Hello everyone,
welcome to the third part of the “Wargaming Meeting” posts, where the Insider tells us what happens behind closed doors. The greetings of the day go to French community manager, who not so long ago ranted about FTR on some stream.
- getting back to the “survey” part from last time: Wargaming indeed wants to find out, what is the minimum viable configuration, below which the owners don’t pay for premium and other ingame goods (eg. the game is no longer enjoyable for such weak computers).
The Insider also confirms the upcoming “lunar mode”, with the “lunar Chaffee” having following description:
A lunar combat tank designed to fight in the vacuum of space with 1/6 Earth normal gravity! Equipped with a specially modified chassis that can survive large drops with little damage and armor designed to reflect incoming laser blasts.
Yep, the Chaffee will apparently have a laser gun, the map name is for Moon River. This mode was approved for Xbox, it’s possible it will appear on PC as well (would be strange not to).
Just a few tidbits about World of Warplanes too:
- WoWp will have its own enhanced CW mode
- MM in WoWp is “frozen” due to very low playerbase, with the last patch bringing more issues than ever. The numbers are very low (some hours there’s only 500 people playing on NA specifically).
- Persha studio is still in charge of the project, but it will have an entirely different approach, staff changes, etc. despite what Gunlion claims. If that doesn’t work, WG will change the studio completely this time and reassign people from other offices. Gunlion (whoever that is, some WoWp CM?) is not happy about these leaks either
- a different damage model will be introduced (still hitpoint based and with component durability) – however, the bullet mechanics will be reviewed
- maximum altitude and climb rate changes, changes to the login system (there’s a bug making players unable to connect sometimes) and other smaller ones
There will be one more part, after which the Insider will go under for a while.
Starwar laser style ?
“a different damage model will be introduced (still hitpoint based and with component durability) – however, the bullet mechanics will be reviewed”
Uhmmm I hope this is not what I am thinking about lol
I stopped playing WOWP long ago, and the reason I stopped was this:
I would log on and my headphones would stop working, the sound would come out of my laptops speakers and I tried for hours to find a way to make them work, It only happened with WOWP and no other game. So then I put in a ticket and basically the reply was “Its your fault and we don’t care” so I pretty much thought fuck it and your game WG.
I don’t play it because it’s a shitty game :P But yeah, that pretty much describes the way WG handles this stuff. I’m guessing that you’re on the EU server…
I stopped because my WoWp acc is EU, and I’m in Indonesia. Guess the ping.
I miss my Buffalo. And Open Beta controls. Climbing is such an ass after global open.
early april fools?
WG has 365 days of first april.
Just 1 happens to be the ACTUAL one… (blind chickens)
- The greetings of the day go to French community manager, who not so long ago ranted about FTR on some stream.
looool Can I have some popcorn now?
Off topic:
SS Although I know you no longer cover WoWs and your attitude on the game, Does the meeting hint anything about the next test? Any kind of Hint?
Personally I play WoWP occasionally and I enjoy the game and the last patch really did fuck up the performance for some people (oddly not for me). But the main reason why the game is unpopular is the learning curve, most people give up before they reach tier 5. That and the gimped physics and broken teamplay – most games end up in a gigantic furball that won’t move over enemy AA and you simply can’t afford to stay alone otherwise you’ll end up being chased by half the enemy team. That’s probably why they’ve been putting missions for prem planes every month last year or so.
- MM in WoWp is “frozen” due to very low playerbase, with the last patch bringing more issues than ever. The numbers are very low (some hours there’s only 500 people playing on NA specifically).
AND I got an warning point in the beta, when i told them a bunch of reasons, why its not just a shit game – but one of the worst i ever seen in general :)
Thanks WG- just send me an pack of chocolate and a nice card to apologize and i will think about it.
WoWP is dead and there’s nothing WG can do about it….
make WoWp like WoWs good then we might have something to take it serious.. and release it in SEA server too perhaps…
WoWs has enough problems… I only say “overpenetration”
Punching 3-4m holes into destroyer cruiser obviously only count as 100-200 damage and no flooding.
Can we have any other tank than Chafee ? Or is this like the only tank chosen for all events ? Walker Bulldog or T49 would be nice, and the spypanzer.
AMX 40 plz.
Gunlion is US community manager. I just played a little of wowp. MM is fixed at least you don’t wait 10 minutes to get a match. They appear to have unoptimized some maps. They used to 80-fps and now are 33. (Mainly to much cloud cover) WOWS is more of a niche game than WOWP, but there is no competition there. There are many flight sim games available for those inclined to play one. So there is a lot more competition. Rise of flight for those of you WW 1 inclined. The people that did that are doing a WW 2 games as well, so there is more competition coming.
“The game is no longer enjoyable for such weak computers”.
I wonder if it ever occured to WG that game can become “no longer enjoyable” for completely different reasons. Imbalanced MM maybe? “Discount offers” that offer no real discount? Developers that can’t answer player’s questions without publicly insulting them? Nay… It’s the weak computers.
Moving in people from other offices won’t help. Taking a different approach with the same people won’t help. Persha needs to be disbanded entirely, at least the wowp divisions and WG would do well to hire an entire new team and not to start from scratch, but to continue from version 0.3.x in stead.. inlcuding the controls for pc, joystick and especially: controllers (like xbox) and most importantly, the physics damage and flight model of then
That was pretty much the last patch series in which the game still had a bright future ahead of it. Since the last patch and mini patch in 0.3.x they went to the 0.4.x and that road was already doomed when they introduced it. Since 0.4 everyone that understood the game and where WG was going with it was screaming hell and fire, but the NA and EU communities were ignored and now they pay the price for stubbornly doing what they want to do, not giving a shit about the warnings they’ve been getting how it’s gonna fail and why..
The UI used to be more informative and less clogged as well those days and especially the hangar UI was loads better.. They can keep all the content that was introduced (and the maps, as long as they reassign the tier availability to some)
“Going under”
So, he’s going to keep quiet for a bit?
The only way to keep the WoWp alive is to make the planes start from the aircraft carriers in WoWs. They will be able to bomb or torpedo ships AND fight other airplanes :p
I’m more suprised as to how Insider is still on the job. My Conspiracy Core is telling me this might be an intentional leak by sub-factions within WG. It has a 50% accuracy. Flip a coin.
“Gunlion (whoever that is, some WoWp CM?) is not happy about these leaks either…”
Actually, Gunlion thinks these “leaks” are hilarious, because not one of them has been correct yet. This round is a little more vague and unverifiable, so maybe you will have more success with them.