
- currently there are no plans for tier 10 light tanks
- T34 (premium) will not be rebalanced
- 0.9.6 accuracy change did not bring significant change in the percentage of penetrating shots in the game
- platoon missions to be removed from IM’s? “I cannot say anything yet”, later on however Storm states they will stay
- the physics test ETA is the end of February or March
- the amount of HD models in 9.7 is “less than 20″ (and these models include also the new French HD tanks, so it’s more like 15 reworked HD models)
- developers do have a list of models sorted by HD priority, but in the end, the models are not released in this order anyway, they are rather released “when they are ready”
- the changes to IM’s in the future will include bug fixes and changing those missions that “interfere with team gameplay”

- 9.7 itself will not be delay because of e-sports
- Leopard 1 lost less than 0,5 percent of accuracy after 0.9.6
- what are the “viewrange and other system things” mentioned to be reworked by Storm after 9.7? “No comment for now”
- Storm states that when he said that some guns now do 2 percent less damage after 0.9.6 accuracy nerf, this concerns the least accurate artillery guns, Storm does not consider this a serious drop of vehicle performance
- developers are thinking about the artillery concept as a whole, but haven’t for now decided what to do with it
- 2-arty-per-team hardcap will not be implemented, this was discussed already in 8.6
- the changes in Bigworld in 9.7 will mostly be internal. Wargaming expects performance increase from it (maybe even significant), but they haven’t tested it yet, so “no promises”
- the abovementioned performance increase would be the result of “many small system optimizations”
- the Bigworld upgrade however does not mean that the “twitching” of icons beyond your viewrange on minimap will stop
- developers are still thinking (discussing) whether the 2 percent drop in damage done after 0.9.6 warrants another accuracy change
- “old” pre-nerf (very old) HE system will not be returned
- HE shells will apparently not have realistic shockwave behavior (sort of “flowing” into open topped tanks for example) due to issues with inconsistent performance (SS: as in, the results would be uncomprehensible for players)
- Storm comments on Armored Warfare feature of “hitting vehicle-critical area deals additional damage, hitting non-critical areas like rangefinders deals 50 percent less damage”: “this would produce too random shooting results when firing at longer distances – at a “silhouette””
- after 0.9.9, it’s completely possible patches will be numbered like 0.9.10, 0.9.11 etc.
- Q: “Open topped TD’s suck – they get discovered when firing quickly, they have no armor and now they have less viewrange than heavies!” A: “It happens.”
- more than half of the work on the new motion physics was the effort to make it run on current WoT servers (so they aren’t “overloaded”)
- new motion physics completely eliminate the issue, where the tank, going close to a wall (rock) gets “stuck” on some tiny piece of the object and moves only very slowly or not at all
- individual missions will not go away, there is no time limit to complete them
- new set of individual missions (new reward tanks) will not come soon, possibly even next year
- RNG will not be reduced from 25 to 10, not even for esports
- new render range (circle) will be cca 564 meter radius (a circle of 1km2 surface)
- the new individual mission changes for 9.7 are not ready yet, it’s not yet clear whether the mission to destroy 3 enemy tanks with one shot will disappear
- XP buff for arty (so it gets as much XP as if it wasn’t firing by someone else’s spotting) was not discussed yet
- servers are being constantly upgraded
- Dicker Max will not have its 400 meter viewrange nerfed
- a player wishes all historical WW2 vehicles to be in HD by May. Storm states that unfortunately that will not happen.
- in both simplified and full motion physics (see previous post), a handbrake turn (“police turn”) will be possible
- 9.7 will not bring multiturret mechanism
- ramming mechanism will be reworked soon
- Object 263 will not be buffed for now
- PvE will come only in distant future
- new gun and engine sounds will come in medium future, same goes for new grass and tree render
- it’s possible but not sure that in distant futures, clouds will move like in WoWs
- it’s not sure whether the TD viewrange changes are final, developers will watch statistics
- it’s possible Japanese heavies will come in 2015
- developers know about the “7/55″ TB exploit, it will be fixed and those who used it will be punished

149 thoughts on “17.2.2015

  1. - it’s possible Japanese heavies will come in 2015

    Gief pl0x. I need more hilarious monstrosities.

  2. - developers know about the “7/55″ TB exploit, it will be fixed and those who used it will be punished

    Yay, we discovered bug, we will be banned for it. Cool.

    • Exploiting and Finding a bug a two COMPLETELY different things.

      one requires a conscious effort.

      • If you suddenly discover you can choose a X tier vehicle (like in previous case) who wouldn’t try this?

        • you would try it yes, but if from there onward discover that it allows you one extra point then abuse it then you are consciously abusing it thus should be punished (some one else already linked the rules behind it)

            • Discovering a bug is different from exploiting a bug. It’s like finding a broken distributor is randomly dropping money and signaling it to the owner, or deciding to grab as much money from that before someone catches you. You can try the latter if you will, but don’t blame the owner of the machine if he kicks your damn ass flat, because you broke rules and were fully aware that’s not allowed.

            • That’s also illogical. Bugs, large and small, are a part of making games. Firing the person or persons responsible is illogical and a waste of effort.

              • Urban and regi have explained it a load better then i have. Bug happens, finding them is not a crime Abusing them is. just like in ANY MMOG

                • There are no rules against choosing 7/55, so they shouldn’t punish those who choose 7/55. It works like this in real life too.
                  Ya dingus.

            • Abusing a broken system … is fine. It is ON the developers IMHO. Not on the players.

              Whoever let the mistake happen should be punished if we need punish people. We dont though. We need a quick fix patch.

                • *shrug*
                  I see this as giving incompetent devs breathing space.
                  *looks at Unity, WoT, Far Cry 4, Watch Dogs even The New Order*
                  If a developer is responsible for this bug/exploit like they are about the shitty optimization of their game, then I wont be behind punishing players for using it.
                  Cause rules should not excuse incompetence. Not even in a video game.

                  Also, EULAs are power in the US. They are toilet paper in the EU.

                • Obviously about half the people on this thread don’t have a clue about software development.
                  Quality in a software development organization has far more to do with process the organization follows than individual developers. Business management is responsible for process implementation.
                  So what typically happens and why are there more bugs in some software than others?
                  Business management decides to cut testing process in order to get you that game faster at the expense of quality.

  3. “- Storm comments on Armored Warfare feature of “hitting vehicle-critical area deals additional damage, hitting non-critical areas like rangefinders deals 50 percent less damage”: “this would produce too random shooting results when firing at longer distances – at a “silhouette””

    Didn’t knew that, it’s great ! Can’t wait for AW closed beta.

    “- Q: “Open topped TD’s suck – they get discovered when firing quickly, they have no armor and now they have less viewrange than heavies!” A: “It happens.””

    Look man, it’s only logical that the commander of a open-topped TD who sits still will spot less than the commander of a rolling heavy tank. Stop asking stupid questions – you’ll just encourage stupid people to answer them.

    “- Dicker Max will not have its 400 meter viewrange nerfed”

    You wanna play TD ? Buy premium TD.

  4. - developers are thinking about the artillery concept as a whole, but haven’t for now

    I wouldnt :) Better wait for AW folks to do it.
    Then again, AW folks waiting for WoT folks to test stuff. Like Frog Of War.

    • Jingles carries a lot of “weight”, lol, so lets hope he convinces AW to have a severly nerfed arty. Its a great way for AW to differentiate from WOTs and lure players to switch, NOARTY one shots.

      • Its not only that oneshots, but also HUGE ASS damage when you cant fire back at it.

        Nerfing arty is no. It must be reworked or removed. No other options.
        Or only let it be in PvE only :D

        • Why let it be in PvE only? What will the bots think when they get one-shooted by arty? :)
          I say remove the arty. It’s either op, either shit.

        • how about have arty relie on splashing enemies not hitting them directly? splashes deal more damage buuut if it pens you deal 75% less damage then a splash.. if you splash you deal alot more damage.. like within splashing others. 10 meters example. closest to the center will be damaged alot modual damage. like anmo rack, killing crewmen..1750 damage and under when your in 8-5 meters of the innner center blows tracks off damaging moduals. dealing medium damage. 1000-550.. then the outter edges 5-2 meter range of the 10 meter splash. only dealing 500-250. and blowing tracks off. while the 1 edge only deals 200-1 damage and blows your bloody tracks off. if you shoot at a directly into a tank. you only deal 300-200 damage. and no splash damage. may damage moduals and may kill the raidoman but no one else. Depends on the calibur and what shell the artys useing. berts the only acception ill leave out. unless you want to be permatracked being dealt 10-100 damage a shot to no mage but track damage lol

          But ap, heat. will be the same so deal with it :p

          god veiw. that arty mod that lets you see sniper mode in arty way would be the veiw they see. and obay the raido ranges. so invisible till in raideo range so if your spotted artys wont see you unless there in raido range.

          let me know what you think?

    • >AW becomes big success with better arty and mechanics
      >WoT remakes all its systems to copy AW
      “They copied us first lol”

      I can already see it habbening

  5. - the new individual mission changes for 9.7 are not ready yet, it’s not yet clear whether the mission to destroy 3 enemy tanks with one shot will disappear

    There is no such mission. Only hit 3 tanks with single shell and thats quite different thing.

    • I dont platoon so i did the IMs to the platoons and now IM stuck. I hope WG eventually allows us to continue.

      • Oh woe is me. How dare WG force me, an internet recluse, to interact with other people for our in-game benefit?

        • I never understood that, how hard is it to look for a platoon partner for a few matches?

    • I hope that mission disappears anyways. Same with the ones that require spotting damage or destruction of vehicles you tracked.
      They are, after all, INDIVIDUAL missions. Missions that shouldn’t depend on the team to do stuff for you.

      • destroy 2 enemy tanks with one shot (win, survive) for 260
        destroy enemy tank while dealing damage to two more with the same shot (win, survive) for t 55a
        t 55a is more difficult i think

      • But it would be cool if there were next to Individual missions some Team missions. then you can put all the platoon missions in there, and there is something for all the platoons, and the forever alone wot players get their individual missions as well :)

        • It isn’t. It is a game of “let’s see how long the ablative armor lasts while I do everything” at best and a 1v29 at worst.

  6. are they seriously bringing AMX 30 and 30B in 0.9.7? thats a bit too quick give me some time i dont have enough xp on my 13 90 damn it

  7. They either:

    1) Lie through their F**king rotted teeth while staring directly at you.
    2) Have no concept of WTF they are doing.
    3) Back talk / Double talk is the normal way to do business for wargaming
    4) Don’t understand the question that is being asked or topic being raised. Like their brain dead customer support staff.
    5) Are so pompous and arrogant with every word that drips from their tongues.

    • While the community is obviously well-mannered, factual and never, ever arrogant. And if you say otherwise, you’ll be informed about a thing or two about yourself, your family and your ancestors three generations up you didn’t know about.

      • He is right though. If you say something they dont like the response will be insulting, if you ask something uncomfortable, they lie. And a answer that actually looks like somone who develops the fucking game said it is as rare as unicorn poo.

        • They started doing this when they agreed that the WG community is a bunch of entitled assholes who aren’t happy with anything they do.

        • “If you say something they dont like the response will be insulting”

          You mean “if you ask something that’s been asked for like hundred times already and the answer was always the same” like skill MM, arty ban or other pointless questions?

        • You have to understand, a lot of the answers come from LiveJournal pages. LiveJournal is really just a cesspit full of pricks. Having, on occasion, read these answers directly from LiveJournal itself, in Russian… BELIVE ME a lot of it warrants the kind of response they get. Storm is actually being rather nice in many cases.

  8. - 2-arty-per-team hardcap will not be implemented, this was discussed already in 8.6

    But srsly, WHY NOT. Do we really _need_ 5 arty per team? The open maps turn into incredible camp-fests when stuff like this is thrown out by the matchmaker, even with 3 or 4 arty already…
    Yeah, I’m glad that its not as bad as it was ages ago anymore but honestly, 2 would be enough, more is just game-breaking.

    • 5 is too many IMO, but i see why they did it, By limiting it to two causes problems when platooning

      • Yeah ok, that obviously would be a “problem”.
        But if you ask me, don’t let arty’s platoon in the first place. ;D (and get rid of the fuckin arty platoon IM’s while you are at it WG)
        So much fun getting tracked by an Obj. 261 in your tier 10 medium and the platoonmate in his T92 one-shot’s your remaining health. Lots of fun.

        • If u hardcap arty to 2 pieces per team, you gonna play with arty every match. I rather play one match in 10 with 3-5 arties and then few without it at all, than every single match with two.

          • Heh, that’s actually a valid point. For <T10 at least.
            If you play t10, there is at least one arty every game and it's common to have 3+ arties on each team … T10 arties are somewhat popular

        • so when arty do it it sucks, but if you get tracked by a sneaky scout you cant see and his FV-183 platoon mate nukes you its okay?

          • And how often does that happen? Once in a lifetime If you’re unlucky? Also the FV 183 is broken as hell esspecially with that HESH shell. It’s kinda close to being as broken as artillery is.

    • 5 arties happens too rarely to consider that. And if you hardcap it to 2 arties per game, you’ll have 2 arties in game ALL THE TIME, because there will be no 3 – 5 arty games to let out occasional arty overload in queue.

      Current average of arties is about 1,5 per game (1 – 2 being the most common, 0 and 3 – 5 being somewhat rare to rare). Hardcapping numbers lower will increase the average and you’ll see almost no 0 arties games.

    • The problem with a 2-arty hardcap is that _every_ game will have 2 arty. I’d rather that they try to limit games to 0-1, occasionally 2, then have a dump game with 10 arty and 5 scouts per side….

  9. - new motion physics completely eliminate the issue, where the tank, going close to a wall (rock) gets “stuck” on some tiny piece of the object and moves only very slowly or not at all


    I can’t count how many times I’ve been killed by this

    • I have 15K games and dont even know what ur talking about. Its never happened to me even once that i remember.

      Why r u driving so close to stuff? Just leave room between tank and wall.

      • So You are probably playing a different game. As a reminder, he was talking about WOT

      • Did you ever try to climb to the lighthouse on cliff ? If you don’t follow EXACTLY the road (so your tracks go on the side a little bit), then you slow down massively and you can get killed…

      • Maybe you should stop camping in bushes and try to play the game and you’ll see what we’re talking about…

      • Often happens when driving very close to a slope, where the ground softly starts rising, and the tracks cut into that beginning slope instead of moving over it. I have also noticed that tanks can now be stopped dead in their tracks by small obstacles, like the foundation walls of a house that has been destroyed.

        WG actually has added a bunch of bugs to WoT. The spotting system seems to be broken, too.

        Everytime I read about what AW is doing differently, I cannot suppress a smile. It is obvious that Obsidian are monitoring WoT and WoT community feedback diligently and are drawing proper conclusions from it. The basic principles of WoT are sound; It just lacks polish and devs that do not consider them a superior race compared to the players, but who are actually listening to player feedback and accepting good and reasonable opinions and propositions.

  10. SS, can U ask STORM if he will allow players who dont platoon to at least skip the platoon missions so we can complete all the non-platoon missions for all 4 tanks but not get any tanks (i dont want them, anyway).

    I have completed all missions for the Stugg up to the platoons and now IM stuck and cant do anymore since i dont platoon.

      • Seriously… “Hey I don’t like to play in platoon so can you remove platoon missions? Thx. Btw. WG SUCKS”…

        • just another example of how entitled and stuck-up a lot of the community is. WG creates a mission system that does nothing but reward players for playing the game. They make it available for everyone (including the ones who’ve never spent a dime on the game). God forbid you have to abide by certain goals to complete said missions. Why don’t they just give us all the mission rewards when we log in!!

          • You guys are such close minded individuals that I think it is impossible for all three of you to be actually be creative beyond what you have experienced in life. Let me give you a scenario here:

            Particular individual plays from a country like India and he is a member of the ASIA server. He plays on a very bad connection, which btw is his only option, and it jitters heavily during the day time so this individual has no choice but to wait for the day to turn into night and then pray that the connection has stabilized. Now that the connection is stable he needs to get in and complete his IM. Easy right? WRONG. ASIA server only has 7k population averagely during the night time which keeps dipping until 5 AM or so Japanese time. Even less if the server restarts.

            You think its easy to find platoon mates in that scenario? Night players can’t do crap even in a clan because most people are asleep. It is not about being anti-social. It is about what the facts are and the above are the facts. And what did the original poster ask? All that he could circumnavigate and jump to individual missions without platoon requirements FIRST? It is not like he is asking for platoon missions to be scrapped all together like some of the jokers are during their QA with the developers. Soon enough when he would want to make more money he will have to complete the STUG missions to access the T28 missions. So if he feels like it he will jump on to the platoon missions eventually anyway. Not like its costing WG anything. Pinch the nose from the front or back. Either way nose gets pinched.

            Maybe actually use some brain matter before going judgmental on any person who mentions “platoon” “mission” “skip”.

            • If the playerbase is so thin at night, you will probably end up with many of the same guys, and after a few matches you see who’s consistent. Invite the person for two or three matches, boom. Chances are, he has some platoon missions to do as well.

              • That would probably work if the most players actually spoke the same language but in Asia server you see the “block” language more than you would see the English language. Even if you would like to explain why you wanna platoon, chances are less than 10% will understand what you are trying to say at that hour.

                Honestly I wish they had implemented the Platoon Finding tool with the IM. If they don’t wanna bend on the platoon requirements, they would at least make it easier(possible) for people to find a team at any hour.

  11. - new set of individual missions (new reward tanks) will not come soon, possibly even next year

    Correct me if i am wrong (i probably am) but didnt they say at the start individual missions will be added each season, then each 6 months, and now they say every year? thats kinda funny

    - 9.7 will not bring multiturret mechanism
    - it’s possible Japanese heavies will come in 2015

    Didn’t they say Japanese heavies will have mutiturret? so 9.8 then? :D (or delayed to never too)

    • “Correct me if i am wrong (i probably am) but didnt they say at the start individual missions will be added each season, then each 6 months, and now they say every year? thats kinda funny”

      No, WG never said that officially. There were only rumors and speculation floating around.

  12. Regarding the platoon IMs.

    Before the thing appeared on test server I expected IMs to work from like this: 4+1 points for any mission, 300 points gets you the tank.

    Which would basically mean that for each 4 missions completed with extra objectives you can skip one mission entirely.

    Dunno why they didn’t go with that.

    • That model is great, but I’d change it to 300 points for a female crew member. As it stands, they are far more valuable than the free tank.

  13. “- developers are still thinking (discussing) whether the 2 percent drop in damage done after 0.9.6 warrants another accuracy change”
    - Okay so a buff for arty then? Ahaha they said 2 percent loss is for the least aaccurate artys.

    I mean if you driving a tank and make less dmg than before you relied too much on accuracy and shell beeing guided in middle by allah. But if you always positioned yourself better your damage should be the same or even more (by bouncing more shots from noobs) and hence can charge them and live longer.

    In the same time how much did dmg decrease for tank since 8.6 due to them having lower survivalbilty due to beeing penned more often?

  14. “- Object 263 will not be buffed for now”

    Are they really fucking retarded?!?

    That thing is borderline OP! Why the fuck would you want to buff it?!
    Beats the everlasting fuck out of the Obj. 268 (and not only!)

      • 263 can just bully it’s way through everything. It’s frontal armor is made out of pure Stalinium.

        Did you even check the DPM, aim time & accuracy on that thing?!?

        Pen difference is completely negligible.

    • LOL OP.. bahahahahahaha the 263 is far from OP in comparison to the other Tier 10TD’s.
      I have every Tier X TD and it fits somewhere just above balanced.

      Mythical Tier X WG developer waffle is OP by the widest margin even with it’s nerf and it’s crap armor around the turret.,

      Foch 155 was OP until they hammered it with the nerf bat several thousand times is now just below balanced. No where near the TD it used to be.
      Same thing with the 268. Nerfed into a F**king coma.

      They Nerfed the crap out of the 183 speed mobility and nerfed the gun damage.
      The FV 4005 needs to have it’s 183 gun nerfed to the same parameters as the FV 183. It’s the same gun but it deliver the old 1 hit power that the FV 215 183 is sorrily lacking now.

      The T110E3 and the T110E4 are just above the line for balanced. So is the JPZ E100. I enjoy all those.

      I don’t see why the T110E4 is completing HT missions on the IM’s when it is clearly not an HT.

      Still enjoy playing all of them

      • “is far from OP in comparison to the other Tier 10TD’s”

        It has the effective frontal armor of a T110E3 (with smaller, but thinner weakspots) and more mobile than the Obj. 268 pre-nerf AND with the DPM that rivals that of the Tortoise.

        And you’re telling me THAT isn’t nearly OP?!?

        l.e.: “They Nerfed the crap out of the 183 speed mobility and nerfed the gun damage.”

        Excuse me?!?
        They nerfed the freaking ridiculous HESH pen, they didn’t touch the damage. WTF are you smoking?!

        • The Obj.263 is a crappy TD, imvho:

          - It has a huge frontal weak spot (entire big lower front plate)
          - It has no useable gun depression
          - You can easily pen the gun shield with premium ammo

          Lack of gun depression really kills that POS TD for me. I prefer the 268 with the brutal gun. That’s some fear factor.

          But in case you all still didn’t notice: Mediums are the rulers of the battlefield in WoT (unless there are five g’damn arties per team …)

            • Yeah, tell that to my Foch 155. 2 shots 90% aimed at the LFP just bounced off the frontal armor

              Meanwhile, all 3 or 4 of his shots penned my frontal armor.

              We also lost the fight because of that. So don’t give me that “is easy to pen” crap – especially if a 263 manages to hide the LFP

              • Foch is shit and you know it. If we nerf all T10 TDs to Foch 155 levels, we can aswell remove them all out of the game.

                Btw, just aim with Foch gold ammo in the general direction of the 263 and he will whine for sure. Otherwise i can say that 263 is sure more balanced, because you can actually afford to take one hit to track him, unlike with all the other 750 alpha or more TDs. Couple that with the immense length, open top design, the puny gun arc, no gun depression and you see why it is balanced. E3 is by far the hardest to deal with frontally, for sure.

      • “I don’t see why the T110E4 is completing HT missions on the IM’s when it is clearly not an HT.”

        Errrrr…. what? Are you saying that battles completed with E4 count towards the HT missions and not the TD ones?

  15. - the new individual mission changes for 9.7 are not ready yet, it’s not yet clear whether the mission to destroy 3 enemy tanks with one shot will disappear..

    JUST REMOVE IT, I don’t have a tank to do HT-15 in..

  16. - developers know about the “7/55″ TB exploit, it will be fixed and those who used it will be punished

    This is bullshit, players shouldn’t be punished for developer fuck ups.

    Not to mention that it’s only having one tier higher tank…

    • (Not to mention that it’s only having one tier higher tank…)
      Yeah! Good thing their glorious regular MM system “never” does that lol.
      Guess they have two sets of rules.

      • yeah its like if a city bus plowed through the wall of store and people came and took stuff from the store, then got mad when the city laid charges against them for theft.

  17. >0.9.6 accuracy change did not bring significant change in the percentage of penetrating shots in the game

    >analysis of the 9.6 accuracy changes shows that the amount of hits and amount of damage done after the change dropped by 0,5 to 2 percent

    Is it me, or are these two statements in contradiction?

      • Yes, but consider something like crew skills/perks: they all influence the performance of a very small percentage, and to obtain them you have to grind the hell out of your crew. This means that those small percentages are not this insignificant after all.

        • High level crews are more about a mental state that you “have the best” rather than having significant change on game play. Just like this accuray rebelance, when ever a shot bounce or miss is “just because of the nerf” when it can be lazy aiming and or packet loss.

  18. - developers know about the “7/55″ TB exploit, it will be fixed and those who used it will be punished”

    dont punish ppl punish ur idiot developers who never on theyr life bring a single patch without some kind of bugs. fuckin idiots

  19. - developers are thinking about the artillery concept as a whole, but haven’t for no

    If i logon someday and my T92 does 500dmg and shoots every 15 seconds, I quit this game for good. Theres enough competition out there, you stupid WG monkeys.

    No wait, I need to thank ppl like Woras who cry “Remove arty from the game!111″ 24/7 without even understanding that its NOT for good players but for bad ones to have a chance in the game and thus keep spending money on it.

    • “If i logon someday and my T92 does 500dmg and shoots every 15 seconds, I quit this game for good”

      Good riddance. I had enough of your precious T92, CGC, Obj. 261 & GW E-100 one-shotting my Tier 8 MTs just because I had the shiniest color in xvm from my team.

      • Good for you! Maybe you want to pay WG for all those ppl that quit then! You faggots dont realise they are the ones that actually make it possible for you to play the game at all. Fucking ignorants!

      • But….but….but isn’t a good medium player supposed to know how to avoid arty shot abusing mobility and terrain?

  20. A) “- 0.9.6 accuracy change did not bring significant change in the percentage of penetrating shots in the game”

    B) “- developers are still thinking (discussing) whether the 2 percent drop in damage done after 0.9.6 warrants another accuracy change”

    A) The interesting thing here is the “lack” of change due to a increase of use of gold ammo racking up more pens?

    B) This translates to? -”not as much as we expected in increase of gold use.”


  21. - what are you planing for 2015?
    A: “to milk the customers for more $$$”
    -what new content will be delivered in 2015?
    A: “only FTR Q&A”
    - does the game suck?
    A: “only if you grind too much, try to buy some premium time & gold to convert free XP”

  22. “- PvE will come only in distant future”

    When AW comes to CBT/OBT , then devs will say “we had PvE finished for some time” , or ” we are working hard on it, we believe it is the priority now”

    Competition is a miracle.

    “- after 0.9.9, it’s completely possible patches will be numbered like 0.9.10, 0.9.11 etc.”

    Hiding behind “this game is still in beta phase” , when confronted with real ingame issues.

    • “Hiding behind “this game is still in beta phase” ”

      > Implying WG cares that their patch number is

      > Implying WG still thinks their game is beta

      This isn’t last year’s WTGF’s forums, get out

        • Can somebody ban this Steiner Troll maybe, or take his Thai-Pills away so he acts less like a total dipshit? Just thinking…

  23. Looking forward myself to a break from the game in a month.

    I would like to play more t9-t10 but the mm is just so purple rigged it’s ridicules, this so we can get our “stars” to look up to, so it’s simple not enjoyable at all. I would “take the cost” but no way as it is now. (IMO of course)

    Also I know that the “frustration” concept is much better for business, when you have a good streak and then a terrible streak that’s why mm looks like it does and that is why there never ever going to be skilled based mm. But even that I know that more and more I start to wonder why I play it to have that in my face :)


  24. - Storm states that when he said that some guns now do 2 percent less damage after 0.9.6 accuracy nerf, this concerns the least accurate artillery guns, Storm does not consider this a serious drop of vehicle performance

    Armored Warfare

    - XP buff for arty (so it gets as much XP as if it wasn’t firing by someone else’s spotting) was not discussed yet

    Armored Warfare

    - Storm states that when he said that some guns now do 2 percent less damage after 0.9.6 accuracy nerf, this concerns the least accurate artillery guns, Storm does not consider this a serious drop of vehicle performance

    Armored Warfare.

    I don’t give a crap if AW even HAS arty or not. If WG wants to screw with my artillery game-play then I’ll just have to reminisce about the good old days.

    …and I’ll be reminiscing while playing another game…

    • so… what are you still doing here?

      (same goes to everyone else pretending not to play this game anymore or that they will soon stop to play it. Yet a month later all of you will still be here complaining.

      Just like the famous last cigarette… again.)

      • I’m STILL HERE because SS will also be covering AW as well. Maybe not on THIS SITE, but somewhere…

        Also, AW is still only in ALPHA. Until it’s released for the general public, the only tank game I have to play is WoT.

        THAT’s what I’m still doing here, bunky.

  25. - T34 (premium) will not be rebalanced
    - Dicker Max will not have its 400 meter viewrange nerfed

    WILL THESE IDIOTS STOP ASKING TO NERF PREMIUM TANKS!?!?! WG have a policy for themselves, that they are not allowed to nerf prem tanks, it’s been said millions of times, you can’t change something that people spent a lot of money on, because then it would be taking money away from people. WG’s only option is to remove them…. but why would they??? they are not OP, these idiots must be noobs that die by them all the time.

    and the dicker max… 400m view range, that’s the same as the fcm 36′s, a whole 3 tiers lower…. what a bunch of idiots these guys are…

  26. “- Object 263 will not be buffed for now*”

    Typo? Should that be 268 maybe? :P (If some USSR TD needs a Buff, it’s rather the overnerfed 268 than the 263!

  27. how about the funky behavior of the HESH round slamming right at you be reviewed? its gonna be one funny tank round if it did.

  28. - developers are thinking about the artillery concept as a whole, but haven’t for now decided what to do with it

    Buff reload time, aim time, dispersions to pre-8.6 state, reduce alpha damage, increase splash radius, change arty MM to -1/+2 (maybe give artys increased MM weight too) ,reduce range on some artys (no i dont want more FV304 artys, but 1000m range at tier 3 is stupid)
    also remove AP, APCR and HEAT shells from all artys, and give them different type of HE shells only (for example zero pen HE shells with bigger splash and reduced module damage)

    artys need a serious overhaul, for example tier 7 russian artys are way too OP (in terms of damage) in tier 7 battles even with their stock gun!