Straight Outta Supertest: New Motion Physics

Source: FTA VK community

Hello everyone,

yestarday, a new motion physics system appeared on supertest of the first time. Obviously, it’s pretty hard to explain (even show on video) how different the vehicles feel, so I’m just going to put here the summary, that was published earlier.

- all the tanks now have better terrain passability, medium tanks can now climb practically everywhere
- it’s possible to flip tanks on their roof now
- it’s possible to make a “U turn” by using a handbrake
- a tank can move on one track for a couple of meters after it gets detracked, but you can’t steer if I understand correctly
- it’s possible for a tank to “rise” their frontal part during a collision, exposing their thin bottom armor – it’s completely possible to shoot them there
- braking became more difficult in some cases, it’s no longer possible to just stop from 60 km/h, there’s a chance that if you try, you’ll end up drifting
- it’s now easier to drive on the top of the enemy tank
- if you flip your tank on the roof, your ammo rack can explode

The leakers also speculate that the public physics test (scheduled for February) could be postponed to March, but this is not sure. The current iteration is very raw and unoptimized however.

173 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: New Motion Physics

  1. Cool! maybe now tanks will behave like tanks and be able to ride over a small wall, a small terrain bump, a small rock. Whereas now i still get stuck by them. Oh and the handbrake is worthless right now.

    • I expect War Thunder Arcade mode drifting… prepare.

      On a side note funny how everyone bashes WT for their motion physics which are an WIP and now WoT gets it and everyone says YAY. Internet u so silly.

      • because people in WoT suffer from little rocks on the road more than WT lovers that have flat maps

        • And except WG is gonna, you know, postpone the arrival AGAIN, because, you know, capitalist computers and noobs being even noobier…

        • *sigh* they could have said that even 30 years ago, fact is WT has it already WoT don’t Deal with it

          • The fact you’re looking for is called “our tenkz no hev gempley model” and you would be correct, because there is only one company in this world that is able to shamelessly create “skin” for a tank them release it with the handling of a Volvo because why would anyone expect Gaijin to release A fully functional tank with its specific gameplay, that would be nonsense, all the Gaijin customers really just want one single tank in multiple skins, right?

            Wait for these things to actually be released before boasting about that crap cashgrab, because you’ll probably have to eat a lot of stuff that you evacuated along your way. There’s a difference between kinetic energy when a metal monster of tens of tons tries to relieve after reaching 40+ km//h and tanks of only a few tons, or heavies ones sliding like they’re on ice and shaking like they’re made of paper blown by wind like they do in War Thunder, a very big difference.

    • FYI tanks can drift .. look it on youtube. how that’s implemented this is the question.

  2. I’m quite surprised they slipped this in, because it’s WG, and large updates like this take a lot of time. Especially when the engine hasn’t been used for it before, or hasn’t been enabled.

    For those reasons, I can’t see the Public release coming anytime soon, because again… It’s WG, and they ussual postpone huge updates or cancel them altogether.

    “- it’s possible to make a “U turn” by using a handbrake” – To me, this suggest War Thunder like physics which should make the game far more interesting and a lot more challenging. The more immersion, the better.

      • Well, the handling of the tanks in WT is kinda funky because of the ground surface – they are modeling one mixed type, somewhere between tarmac and dirt road, so that’s why so many drifts. They anounced they are working (as in internal implementation is already in testing) on different ground surfaces – gravel, tarmac, dirt etc each with different characteristics. You can read more in the site.

      • I enjoy WT driving far more than WoT, medium tanks drifting is fun, prolly too much but alot better than wots tanks glued to the ground. Driving a tiger tho, this shit is awesome

    • Motions physics in WoT were planned since long time, WT wasnt even in closed GF beta.

      Copying nothing

        • “a lot of improvement”? That’s quite an understatement. WTGF blows ass for handling and physics. WG needs to be very careful not to totally F this up and get it right.

      • In WoT everything is “planned” and nothing “done” until WT came.

        WG said they will add Historical Battles, realistic physics… when closed beta started!

        • And because WG added it first they are not allowed to do it too ?

          + WG plans for years and releases one day. WT releases everything fast but with shut quality (WT physics programmed by pigs, WT mm I could do it by sitting on my keyboard…).
          Better late and well than soon and shitty

          • i like how your an idiot. oh wt wt wt wt this that this that.. hey look at it this way. Wowp was a waste of fucken tine. what dose wt have? planes and tanks co-exisiting. and you got tanks shooting planes out of the sky. and all kinds of tanks half tracks trucks. and so on. In honesty there prepareing the complete ass kicking AW is going to give them. the T49 was the hint. HEAT shells as a standard ammo. now new pysics. and whats funny. pysics right now is SOooooooo unhistorical. like most of the tanks that were made in this game in wot.. making fake tanks like the e50m, e100(turret) Lttb turret, the t7cc fuck up. says it gos 30kms them magicly updates to 57? wiki your an idiot.. i really mean the historic wiki… wots… is fake in tanks.. unlike warthunder least they have real tanks.

            • Why do you care if a tank is historical or not. you don’t even know if a tank is real or not until you read it on some forums or portals, Open your eyes everything is fake these days ( Almost everything )

      • All the things they planned, but didn’t implement so far don’t count. I can talk about having something planned, too. Doesn’t mean I’ll ever do it. Bigger maps, multi turret mechanics, havoc, motion physics, garage battles and the removal of WG-invented tanks that didn’t even exist on paper… All those things are “planned”, and have been for a long time.

      • WoT is copying what’s in WT since closed beta because WoT is loosing popularity.#STRONKCTRLC+CTRLV

        • seriously? do you know the time they broke us free from invisible walls in map? no? WT lover get outta here

          • motion pysic bugs others point out.. about flying.. and wot fixes them and oh look.. you cant go anywhere anymore to do creative things…

            • do you know how it was bad at 0.6.5? if you would accidently drive to water you would hit an invisible wall and get stuck there or get out 2 mins later

    • That would be nice in WOT too, but more like the track trails effect in different terrain types than having a big impact on handling. It would certainly make it look cool.

      • It is, and very far from being implemented.

        Imagine if they did this right now, one tank would make these trails and all the other ones would flip over them…

    • Never gonna happen, that’s way above the limit of FUN, it only hampers the gameplay, WT only added that because you have to have some distractions when you’re wasting time driving on empty maps not shooting at any enemy tanks.

  3. Good ! We’ll have it for 9.0 release date, but a year after.

    Well at least we’ll have it, better late than never :)

    Incoming WT fags being like “lol u copy WT”, so just to say: WoT had this project since long enough, WT GF wasnt even closed beta yet, so copy nothing.

    On WT topic, hope tanks wont drift like crazy (hi chaffee race)

    • Yep , Wargaming is not copying Warthunder, exept a HD models, psychic ( it was annoucment eqrlier yes, but it is too much similar to Gaijin psychic to bother doing excuses), a first things about multiturret/gun were exactly copying of WT, platform for all world of games is not a copy too. And Historical Battles. Nah …

      • WT physics made by pigs fucking on a keyboard.

        WT HD nothing close to WG ones.

        And WT releases first, but wg plans first, and both of these points are under work since years.

      • Have you ever heard of the word competition?

        The better argument is that since WOT was the first online tank game, the rest have been trying to copy it.

        • WoT was not the first online tank game. Many others before WoT. BF1942, and especially the Forgotten Hope mod.

        • It is so far from the first online tank game that you would forget how many fingers you count to get there.

          WG may say they are the first… But I am sure that once they fold and others fold, in 20 years time another “First” will come along.

          The reality of it is this.
          All game mfgr’s want to make something look as real as possible, and react with the environment in a way that is as dramatic (yet real) as they can. The limit is, was, and will be the amount of processing power someone has to render the game.

          I find the graphics quality of WoT okay, I find the GPU/CPU usage for the graphics that it gives us to be extremely poor.
          Similar graphics could be had 10 years ago with top end systems… What they are pushing out now is not top quality at all.

      • so you are saying that we should burn all our books? they fucking write about same thing for 5000 years and no one will step out and tell someone that
        “you are copying otehrs because (lets say) you write love stories”

        this is a huge bullshit if you wanna search for copies WoT and WTGF all are copies because there were games like them before flying planes? they made it driving tanks? they made it

        WG isnt copying they explained these stuff before but they know not everyone(i assume you are one of those high setting computer asshole) has a powerfull computer that can handle 10 GB of update they dont brnig HD models at once because it takes too much space war thunder from what i can see isnt going to be a good game if it goes like this realistic battles requires infantary

        INFANTARY?!!? of course damn infantary other than that WTGF is just an arcade game with a diffrent mod
        WAIT A SEC WTGF IS COPYING WG well that is something you can say because WG was the first one to make tank battles at this race so WTGF copying them

        oh now the tables turned huh? well let me tell you something every game that has super good graphics right now (in your mind) is copying eachother

        just leave this planet you are copying other people

        • “Not handling 10 gb updates”? Isnt that more due to internet connection than disk space? Since EU and USA is the biggest paying community WG should really phase out support for obsolete shit PCs that drag us all others down.

          • if you deny those draggers WG will lose %70 of their player base and 10 GB update isnt comething good if you want go make your own HD skins

          • What means others?
            Dont you have enought tourists in wot? … Graphics is getting too much shiny so people are disturbed from gameplay.
            WT is different in this. At least realistic battles are about really spotting a tank that you wana to shoot (ignoring pinpoint accurate minimap), so moving leaves and grass is part of gameplay, because it make spotting enemy little harder.
            But on WoT no… there is no added value to gameplay other then “oh this is so beautiful, can i make a photo?”.
            See how many people are happy with that silly, no tactic, puf-puf, 8-bit mode? (i played 3 games… i dont need to go back to eighties or to refresh feelings how Comodore64 was cool )

    • Well, WoT can have a project for e new hadron collider..The idea is others did it first, a year ago

      And the whole thing is completely unnecessary anyway. WT has become a big graphics test for Gaijin. Bad idea to do the same WG.

  4. ” it’s possible to flip tanks on their roof now”

    Well, there go all the light tank players , and every one from tier 1-3 :D

    • The motion physics in woT are under work since over a year now :/ they release tests now. WT can go fuck itself

    • WG shouldn’t copy anything from WT, the tank physics are so incredibly shite I can’t even play it properly, and you speak like that ground interacion is already in the game, it isn’t. Just like WG plans it’s new physics WT plans this.

      I bet new WoT physics will come sooner than WT will fix it’s broken physics.

  5. “- all the tanks now have better terrain passability, medium tanks can now climb practically everywhere”

    …but it’s not medium tanks who should be climbing everywhere. Opens up more flanking opportunities though, I guess.

    “- a tank can move on one track for a couple of meters after it gets detracked, but you can’t steer if I understand correctly”

    So not much different than what it is now, there’s just a small amount of time the snapped track has to run off.

    “- it’s possible for a tank to “rise” their frontal part during a collision, exposing their thin bottom armor – it’s completely possible to shoot them there”

    Already possible, though. It’s just not terribly common, most tanks aren’t shaped quite right.

    “- braking became more difficult in some cases, it’s no longer possible to just stop from 60 km/h, there’s a chance that if you try, you’ll end up drifting”

    Oh this is going to be *hilarious* for the first couple of weeks on live, if it stays.

    “- it’s now easier to drive on the top of the enemy tank”

    Tanks no longer feel like wet ice cubes when on top of them? Neat.

    “- if you flip your tank on the roof, your ammo rack can explode”

    I guess the rationale for this is the turret ring crushing the ammoracks? I…don’t think that’s how ammo in tanks works, but alright.

    • – “…but it’s not medium tanks who should be climbing everywhere. Opens up more flanking opportunities though, I guess.”

      It depends. Not all Mediums are meant to orbit Heavies at the front. I imagine that British Mediums will be the ones using this the most given that they have good depression but aren’t really front-line (or even second-line) tanks.

      – ” I guess the rationale for this is the turret ring crushing the ammoracks? I…don’t think that’s how ammo in tanks works, but alright.”

      You seem to think that shells are clamped into the racks; they aren’t. The tank may experience a lot of lurching and rocking, so shells are somewhat restrained, but not completely bolted in. After all, the crew may want to grab that shell and shove it into the breech ASAP without having to unclamp anything.
      As a result, there are often at least a few shells someplace where they could get “relocated” if the vehicle winds up in orientations that are outside of normal operational parameters.
      In other words, flipping the tank on it’s roof may cause loose shells to fly around the interior.
      Shells with impact fuses.

  6. - it’s possible to flip tanks on their roof now
    Can’t wait to see kv-2 rolling down hills on their sides and other tall tank tumbling down towards you

    • True. WG was extremely lazy last year. AW and WT however gave them a need now to hurry UP their anuses, otherwise they will get eaten by capitalism anyway

      • Stronk Kommunism masked as not kommunism will crush puny capitalism. Oh wait , its only russian propaganda, they will be crushed, well nvm :3

  7. - all the tanks now have better terrain passability, medium tanks can now climb practically everywhere (Hmm… who else already has this..??)
    - it’s possible to flip tanks on their roof now (Hmm… who else already has this..??)
    - it’s possible to make a “U turn” by using a handbrake (Hmm… who else already has this..??)
    - a tank can move on one track for a couple of meters after it gets detracked, but you can’t steer if I understand correctly (Hmm… who else already has this..??)
    - it’s possible for a tank to “rise” their frontal part during a collision, exposing their thin bottom armor – it’s completely possible to shoot them there (Hmm… who else already has this..??)… oh.. and this has been possible in WOT for ages anyway…
    - braking became more difficult in some cases, it’s no longer possible to just stop from 60 km/h, there’s a chance that if you try, you’ll end up drifting (Hmm… who else already has this..??)
    - it’s now easier to drive on the top of the enemy tank (Hmm… who else already has this..??)
    - if you flip your tank on the roof, your ammo rack can explode (Why?)

    Wonder when they’re going to implement Towing chains to help teammates?

    • Hmm WG was planning all of these years before WT ever went in alpha, so no copying from WT, it is only WG “working as intended” slow release of everything because of lazy incompetent developers

    • How many ways if implementing realistic physics are there? Last time I check, real world only had 1 set.

      • i m playing WT instead of WoT for 1 months. the worst thing on WT is that silly one shots, a bullet bounces inside tank so many times that one bullet can kill all of your crew and explode your ammo rack. i dont know if it is really realistic but makes me so annoyed.

        the best thing about WT is shell mechanics, sometimes default shells are the best ones

        and about this “new” physichs of WoT, climbing everywhere is not a good idea. and why ammo rack explodes when you roll on your roof? i think that “hook” thing in WT should be in WoT too, if there will be a chance to roll onto roof.

        • in real life it takes 1-2 penetrating shots to destroy enemy tank thats why in WTGF you will get one shot
          After shell penetrates the armour of your tank after that if depends on the ammunation type you use
          AP will blow up inside after penetration
          APCR will not blow up and it will just bounce around knock some shit up
          HE will blow up

          dont know other shell types i heard some weird APDS kinda stuff there but it depends on your ammo

          “and about this “new” physichs of WoT, climbing everywhere is not a good idea. and why ammo rack explodes when you roll on your roof? i think that “hook” thing in WT should be in WoT too, if there will be a chance to roll onto roof.”

          climbing everywhere isnt actually climbing everywhere you see tanks have climbing angles and some maps have retard places where the angle looks normal and you can climb there in theory but because they make that place unscalable you cant so they are fixing it they arent allowing bc25ts to climb 90 degree mountains

          and about that roof thing if you would know about tank design shells arent covered from top so crew can pull it out to reload shell will detonate at impact but this thing has to be worked on a lot since WoT has diffrent system than WTGF

          if you have 1 shell left and it is in gun you can get ammo racked if you have less ammo getting ammo racked chance isnt lower in WoT

  8. “- all the tanks now have better terrain passability, medium tanks can now climb practically everywhere”

    When the new LT’s were tested, they had great terrain passability and so they could climb some hills. But well, it was removed later. So I doubt WG will leave this which is a total shame because this would give us new ways of playing some maps

    Also, I expect tons of whiners that will be bitching about the new physics system because “hurr durr I dont know how to drive now”

    • A common misconception. The new light tanks didn’t have any better or worse terrain passability than existing tanks, not in the sense that you mean. All tanks, in the current system, are limited in how steep an incline they can climb; in the XMLs it’s given as 30 degrees, but it varies depending on what you’re trying to climb.

      Why the current limitation? Well, partly, map balance. Partly also because currently tank tracks don’t behave like tank tracks; they don’t seem to have any actual traction.

      Anyway, the new tanks. What they did have, and do still, are good top speeds, decent weight, and more than sufficient power to drive them.

      The way to get up to hard-to-reach areas in the current motion physics is to build up enough speed, and be heavy enough, to throw your tank up normally impassible inclines.

      We already had tanks that could do it; examples that come to mind are the Luchs, ELC AMX, and Pz1C (though that last doesn’t work quite as well due to low hp/t). It just didn’t become a Big Thing until people showed it off with the shiny new tanks.

      Under the new motion physics, *all* tanks with sufficient engine power will probably be able to climb steep slopes (historically, I think most that weren’t underpowered had the ability to climb in the range of 40-60 degree inclines depending on the tank, but don’t quote me on that), since there will no longer be a need to gather momentum to throw your tank up a given slope.
      High speed might *help*, depending on how they do it (pretty sure hitting a 60 degree incline at 70kph should wreck the frontmost track wheels and nose of the tank, but they’ll probably just have it slow you down and make a nice crunching sound as it does now), but it will no longer be vital.

      • Well as far as I remember on test the new LT’s like LTTB, M41 etc could climb the areas where old LT’s couldnt

        There even was a video about this on FTR

  9. “- all the tanks now have better terrain passability, medium tanks can now climb practically everywhere”
    - That’s ok.

    “- it’s possible to flip tanks on their roof now”
    - That’s cool.

    “- it’s possible to make a “U turn” by using a handbrake”
    - That’s normal.

    “- a tank can move on one track for a couple of meters after it gets detracked, but you can’t steer if I understand correctly”
    - That’s normal.

    “- it’s possible for a tank to “rise” their frontal part during a collision, exposing their thin bottom armor – it’s completely possible to shoot them there”
    -That’s interesting but might be a little too much.

    “- braking became more difficult in some cases, it’s no longer possible to just stop from 60 km/h, there’s a chance that if you try, you’ll end up drifting”
    - That’s normal. I guess it won’t be that easy to stop when going downhill on Westfield or El Halluf.

    “- it’s now easier to drive on the top of the enemy tank”
    - Wat?

    “- if you flip your tank on the roof, your ammo rack can explode”
    - Turret should go red first, then the gun and then, go boom because ammo rack explosion. The whole process should last 10 seconds or so.

    • “- it’s now easier to drive on the top of the enemy tank”
      - Wat?


      “- if you flip your tank on the roof, your ammo rack can explode”

      I don’t think that’s a good idea. Depending on how easy it is to flip a tank this could lead to much frustration.

    • Well in extreme situations with some heavy crushing maybe it would be possible, after all it only takes one shell to explode

      But yea, overall its kinda weird

      On the other hand I see it as a “balancing” parameter or whatever. After all if you happen to flip your tank on the turret roof…what you can do ? Nothing, you are just stuck. Slim chances that anyone will flip you back or even be able to do this. So basically there is a need for a system that would exclude your vechicle from the whole fight

      Tho the whole crew injury would be more reasonable (and so your tank just ends up like in regular scenario where all of your crewmembers are knocked out)

      • Even if teammates to be able/willing to flip you back over…pretty sure most tanks would be wrecked instantly when flipped onto their turret, or at least be severely damaged. Er, realistically-speaking.

        The top of the tank is designed to hold the turret, afterall. It’s kind of unlikely that the turret ring area could withstand the weight of the entire tank resting on it. If nothing else, the ring itself would be wrecked, and ask anyone around how much fun it isn’t to try aiming with a wrecked turret ring.

        The whole flipping-over problem is a bit overblown, anyway. Suspension acting more like it should will help with light/fast tanks who are more likely to have trouble (small bumps will no longer launch one side of the tank into the air, hopefully), and as for bigger, heavier tanks, well…when’s the last time you managed to “almost” flip a heavy during normal driving?

    • I guess it simulates shells flying all over the fighting compartment. I’m guessing it’s the same way how you can lose modules when falling too hard. Your ammo goes wild if you land on your roof too hard.

      • Its just a lazy way of solving the problem of tanks upside down. WT solved it with tow ropes. In WoT you could not have a situation were a player flips and spends the entire game immobilised , the whinging would never end.

        • WT added tow hooks because being on your roof is common place.
          50% of the matches, at least one teammate will spawn on a slope, and roll over instantly.
          Tow hooks are a drastic, barely functional measure to fix a problem that should exist in the first place.

          It’s a lazy solution in the sense that a tank on it’s roof is supposed to be knocked out, and instead of adding a specific death message, they are using the ammo rack detonation.

          • Note that it says that your ammorack can explode, not will explode. They just stated that losing your ammorack when flipping your tank is one of the modules you can lose (which doesn’t happen in a regular cliff dive).

  10. “- braking became more difficult in some cases, it’s no longer possible to just stop from 60 km/h, there’s a chance that if you try, you’ll end up drifting”

    This is actually a big nerf to all fast vehicles like Batchat.

    • Ironically, its also moving away from realism: most tanks can indeed stop dead from their maximum speed – unbooted tracks have more than enough grip to brake the tank, and the motion energy is expended in lifting the tank’s rear right up. A modern MBT will stop dead, but almost stand on its nose.

      • These are not “real” or even modern tanks. Modern tanks can break fine, but early and late ww2 tanks did not have the tech and engineers where still relatively getting creative with tanks. That’s why I enjoy WT and WoT well…arcade stuff is always nice too. Also lol WoT an WG do not ever fit in the same space as “realism” xD

  11. - braking became more difficult in some cases, it’s no longer possible to just stop from 60 km/h

    any info on how this effects super heavy tanks like the E100 or the Maus?

  12. Pingback: Supertest: Nová pohybová fyzika

  13. Question to tank experts:

    Shouldnt the turret fall out of the hull when the tank flips over?
    Always wanted to know that…

    • Not a tank expert, but I’m reasonably certain that this is indeed the case with a lot of designs. Pretty sure the turret (and attached basket for the crew to stand on inside) just stay in place on the bearings with the weight of the turret itself. A retention system would just add weight and be useless 99% of the time, right?

      Would love to be corrected by someone who knows more, if I’m wrong, since I too am curious.

    • It actually depends on the design of the tank, whether it has a basket, whether it just sits on the race or is bolted to a race. How much force is applied to the turret to make it depart from the tank.

    • On some tanks you will find turret locks, however in a full tilt Im not sure they will not break

  14. “- all the tanks now have better terrain passability, medium tanks can now climb practically everywhere.”

    Can’t wait for it!

  15. I would like to try this. Just once or twice. Probably sounds too silly for regular games but that could be fun as heck. Kicking the meta IYKWIM.

  16. Maybe 2015 really will be the year when our tanks get to FEEL like real tanks with the motion, the sound and their looks. Would be nice though not holding my breath…

    • If War Thunder is any indication as to what WWII tanks should “really” feel like, be careful what you wish for…

      Here’s hoping WG finds a happy medium between “realism” and the current arcade feel.

  17. - it’s now easier to drive on the top of the enemy tank

    Now I will be able to roll over those ELC AMX in my KV4 instead of just ramming one at 10 km/h and get circled?


    Muahahahahah! :D

    • heheheh same here :D
      kv4 bulldozer mode is here
      also E50′s will love this they can literally squash the russian medi’s cause they low enough :P

  18. “””The current iteration is very raw and unoptimized however.”””

    Soooo its ready for release – for wg standards^^

  19. Very nice. Yesterday WT released on their devblog the new upcoming physics, similar to SpinTires. Today we find out about new WoT physics, coincidence? Probably,but the synchronization is still surprising. Nevertheless is nice to see WG finally doing something constructive, I feel like in the last moths they became very lazy with improving the game, while WT keeps getting better and better. It’s good to see WG is trying to keep up with the competition.

    • WT still goes “as much realism as possible”. That actually looks nice.
      Even more – fight your own tank than enemy :D

  20. WG should have switched to a good game engine two years ago instead of f*cking around with the pathetic Bigworld engine and their incompetence regarding handling physics support in WoT. But alas, they knew better, as always. They are a particularly tough case of “Beratungsresistenz”, as we say where I live. Now AW will teach them that lesson the hard way.

    • They said that Big World was their only option at the time. Not sure how much I believe them.

  21. Awwww……..adrorable new physics only a year away.

    WOT is dead you silly copy/paste phucks, WT smoked that ass.

    CDC with its 700 High Deffff polys didnt save you

    • WoT is not dead. It has more players than WT. Also I played WT for a few weeks and got bored. Went back to wot. Sometimes I go back to war thunder but I ultimately always go back to wot. I may play WT again when simulator battles for tanks are released.

        • Too few people, too many lacking features.
          A tank simulator with no binoculars is unplayable.

          Sure they’re plannng on adding them, but that’s just WT:GF : doing a rush job, realizing you fucked it up, trying to recover it.
          Honestly, WT is a great game….ruined by greedy retards for devs.

  22. Well, this can help some youtubers to make some nice movies(realistic stuff) and something that players canf appreciate.

  23. I know that it will take some time to successfully implement physics, but I like what they announced … The game is greatly balanced even the LT buff is good, but people find harvesting WN8 Stats on a LT easier, hence they became snipers and they are screwing the game even more.

    • Actually, I’ve seen multiple unicums say that light tanks aren’t the best for stat boosting because it’s harder to carry a game in a lt no matter how good you are. Their health is too low and they fight tanks 3 tiers higher than them. The buff made them more competitive but still not stat padding vehicles. If you’re getting sniped by one, it’s just another light tank player with his own playstyle.

  24. Move while beeing tracked? Another noob friendly feature that makes trackshots useless and hence make good players loose even one more advantage they have,

    • Reading comprehension. Here, let me help.

      “- a tank can move on one track for a couple of meters after it gets detracked”

      Tracks don’t just magically disappear when they snap. The tank will keep rolling on the snapped one until it runs off of it. Go watch a video on Youtube of tankers putting a track onto their tank, something like that only in reverse.

      The only way it really varies from the current way that tracking works is that the implication here is the tank will continue rolling straight for a short distance before stopping, instead of being immediately jerked violently in the direction of the blown track as if that side is suddenly bolted to the ground.

      And heck, that may *still* happen, after the track has rolled off. We don’t have that information yet.

      • It means if a scrub in a 215b 183 rolls his front end around a corner with no repair kit and you track him, he can just back up until the track falls off, or just continue to yolo around the corner and derp you.

        Huge buff to shitters if that’s how it ends up.

  25. —(scheduled for February)

    hahah very funny, on feb they will understand it’s more complicated, so it will be pushed back…
    then after 6 months they will say it’s impossible to optimize and will push it further back…
    ETA maybe 2016, early 2017…

    when you want to optimize a game for Russian toasters it’s not computer science, it’s pure science, physics and chemistry that needs to evolve.

  26. “- a tank can move on one track for a couple of meters after it gets detracked, but you can’t steer if I understand correctly”

    Under momentum or can a detracked vehicle back up for a few meters even when stationary using engine power?

    If so, it’s a direct nerf to skilled players that detrack people when they’re exposed. Typical WG, center the game around shitters.

    • you people understood it wrong

      your tank will move around the blown track as you can guess how it works
      we already kinda have that thing in wot if you get your track blown on the move your tank will move and turn to that side it happens more at fast vehicles

    • I agree, another nerf to skilled players, I always track and make dmg, no noobs will prevent that by driving with no track and hence make repair skill useless.

  27. Well that’s good news !
    Last few FTR posts made me really happy > =D <– (see how happy I am !)
    -They will continue working on Havok based destruction and try to fix it
    -New motion physics that sound really awesome
    -They wont be able to introduce more than 4 HD models per patch because patch might be too big for those few guys who cant download more than 1GB / day (GOOD news)

    Only good news ! I might even start playing again (after patch with new motion comes)

    • If they cant download more than 1gb how can they download the game then and become new customers? Why limit the game just because scubs are unable to download a ONLINE game patch.

  28. WG definitely didnt copy wt,WG is just so slow to get things finished that it appears that way.
    and also…mmmhmmm- who cares the game will be better because of it