’s pretty much wot clone so that situation might change soon.
Interesting point about the limitations of the game with the client/server syncs. I wonder how other more advanced games manage these sort of UI features.
wg stafs are bit lazy you know :):):)
A bit lazy.. A Bit lazy?? Understatement of the F**KING YEAR. Saying WG staff are a bit lazy is like saying the POPE is a bit Catholic. Worst customer service EVER, done by the laziest people ever!
When you sit in queue for 4 days over a very easy fix solution with the “Idiots” they call customer service. Lazy doesn’t even begin to cover what an absolute joke this company actually is.
Other more advanced games don’t run on abacus.
Tell me what more advanced games runs physics whose debris have meaningful gameplay interaction and obstruction capabilities, running that same number of players simultaneously with assurance that all the gameplay processing is registerd only by the server side. All that while keeping playable in very good conditions for players very far from the servers and facing 250ms latency.
Answer is not many… not many at all.
It has room for improvement, but it is not even close to be an example of horrible capabilities.
What some people do not realize is that if they make debris from walls and houses be detachable and simulated by a physics engine, they need to have FIXED SPEED PHYSICS engine that runs exactly same speed on server and client, otherwise you end up with HUGE desyncs.
And that is NOT something that would be problematic only on low end machines. Even rather modern machines of 4 years age would have problems depending on what else is running on them.
they do it fully client site, so hackers can simply create 5000 bricks around them permaprotecting em ;)
Planetside2 for example. They have system that greatly reduce your render range in large battles to prevent signal loss from downloading all info and models in 200 vs 200 infantry fight with tank tank battalions and air wings on 200×200 square meters map kinda “unliftable” even for high-end PC
It’s not like you would be into chilling and gazing at the horizon when there’s several dozens of enemies running around just next to you :)
PlanetSide 2 does not use Havok. It uses the Forgelight engine which is based on the PhysX engine, and an older one at that. PS2 also has massive sync issues in bigger fights…
Honestly, i don’t trust that “insider”. Some times i just don’t believe what he says.
For example about this Havok. WTF is he talking about? Havok is client side only. Devs said that thousand times. There is no reason to sync server and client side debris, because there is simply no debris on server side.
If debris will act as obstacles (like blown turrets now) then there must be server – client sync. If Havoc becomes just visual feature then sync is not needed, but what is use of that if your client shows you demolished house ( pile of rubles) when actually that house still stands on server and provide cover for tanks behind…
But the won’t act like obstacles. It was confirmed by Storm and, may be, SerB. Havok particles (debris) are ONLY client side.
>> but what is use of that if your client shows you demolished house ( pile of rubles) when actually that house still stands on server and provide cover for tanks behind…
Who said, that second player will see undamaged house? WoT currently has destruction system, which supports segmental destruction (you can destruct half of the house, and the other half will stand). So, if someone destroys one segment, server will know about that and will tell about thet to other player, and Havok in that case just emits its client-side debris.
Ok. In above mentioned example of house IT IS important where debris will fall, because every brick will be an independent object (obstacle). Now you have 3 possible situation house intact, partially demolished (calculated on server) and totally demolished (server calculated). If Havoc is only on client side how server (and other) players will know where the brics (obstacles) from that house are?
>> If Havoc is only on client side how server (and other) players will know where the brics (obstacles) from that house are?
It doesn’t matter, where those bricks are, because they are not big and they don’t collide with shells, because server don’t know about bricks. Yes, 2 different clients will see bricks in different places, but it doesn’t matter, because they are not gameplay element.
Here, i can explain, how i see this.
For example, we have partially destructible building, like, second floor of the building can be destructed, first floor – indestructible. If shell hits the destructible part, server say to all players “hey, guys, this IS-3 hit that part (2nd floor) of that building with that shell, which has that damage and piercing power”. That’s all is needed. When client receives this message, it destroys 2nd floor and emits Havok particles (debris), which collide only with tanks on client side only. And, as i said before, it doesn’t matter where bricks are, because you can’t hide behind them, because they don’t collide with shells, because server don’t know about those bricks.
Exactly. It’s like complaining that you can see a bird flying over your tank but another player sees that bird over a house. It does not matter. The bird still provides a decoration for the map and otherwise it’s completely non-interactive.
Let’s sum this : if Havoc is implemented on client side, debris won’t/can’t affect game play. If Havoc is implemented server side size of packages coming from/to server/client will increase dramatically – latency issues… If Havoc is imprinted partially on server and partially on client they have big sync problem…
As I see it Havoc can be implemented only on client side without influence on gameplay, but WG was promrsing that particles(debris, rubble) will influence gameplay (I read article about that recently here on ftr) …
Last video I saw about this, they said some debrid actually *would* have an impact on gameplay. A large chunk falling on top of a tank and do damage for example. So it would have to sync with the server.
Pile of rubble – pile of rubles: nice serendipitous word association for the current economic climate over there ;-)
There is, But he server side would be processed by their own engine. Otherwise is IMPOSSIBLE to make debris obstruct spotting for example.
Havok is both sides. On clients side, it works for special effects. On server side it works for physics. Because everything related to the gameplay must be calculated on the server side.
But… it seems that because of a lot of troubles they are implementing their own code on the server side. But who knows? Only developers……
No )) By default Havok is client side physics engine.
And WG Devs allready confirmed, that Havok is client-side only. No server support for debris.
So, i personally trust Storm, than some unknown “insider”.
No, it’s not. It’s engine to handle physical interaction between objects. That’s why part of it has to be tied to the server. But it seems that due to the problems is WG implementing their own code. For example flying turrets should be handled by Havok. And that’s something which cannot be handled on client only. Destruction of buildings leaving physical debris etc.
Another think is for example behavior of the tracks. This can be handled completely on clients side (don’t mix up with motion physics).
But at the end you may be right. Originally, there were huge expectations about Havok. It looked like it will do all the physics in the game. But the latest news are only about client side, the server side is run by their own physics engine. So at the end, we have to wait and see, what will come out…..
When WG started to talk about Havok, they especially stated, that it will be only visual, with no real influence to gameplay, and you will be simply able to turn Havok OFF in settings.
But no, now they have figured out totally opposite – that debris and boken houses will influence the gameplay, will act as obstacles and so on.
Maybe just implement Havok as it was originally intended – use it purely for visual effects on tanks and object destruction. Game will look more cool and there will be no whining whatsoever. People with good PC’s will use it but those with calculators simply would turn it off and enjoy the effects, as they are now.
Really hard to make it like that, right?
WG are lolz.
I definitely want Havok effects to affect gameplay. That is because improved tank suspension is Havok controlled, too, and I want my tanks to stop rocking when going over small terrain bumps, because that’s what a suspension does on a real tank.
New tank movement physics will be for everyone. Afaik should be tested in following months, tweaking it for balanced gameplay is probably more of an issue with that. (I’m not even sure that it’s havok based.)
I guess it was supposed to be but they developed their own code.
all games have these limitations, but devs usually bypass them “cheating”
wg has gone full retard with the havok, they want to do it serverside and affect gameplay(why waste resources in sync server-client debris if is going to be only visual?), when slow pcs wont be to run it and the bandwidth needed is way higher…
while almost all other games debris is just visual, so they just dont care where are the objects, but you cant use them as cover since the server isnt tracking them.
It’s not going to be only visual. In one of the videos released they said they also wanted it to affect gameplay. For example, have a large chunk from a house fall down on top of a tank and damage it…
how about wintermode?
- Battle Assistant (the “arty mod”) is currently considered to be added into the game because “it’s less boring”, graphically decent, not dull “satellite view” and seems to have a generally good acceptance amongst players (excepting the “anti-arty jihad players”), no plans to ban the current mod either
So arty will be nerfed like you said before?
Damnit. Devs don’t stop changing their mind.
“- apparently, developers are not happy with the “drag queen” male voices”
No shit.
As transsexuals are no longer allowed to have a driving license in Russia maybe WoT will be forbidden with drag queen tank crew;-)
Bwuahahaha, yeah, that was my first thought when I heard about the male voice issue. The russian state is homo- and transphobic like you wouldn’t believe and having such an “issue” in a such popular game is just unthinkable. I doubt we’ll see voiceovers for the other nations nearly as fast or at all.
Agreed on rework for Windstorm and Hidden Village. Mines could be made bigger yes, but why not remove it for higher tiers instead?
And WTF is wrong with Ensk and Murovanka?
I believe the problem was Murovanka has win-rate slightly screwed toward north base. Possibly believed to be caused by area J, K 6-5-4 ( No save retreat for south base while north base has more cover on it’s retreat. ) At the same time. The little building on south spawn gives cover while capping, north base doesn’t have this but instead has more cover overall.
Ensk is simply to be made larger as it is considered too small for high tier games I believe.
Yup, Ensk is just too small. You can actually see each other’s spawnpoint early in game, with minimal movement and that’s just retarded beyond belief.
Ensk is too small, and as arty its way too small., but wouldn’t mind if they made it bigger like they did with Murovanka, and Murovanka… I fail to see why they would change it. I find it better now, but as with everything, a change of that size takes time to adjust.
Maybe it’s time that WG would make a map size of ZxY instead of the usual YxY??
-….good acceptance amongst players (excepting the “anti-arty jihad players”),….-
Yeah.. thats what they are… “anti-arty jihad players” XD
Always fun to spawn and then get teamkilled for no other reason because I play as arty…
Team kill for playing arty is deserved and reasonable. Don’t play arty. Problem solved.
Worst enemy after “Arty-haters People’s Front”
(We’re the People’s Front of Arty-haters)
Seriously last week with 4 arties and 8 TDs in average team ruins game.
4 or 5 arty is too many on a team, 2 would be a more reasonable cap. Tk’ing someone for playing arty is childish and not smart at all (other team probably probably isn’t retarded enough to tk theirs’) Anti-Arty jihadis is a good name for them maybe now we can get king obama to call in some drones to deal with these whiners. Then they’ll know what its like to be shot from satellite view irl.
Team kill is not OK ever. What am I supposed to do, teamkill paper TDs because I don’t like them? Your logic is outstanding
TK *is* OK when you have a blue guy that is actively impeding your team (shooting, blocking, etc.). Debatable if the guy is impeding but not blue; I wouldn’t for fear of WG’s generic punishment system.
You’ve made my day :-)
Deserved and reasonable? Are you a moron? Who and when IS IT EVER deserved to use a part of the game? If you don’t like it, go complain at WG HQ, but stop harassing the players, they didn’t design the game.
I proudly state I’m arty-djihad player. Got to this attitude through driving two complete lines of arty. Easy. Piece of pie. Once-a-half-minute click = insane amount of damage. Real bravery and skill involved indeed. I quite sympathize with all those one-shot tier X tanks killed by arty, which, despite being half a mile away, can easily choose if it wants to hit turret or engine deck or can precisely see if the tank is about to move, retreat etc.
BTW can anyone give a link or reference to any material about a tank battle where half of the fighting tanks were destroyed by direct arty hits? I don’t mean shelling of assembly areas or camps, but true battlefield where tanks manoeuvred and were shooting each other. But in WoT, yesterday evening, it was quite common sight.
PS: ofc I expect mentioning the arty-hit Ferdinand that was photographed. So I expect other examples.
And who exactly the fucking fuck are you to tell me how to play the game? Can you please go die in a nuclear firestorm (fired by T92 ofc), thanks.
Nowhere in his entire post did he EVER tell you or anyone else how to play, he only stated his own gameplay and asked for evidence of other gameplay. Maybe you should be the one dieing in a fire…
I dont know how wg wants this ‘new physiks new graphiks’ to work, if they still want the game to be competent on russian commodore 64s. Just like you wont play ms-dos mario on windows 8 (without emulators and such).
That’s why it’s taking them so long. They want to improve graphics for the western players but can’t do it because of Russian players using low end pc’s.
And don’t forget that they have LOTS of Russian players, so new graphics won’t come any time soon I guess.
Maybe you whining momma’s boy pussies from the West can go to Armored Warfare with great graphics than ,and leave us in peace on C64 game.Best memories in my gaming life is from Commodore 64!!!
“Hidden village (complete rework)”
Duh, make the village more usable, create more passable terrain. ( I.e move that bloody mountain out of the playing area somewhat or just create more passable terrain and flanking options by making the map bigger ( 1200x 1200 map? ) Clusterfuck in the west needs to be remedied.
”Mines (may get bigger, it’s uncomfortably small for end-tier tanks at the moment and it has a large amount of draws on clan wars)”
Thank god for that, South base was a mess, too often is it forced to play defensive and not leave base due to how the hill is easier to take with the north team. It’s also mostly about who has the best and most speedy autoloader players to take the hill.
”Windstorm (unknown)”
I have nothing, performance enhancement, perhaps? It’s mostly fine as far as gameplay goes honestly.
I’m not that keen on windstorm tbh. It’s either the city maze where a wrong turn gets you a shot in the face from a death star or something else hard hitting and campy, or the boring slugging match in the valley north. Wouldn’t mind it to be a bit bigger and providing something hilly and foresty, instead of the northern mountains.
I love the city on Windstorm. I love how many of the streets aren’t ruler straight. I love how it’s more of a rabbit warren of narrow streets. If you have a fairly nimble tank, you can zip around a corner, take a shot, then fall back and zoom around to another corner for more shots. IMO, it’s one of the best cities in the game.
Quite a few corridors and other lines of sight though, and if the campy people on the other side are equipped with more than two brain cells, it’s usually hard to do it a second time, or retreat for a different angle attack for that matter as that would usually require crossing one of those lines of sight with another camper staring down there.
It’s a fairly black and white map in that regard, hardly any hill cresting possible for example (all of these positions are completely dependent on both flanks holding and will quickly be compromised if they’re not). I’m not saying it’s all bad, just that it could use a few extra less hard edged parts to make for more interesting gameplay :)
In Re: Windstorm: The Northeastern base has huge advantages both in offense and defense along the the A and B-lines.
- no plans to add “tank healers” (SS: ARV’s and such)
Of course not, because it would make the gameplay completely FUBAR
1. Fuctard y u no heel me noob????
2. There would be cases of invincible tanks, for example a Maus hides a Bergtiger behind itself and gets constantly healed effectively becoming indestructible
3. ARVs would become a priority target, kinda like arty is currently
Healing is a mechanism used for many years in other succesful games (TF2 for example), moreover ARVs are an integral part of actual tank corps.
1. “Fucktard arty y u shoot me noob???” “SPOT” (idiot (of any WN8 level) implying he wants you to suicide scout for him)… Happens to existing classes as well, ignore and report are your friends.
2. there was talk of repair consumables (either ammo or actual consumables), so you can’t provide repairs indefinitely. And if you only focus on a single tank, the 13 other non ARVs on your team will be shit out of luck.
3. As with arty it’ll all be about positioning, a tomato ARV trying to recover another tomato who got stuck mid field on campinovka is obviously doing it wrong. Tactics will develop, I reckon it would make the game more interesting.
- some developers refer to Smolensk as “Chernobyl”, due to the nature of the map.
We will need Object 279 in there.
Don’t worry, I think you’ll find the location of Pripyat anno 1944 suspiciously devoid of nuclear power plants (or any other buildings for that matter, the town was purpose built in 1970) :P
Hahahaha, one of the few comments here that made me laugh :P….
Any Insider info on the monthly events? Planning is hard now without that input :E
SS,plz if u see this,answer to me I got 2 rly nice screenshots one from CT,one from normal server.
These screenshots are kind of WG fail
The 2nd screenshot’s fail is repeatable….in every battle it happens
send them to him via e-mail
Will he see it though?
Anyway,where can I find his email?
Check the dark grey menu bar (the one starting with ‘home’), topside of this (and any other) page…
“Chinese bootleg makers and they are very obscure to bring into a legal court in China ”
Oh,he has it wrong.
It’s actually extremely simple to bring those bootleggers to court.
However, they will be in court in China, and Chinese judges will look at the evidence, and deny any and all similarities. You canbring them 2 identical things, one chinese bootleg, one real product, and they will claim no harm has been done. Chinese courts are the most corrupt courts out there, beating even Russian courts, since at least you can bribe those properly.
The only place a non-Chinese can get Justice in China is Hong Kong, and even then, you had best be seen positively, and have reputable Chinese partners.
PS: source = IRL experience.
Well, that is basically the same…
They better not touch Ensk.
As for Havok, it will never make it into WoT because it requires a whole new engine to work properly without lag and all the other problems. My bet is they are keeping it for WoT 2.0 which will no doubt be announced to counter Armored Warfare.
Hidden village (complete rework) – KILL IT WITH FIRE!
Mines (may get bigger, it’s uncomfortably small for end-tier tanks at the moment and it has a large amount of draws on clan wars) – Bigger is better (at least that’s what females say)
Ensk (unknown) – I hope they won’t ruin it. Maybe it gets bigger, with more fields around the town but the center must remain the same.
Windstorm (unknown) – I don’t really like this map but I can’t say why… It’s good that they change something.
Murovanka (unknown) – This one is fine. The changes won’t be substantial.
I miss the old murovanka tbh… if you played your scout right you could get the forest campers wiped out completely without taking so much as a scratch of damage, regardless of the starting point :)
For a moment I thought we are getting Chernobyl map :))
Shortcut through the Sarcophagus, and your tank takes damage while you’re in there.
Make a wrong turn, and you end up being attacked by mutants in an anomaly field while an angry Russian dude screams in loop :”GET OUT OF HERE STALKER”
Best map 2k15.
If Havok controlled effects are not random based, then they can be done locally by the client and will behave exactly the same on each client and the server. If Havok controlled effects are random based, then the server just needs to transfer a random seed (or a number of random seeds) to each client to synch them with his random generator, and then have them compute the Havok effect. Since all clients have the same random seed now as the client, they will all create the exact same physics effects (e.g. bricks falling to a certain place in a certain orientation and order). Either way, you do not need to transfer the entire result of a Havok controlled effect to each client.
fuck the havok they cant even run CT server properly movement lag starts after 1st battle and becomes worse after each battle
Huh, I thought that Havok was supposed to be purely client-side eyecandy as there was supposed to be option to turn it off on weak PCs. But then it wouldn’t really matter where exactly the debris falls.
Hopefully WG will at least implement the eyecandy parts for now. (Still, when you look at physics in HL2DM, it’s kinda disappointing to see this can be a problem nowdays.)
basically, it’s BigWorld Networking engine that can’t handle the extra sync data as it represent the “world state” in the battle. Havok only introduced new objects/elements to synch & calculate. BigWorld is optimized for current WoT client so any change to that means touching server side code and it proved too much to temper with, as long there are so many satisfied whining customers who pay i don’t see any need for them to deal with that.
If it was supposed to be mere eyecandy, then there is no point in syncing it and there is no need for any extra data to be sent compared to what is being sent right now.
If WG changed their minds and want the debris to actually affect the game, then yes, lots of extra data would have to be synced and honestly, even if it would be cool, it’s not worth that.
Third option is that WG want’s to keep it as an eyecandy, but also wants to keep it synced over all clients, which would be simply retarded, but in case of WG that’s probably not out of the picture.
Fuck WG, any updates re AW front?
>> – apparently, developers are not happy with the “drag queen” male voices, they are going to contract some Russian actress for girl voiceover. Voices of other nations are not clear yet.
Sure, because it’s only Russians who are backwards. Rest of the world is modern and accepts drag queens, gays and other stuff :P …
Pingback: Insider: Problémy s Havokem jsou opravdu velké
I don’t see why people are surprised that Havok is supposed to affect gameplay. Imagine if it was just eye-candy. Then imagine a situation on Malinovka where the north team destroys the south team’s cover. If it’s just eye-candy, people would shoot into places which look like clear space, but the server thinks there are buildings there so it stops the shells. Oh joy, that would lead to whining about ghost shells.
So the lack of “stable connections” are preventing Havok…
Here is my take on that. I have an 100mb/100mb fibreglass connection, connected with a cable to the router and I live within 20km of Amsterdam, where EU 2 server is located and I constantly have lagspikes when I play WoT and only when I play WoT…
Maybe Wargaming should fix its servers because I have just about the best possible connection for pretty much the entire EU…
Only the reason why Havok failed was interesting, then I stopped reading. Even that was a complete bullshit, considering how many people get faster broadband connections nowadays.
They’re just hiding their failure behind a curtain of “reasons”…
And the post above you is already complaining about lag issues.
I have fibre and my ping is 270ms
Fuck respawn, as if not there are enough tards just dying to “secure”.
As STALKER player, I’d really welcome some Pripyat map :D And knowing how popular the games still are in “the east”, I’d say I’m not the only one wishing this…
Pingback: World of Tanks Havok situation Insider Talks
Hahaha lost my shit at “anti-arty jihad players.” That’s some funny stuff lol
Big World’s engine is getting old and outdated for what they need. Havoc simply won’t work even though they are trying to make it fit. Obviously they need a new game engine, but they don’t have “Developers” who can do that (as has been shown by Havocs FAILURE.) to build a new in game specific to WOT/ WOWp or WoWs model.
AW is using the CRY engine apparently. WOT needs to get a proper game engine in here before Big World and it’s limitations drags them down, or the “White Elephant” Havoc puts them out of business.
Second point; What’s the point of running a test server if you don’t use the data collected from the test server to use on the next update. They rush unstable unfixed stuff to market with promises of hot fixes after things bugger up on the fly..
Square peg round hole syndrome. If you force the square peg into the round hole with enough force it will fit. As has been done with many patches and updates to this game.
It won’t do the job as well as a round peg round hole. BOOT PATCHING like they are doing doesn’t work.
“anti-arty jihad players”
I LOL’d so hard =D
They knew anti-arty ppl are stupid =D
PS: I think Hidden Village is doing fine for now. what we need is Dragon Ridge to return with graphic changes only, and remove fucking Noobshire/Redshire. That map is worse than Sand River, and any map that’s worse than Sand River is preety fucked up.