Wargaming As Usual, 9.6 Test 2 Edition

How do you like the new Himmelsdorf? Half of the buildings are now missing the collision model…



And I would STILL like to know how this happens. Some guy comes and just deletes the collision models randomly? Why?

40 thoughts on “Wargaming As Usual, 9.6 Test 2 Edition

  1. Go and try to fix some broken collision model on a building (for example stairs)
    For easier testing, disable it on buildings around it, so you can check it’s fixed from all sides.
    Forget to enable it after you finish the primary fix.

    For example like that.

    • But you won’t do it that way. You test your fix in a separate test build and if it works you implement the fix into the main build.

      • And if you forget to re-enable your test build disabled buildings and push them into main build? :)

        I know how versioning works, but it won’t prevent screw-ups like this – even our company manages to “somehow” do stuff like that, and we do way easier stuff…

  2. ” And I would STILL like to know how this happens. Some guy comes and just deletes the collision models randomly? Why? ”

    …you must be new here….


    • After all this shit, m55 and shit, it has to be some retarded guy just going in and pressing buttons and whatnot to fuck with whatever it is that ends up getting messed up. Its so funny and retarded i cant even be mad xD

      • if it’s so easy, why don’t you do it? show them how it’s done.

        then we could complain about all of your mistakes.

  3. I joined that room yesterday :P

    Bdw it is weird, i tried to escape in sta-2 from hill, reversed into building and that happened, half my tank was in wall. Then i drove deeper into building and hid whole tank. E-100 passing by didnt notice me :P.
    P.S.:It only works with Winter Himmelsdorf

  4. So,I went to a training room with a friend of mine but THIS didn’t happen at all…tested all himmelsdorf buildings….does it have to do with encounter,assault or standard?

  5. How it happens?

    Someone gets assigned to apply something to an old map, for example a new model or a new texture. Applying stuff requires a procedure in order to get everything done properly. Whoever did it is not very good at it, or they simply forgot one step. So here we are. Thats nothing strange these things happen.

  6. And I would STILL like to know how this happens. Some guy comes and just deletes the collision models randomly? Why?
    SS, didn’t you know, that there’s a real monkey working in WOT Development unit? Humans gave him computer and wanted him to write the Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but instead he is just randomly pushing keys on keyboard and theese screwups keep showing up after that ;-P

  7. WG proving how totally awesome their programming skills are…yea maybe they should hire some 5 year old’s to help them.

  8. I can understand this on some new or changed maps, but Hitlersdworf wasn’t changed for long time…or thay changing in secret all the time?

  9. Pingback: Bug v testu 9.6: Lze projet některými domy

  10. I really don’t get it…
    HOW you create such holes by changing stuff?
    And than not notice it!? (partial they don’t even listen and just throw it ingame – fact)

    They must have known that, but their care-o-meter is probably old,
    dusty and broken. (buried inside a fake wall, in their basement)

    Its not the least different from floating turrets and such.
    Damn this game is a mess.

    “One of the best quality’s assurance in the business !?” ……. (ha!)
    let me think on any other game i seen such shit happen………

    2002~2006… in mod packs for some of my FPS…. fan made stuff (maps, weapons, tanks, etc.) and even THERE you had to try hard to find them……. and they got FIXED.
    most of the time not more than 2 man were working on them.

    Only “modern” game i can think of, would be “Gettisburg” (i think)… but thats also just made by ONE person… and not a multi-million dollar developer.

    wow. Piss poor :)
    Maybe… i mean – they have to hire that guy. They sure can learn a lot :|

    Oh another quote i just remembered from “guise of the wolf”

    at least now i know “that guys” found a job after this horrible game (outsourcing yay!)

  11. I do actually want them to fix this tbh. Just for the troll factor on the live server. Because just imagine buying a T18 and playing it until you get himmelsdorf and then just trolllolololololololing low tier players by driving into buildings. :P