“Developer Time” Q&A

Hello everyone,

this is a writeup of the “Developer Time” show from Wargaming FM radio. The topic was: “maps”. The person answering was Roman Tabolin, whoever that is. Thanks to WoT Express for the writeup.

- development of a map can take up to half a year including the entire design of the map
- in next 3-4 months, there will be no historical maps
- map “Berlin” will most likely not appear in the game
- map “Minsk” will not come anytime soon, but there is development going on and developers are testing it internally. Definitely not in first 6 months of 2015
- each patch brings fixed in the maps (3-4 maps), this will continue
- in the end, only 1 out of 6 maps created actually gets released
- for the new future, two new maps that will be released are being prepared
- there will be no night maps, this was scrapped long ago. “If you want, play with your eyes closed.”

- in order to make maps accurate, developers actually went to Stalingrad (Volgograd) and Kharkov to see everything with their own eyes and to measure stuff. Usually however, they use google maps.
- there was a full consensus in WG about the winter mode
- Dragon’s Ridge and Port were completely removed. It’s possible however that parts of these maps will return in special game modes, the way Port returned in the Chaffee racing
- the next map to be released will not be a city map but of a mixed type
- “Hidden Village” is a problematic map, it has very little space for actual battle and there is much criticism. Developers will rework it.
- render square will be replaced by render circle soon
- the “Smolensk” map is being tested, it will come out sooner than Minsk
- developers are testing a new system against bots, too early to tell details
- when you look at the clocks on every map, they all show the same time
- it’s possible that the option to select maps you don’t want to play will come after all, developers are working on it
- there are complaints about players recieving the same map numerous times within short game span (5-20 battes), developers are working on it
- Malinovka is now doing fine statistically, both sides have roughly the same winrate
- Prokhorovka will be reworked soon, developers are already testing the reworked version
- Dragon’s Ridge will be completely removed from the client in the next patch
- developers are constantly working on “ironing” some parts of the map (less small hills so tanks with bad depression have easier time)
- 2000×2000 meter maps will not appear in random battles, but it’s possible they will in other game modes
- current Komarin (until tier 8) is doing fine statistically
- a new map will appear within 2-3 patches

94 thoughts on ““Developer Time” Q&A

  1. - it’s possible that the option to select maps you don’t want to play will come after all, developers are working on it

    I’d be super happy. Goodbye Ensk!

  2. If fixing maps means dumb-down flatening them… :D

    And night battles somehow good in Xbox and on Winter mod, but PC default, god forbid, is no way.

    • They fix the maps by flattening , taking away cover and sniping positions, as well as any unpassable terrain. God knows what they had in mind when they initially made these maps.

      Only problem is that they are fixing their maps to death. Komarin is a great example: Fixed and flattened and ironed beyond recognition.

      And all those new paper armor and bad gun depression TDs they introduced only recently have no cover or position from which to shoot. So they now have to stand on top of a rift in the open. To “fix“ them further they are getting a view range nerf.

      Brilliant logic. Implementation 5-year-old style.

      • Basically the era of the Turretless TDs is over… I won’t be starting anymore TD grinds and only finishing the JGE100 line as already on JT.

      • WG probably overestimated the functionality of their implementation of the suspension system and now they have realized that it will never work as the real ones in which these small bumps do not prevent for a smooth ride.

    • I never played Winter mod but the night time video captures looked impressive so It seems it can be done.

  3. - there will be no night maps, this was scrapped long ago. “If you want, play with your eyes closed.”

    Lazy ass incompetent developers. A single man did a mod with night battles in it and they looked absolutely fine (winter mod) and 200 people cant do the same

    • That mod does eat FPS with so many light sources so communistic calculators wont be able to run WG ‘optimised’ version.

    • Not everyone thinks that night maps are a good idea. Not to mention that night tank battles in WW2 were very rare. Plus the fact that to do night maps properly would require a lot more than merely replacing the light box with a blackened sky. View ranges really should be reduced. Camo should be a lot more effective in low light conditions. And so on. And this would probably require a lot of changes to the game engine (or something) to facilitate.

      Honestly, night maps are NOT important to me.

      • Oh please, you are talking of realism in an arcade game with a limited render range and fantasy tanks like the waffle lol. Xbox managed night maps easily, only thing which changes is the light level and a black sky with moon & stars.

      • all in all, I dont find that answer as much disrespectful as you do,

        its the answer given to the same question that has been asked many times by the same persons… one’s patience can only run so far

        notice its completely different from the answers given to other ridiculous requests, but that are less common then this one

  4. Enough with all the damned city maps!!!!!

    And for that matter, these guys are being too “perfectionist” in their maps for my taste. I’d rather they go for a lot of good maps rather than a tiny number of “perfect” (at least in their opinion) maps. The fact (at least as I see it) is that while WG may see a map as excellent, many players will be of a different opinion. And it seems to me that if they produce a lot more “good” maps with a lot of variety, it will satisfy a much wider audience. Everyone is bound to find some of these many “good” new maps to their liking.

    • it’d also fix the map rotation issue, the more of options a random generator has the less often it’ll choose the same thing twice

  5. - there will be no night maps, this was scrapped long ago. “If you want, play with your eyes closed.

    Mabey there devs shoudnt close there eyes on work and just make that goddamn maps….if it can happen on XBOX it can also happen on pc

    • It can happen on Xbox because everyone who plays that has the same hardware

      WOT PC is running on a myriad of Hardware, and some of them are so Potatastic that they cant handle wot properly as it is, let alone with night system..

    • I agree I had no problem with Port. Sad when it went. Surely a few tweaks and it could have been sorted.

    • Everyone misses Port, but this brain dead russians, think that keeping pos maps like Swamp is better… Stop giving them your money or they will never learn… People just don’t get it…

  6. - Dragon’s Ridge will be completely removed from the client in the next patch

    Wat? It was removed ages ago.. Are the devs drunk again?

  7. - there will be no night maps, this was scrapped long ago. “If you want, play with your eyes closed.”

    Apparently a majority of wot players already use this tip. That would explain it all.

    • Yup, good point.
      shouldn’t the masses try the map out first before they decide its a no go…

  8. Some people are hell bent on stupid features such as night maps whille there are way more pressing issues to tend to. Typical average WoT player mentality.

      • Vehicle balances.

        power creep of new vehicles over old estabilished ones…

        also,i dont see what’s wrong with MM nowadays, unless you’re whining about skill based mm

        Arty is fine.. and its getting further fucked with 9.6, fucking crybabies.

  9. Dragon’s Ridge and Port were completely removed.

    two fun maps that were completely removed because of idiot players!

    • I played Port plenty on Xbox and came to appreciate it.

      It’s very unforgiving of bad players.

  10. - there will be no night maps, this was scrapped long ago. “If you want, play with your eyes closed.”

    But theres Night and Weather effects on the WoT on the 360. If the 360 can have night maps why cant the PC? Also I want some cool weather effects like rain and stuff…

    Come to think of it WoT on 360 is better than the PC Version in some respects. Theres no Troll Platoons on 360…

    • Most players who play the pc version of wot play it on old ass pc’s not fit for purpose. Thats why we can’t have it.

    • Oh there is… not a week ago i saw a screenshot of some1 platooning a M103 with a T1 Heavy and a T1 Cunningham..
      they ended up on tier X.

      • Yeah that was a bug. I was in one of those games. My side got creamed ‘cos it had a fail platoon of three T1′s in a tier X game.

        • The one he’s reporting isn’t a bug. It’s a Tier 5 and a Tier 1 platooned with a Tier 9. Of course they got a Tier 10 battle. They’re stupid.

    • Weather and night effects are really cool on Xbox. I guess PC can’t handle what a 10 year old peasant box can… :\

  11. “- development of a map can take up to half a year including the entire design of the map”

    That’s because the people working for you are idiots. Pay me and I’ll design a map in a month.

    • They mean it takes a year for the whole process. Taking into account they design 6 maps. Then test it, then fix bugs then retest. Then put it on the super test server. Where its tested again then redesigned. Then retested. After all that they pick one then let us test it on the test server. So its not as simple as it seems. At each stage it has to have X amount of hours to really test it. And you need hundred’s and hundred’s of battles just to get the right figures. Give them a break.

  12. “- it’s possible that the option to select maps you don’t want to play will come after all, developers are working on it”

    Holy Smokes! So much potential to fuck things up!

    Here’s to hope WG will let us choose the maps we won’t play on with specific tanks, because I play all kinds of tanks and despise the maps that don’t fit the tanks play style. If there is a general “map selection” option for all the tanks I play, then I will curse all the same.

    Oh, and it should only be available for tiers 6 upward, so beginners don’t have to play their mediums and lights against a majority of more experienced heavy tank drivers in city maps.

  13. Pingback: Vývoj map a individuální mise v pořadu „Čas pro vývojáře“

  14. - there will be no night maps, this was scrapped long ago. “If you want, play with your eyes closed.”


  15. “- each patch brings fixed in the maps (3-4 maps), this will continue”

    Yet for about a year now there have been floating rocks on Serene Coast in the middle western part of the map just south of the ravine and west of the tracks.

    • I sent in a ticket on that. They basically blamed mods for it.

      I shook my head and moved on. Anything wrong, blame mods.

    • I’m a zoologist and can confirm that the floating rocks are pumice (a rock that floats). Either than or the water is so polluted with mercury that it’s specific gravity is enough to provide other rocks with buoyancy.

  16. - map “Berlin” will most likely not appear in the game

    wow russian bias bullsht OP

        • Do you see the USA (Oak Ridge) or Mexico (El Halluf) being vitally important to history and specifically WWII? Actually, Moscow does have some WWII significance. The Germans never made it to Moscow, but they did try. They never tried to reach the USA or Mexico.

          Think before you comment, you’ll come out looking a hell of a lot smarter.

  17. WoT Xbox 360 Edition has night Sand River FFS and it works really good. It can’t take that much effort to code the sky dark FFS!? If need be, put the BT fucking SV back on sale again for a day or two to raise some coin.

  18. Jesus Christ WarGaming, give us the kinds of maps the players WANT, namely cloned versions of current maps – only, with different weather, props and lighting!

    • Speak for yourself. Please. I’d rather see a bunch of maps of all different kinds than see clones of any maps we have. Himmelsdorf/Winter Himmelsdorf, Ruinberg/Ruinberg on Fire (or whatever they changed it to), Prokhorovka/Fiery Salient…how about some brand-new terrain? Like maybe a map similar to El Halluf, but with the hills much lower and a river running through the middle?

  19. - there will be no night maps, this was scrapped long ago. “If you want, play with your eyes closed.”

    Do you know how stupid WG sounds every time they say this, and the guys who created Winter Mod make them look?

    This last rendition of WM added FOG too… guess what? We like that too.