Storm asks: “What would you like to see in WoT”?


Hello everyone,

Storm is asking: “What would you like to see in WoT in general?” – by “in general”, he means stuff like “I want big maps” or “I want more new tanks” etc. – anything, really. So, what would you like?

From the discussion:

- the option to set your activity status in chat (DND, AFK etc.) will be implemented
- new chat is developed, but it was seriously delayed, because it’s difficult to make it work for a million people at once
- an indepenedent, separate client only for chatting with WoT/WoWp users is planned, based on HMRR protocol
- “simulator mode” (hardcore mode without hitpoints): “If we ever do such a thing, it will have minimal priority, in other words ‘hell if I know when.”
- ETA on fortifications? “I won’t say exact time not to jinx it, but quite soon”
- there is a plan to make currently useless skills and equipment more useful, developers are thinking about now
- regarding wishes for large flat maps: “And you have played such maps before? Shooting two pixels is not fun. We tested that many times.”
- big maps are an interesting matters, if the issue with slow tanks is solved, but 2-3km viewrange is questionable
- instead of implementing map choosing for random battles, Storm wants to remove 10 least popular maps from the game. This is just an idea and it is not yet sure which maps, but developers like it
- disabling maps you don’t want to play will NOT be implemented. Storm states that they wanted to do it, but they ran some simulations and the waiting queues would be too long.

- WoT will not be integrated into Steam

176 thoughts on “Storm asks: “What would you like to see in WoT”?

      • I have a 4770K (@4,7GHz) and a GTX 780TI GHzE and the game runns with 40-80 fps, it’s like the game just don’t care…

        A new computer is not the best solution. The game is just poorly optimized :/

        • 40-80 FPS… hell, you notice such loss visually in other way than reading the FPS counter? Congrats to your eyes…
          personaly, I can’t tell the difference if the FPS is above 35…

          And it’s not only the optimisation… more data packets lost = more lag and sometimes less FPS (because WoT runs server-side, internet conection could have influence on the FPS, not only on the ping, AFAIK)

        • Tried medium or low settings? There are also several things which aren’t really important for a good gameplay like dust, special effects, shadows, high quality water etc. Adjusting this should help to increase your fps ;)

        • And you have 120Hz monitor to use more than 60FPS?

          Fun fact: Most players (95%+) will be fine with 40+FPS. I played with 30-40FPS for over a year and it had pretty much no impact on my performance and I noticed it was smoother only after upgrading my HW

          • I have currently 20+fps, and <20fps on the move, minimum effects, on a laptop with AMD APU. Still playable. I'd be very happy if the fps could reach 40.

          • Yep its not like wot is a super duper fast shooter where u need 60+ fps. Even 30 fps do the job in wots slow environment.

        • I have a gtx 650 and get 100 fps on max graphics but I did mess with some things that you couldn’t do in settings to get better optimization in a way

        • I think most guys missed point that he says WoT needs optimization because even new rigs with good specs still getting 60-80fps, and I bet newer games than WoT with more demanding specs are getting better FPS than WoT.

          20-30+ fps is fine with WoT, that’s true, but only true if that was consistent and never went below 20fps, I have old rig before with 20-30+ fps but once intense action are happening or sniping behind bush, fps will drop below 20fps and that’s unbearable, specially if you are playing on crucial match like CW or crucial moment for victory. Btw, that’s an old rig sets to lowest graphic settings.

    • Bullshit. Remove the stupid shitty maps like komarin, el halluf, campinovka. Those maps are just utter 100% pain and suffering. Who the hell likes komarin?? One of the most hated maps in the game and wg first removes it from the game and then puts it back after making it even worse. At least back in the day you could fast cap and get rid of that shitty map but now even that option is taken away. If I get komarin I just stop playing. It is not fun. Just alt-F4.

      After pressing that delete button couple of times wg could then balance some of the unbalanced maps like live oaks, arctic region, mountain pass, northwest. All of these maps have some obvious design flaws which causes one team to have huge advantage. Highway is probably still totally broken as well just as is serene roast.

      After that stop making stupid chokepoint maps. Northwest was good attempt but those north corridors totally ruin the map. The new map windstorm seems very decent map.

      • Don’t touch el halluf and especially malinovka.
        Malinovka one of the best maps in wot today.
        And maps listed above is well balanced if u don’t play like “pushing forward till u find an enemie” – tomato style

        • El Halluf is the worst map in the game after Komarin. Total campfest.

          Maps to delete:

          Pearl River, Komarin, El Haluf, Province, Mines (way too small for tiers 5+ so either delete or make low tier only), Tundra, Serene Coast (still shit), Arctic Region, that other shitty asian one they did after Pearl River, Campinovka & Sacred Valley.

          Nuke them all.

          • Yes Yes… Delete ALL MAPS and keep just Himmelsdorf because this guy cant play open maps…. Shame about you! You deserves to be put into PzSflIVc and have to play Himmelsdorf in it for all day..mostly against fast howitzers-mediums ….

      • I am perhaps the only person in WoT that likes Komarin, but then again, I play almost exclusively TDers, so it’s a very good map for that

  1. An optional 64-bit client which takes advantage of those otherwise unused additional general purpose and SIMD/SSE registers along with a refined version of BigWorld engine optimized for D3D11 multi-threading.

    • 1. Limit the gold ammo usage in randoms, just like in historical battles. Its gonna be much more fun game then.

      2. Retraining your radioman in barracks for the role of loader, or gunner or something you need, thats get be essencial in future.

      3. If we already have rating, WHY dont we get a better players in randoms.
      Example :
      1-2000/ 2000-5000/ 5000-7000/ 7000+ WoT rating.
      I know thats the coping of some other game mechanism, but in few months, this game, with this improvements, its gonna be a LOT more pleasant game then its now.

      • I totally agree with everything you said.

        +4. bigger maps for more useful scouting.

        • Bigger maps means bigger time for battles. Maybe its gonna be good to have 30 minutes of battle, but, i think its not so much good idea. Catch my drift?

          • You might be right, yes. My presumption is however that since battles under tier 8 typically don’t last longer than 10 minutes (I don’t know for sure, if someone has the relevant stats please share), a map 30% bigger wouldn’t prolong them that much.

            I mean, at high tier 1000×1000 maps with typical viewrange ~400 meters? I’d opt for 1300-1500 m squares from tier 7 up

            • And how do you stop the endless draws, when you can’t find the enemy on the bigger map? How do you fix the slow tanks (T95, etc.) that will never even get in position?

    • >An optional 64-bit client which takes advantage of those otherwise unused additional general purpose and SIMD/SSE registers

      Computers don’t work that way. The only advantage of 64bit binaries in complex programs like WoT is the increased addressable memory, something that doesn’t limit WoT. Otherwise, performance is roughly the same.

      • The increased memory advantage is just just one point, moving to 64-bit would allow the client to digest more data at a time without having to resort to the same amount of variables thus resulting in less cpu overhead. 64-bit does make a difference, for instance the x64 BF4 binaries produce much better fps than its 32-bit counterpart.

        • >moving to 64-bit would allow the client to digest more data at a time without having to resort to the same amount of variables thus resulting in less cpu overhead

          What are you even talking about. This shit don’t make sense yo. No, computers don’t work the way you think they do. Take some CS classes if you’re interested in the subject.

          Suffice it to say, using more memory generally won’t make a program faster.

          • Optimization is really hard for you to take notes on?

            Having larger availability for do something, instead of patching it to many smaller ones reduce the amount of code needed to achieve something. The availability to do longer stuff in same time as smaller is the key here.

            I have no sufficient say for your personal subject, but it is goddamn known that for complex designs the 64bit affords more simple approach, but in reality the need of 32bit backup keeps many down… I would so (bleep) like the final turn to 64bit to kill 32bit systems. It is just a drag from past. With full overhaul from having to ditch 32bit it would be the same as ditching old DOS games… and they were good games, but for them I can have a dusty computer or emulator… And nothing changed.

            Crawl it back to where ever the thought of 64bit is no use came. Only in very small fraction calculations did the 32bit actually be better, because it was optimization that allowed it to do so. Different use, minimal difference. And there was a reason to go for that 64bit, not just memory. Because 32bit could handle it just fine with workarounds… So what was you saying there is no need to move forward from 32bit?

          • Do your homework, The ‘shit’ I’m talking about is a fact. It’s not only the address bus that has been widened with 64-bit but everything else has widened in terms of general purpose registers, the amount of available register space is four times larger. The amount of SIMD-registers (used by SSE) is also twice as large and some instructions and new features are only available in 64-bit mode. Having more available registers allows more code to be handled at a time hence lessens the amount of cpu cycles required to process current instructions. A lot of free to play games already offer 64-bit clients and there is some performance gains, there’s no argument about that.

    • i would prefer a better attitude from the community (whining like little kids is not going to help anyone)

      • Please… Storm always mentions that this and that modification in the game was influenced by the massive whinefest.

    • That would require firing most of the stuff responsible from contact with public, including Storm himself. Not gonna happen.

  2. “Storm wants to remove 10 least popular maps from the game.”

    What? Why? There is currently not that bad maps in the game. Of course some maps are better than others, but all of them are currently worth keeping in the map pool imo. Diversity is just a good thing.

      • For you perhaps. I get pissed off each time game throws me multiple times on the same map. With even fewer maps in the game – it’s going to get even more annoying.

      • Its not that bad until tier 8 where view ranges begin to become to big. But thats a problem fors most maps: They mostly only suit limited tiers tanks to extrem changes in characteristics.

  3. - WoT will not be integrated into Steam

    Darn it, I`d love to have Steam Overlay so I dont have to minimise the game every single time a friend pm`s me.

    • Steam overlay works really well in WoT.
      Open Steam -> on the top-left corner click “Games -> “Add a non-steam game” -> from the opening window click “Browse” -> find your WorldOfTanks.exe and click “Open” -> click “Add chosen programs” and you’re all set!
      Now you can start the game from your Steam library by clicking it’s shortcut there. This will allow you to use the Steam overlay during play. I use this all the time and have not found any faults. Just make sure you open the game normally from launcher after any major patch so it get’s patched because starting from Steam skips the launcher part which is useless anyway most of the time.

      • Been using this from the very beginning, quite convenient since you can merrily use Steam’s chat to talk with friends when platooning.

  4. Setting aside performance issues, I’d like the option of player created maps, this way, there will be a near endless stream of new and interesting maps. The ability to choose which maps to play on, or at least choose which maps NOT to play on, would be nice.

    I’d like to see an overhaul of MM tiering. It’s no fun playing a Tiger tank (for example) against other tanks 2 tiers higher. Or perhaps, if you are stock, you only get others of the same tier, upgrading parts on the tanks would unlock higher tier matches, that way a stock Elefant can do something in a battle.

    • I can see the possible diversity in player maps, but do you realise an average player can’t make a decent map with something as simple as Minecraft? Maps are complicated to both make and balance. And balance. Did I mention balance? The only way players could make balance maps would be if they were completely symmetrical.
      The MM spread is fine, that’s why we now have gold rounds for credits. Also, I remember a +-3 tier spread, playing M3 Lee against T29 and the M6 against T34s (tier 9 back then), it sure was painful but I somehow survived.

  5. Bigger maps would make light tanks alot more useful as scouts, that is if they don’t touch the view ranges of tanks. The maps don’t need to be completely flat, think more like Steppes, with slight hills, rocks and stuff.
    Regarding a hardcore mode, I doubt anthing more realistic than the “historical battles” game mode will be implemented.
    I would like the historical battles mode to lose some UI elements, though. and the Red/Green outlines of tanks. That would already make a BIG difference.
    I’d also like to have a summer/desert/snow variation of every map, just so there’s a bit more diversity.

    • Yes larger maps would make the game much more interesting. Leave the view ranges about the same, but you have to increase the render range. I feel most of the complaints from light tanks being useless to tank destroyers being overpowered would be fixed if we had maps where people were not crammed into such a tiny space. Tanks are about maneuverability and firepower, Making them line up and shoot at each other from the front artificially promotes a specific style of play. And really what good is a 700 m radio when you can only see 500 m unless you are an arti?

  6. An option to disable all the UI or some of the UI in private matches, so then we could have games where you couldn’t actually see the enemy if they’re well hidden behind a bush, but you can always find them by using the silhouettes. Complicate the simpler maps which may have only 2 viable (like Karelia on Assault or whatever it is where there are really only 2 directions for tanks to go) directions of attack.

  7. - No WG fail with bonus codes
    - Delete 10 least popular maps? We now already play the same maps over and over and over…. Deleting more maps will make things worse…
    - Bigger maps
    - Solve lag issues (yes this is still an issue for many players)
    - Fix bugs/problems before adding stuff like HD models
    - Less fail (ohh, i already mentioned that)

    And lots more……

      • If only those bugs stayed on test server. How many times bugs went on live server because they haven’t fixed it even if it was so obvious. So cut the bullshit with test server argument.

        • >How many times bugs went on live server because they haven’t fixed it even if it was so obvious.

          and accompany it with a screenshot. That’s right, PROVE IT TO ME! and make it a really common and obvious bug. One that we’ve all seen.
          People whine about that shit all the time, but in reality it’s a lot better than you think. People are just never satisfied. Even if WG payed them money to play the game they’d complain they’re paying them too little.
          If you think you have the solutions to the bugs, then apply for a developer job! If you aren’t actively engaged in fixing bugs shut up, you have nothing to say on that subject as you have no idea how hard it is.

    • 40 different maps not enough for little kid. How many maps do u want? Most ppl already lack the knowledge of the most common maps important positions…

      • 200 maps are fine. (Because the big amount of map-pool the harder to get 5-6 times on the same map.)

        “Most ppl already lack the knowledge of the most common maps important positions…”
        They lack the knowledge of using a fucking map.

  8. Beyond ANYTHING, i want core gameplay improvements.

    - A more granular movement system with more ‘positional dots’, so the tank turns more smoothly and jerks less.
    - A MUCH increased refresh rate of the spotting check, no more ‘tanks out of nowhere’
    - Finalisation of the damned 700m circle for server range around your tank or just getting rid of it. Also make locastan’s minimap an ingame thing, it’s needed.
    - The return of the option for the serverside reticle alongside the normal reticle.

    Once those are done, i want more imersion and more ‘oomph’ in my tanks.

    - A turret lock button like the hulllock that functions like holding down the right click. I like my tanks without the always-flailing-around turrets. Helps me actually get that i’m playing a big tank and not an RC car since most footage of tanks almost rarely has them with turrets moving around while doing 50kmph.
    - This is really a grab-all but ‘heftier’ feel to the tanks and the animations. I’m sure this will come with the dynamic suspension, but when i’m firing the 8.8 on the Tiger i want it to rock the fuck back. Same for artillery, firing a shell should be violent and kinetic as fuck, not a simple barrel move animation. Also when i smash down after airtime in my T54 going 55km/h i want to know 36 tons just slammed the fuck down on hard ground. The new suspension looks good, but there is no inertia to the suspension, no feel of the suspension straining harder when it’s pushed to the top or when it’s barely moving.

    • - A MUCH increased refresh rate of the spotting check, no more ‘tanks out of nowhere’

      If you buy WG new servers… right now, the servers run 75% of their (not small) power just for spot checks. By increasing frequency you increase the number of checks a lot, because you increase it for every tank in the game per every enemy spot.

      • I know. But i’m sorry, i thought this was a discussion on WoT stepping up their game. And the technical aspects of it are shameful and while some are getting adressed, see physics, HD models and such, a lot is left to do. I’d like the same level of improvements to happen to the netcode and the backend of it.

        And really if Eve Online can do it, i’m sure big-billions WoT can as well.

    • >A turret lock button like the hulllock that functions like holding down the right click.
      this is in already?? if you hold right click the turret stands still, no matter where you look. Either you never tried or you’re playing a different game ;)

      • I don’t /want/ to hold the right click half the game. It’s a usability issue.

        • ooor you could rebind the key? also do you only have one finger on your right arm :P

          • You can’t. You can remove the ‘auto aim’ lock on the right mouse, which allows it to do the same thing without the mouse locking on to enemies, but you can’t rebind the turret lock itself.

            • Same fucking difference.

              …are you a Yakuza member with a long history of screwing up or something given that RMB is apparently such a bogeyman?

    • “- The return of the option for the serverside reticle alongside the normal reticle.”

      I wonder I wonder what MIGHT this “Enable server reticle” option be for…
      Do you even lift?

      • ALONGSIDE. Seriously, do people have a reading comprehension issue? Second time i had to reiterate myself.

        Alongside, as in, both at the same time, as in, both a realtime client crosshair AND the server crosshair.

        • what.

          I did not even *consider* that interpretation on account of it being entirely devoid of merit and sense, FYI. Would you like collectible hats to go with that?

          • For your information, that was availible before and taken out, and it now is availible via mods. And as for the usefulness of it, you can have a clean and responsive crosshair but which can lie on the truth of the shot, as in the normal one, or the jittery mess that makes tracing shots almost impossible, and that’s the server crosshair. The combined crosshair allows you to have a clean crosshair while backed with the certainty that the shot you want to take will be the shot the server receives.

            • I was playing the game long before the serverside crosshair was even an official option, brah. Now that it’s a proper feature the clientside ‘hair has fuck-all purpose as far as I’m concerned – what’s the point when you use the mouse reticle to aim and the serverside one is the only one that actually gives you legit information about where the game *actually* thinks the gun is aiming at?


              But since you *insist* feel free to keep using that mod, no skin off my nose.

  9. Oh yeah.. .dont take out any maps.. we need more maps and we need the “random map rotation” to work better…

    I don’t care what they say about it being “correct”… players do get stuck in a “loop” of certain maps, and only exiting the game until later, or swapping server changes this…. I can almost tell when the “hour” is upon us when the rota changes.. it’s so distinct when you suddenly get off the map 1/2/3 and hit map 4/5/6…

  10. 1. Optimization. Multi core, RAM, GPU power. All must be used well by WoT!

    Fixes to game:
    – Makes some tanks more distinguishable from one another. for an example, WZ-131 and WZ-132. Give 132 side skirts (it had them IRL) and that will buff it a little and make it more unique. Just an example here.
    - Solve the HP difference between tier 4,5,6 and 7. There is TOO much of a difference. Also, Tiger 1 with 1500 HP, IS-2 with 1250 and at the same time JagdPanther with 870… yeah…
    This MUST be fixed, will help historical battles too!!!
    - Some things… were awesome game design mistakes. JagdPanzer E100, after a fast firing high DPM machine like Jtiger… breaks the flow.
    Object 263 after SU 122 54… breaks the flow. Introduce even made up T 62 130, as long as its presented well and keeps the flow…
    There are other such examples.

    What I want:
    JagdMaus. You introduced 140 and 430. That means JagdMaus will be easy :) !
    - Fix the situation with premium tanks! Russians get to buy M4A2E4 and KV-220 except KV-220 beta test? How do you solve it? Easy! Introduce M4A2E4 Beta Test and sell normal M4A2E4, whilst giving the Beta Test to EU and NA testers… like with the Russians and let us buy KV-220…
    So hard to solve … yeah right.

    - An AI defense mode.

    Also: WG, buy GSC and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Sponsor and publish STALKER 2.

  11. I would like to see some new achievements and medals… And some kind of quests like : Well, you Mastered all german tank destroyers to tier VIII, so we will give you a premium Marder III Ausf M (that one with back mounted superstructure) …and there will not be any other way to have that vehicle.
    I would like to have some more ways of personalization of my vehicles… more camos and more realistic looking inscriptions …

    #3 REDUCED RANDOM INTERVALS ([-25% .. 25%] -> [-15% .. 15%])!

      • haha yep sure it works … if you’re a tomato that manages to oneshot a unicum with a lucky arty shot, then it kinda works, but every skilled powergamer hates WoT randomness from the bottom of his heart. for me, if the game needs RNG, it’s a bad game

        • Well fuck off to League of Legends then. Why are you still playing WoT? I thought you said it was a bad game…
          Because RNG was present in real life and let’s be honest, when I was a noob and I killed an unicorn with a lucky shot, I was happy as hell. it’s what makes the game FUN.
          you know, fun? it’s what games are supposed to be, you “powergamer”. it’s not about the stats nor the kills or your winrate, it’s about spending your free time doing something FUN. If you can’t just stop playing and take it lightly you, m8, are addicted.

  13. I have asked more then an year ago about the implementation of posibility to train a gunner into a loader or something like this …

  14. I’ll make “I’m a crab/deer list.”
    1. Shells gets 2 times bigger in diameter every time you miss an enemy.
    (ofc pen ratio goes *2 too)
    ps:(only for players under 50% WR)
    2. When shitty clan attacks clan with better players, weak clan have 2 times more hp, half reload and aerial scouts all over map.
    3. When shitty clan lands on a map he gets free M60/VK/Obj907 too choose
    After defending landing for at least 1 day free Gold type 59.
    4.You can use “TACTICAL NUKE” if enemy team in random have at least 1 better player than your team.
    5. After getting ACE badge Serb himself sends email with congratulations.
    6.If one player calls another “cheater” second one is perm-banned.

    Guys add more to “the deer” list below ;)

    • 5. After getting ACE badge Serb himself sends email with congratulations. …
      No no no… Serb writes a poem about your mastery and heroic deeds…

    • 7.A player with a wr lower than 50% will become immune to all damage once his tank reaches 10% hp of the normal hp.

      • 8. When you get a 3rd class mastery badge on Wt-E100 your clip reload gets cut in half and you get the same gun as the 183 permanently

  15. use Murazor’s idea reduce random for pen from 25% to 5-7% — and make dmg random factor — more armor you hit less dmg you make and less armor more dmg — this can make guys fire at weak spots not just load gold and — GOLD ammo nerf coze right now armor is useless and we play a tank game …

    • My scouts doesn’t like this idea.
      And my arties are totally ok with this.

  16. i would like to see
    -snow which has some height, not just 1mm layer on ground, i want to see my tank in snow half of its height!
    more desert maps
    -less stupidly imbalanced vehicles
    -game to be more dynamic, not campfest
    -more FPS especialy for high end PCs
    -I want to see what am i awarded for – i want to see that 1000dmg to this player gave me 100XP and kill gave me 50XP bonus

    • Last wont come as it would lead to abusing and exploding the exp/credits system and thats something wg doesn’t want.

  17. Sturmtiger – Archer – Churchill MK III (Not the Russian version) – Su-122 and ISU-152 artys(and not the Su-85 with 122mm or the ISU-152 td version) – Maybe the German tech tree unified with the italian and adding the L6/40 – M13-40 – Semovente 75-18 and 105-25 and stop searching to all thoose prototypes of tanks the war was full of tanks what in wot aren’t implemented

  18. Ohh and improve you Server PCs. By a lot. Combine EU 1 and 2 into one server AND introduce a new (EU 3 ) as EU 2.
    All must be obscenely powerful servers. Improve networking stuff on your end, even use fiber tech in all your buildings if you have to :P!
    Then increase spotting checks and lessen tank jerking.

  19. - instead of implementing map choosing for random battles, Storm wants to remove 10 least popular maps from the game. This is just an idea and it is not yet sure which maps, but developers like it

    Really?? Instead of removing maps you can better change them so they are as fun as other maps. There’s not even 1 map that can’t be changed to a brilliant map. Btw, a “bad” map for player X means not player Y thinks the same. Seriously.. I play since 2011 daily, and I’m happy to see new maps and the current modes being implemented on all maps. Diversity is NEEDED to make the game less boring and keep the playerbase huge. If you want to “remove” bad maps, change them, or do they have no inspiration to make changes? Just wtf..

  20. 1. Remove gold ammo
    2. Lower the bloody RNG to maximum 15%
    3. Better graphics
    4. Much better sound effects
    5. Option to remove maps you don’t wanna play (don’t care about waiting times)

  21. Remove 10 least popular maps? Translated “Remove 10 maps for generating the most whining from dumb heavy tank drivers…..coz all they really want is world of sidescraping.

    • Right! This game is not just heavy tanks! We need more variety, not less. Removing maps is a stupid idea.

  22. One simple wish (and i know the can do it in less than 5 minutes, because they got all the right stuff they need it):

  23. And what about tank carrousel? It has terrible filter options, show only few tanks, and if you have in hangar more than 30 tanks, it sux. I think that it really needs to rework, more options, at least as the multirow carrousel mode.

  24. 1. I would like to be able to retrain (for example) my radio operator to loader. I guess many players have several radio operators that are not used because high tier vehicles do not have them. They have 2+ skills and I would like to retrain them to other specialization.
    2. When transferring crew from regular vehicle to premium one it would be nice to set which crew members will receive additional XP. For example I transfer IS-7 crew to KV-5. I have radio man who is in KV but not in IS-7. He always have lowes XP and he always gets XP bonus from premium vehicle. It would be nice to be able to exclude this crew member from receiving XP bonus or even better to select crew member who will receive it.

  25. I won’t install WoT before they implement an IQ test upon logging in, so lot’s of dumb people with a learning curve smaller than a bean won’t be able to login, including kids under 16 years old. Only that will improve the quality of the game. Also, like that you would filter out alot of polish/ukraine/hungarian people = profit. Maybe _demanding_ a monthly fee aswell. Would also let people like that outside of the game, they’ll just look for another F2P game instead where they’ll never spend a single cent in the shop neither. So we don’t need them basicly to keep this game running.

  26. Roaming!

    I’m moving in 5 days and I want to be able to play my tanks, and not start over on a different server… Hurry it up plox

  27. - instead of implementing map choosing for random battles, Storm wants to remove 10 least popular maps from the game. This is just an idea and it is not yet sure which maps, but developers like it

    So we will be using Himmels and Ruin with 30 skins… because there will be no more maps… GJ WG.

    - regarding wishes for large flat maps: “And you have played such maps before? Shooting two pixels is not fun. We tested that many times.”

    But camping in a bush and waiting for a miracle (tank to show up) is more fun? WG logic.

    What do i would like to see:
    More gamemodes, Artybuff, Good spotting mechanic, More maps, BALANCE(!!!) of tanks, T-50-2 (like it was before).

  28. I would really appreciate more realism regarding tank movement and sounds.

    Current model is “linear”, i.e. you press forward, you get 100% acceleration. It would be much better if the forward key would give the “forward” command to the (virtual) “tank driver” if you like, who would then apply more and more power, so the machine would feel more alive and “random”.

    Look at most of the racing/car sims nowdays. Most of them have this virtual throttle idea instead of just a linear response. I would also like the engines to struggle when going uphill, I would like to hear/feel the gear reductions, dirt, the tank digging into the ground and spinning the tracks in the mud.

    Look at Spin Tires for your reference of how an acceleration/vehicle movement and sounds should be implemented to really feel the weight and power of the machine.

    Also, the crewmen could actually talk to themselves, i.e. the commander could give commands during movement, or shooting.

    And by the way, you WG guys could easily buy out this Spin Tires startup and just use the tech for WoT (the dynamic water/dirt is on my mind now).

  29. 1. gold ammo limitation to ~10%/ battle (if a tank can carry 50 shells, this means the tank should carry only 5 gold shells max/battle)
    2. fixed MM: no 10 TDs on each side AND max. 2 arties on each side.
    3. When you watch someones Tanksstatistic (ingame) you should see only the tanks he has currently in GARAGE. Then you can better see which tanks he is using and playing (very good for quick overview for clans).
    4. If you once sold a premium vehicles for credits it should be also possible to REBUY it with credits not with gold.
    5. LAG issues.
    6. multi core

  30. 1# Tutorial for TD and arty.
    2# Damage for optics when smashing in to buildings.
    3# MM only one tier higher.

  31. - Bigger maps with more players
    - Make camping less efficient somehow. By adding new skills that boost tank attributes on the move for example. In way too many situations the one who moves first loses.
    - New content: skills, tank trees, maps.

  32. What do I want in general, let’s think about:
    - fighting against bots.
    - stable and playable servers
    - not a copy of Warthunder. Gajin has implemented the game quite well, there’s no need for a crappy copy.
    - no dumbasses as developers would help – but it’s not that important.

    All I see is bullshit of a “developer” with no clue about the problems this game has.

    • Warthunder were maid after WoT, and historical battles dont have much to do with WT GF, there is very little that is simuler betwen the games :)

      • Right, but why does WG plan to implement a Simulator-Mode? It was always said the players do not want that.
        Why talks WG about implementing garage battles as it’s default in Warthunder for Arcade-Matches – the WG dumbasses told all the time, the player do not want that therefore it will not be implemented.

        Same to historical battles, it will never come as WG internal tests should have shown it’s not funny – and yes, the player doesn’t want that.

        Seems the donkeys in Minsk do not really know anyhting about what the customers want.
        Therefore I can understand that they do nothing against unplayable servers – or do you know a single player out there who’s not in love for the lags and packetlosses WG offers now for more than two months?

  33. - there is a plan to make currently useless skills and equipment more useful, developers are thinking about now

    (takes a look on additional grousers, and Armorer and Relaying)

  34. Why remove those 10 maps?
    Because almost all retards play them wrong and some butthurts complain about it?

    To satisfy both butthurts and those like me who have no problems with those maps, but would like to keep the diversity, they can just change them.

    If they remove 10 of those “unliked” maps there will be 10 less maps in the rooster…meaning that, althought some might like the remaining maps, every map left, sooner or later, will become boring as fuck(by getting them even more “in a row.)

    WTF is wrong with you people?Reducing the diversity never brought anything good in any game.

  35. Dare I say that other than graphics issues(which are supposedly being worked on) I like the game currently.

    Storm…make more tanks! There are so many interesting tanks from various countries and conflicts. Their relative advantages and disadvantages will add even more variety to the game and allow good players to diversify their playing strategy (possibly resulting in more varied tank choices in pro league games).


    …..Please just consider it then throw it away as a stupid idea Storm…

  37. Instead of removing maps, they should improve map rotation. It’s boring to play only 2-3 maps the whole day and it happens very often.

    I’m also for smaller RNG spread, it is supposed to be random but it’s just too random and it trolls you too often, damage spread plus pen spread means that way too often you need 3 shots on an enemy that should be killed in 1 shot from that given gun 95% of the time.

  38. If they remove 10 maps then they had better replace them with 10. I hate this idea, a large variety of maps is essential to keeping the game fresh! Chances are they’d remove my favorite maps……

    What I would like to see them do is make maps more traversable. I don’t mean flat because that would be boring, but I don’t like being funneled down the same corridors time and time again.

  39. Apart from stuff that’s already planned like multicore support or more tutorials I’d really like to see post battle chat, especially since you cant even chat to people that are not on your friend list.

    I know it would be filled with some hate but so is the normal battle chat and i really believe this could be a good thing and positives outweighs negatives. Battle analysis, that little gg that you didn’t have time to post in midst of battle and overall just communication, because its the only way we as a people(players) can move forward….
    Make it optional, don’t force it onto anyone, just let people talk.

  40. 1. Update of camo/spotting mechanics
    2. Light tank re-balance

    - big maps are an interesting matters, if the issue with slow tanks is solved, but 2-3km viewrange is questionable

    These maps would be more successful in garage battles and multiple base/capture locations. For example, a Maus player could wait for a forward base to be taken before spawning. Large maps would also make radio range more important.

  41. I’d like, and if I remember good, they have already told it will not be done, a premium account with time consuming when you use it, so I’d feel no more somewhat forced to play when membership is ON, and I could pay premium without asking myself if i’ll have time in the next period to play wot: the result is, i’d be always premium, now i am not.

  42. 1. remove arty from randoms
    2. remove prem ammo from randoms
    3. change RNG to +-15%
    4. get atleast 1 new engine sound so we can have like 3 different engine sounds for 300 tanks

  43. Well, I’d like to see a lot of things.

    1. Multiple leagues in accordance to player skill, like in Starcraft 2. But yeah, not gonna happen.

    2. Pen and damage randomness toned down to like 5%. Yeah, not gonna happen.

    3. Artillery massively reworked (less damage, more accuracy). Will maybe happen in 3 years, when WG grows a brain.

    4. Hard caps on premium ammo in randoms. Yeah, not gonna happen.

    5. Proper damage model, not ridiculous saving throws that eat shells for breakfast.

    6. Ability to unlock additional equipment slots for silver, which I elaborate here:

  44. My wish list:
    1: Reduce light/mediums’ mm weight, or increase tier x TD mm weight (only tier 10)
    2: Random weather and light conditions (adding a factor to the view range? + the visual stuff)
    3: Randomly generated maps (for simple desert maps this could work)
    4: 6.sense should be radioman’s peak (ability to tap into enemy communication)
    5: Gunner perk: View and transmit enemy’s gun facing (no advantage here that platooned players don’t have)
    6: Gunner skill: Extended view range in scope mode (after 5 seconds still?)
    7: 30 vs 30 players
    8: Big maps
    9: Room for 4 pieces of equipment (only tanks with 1k+ battles)
    10: Recovery/supply vehicles (ammo, consumables, crew health + respawn?)
    11: Semi-historical mode option. Same as historical mode, but on any map
    12: Stay in vehicle/team option. Players selecting this will get on the same side, in the same vehicles, in the next battle. Each team will consist of random players and “teamed” players. This could evolve to something like “rush mode” in BF.
    13: Engine/gear sounds. A scooter engine has more macho sound than my ISU:)

  45. Dear Santa Claus,

    For WoT I want:
    1) Bigger maps with a lot of ways!
    (Often, players have troubles to flank because they can go nowhere without facing ennemy. And why not random number of players in battle)
    2) Maps which are not especially square, but limited by elements.
    (magical red line which blocks you is a bit strange)
    3) Video settings and fluidity as nimbles as in Warthunder
    (If they can, you can also!)
    4) Most important: More game modes for random battles.
    (more objectives in a game)
    5) Several tutorials which explains game mechanics/tactics and the principle of base defense to newbies.
    (Because they won’t especially look on the wiki or try to learn anything by themselves. This would replace the idea of a MM by skill because tomatoes would be able to perform basic actions for victory)
    6) Keep those 10 maps! Or just change them. But we need maps or it will be an awful routine.

  46. I’d like to see gold ammo cost to rise and the ability to see the battle stats after you rage quit with Alt+F4 and then relogin back.

  47. So, I understand you will provide our feedback to Storm?

    My opinion:

    1.Bigger maps (increase the size of all maps) + Scouts with base best view range than all other tanks;
    2.Increase view range to 700 m to help scouts getting view range advantage and make view range = drawing range for tanks (but make it a circle instead than a square so basically no one feels the difference except the buffed scouts);
    3.Reduce artillery in random games to 3 max;
    4.Change RNG to +-20% first. If good leave it, if not enough can reduce up to +-15%;
    5.Gold ammo reduced to 20% maximum ammo capacity;
    6.MM +1/-1 with scouts MM adapted to it;
    7.Balanced tank types on every team during random battles, something like 10% scouts, 25% meds, 25% heavies, 20% TD and 20% artillery (during low player number periods these rules can be changed to adapt to existing online tanks);
    8.With much bigger maps consider increasing the number of tanks in each team;
    9.Improve map rotation in the sub-server you are in (at least 15 maps);
    10.Implement CPU multi-core game engine so almost all of the existing PC´s can be much more efficient.



  48. I wish to have in WoT:
    -MOST IMPORTANT: KEEP MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!11oneone
    -really big maps, like 1,7×1,7km – 2x2km that are not camper-friendly – big cities, big hilly (is that a word?) forest&plain with rivers… This should include reworking older maps (enlarging)
    -more expensive premium shells (1,6x)
    -Karl as a chill mode
    -buy-able “premium status” for tanks – +10% credit income, -5 or 10% repair cost for lets say 1,5k gold
    -arty as it is now (Yes, I think arty is important and it is good to have it there)
    -reducing Siemkaness(TM) of KV-1S and T18
    -some random things on the maps, eg 20% chance for a house to be collapsed, 5% chance for flood on swamp maps…
    -RNG as it is now
    -more historical info about tanks in game, not that 10 words in tank spec info window (or how its called)
    -less napkin tanks
    -some “blind” tank branches, eg. no candidates for tier 10? no tier 10 tank
    -opition of sending “congratulation note” to other players after the battle
    -opition of buing more than one slot (2x, 3x, 5x, 10x bundle with same price but faster)
    -first 200 player’s battles only with other beginners

    I hope thats all :) Again: yes, I think arty is important and I’m happy that it exist. No, I don’t play it.

  49. I would like to see an in game feedback or survey system that allows us to provide input on how much we like or dislike certain features of the game, such as tank locking in CW, or specific maps, or anything else.

    The surveys should be targted at players who actually use the features unr survey, so that for example only clan wars landholding players would be asked about clan wars mechanics like tank locking.

    The surveys could pop up just like all the other messages they send us in game. Those who complete a response would get a small gold payment, the budget for which can be realised by terminating the failed bonus code program.

  50. Reading these replies has given me keyboard impressions on forehead, cancer.

    I have no idea why I keep doing this to myself.

  51. I would propose a premium ammo cap, but tie it to the account and tank (prem/nonprem). For example, with a standard account you can take 10% of premium ammo into battle, 20% if you have a premium account and if you are using a premium tank another 10%, since most premium tanks have rubbish penetration. WG could play with the %, but it would at least prevent people from spamming gold and be an extra incentive to buy prem. account which should make WG happy.

  52. Hello !
    0.)New game engine or improve this one and meke it run smoother (i know it’s hard)
    1.)I want to be able to modify my tank visually like adding fuel tanks and sand bags on it etc… so not all same type tanks would look the same.
    2.) I want to see new shell holes (or how do you call that), something like in WOT Xbox. HD models + low res
    damage models together… that doesnt look good imo.
    3.)some bigger maps and bgger teams would be nice (20 on 20 maby …). Only if it would work at least as good as the current 15 v 15 modes.

  53. What would I like to see? Where to start…

    1. RANDOM MAPS. Come on, there were games that did this 20 years ago.

    2. Reduce RNG to 15%.

    3. Buff artillery accuracy by 30%, reduce damage by 20-50% depending on tier, reduce range on higher tiers, reduce aiming time, increase hitpoints.

    4. Please do not take away maps without replacing them with something better.

    5. Get rid of draws counting as losses. Either give the win to the higher scoring team (with reduced money and experience), or don’t count the game at all.

    6. Limit gold ammo loads to 25% or something like that.

    7. Take the hard borders off the map. Runnig into a red line is stupid, put rocks or hills there you can’t climb.

    8. Designate certain maps “brawler maps” and exclude artillery and possibly TDs from them. Himmesdorf, Ruinberg, Widepark would be good examples. This would make everyone happier, both artillery players who are ineffective, and tank drivers who don’t want useless artillery on their team.

  54. I want WG to improve the bullet holes, the current bullet holes were like decals sticking on the tank. They need to improve that.

  55. No arty mode would be awesome. No more garbage 44% 200 WN8 players doing over 700 damage across the map behind all cover because they are too pussies to be able to play a regular tank.

  56. I would like to see boss battles. You know, fighting Ratte with 15 tier 10, the Ratte being controlled by a random player. There are many tanks we can use, including Karl-Gerat! FCM F1 can serve as a boss for lower tiers.

  57. I want a new spotting system that isn’t so god damn ridiculous and un-predictable.

  58. the reason WoT’s wont come to steam is they would have to offer permanent DLC packs that everyone buys for the same price and they can’t tweak with once put on steam

  59. It would be a extensive endevor, but implementing a new map type that is borderless would be very neat. Each player would still see a boxed minimap that would basically “loop” in every direction from thier current locale. Implemantation of Encounter mode would probably be easiest , map size would have to about double.

  60. better balance between (exp,credits) worst player in winning team and best player in loser team

    e.g. player with 400dmg win and get more exp than guy with 4000dmg and 3 kills who lost

    • That in a sense is already implemented, Crucial Contribution accounts with that to a extent.

      Great name btw, loved the movie. Cronenberg is a great director.

  61. regarding wishes for large flat maps: “And you have played such maps before? Shooting two pixels is not fun. We tested that many times. ? rly> is that your answer? u can just make zoom x8 x16 . and it shoud be fight on 1.5 km it how tank was fight. historicaly tank generals shosen flat terytory” map”

  62. 1. Scrap or find some way to get rid or improve detection system and camo system.
    2. fix the lag problems.
    3.limit gold round usage in random battles.
    4.Replace all the moderators on SEA “rigged”
    5.less attention to graphics more attention on gameplay.
    6.FV42o2 speed buff.
    7.Chieftain tank.
    8.Sherman firefly.
    9.bigger maps.
    1o. Wargaming devs and employees get some manners and start valuing their customers like businessmen , instead off crack head computer game developers
    11.find somebody decent to replace Yuri Palakobitch
    12. Individual tank and gun sounds

  63. TOW CABLES GRANTING THE ABILITY TO TOW YOUR SLOW ALLIES FASTER and to recover tracked allies out from danger

  64. I will be more than happy to see spectator mode (like for example Starcraft 2 has) also perks rebuilding is quite good idea. It should have more influence on battle than now.

  65. Make playing light tanks more rewarding.
    Currently, you need to play much better than the heavies in your team to get a chance of getting similar rewards. I do fine in my Luchs, but I have a harder time in other tanks.
    Make capping a viable option: make it count the same way as killing all the opponents, shared between all players: currently you get yelled at if you start capping even if the game is close or if you start capping to release stress on one of the fronts.
    Also, make lites and other lower tier tanks a valid option in team battles. Currently there is only one real valid tank tier strategy.

  66. I’d like some functionality from mods to be introduced into the UI by default:
    - such as seeing what every tank on the minimap is(think locastan’s minimap mod or xvm)
    - the ability to enlarge the minimap so it can cover the whole screen(pressing ctrl with same mods active)
    - the ability to see what dmg you have done and what assists you’ve done in the battle result(xvm post battle screen) – it’s more a convenience thing than anything else
    - the game to actually hold on to results data for at least a while(such as if you DC/crash during the endgame, you could actually see how you performed that match)
    - the ability to see the server crosshair at the same time with the client crosshair(it’d also make it easier to judge those interesting times when packet losses happen)
    - prioritization of ingame messages(i’d like to know when I’m on fire straight away – i know that icon is now more visible but an audio cue also helps)
    - a more visible way of noticing you’ve been hit and for how much
    - more stats on the vehicle details screen, such as visibility, ground resistance, aiming dispersion – y’know the hidden stuff
    - a “standard” ammo loadout to be something permanent for all tanks and game modes, it would stop the “gold ammo noob” gripe and also the premium spamming, making armor again a useful stat.

  67. Can I have a ‘reverse tank controls button’ for when I’m driving my tank backwards. It’d be nice for rear mounted turrets.