Straight Outta Supertest: Super Pershing in HD

Hello everyone,

so, here’s the Super Pershing in HD. Buff? Nerf? See for yourselves. Armor first:









37 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Super Pershing in HD

    • Frontal armor still isn’t historically correct; second spaced plate still doesn’t go to the top of the glacis and the armor angle is still completely wrong from what is describe by Cooper- “The top glacis plate was set at thirty-eight degrees from the horizontal… considered to be the critical angle to generate a richochet… A second boiler plate was cut in a similar fashion and set at a thirty-degree angle extending out over the first plate.” Currently the armor angle is wrong in two ways- the armor angles are evidently measured from the vertical and the two plates angles are swapped- the exterior plate should have a shallower angle than the interior plate. However, from the announcement earlier this week they may already be working on fixing this problem- this might just be the version they had ready for this iteration of the Supertest.

      As for the frontal armor’s effectiveness with two spaced plates and then the normal Pershing armor? Well, it depends on how two mechanics interact- Overmatch and Spaced Armor. Both spaced plates are 38mm thick, which means they are overmatched by 76mm shells (Shells ignore armor angle unless its at a richochet angle.) and double-Overmatched by 120mm+ shells. (Shells ignore armor angle even at a richochet angle.) This means that if I fire a 120mm shell into the front of a Super Pershing, the two spaced plates may as well not exist.

      The other key mechanic here is spaced armor. When a shell hits spaced armor it checks for normalization, then makes its first penetration check, (+/-25% of average penetration.) then shell then loses penetration equal to the armor defeated (In the SP’s case, 38mm for the armor and .) as well as 5% of penetration for every 100mm of distance traveled after the initial penetration.

      The biggest determining factor is how these two rules interact- if a gun overmatches spaced armor, how does the spaced armor interact with the shell? Is it ignored? Does the overmatching shell use the actual thickness (38mm) or the nominal thickness (~47mm for the first plate, 48mm for the second.) to determine penetration loss? All of these interactions are going to make or break the Super Pershing’s armor effectiveness with the triple-plate set-up.

  1. What the f***?
    So, at first they remove the second spaced armor plate, make all the people in the world go mad, make that gold refund BS.. and all of that only to bring that armor plate back after few patches again??
    I am guessing, because historical reasons, right? :D

      • yeah if super pershing it’s just pershing with extra panther armor on it, why does it have different slope angles?

        • “The well-equipped German fabricating shop contained several large pieces of inch-and-a-half boiler plate. Wedecided to use a laminated design for the glacis plate. We cut two pieces of the boiler plate and fashioned a Vshape to fit over the V shape of the glacis plate and the lower front plate. The top glacis plate was set atthirty-eight degrees from the horizontal, which gave fifty-two degrees from the vertical and was considered to be the critical angle to generate a ricochet. This gave an air gap of zero at the top and approximately three inches at the knuckle, where the bottom front plate came in contact.”

          “A second boiler plate was cut in a similar fashion and set at a thirty-degree angle extending out over the first plate. Where it came in contact with the bottom plate, it left a gap of seven to eight inches. We wound up with four inches of cast armor on the original glacis plate and two inch-and-a-half pieces of boiler plate with an air gap in between. We thought that even though the boiler plate was softer, the lamination and the lowered angle of incidence would help German projectiles ricochet. The new armor added about five tons to the front of the tank. A ruler was used to measure how much this would deflect the forward torsion arm bogey wheels.”

          “We then cut a section from the faceplate of a knocked-out German Panther and trimmed it to three and a half inches thick by five feet long by two feet wide. We cut a large hole in the middle to accommodate the guntube and two smaller holes on each side to accommodate the coaxial machine gun and the telescopic site. Weslipped this plate over the gun barrel, brought it down against the mantlet, and welded it firmly all the wayaround. With its center of gravity fourteen inches forward of the centerline of the trunnion, this plate, which weighed fourteen hundred pounds, made the gun barrel considerably heavier on the front end.”

          exerpt from DEATH TRAPS
          The Survival of an American Armored Division in WorldWar II
          Belton Y. CooperForeword by Stephen E. Ambrose
          Presido Press

          • Interesting, I’ll have to read that book. However, historical sources and facts mean little to War Gaming.

            • Well, alot of Coopers book is really poor for understanding what was actually going on, but he does have specifics on the Super Pershing’s assembly in europe

  2. too many got super pershing for free? no problem, we nerf it to the ground! lalalala no more ‘murica stronk tenks!

      • Last spring. Pretty easy mission too, if you had a decent Tier 6-8 of all nations. Double exp weekend, x5 bonuses, etc, yadda yadda. Most people breezed through it.

        I never would have bought it for money, but I’m completly in love with it now. 59% WR at ~300 games with 10 gold shells loaded. I like underappreciated tanks that are actually exceptionally good at their job. Most whiners simply don’t know how to drive it effectivly.

        I wouldn’t give a damn about comments about buffs/nerfs until its live and I can drive it myself. There’s so much crap flying arround about the SP, its not even funny anymore.

  3. After all that and all the evidence to show them how they modeled the addon armor wrong, they still get it wrong…

    The two additional plates meet together at the top of the UFP instead of remaining separate.

  4. what’s nerf? The armour is much more stronger vs HEAT and little stronger vs AP and APCR, now your shell needs to pass 3 layers and lost a lot of penetration to pen it. Moreover, the 2nd layer has better slope than the last one and cover the latter better, so better armour overall.

  5. I can’t tell… Did they change the thickness of the spaced armor a bit? Or just cover the upper plate fully with the second plate and increase the angle a bit?

    If they gave it near its original armor for the upper plate and let it keep its mobility buff I would be happy personally.

  6. Why the hell they did not place the balance weight armor on back of turret?

    It is good to see the HD Super Pershing but I don’t understand that.

    The main Turret space armor has only 38mm? That must be mistake.

  7. It was ok before the “nerf” … it was perfectly “fine” after the nerf… and now it’s going to be “epic” after the buff…

    To those who were impatient, poor, or peevish and sold it for gold… LOL! SUCKAZ! :p

    Most of us knew this was coming as soon as they “nerfed” it … it was just a matter of time. Those that kept it throughout obviously knew how to play it – and now they’re being handsomely rewarded :3