Guide: Module Targetting – Part I (Intro, External Modules)

Author: MaxL_1023

Hello everyone,

MaxL_1023 contacted me not so long ago and expressed his interest to actually publish his guides on For the Record. And – I was like, “why not”, looks decent enough. So, this one is about module targetting. Enjoy!

- SS

The strategy series intends to help tankers build a comprehensive mechanical, tactical and strategic background. As opposed to a few large articles the focus will be on a series of smaller guides covering individual aspects of gameplay. Divided into three primary levels, the series articles will be tailored to players of varying skill to allow a smooth progression into the upper echelons of player ability. This is a dark green level guide representing material which is slightly more complex but is still within the realm of intermediate play. This level is intended for newer or intermediate players who are steadily progressing through the general set of green level material and have integrated most of the more basic skills into their play. This level is also suited for “Dark Green” players looking to begin a push towards Blue Level or “Light Blue” players who are weak in the area covered. The subjects of this tactics guide is Module Targeting.

Introduction and Background

Thanks to incredible advances in game development, processing power and internet infrastructure (few of which WG uses) WoT incorporates the ability to deal damage in ways other than simply removing HP. If you have made it this far into the strategy series, you (hopefully) know that to destroy a tank you need to reduce its HP to 0. You have also noticed that when taking fire, your vehicle often loses various aspects of performance. Your gun might be disabled, you might not be able to move, or your turret may stop turning. These are serious disabilities which substantially reduce your ability to fight. However, the correlation between these effects and HP loss may seem unclear. Sometimes, you are immobilized without taking damage, other times your turret randomly flies off. At this point, you understand why being able to inflict this kind of “status effect” would help you in game – a disabled tank is much easier to kill, and is less likely to shoot back effectively. The issue (which plagues players of many skill levels) is how to go about doing it.


“We’ve lost a track!”

This guide will explain the underlying principles of “status effects” and explain what causes them, how to inflict any particular one of them and also explain why half of this process is completely random. Don’t be alarmed though – the most vital hits are also the easiest to inflict. However, before diving into the endless sea of somewhat-sketchy WG programming and balance decisions I will demonstrate how inflicting these disabling effects contributes to teamplay, personal performance and increases the probability of a win. This is your incentive to learn all about “status effects” and how to inflict them – they help you win games, deal more damage and often allow you to contribute in situations where it may otherwise seem hopeless. As you are likely moving through the middle tiers in at least one tank line you will run into these situations often. In these cases, the best you can do is “assisted damage” – damage inflicted by your teammates to a tank you have spotted and/or immobilized.

How to deal “Assisted Damage” and why it is Important

Starting somewhere in the Devonian period (Patch 8.X) WoT introduced “Assisted Damage” as a recorded metric. Assisted damage refers to damage dealt to an enemy tank which you played a part in inflicting but did not deal directly. The original form of this metric was “spotting damage” – damage dealt to an enemy tank you are spotting by a tank which otherwise would not see it. This is an important metric and is worth studying. However, for now I will focus on the more recently implemented aspect of assisted damage which more directly applies to the aforementioned “status effects.” This is “Damage Assisted by Tracking” – damage dealt to an enemy tank which you immobilized by destroying their tracks. When MM decides to mess with your mind, dealing this form of damage is often the most significant contribution you can make to your team’s local success.


Sherman: That Pz. III Blew our Track off!
Emil: Thanks Little Buddy!
Sherman: FML

Tanks in WoT have tracks implemented as an individual module. While I have yet to explain the module system, suffice to say that a hit to a tanks tracks will reliably inflict the “status effect” of being unable to move or turn until the tracks are repaired. The tank can still aim and shoot, so it can still be dangerous to you or your team. However, a de-tracked tank is vulnerable to enemy movement in ways which often drastically reduce its survivability. Assume you are in a Jagdpanzer IV, somewhat behind a largeish blob of both team’s tier 7 and 8 heavies. You are double bushed (in this case Brazilian style is far from optimal) and can therefore fire without expecting to be attacked. The issue is that your recently learned target selection process has you stuck in an infinite loop. Due to enemy positioning and your rather anemic pen (even your APCR has trouble) you can’t even pen enemy weakspots. Say all you can shoot is an IS-3 – even with your 171 APCR pen you are basically shooting a nerf gun. You are not going to deal HP damage. However, you have a high rate of fire and decent damage per shot. In desperation, you aim for the tracks.

You de-track the IS-3. With your fast reload you are fully capable of maintaining this condition – even if the IS-3 uses a repair kit you can often re-track it before it can retreat. Now lets analyze what this condition does to the IS-3. Being immobile, it is incapable of retreating into cover while reloading. Therefore, your team can damage it with impunity after it fires a shell. Your damaged teammates can also retreat to a better position without worrying about pursuit. The IS-3′s armor is also highly susceptible to the angle of attack – a hit from as little as 10 degrees off the pike nose allows 175 penetration guns to get through where they would normally fail. The IS-3 can’t turn, so your teammates can move to a better attack angle. In summary, this IS-3 is now dependent on his team to bail him out. Your team has the initiative and a major tactical advantage. Inaccurate tanks and artillery can hit a stationary target much more reliably. Essentially, you inflict “assisted damage” by changing the conditions of the engagement. You make an enemy tank (or more than one if you can track multiple enemies) much more vulnerable to your team. You act as a force multiplier. As you can see, inflicting a “status effect” is a way to help your team win without requiring direct damage dealing. Now that you are convinced of the utility of dealing this type of damage, it is time for me to explain the fundamentals of Module Targeting, and how this is the cause of “status effects.”

Modular Module Overview

World of Tanks for obvious reasons does not exactly model the internal components of vehicles. This level of realism would make the game essentially unplayable without massively changing every mechanic currently implemented. However, WoT also does not simply model tanks as passive HP containers which remain fully functional until killed. The implementation of vehicle modules in WoT is essentially a simplification of actual vehicle design. Instead of hundreds of individual components, vehicles are modeled as a HP container with various internal and external components superimposed – sort of like the ice cubes in the glass of whiskey you need to drink after running into a sub-45% player. At the most basic level, the modules are ice cubes and fruit garnishes – damaging them may not destroy the entire setup but it has a detrimental effect on performance.


No, you don’t need to memorize this. WG puts the modules in the wrong place anyways.

Viewing the simplified diagram above it is obvious that a tank has many components as well as crew. WoT represents this as a collection of “black box” modules with each one representing a functional component group. Crew members such as the commander, gunner, driver, loader and radio operator are implemented with as much historical accuracy as possible, modeled as hitboxes in the appropriate internal location. Individual external modules include the tracks, gun and vision ports. The engine, fuel tank, ammunition rack, turret ring, part of the gun and sometimes the transmission are also implemented as hitboxes. These are modeled in such a way that a hit anywhere within the hitbox will inflict the same average module damage. Each of these modules has its own HP pool – a shell impacting will deal damaged based on the “module damage” value of the shell. If the module HP reaches roughly 50% it is “damaged.” If it drops to zero, it is destroyed. A damaged or destroyed module will be repaired by the crew at a skill, tank and module-dependent rate to 75% of it’s full HP, retaining the “damaged” status. A repair kit will repair the module to full HP and normal condition.

Damaging a module is not entirely based on shell impact. There is also a “saving throw” implemented for internal modules. Essentially a shell hitting an internal module will result in a randomly selected probabilistic decision. For example, a hit to the ammo rack ends up with a 27% chance of having the shell damage the ammunition rack. The other 73% of the time, the module “saves” the shot and the damage is only applied to the vehicle. This prevents nearly every penetrating hit from dealing module and crew damage, especially since a shell can often penetrate several modules if the path was modeled realistically. Instead, an internal module (but not a crew member) will stop a shell if it takes damage, and there is only a set chance of any impacting shell actually damaging the module. Therefore, it is not reliable to aim for internal modules. Statistically it will improve the effectiveness of your shells, but it is not a sure thing. External modules do not have these saving throws – if you hit one directly it will take damage. Some modules are implemented as multiple boxes – besides the size and location the effect of destroying either is identical. They have the same saving throw percentage and the same properties when hit. Therefore, the most important aspect of module targeting is simply knowing where the modules usually are, and how to go about damaging them. In this case there is a significant difference between internal and external modules, therefore I will explain how to target them separately. The simplest modules to target are the external modules.

Inflicting Module Damage – External Modules

I define an external module as one which can be damaged or destroyed without inflicting HP damage to the tank. Essentially, at least part of the module hitbox must extend outside the “HP container” and therefore likely on the outer surface of the hull itself. I will state that you can often still damage the tank through an external module. However, hitting the module first will (except for a shot through some parts of the tracks) generally result in the shell not entering the main body of the vehicle. The advantage to targeting external modules is the lack of a high penetration requirement – most external modules are implemented with thin “spaced armor” on the module hitbox which is easily penetrated by most shells. They can also be directly hit by HE shells or even damaged by splash. Therefore, these modules are the easiest to damage and destroy. In a rough order of how obvious they are it is time to review the external modules of a vehicle.

The Tracks

The tracks are by far the most obvious external module, spanning the majority of the length of any vehicle along both sides of the hull. These are modeled as roughly rectangular boxes of spaced armor, generally ranging from 10mm to 40mm thick. In all cases, there is no effective difference between the left and right track model. Dealing track damage simply requires a shell (or HE splash) to intersect with a part of these boxes. The tracks have a HP value which generally ranges from 200 to 300 HP for high tier vehicles. Therefore guns from 88mm to 105mm caliber may have trouble on a low roll, but 120mm+ will almost always destroy the track. Lower tier vehicles have less track health.


You really want to track that – trust me.

The track module is fairly unique in the sense that it actually has a damage modifier across portions of the hitbox. As seen above, hits near the front and rear roadwheels do full track damage. However, hits near the center of the track (as seen from the side) only deal 1/3rd of the total damage. This makes vehicles more difficult to track and requires you to aim for the edges to ensure track destruction. Additionally, from the side the track module overlaps with part of the side hull. Above the hull bottom but below the track edge it is therefore possible to both destroy the track and inflict hull damage. The impacting shell has to overcome both the track armor and the side armor – low penetration shells or HE will not be able to penetrate both layers of armor. However, HE will detonate on the track and do reduced damage from this area. However, HEAT will almost always fail – it rapidly loses penetration passing through the track and will almost always die out before reaching the underlying hull. Large caliber, high penetration HEAT such as that from tier 10 guns may penetrate tanks with narrow tracks and thin side armor, but tanks such as the Maus and E-100 will usually stop HEAT passing through the tracks.
Overall, you want to aim near the front or rear roadwheel. In this situation you nearly always destroy the track and can usually penetrate to do hull damage. It is also possible to damage an internal module – the “one module” rule only applies to non-crew internal modules, not external. Detrack a tank trying to round a corner and you can often kill it without taking any return fire and also give your team clear shots. Detracking a moving vehicle also forces it to turn in the direction of the damaged track – hitting a fast moving vehicle often results in it spinning completely sideways leaving it at the mercy of teammate’s guns. The tracks are therefore the primary module target in WoT – detracking a tank contributes to assisted damage, overall team effectiveness and drastically limits what the damaged vehicle can do. If you can’t penetrate the front or can see any location where you can both damage and detrack the enemy, make it your primary target – you will be rewarded for your skill.

The Gun

On most tanks you might notice a long, thin cylindrical projection based somewhere on the front turret. It may also be mounted directly on the front hull or within a casemate structure. This is the gun (no shit right?) and it is the second easily identifiable external module. The gun in WoT is modeled as an object existing both inside and outside the tank. The external piece is by far the easiest to hit. It is generally a piece of spaced armor roughly matching the visual gun model. However it is somewhat simplified for non-HD vehicle models. This has little effect on gameplay but a very rare shot may perform oddly due to this discrepancy. Like the tracks, the gun has a HP pool which varies from vehicle to vehicle. Most high tier vehicles have about 200-250 gun HP. This means that a 90mm shell is required to have a good chance of destroying the module, however lower caliber guns or HE can still cause the “damaged” condition.


Crewman 1: Fuck HE Shells
Crewman 2: Alright, we got the gun fixed!
Emil: Thanks Again Little Buddy!
Soviet Crewmen: FML

Inflicting enough damage to the gun will result in the “damaged” state. This massively decreases accuracy. It has less of an effect on aim time (likely none at all) but even fully zoomed it will be difficult to reliably hit an opponent at all but point-blank range. Note that a gunner skill called “Armorer” reduces the accuracy penalty of this condition significantly (by about 50%) making it a good choice for a second or third skill. If the damage dealt to the gun exceeds the module HP, the gun is destroyed. The vehicle is unable to fire until the gun is repaired. The crew will eventually repair the gun to the “damaged” state – a repair kit can restore it fully.

The most reliable way to damage the gun is to use a HE shell. An AP shell must directly hit the gun model to inflict damage – this is difficult to accomplish. The gun barrel is hard to hit and shots near the base will often be absorbed by the heavy armor around the mantlet. It is doable but not recommended. A HE shell does not need to hit directly – it can hit the gun base or on most areas of the mantlet and catch the gun within the explosion radius. This is most reliable with larger caliber (think 120mm+) HE shells and on tanks with fairly flat mantlets. In this case, you will often do slight HP damage. However, the thick turret front armor (on most tanks) will block most of the damage. This is an additional reason for using HE for gun damage – an AP shell will rarely penetrate the gun area for HP damage unless the tank is soft enough to allow you to penetrate elsewhere. Overall, gun shots are more difficult to make and generally less reliable than track shots. However, the loss of firepower the enemy tank suffers makes these shots well worth it, especially against tanks with heavy turret armor who are hull down. Many a T29 driver laments losing their gun to a HE shell.


The last external module is the collection of vision ports and periscopes often seen studding the upper edge of the front hull. I am not even going to go into detail here – they are too small, have little effect (a reduction in view range which is fully repaired after ~10 seconds) and are extremely difficult to hit. They also tend to be positioned in such a way to make penetrating hits nearly impossible – the shell will rarely even encounter the main body of the tank. The one exception is the VK 4502B. There is a conical viewport in front of the commander’s hatch on the turret roof. Shooting here will generally result in HP damage especially if the gun is above 90mm in caliber. More obvious targets such as the “ears” on the T29 are not part of the hull and do not allow HP damage. The E-100s rangefinder bar and E-75s dual rangefinder projections can result in HP damage as well, but they are extremely difficult shots that are generally not worth attempting unless you are extremely confident in your aim. In general I would recommend track or gun shots before aiming for any other external module. The “status effects” are more significant and the shot easier to accomplish.

To be continued…

60 thoughts on “Guide: Module Targetting – Part I (Intro, External Modules)

    • It’s a great guide for people who might have missed out on info like that which we were told years ago and is now lost in the WG archives.

      • All those great articles aim for improvement of play by inexperienced or bad players – problem: only an infinitesimal number of those players look into the forums or FTR.

    • Except it’s all wrong. Shell damage is not module damage; module damage of the shell is entirely based on its caliber with some minor variable factors. The gun’s listed damage in no way means module damage. Therefore, the whole tracking part is useless.

    • Yea, it was posted there previously, I am aware of that, the author was clear about that. But then, it’s a good guide and it would be a shame to just scrap it just because it was published on a site with a fraction of impact of FTR.

      • i read the whole thing and 90% of it is minutia. The author LOVES to hear himself talking and saying nothing. wotlabs are a bunch of arrogant pricks and glad to see them go under. those idiots would argue that gld was better than vents. Garbad has to be kicking himself as quickybaby passes 200K subscribers and RBS and WOTlabs goes under.

          • that crap site is under for a long time….. check the speed of process…. i takes like 30 seconds to get some info and in noobmeter you get it in 2 seconds……

            Nuf said

            • Oh right. But the forum is still up, and that seems to be the main centre of braying unicum self-love .

        • Bad publicity is publicity, and any publicity is good publicity! Amirite?

          Of course not. The author is this took time out to write this for the benefit of other players, and you’re raging at him? Classic tomato attitude.

          As for 200k subscribers, I do laugh, I didn’t realise everything was a race to get the most subscribers. I like QB, but number of views does not correlate with level of quality. Millions of people watch reality TV garbage, it doesn’t make it good.

          As for Wotlabs, it’s full of people like this author. They write out guides, they answer questions and they play with people ingame to help them out. Don’t rage on people who are altruistic, that’s just stupid.

          Anyways, it’s good to see some quality guides that will actually help players improve ingame on FTR. It may have an impact, but it’s nice to see this article might have a positive impact!

          • Wotlabbers care about the game 10 times more than the average pubbie and Wotlabs will never go down because its a tight knit community of friends who will move on to other games but still be cohesive. My prediction, WotLabs will continue to be active longer than WoT and this site. Woras doesn’t count as “active” status for FTR

        • shut up you schmuck, you can’t put Garbad and QB in the same sentence. who gives a fuck about CryBaby?

  1. Good info, very detailed, look forward to future posts. One thing, please lose the Therefore (comma), However (comma), Essentially (comma), to me you’re coming off a bit askew. Please don’t take this as a negative comment, just constructive. Again, thank you for the info.

    • In standard English, (see what I did there?) sentence adverbs and introductory clauses require a following comma.

  2. I would add that gun module takes advantage of ‘saving throw’ which is the reason why many shots into the gun end up as ‘eaten’ shells.

    Nice guide (nothing new, but I like reading it, setting few things clear for me). And this made me laugh although took a while before I got it (as non-native speaker).

    ‘You are double bushed (in this case Brazilian style is far from optimal)’

  3. Correct me if I am wrong, but the yellow (damaged) module status and the percent to which the module is repaired are dependent on module type (and tank), it isn’t fixed to 50% (damaged) and 75% (to which it is repaired by the crew) for all modules.

    • Go to and examine a few tanks.

      Suspension is repaired to around ~75% HP.
      Gun,turret and engine are repaired to 50%.
      Fuel tank varies from tank to tank (generally repaired to around 30-40%).
      Ammo rack also varies from tank to tank.( 60-75%, mostly around 66.67%).
      Radio varies from tank to tank (49-75%).

      Keep in mind that these stats are up to tier 7. Higher tiers could be different (but not by much).

    • True but that is just over complicating things. Unless you know exact module hitpoints and shell module damage values and sit there with a calculator.

      • No, my idea is that, for example, fuel tanks are much more susceptible to periodical module damage than other modules. They repair only up to 30-40% and not up to 75% like some other modules. Without this knowledge you are kind of in a state of false security, thinking “Oh, my fuel tank is yellow, 75%, there’s a long way till they get damaged to 0% and set on fire” while it’s actually only on 30% HP and just a single properly aimed low caliber penetration that rolls to do module damage will set you on fire.

        • I think fuel tank HP never goes down to 0 – if it takes enough damage it causes fire and is instantly repaired to “yellow” status.
          And yes, repeatative shots to damaged fuel tanks tend to set tank of fire every time. This is especially useful if enemy uses premium extinguisher and you have good RoF – shoot the same spot than previously and watch him burn. Then again, and again – he is done.

    • Going by the info I have read about it over past few years it would unfortunately appear you are actually wrong.

      A damaged module can’t get fixed beyond yellow. And it turns yellow once it loses 50% of it’s hitpoints. As soon as it loses 1 hitpoint below 50% the crew will start to repair it again, but only up to 50% again.

      • Damn, edit option expired when I was still editing lol.

        Anyway …

        Perhaps the values you have read about were not the repair limits but the rate of repair of certain modules? I can’t say for sure if they are uniform for all types of modules or in between same types but on different tanks. Just a guess here.

  4. Great article.. is there a way to target the turret ring or is that just random damage that will occur? That is something that will occasionally have to me in a game several times.. leading me to believe someone is purposely targeting my turret ring.. The M103 is one of the tanks this happens to quite often.

    Good info and looking forward to part 2

    • You can target it, it is just a very difficult shot on most tanks. The M103 has a bit of a shot trap in that area so it is easier to hit.

    • the turret ring is a weakspot on most tanks. For instance one of the less used weakspots of the E-100 is the turret ring. even though it usually requires you to be somewhat close to the tank to hit it. usually when I’m fighting an m103 from the front I shoot at lower glacius if visible > top of turret > turret ring. of course this depends on what tank I am in. the m103 weakspots are pretty symmetrical to the weakspots of the E5 except the E5 gains more frontal armor and the commanders hatch is alot harder to hit if the E5 player is any good at all

  5. “you (hopefully) know that to destroy a tank you need to reduce its HP to 0.”

    this is bullshit – a tank can be dead with a lot of HP remaining – the scenario is when, say, a HE shell kills the entire equipage.

    • I have seen that once in 30000+ battles. If I put in every exception to the rules I would cover one in 1000 games at the expense of comprehension. Supposedly WoTLabs has an editor for these articles when I make them – they are supposed to catch stuff like these small things but I think he was swamped at the time.

    • It is possible, but very rare.
      It happened to me only twice over 11k battles.
      Both were with the Te-Ke because it only has 2 crewmen and paper armor.
      Very few onyher tanks have 2-men crew.
      So 99.999% of the time, it consists to reduce HP to 0.
      99.999 isn’t bullshit ;)

    • A tank with heavily damaged modules and crew members can STILL fire a shot, and alter the game.

      Tanks aren’t dead until their gun is off the map. The article is dead right in that statement.

  6. I have already submitted the entire guide to FTR assuming I didn’t screw it up (which is possible, SS please contact me if I did) so the next half should come soon. I need to work on keeping guides to a manageable length.

  7. Some interesting info there, but the text information density is downright pathetic, especially with those huge paragraphs. FTR ain’t school, so try to keep it to the point.

    • You’ve got a nice case of “TL;DR” syndrome…

      Here’s the basic principle; Use premium shells and use them whenever you want to get the kill.

      • Mostly, cut on the “jokes”, like the 3 lines of text about how does the gun look like and where do you find it, or the ice cubes in whiskey thing (pretty weird analogy btw). Jokes are not what you read guides for and they can easily lead to text skipping, which in turn may lead to useful informaton skipping along with them, or getting lost in the text. At least keep them separated somehow. (Optionaly also make good ones.)

        Refrain from redundancy and from noting stuff that should be obvious to the target audience. “The tank has modules. Damaging them will affect the performance of the tank.” You wrote bascially that as a 10 line paragraph. There’s about 6 similiarly long paragraphs about the topic before that.

        The next paragraph mentions that shells have “module damage” parameter, which (I assume from the phrasing) has nothing to do with the damage value players can see in-game. You might want to elaborate on that. I always thought damage dealt to modules is based on standard shell damage and other parts of the text would suggest that as well.

        Same paragraph also describes how modules are represented, what modules there are, how they take damage, what damage states do they have and mentions the repairing by either crew or toolbox. That should’ve been split into at least 2 paragraphs. Try to keep your paragraphs between 4-8 lines of length, consider splitting or rephrasing if possible.

        Well, guess that should be enough. The article has info I didn’t know (raised some questions as well though) and info that every player should know, but the way it is written is just… meh.

  8. *cue the legendary KV-1 driver eating shell after shell after shell with his Stalinium teeth, negating kill-shots on a regular basis*

  9. While all of the information is correct and should be used by everyone, I do not agree that this is material which will help “Dark Green” players to become “Light Blue”. Above average players should know about tracking, HE shells on guns and so on by heart already. Otherwise I don’t think you can become above average in the first place. If you want to move on to let’s say 2000+WN8, the only thing left to do is don’t grind underpowered tanks, avoid grinding tanks which are not in Elite config yet, better understanding and exploitation of the map with specific tanks and – even though if a lot will disagree here – use a premium account and shoot more gold (I don’t say every unicum player does, but the majority I met in the game are spamming HEAT shells all day long in tanks which don’t even need to rely on the premium shells).

    The info here is useful for beginners who are new to this game as this kind of stuff still belongs to basic knowledge in my eyes. If you played 10k games already and didn’t know about everything in this article, chances are very high you will never use this information in the future even because you are not able to multitask and/or your general situational awareness is not that good, plus you probably panic in critical situations and forget about these basics.

    • I disagree – players in this skill range (including myself back in 2011) are often not familiar with module targeting – they simply shoot enemy tanks and try to deal HP damage.

      There is considerable variability within the skillsets of different players at any given skill level. I consider this a “Dark Green” guide because you can reach ~1200 WN8/51% wins without this knowledge, but generally not 1600/53% (the “teal line”). The guide level is the level you should be approaching as you learn.

      Basically, knowing all the green level material should get you to dark green, learning all the dark green should get you to the beginning of light blue, etc. Reading one dark green guide will not be enough alone to get you to teal, but it is part of the process.

      • Hmm…
        I am only a Green player myself, and I’m at 1800+ at the moment. Teal starts somewhere above 2000 if I’m not mistaken, so maybe that’s the confusion. Yellow players around 1200 tend to just shoot to deal damage, that’s correct, but Green players on their way to Teal (say: around my WN8 of 1800 or more) will do that already I guess.

        Anyway, my main point was that everyone should learn these basics as early as they can so they will incorporate them in their regular playstyle. :)

  10. “Status Effects”? ..Persoanlly I prefer Crit builds, more useful than status….Oh wait, wrong game sorry

  11. (in my best Gunny Ermy voice)OUTF-INGSTANDING!

    THIS was well worth the read. I have a new appreciation for “only” tracked him and other module damage.

    thx! :

    looking forward to the next installment….

  12. Have read this before in Wotlabs, but it’s cool to find this here. Especially when FTR has much more diverse demography and (no offense here) more gameplay guides would be very beneficial for majority of readers. I hope we could see more guides for any skill levels in FTR, SS.

    Btw, funny to see FTR and wotlabs constantly mocking each other (although most of the stereotypes are quite accurate). I actually hope that both will move to moderation so I don’t get constant atmosphere swing from visiting them back to back.