Hello everyone,
okay, here’s something from the Russian server – new Wargaming cartoon about… uh British unorthodox (read: Home Guard) anti-tank tactics, called “anti-tank hammer”. I will comment after the video, keep in mind however that this is an OFFICIAL video, made by Wargaming and posted on their channel. It’s obviously in Russian and only in Russian, but I think the pictures themselves speak volumes.
So, uh…. am I the only one who doesn’t find this even remotely funny? The video is based on one of the emeregency Home Guard tactics, that was planned – the Home Guard members were to rush the tank and basically jam its tracks and hatches with crowbars and hammers, while trying to knock the tank out with pouring gasoline on it (in the engine compartment etc.) and setting it on fire
I get the “fun factor” in that from today’s point of view and noone even back then considered this viable, it was pure desperation, because at that point Britain (with a handful of foreign pilots helping) basically stood alone against the entire nazi-controlled Europe.
So I guess in next part, we can expect a Russian stereotype drunk muzhik hugging Hitler? Yep, that sounds better – not sure the Putin censorship would allow that though.
I wonder what will be next?
Glorious Soviet Anti Tank Volunteer Dogs =D?
My thought exactly, the Soviets had much more sophisticated tactics to fight against tanks…
As for the video, in 1940 the Soviets were Nazi Germany allies so what can you expect?
Yeah, they should make a cartoon how they trained their suicide dogs to rush german tanks, but instead they charged at their own tanks.
I wonder why haven’t they made such video yet?
Russian bias…
That’s what they get for using their own tanks to train the dogs instead of captured German ones. :P
And firstly GB and France refused to help Ussr vs Germany and refused to support PL vs Germany. And only later was signed a pact between ussr and germany.
u just know the history NOT… USSR and Germany split poland between each other before even the war began.
That was made to postpone war since Ussr wasn’t ready. GB and FR done the same , but that didn’t help frenchies
Russian nazi detected!
Typical western reaction ;)
Maybe Britain would have been better of postponing it since it was the only power in Europe that hadn’t been gearing up for war since the early 1930′s.
Try to learn something about Moscow triple alliance negotiations.
stronk history
USSR tried to make alliance with Great Britain and France, but “triple alliance negotiations” failed.
Whole problem about this video is that it hit huge inflated ego of many westerners (or middle european self proclaimed westerners) ..Because making jokes about russian idiocy is sooo hilarious..but when somebody shows that west had at least same amount of idiocy as Russia …shiiiit….. Gotterdamerung incoming ..
Its all stupid… Just relax… Imagine stereotypical british gentleman chasing Panzer IV and trying to smash it with his walking cane .. and have fun!
You would have a point, if the video was accurate. It is not, as SS said, the plan was to use tools to jam the tracks, and immobilise the tank. This is a viable tactic that was used with sucess in Hungary in the 50s. In any case, this was never a serious plan, and became obsolete as soon as weapons like the Blacker Bombard were distributed in numbers. The difference between making fun of someone and insulting them, is when you start inventing the material. This and the scenes of British uselessness at the start, turn this from satire into something much nastier.
Maybe its not accurate… and maybe its insulting..but i dont care… I will tell you why. Can you even imagine how many times were eastern countries insulted by western movie industry? Think about it…..
So you are going with classic USSR argument “and in the United States you are beating Negroes”?
What did you say? I heard just some fart. Bring a complete argument about how its OK to insult former eastern block and not OK to insutl GB, then come and we could talk about it. …And know what? STFU till then! Or write a evil letter to producers of Eurotrip.
Cus when US moviemakers describes my country ass huge trashbin its OK.
But when Belarussian WOT team describes Brittains silly ideas of warfare its a pure atrocity.
This is like with children in school… A cheeky child taunts everyone else in the class and when somebody find out that cheeky child has incontinence and everyone starts to make fun of it .. then the cheeky child starts raging like hell.
So cry more, westerners. :”Oooh those bad rassans their LOLed about those heroic people killing panzers with garden tools” ..
I must go now, i have to sharpen my crowbar..cus it is the future of armored warfare.
Oh wait a second… If you can throw your showel high enough, you can even shot down the aircraft:
Quite funny that people who used those tactics make fun of the people who might have planned them, but never used it.
Tell me more :)
u wot m8
Anti-tank dogs anyone?
Russian used dogs as tankbusters, americans wanted to use bats with charges in Japan…. and.. i heard about germans tried to learn dogs to use weapons and talk… War was full of idiotic ideas… Same in Russia, Germany, Britain and US…… That is whole point.
Problem is that western people consider making fun of Russia normal and have problem to accept that russians made fun of them…That is pathetic and idiotic behavior….
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundesprechschule_Asra Silly as hell… Germany…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_bomb Silly as hell USA…. In war, every country did a silly things…
What is wrong wit you people??? Throw away that stupid russophobia complexes…
Can you count the women raped by Soviets in my home country?
I am affrad that i dont see any corelations between approach to making fun of another nation and your countys woman.
I am afraid i dont see any corelation between WarGaming’s rusbias and evil western movie industry you mentioned.
Wargaming video = made for people to watch and have fun
Movies = made for people to watch and have fun….
Wartime raping = really not fun….
I agree. No problem with making fun all around. Germans and Russians get made fun of all the time. It’s about time for the silly Americans(of which I am one) and the classy British to get their fair share. :)
Britain has a lot of bad history on its back. But I think rather than trying to hide it desperately they just admit it (but never mention it).
In British history lessons we get taught a lot about the bad screw ups Britain has made. Right now I am writing an essay on how terrible British generals were in WW1.
I am required to praise Germany more than I should. It’s very strange to write about how stupid the British tactics were in the Somme. We don’t really learn anything bad about Germany in WW1 either.
Funny, there’s already loads of videos/films/sketches being made and have been made to mock the Russians, and I don’t see anyone complaining.
See, here’s what is bothering me with the lot of you dribbling gnats. You’re all up in arms with brooms in between the cheeks whenever anything Russian comes up, yet an equivalent of it in some other nationality wouldn’t raise a sneeze.
Sure, I don’t expect you to like everything they put up, nor even liking them, but kudos for turning everything into a personal political wank.
Its amazing much better the United States feels after interacting watching the Europeans speak.
Oh yes because the United States -never- gets butthurt about political humor pointed at them….not once.
Nope, the good old boys are far above that with their uber patriotic ethos….
I don’t. most of the time. Murican here. I’d actually think a parody video of something we did in the war that was ridiculous, would be something I’d love to see!
“I’d actually think a parody video of something we did in the war that was ridiculous, would be something I’d love to see!”
That would be a really big problem because how can you make a parody of a nation that said “We won’t join this parade until we get kicked in the ass” but after that they thought they should be the white knights everywhere? :)
Most of us can appreciate a joke if it’s tasteful, but a lot of these ‘jokes’ the same shit being repeated time and time again. They may have been funny once, but they got old long ago.
“Funny, there’s already loads of videos/films/sketches being made and have been made to mock the Russians, and I don’t see anyone complaining.”
ORLY? Ever heard of Company of heroes 2?
Since British brought WWII to Serbia, this was probably our way to fight against German tanks :) :) :)
p.s. Thank you Britain for fucking us up and sending German planes and tanks to Yugoslavia
….Come again? care to elaborate on this fantastic British action… where apparently we picked up the phone to Mr Hitler and said “Hey… ya know what would be so much better than bombing the hell out of our towns? Yaaaahhh, there is this lil place called Yugoslavia, just ripe for the bombing!”
Except, oh, thats right… we did not do that…. So please, enlighten us
He’s probably refering to the fact that Peter II prefered the UK instead of the Germans. The coup got Hitler worked up, which led to the invasion of Yugoslavia. Not exactly the same as Britain “sending German planes and tanks to Yugoslavia”, but I guess that’s how the OP is thinking.
But studies from /b/ showed that “OP is a feggut. No exceptions.”
Yeah because the Serbians don’t do ethnic cleansing, they don’t celebrate assassinations since the 13th Century, they didn’t cause WWI which lead to WWII.
I suppose they like wallowing in the self pity of what they’ve done.
He just likes to blabber about yugoslavia all the time not even related to the article’s subject. He’s annoying as fuck and still mourning about the times when yugoshitia existed like it was the good thing.
So Peter flicked the V’s at Adolf, and said he wants to play with Winston instead, then Adolf slapped Peter something silly..??
Is that about it??
Maybe something like crowds of russian (unarmed) conscripts rushing enemy lines while being massacred by machinegun fire from both sides (not a step backwards, comrades!)? :)
Now that would be a fun video to watch. And it would be fun cause it would be true.
To be fair that was only really true in the early days of the war on the Eastern Front and mostly in isolated incidents, but it DID happen occasionally.
I am constantly amazed about wargaming launching more and more videos.
* the above video
* “8 bit tales”
* “tanks for watching”
* RNG episodes
The amount of resources they put into “fun” movies is amazing, maybe they should focus their efforts into the things they have broken or not fixed yet.
Outsourcing is cheap. I think only one or two of those video lines are made by them directly, the rest are made basically by fans who get paid a little for that and get some extra resourcing (voiceovers, technique for making videos, etc).
They could outsource programming/support/bugfixing as well you know.
If the abovementioned company sections would produce stuff only half as professional as the videos are, we would all be happy.
Maybe it would actually improve the code quality they have….
funny to see low I.Q apes think themselves so wise…
Now that too is not right…
just trolling….
Cause that makes the ape statement justified? Seriously you kids and your interwebz these days.
And trolling? pfft. that’s just being insulting. not “trolling” A true troll in my opinion can make people stumble over their words without having to resort to such namecalling.
That would be possible if people being trolled would had enough brain cells to actually realise they are being trolled instead of being stubborn retards who can’t put two and two together, but act like know all. Oh and before the butthurt i’m not relating to this post just saying.
Indeed. The mark of a Master Troll is when the other person doesn’t even know that they’re being trolled.
I actually really like the animations in this video, the slapstick comedy has a lot of potential, my main issue is the depiction (granted i don’t speak Russian but its pretty easy to guess what’s going on) of the British army as largely inept and led by incompetent buffoons. if they redesigned it (like with the nightmare video) as a comedy video about silly last resort ideas (ie the sticky bomb ,the German ‘natter’ interceptor or the american bat dispersed incendiary bombs) then it would actually be funny
To be fair the bat bomb wasn’t really a last-resort idea (it was more like a second-to-last resort, as the last resort was the nuclear bomb, which turned out to be far more effective), it was something that the top brass probably did just because they could (because spending more money could be used to justify not having their budget cut after the end of the war).
its like they point out every nation’s faults except their own.
Agreed (considering they basically had to be forced to admit to committing the Katyn Massacre, after having blamed the Germans for it for half a century…and then they pretended that they never made the admission not even ten years later).
Btw, here in west, stereotyping of the Russians (and eastern Europeans) never stopped. The reason could be find in long time cold war propaganda and partially a superiority complex. It does happen in the west it does happen in the east and i guess the whole world suffers from the same problem.
But if you don’t like Russian propaganda, then why do you keep playing and paying for it.
Uhmmm… contrary to what forum German fanboys say, WoT is not Russian propaganda…
Yea… Running in tanks with “For Stalin” written on it definitely has nothing to deal with Russian agenda…
If you “butthurt” so much about Russian propaganda so go play american / chinese or other games instead of whining.
so u agree there is the russian propaganda \o/
Propaganda is everywhere…..
There is no media in this world w/o propaganda so far
Propaganda is strong even in etnertainment. And here we can see consequences….
Go play Waffle Fragger line.
There is your dream Sky. Hope you like it.
Yeah, the next thing I expect from them is the story of the anti-panzer dogs … how glorious to bomb a tank with a dog!
New model of IS-Woof with 0,5 kg heavier explosive loadout is being developed asap!!!11
Drunken russian cartoonists at work…
So you bash one stereotype with another. How ingenious!!!
An eye for an eye…
Soviet desperate self-defence tactics: heroic
British desperate self-defence tactics: hilarious
What prevents it from being both? It would be hilariously heroic.
“We are not amused”
Final straw.
it’s not that bad, honestly I like it
WG has much money to try entertain us so why not
btw I like the art style
Eh, I didn’t mind when “Dad’s Army” made fun of it.
Well that might be funny to some, but I was part of the white landrover group during the cold war, and we got access to monitor the USSR when they were on maneuvers.
I can tell you this. Nothing funnier than seeing an entire armored Div on maneuvers walking along with the gunner holding a broom handle to simulate the gun as they had no fuel for the tanks
LOL, Where It was ?
…where was youtube back then…. oh so many missed lol moments
It reminds me scene from a movie… Guys riding on bicycles with attached paper wings as formation flight training……. those guys…. they were RAF pilots :P
Wasnt there a nasty war going on back then?
Hmmm…. newly recruited pilots with NO experience….
Yeah if i was them I would prefer to practice formations ON THE GROUND, out of expensive machinery which if I messed up the formation would likely end in my untimely death.
Huge difference between SAFE formation practice and…. improvising because you dont have crap to use
Where you got informations about soviets reason to train that way? Those days we had some kind of national service and every healthy man had to spend about two years in army. I think it was much better to train some thing that way than with real machines….. But some old lady told that it was for fuel and it is funny so lets make fun about Russian. But when Russian do exactly the same you all need to whine ………………….. Its pathetic.
Didn’t Finland fight off the Russian army with a couple of rifles and glass bottles petrol, Dropping a grenade into a tank is not that different.
Excatly jamming the tracks with crowbars first is actually a vaguely sensible step!
Don’t forget the White Death. When you can’t kill a single sniper, even after dropping artillery shells on his position, your invasion force is screwed.
wait, wasn´t there a video from east Ukraine last week were the prorussians were exactly doing that?
They should do one about Stalin hiding in his Dacha after the Nazis invaded Russia leaving his army paralysed because the army leadership were too bitch slapped into fear of Stalin to do anything. Now that’s funny.
Especially when you consider they got invaded by their allies.
“Hey Comrades, you are my top 100 Generals, yes?”
“Thank you, Sir”
“Well 80 of you come with me into the woods and we will re-educate you….”
I think I would rather charge a tank with a molotov, than serve with a Molotov…..
….much higher chance of survival………..
They weren’t exactly “allies”. They just had a mutual nonaggression pact (that neither side intended to honor – in fact, the SOVIETS were finishing preparations to invade GERMANY when Operation Barbarossa began, which is why so many of the Russians’ aircraft were on the ground at forward airbases, and as a result were easy pickings for the Luftwaffe).
its almost as if SerB and Putin teamed up and made this video after a bit of hanky panky
Animations are pretty and funny… but the topic isn’t good for this.
Btw. Is this Mr Freeman as voiceover? :D
actually i find it pretty funny,yes maybe i am alone with this Opinion but cmon guys dont take these cartoon videos too serious:)
whoa there do u think the russkies would find it funny if the video was the other way round??? i think not my man.
“unpatriotic law”
There is a bunch of Hollywood movies about soviet russia already)
well, seriously off the mark on this one WG, yep make fun of the country that stood alone heroically against the nazi horde while old joe was cozying up to adolf unaware that he was about to get ass fisted,
i take it no one in russian has ever read up on the battle of britain or watched the film. it seems silly to me to make fun of a country that put a huge emphasis on human life while holding back the germans than a country that sent millions of its men to certain death just to assuage the ego of a mad old commie.
What a propaganda…
Stood alone with Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Americans, Czechs, Poles, French… Not to reduce the merit of English in WW2, but I just hate when main Allies (USA, UK, FR, USSR) just ignores other nations when talking about winning the WW2.
>holding back the germans
>sent millions of its men to certain death
The massive aerial bombing raids and its interceptions on the one side, the huge land massacres in order to prevent enemy’s advances on the other – hmmm…
>to assuage the ego of a mad old commie
Well, you’re right: Soviet people all should move beyond the Urals. Sure…
“a country that sent millions of its men to certain death just to assuage the ego of a mad old commie.”
Eh, the concept of expandable troops was already installed in Russia way long before the Bolsheviks. Stalin wasn’t any different from Nicholas II in that regard, with the notable difference that Nicholas had no actual casus bellis to convince it’s people to join a foreign war, while Stalin had the Germans rolling all over the place, commiting crimes and abusing the locals here and there.
Furthermore, the United Kingdom was not subject of ethnic cleansing, unlike the Soviet Union, and, to a greater extent, Eastern Europe itself. Not to mention the fact that Great Britain itself was not invaded either ( by ground forces), then again, unlike the rest of the European continent.
Lastly, the British did not stand entirely alone ( not even remotely near). They had a good part of the American industry backing them up. Of course, the Soviets benefited from this as well, but that’s another story.
If Hitler had have successfully invaded the UK it would have released German troops in France and Norway and Luftwaffe units as well to fight in the east. North Africa would have been overrun releasing more resources for the east. There would be no reason to build more U Boats and those resources would have been thrown against the east as well. The US would have had no reason to enter a war in Europe. Not forgetting that a significant part of the German armed forces at that time were anti-Bolsheviks and fascists from other parts of Europe and believe it or not there would have been some from the UK.
So those British, Commonwealth and European airmen who saved the UK at that time did a hell of a lot for the world as well.
Your reasoning & theory is logical but false in some points.
A., If UK had been overrun by the Nazis then the US would SURELY go to war against germany. (because losing the biggest buyer [UK] was and still is a huge no-no)
B., Reorganizing to the other fronts is not as easy as you think. It takes MONTHS to plan it and WEEKS to do it (at least). And then comes the supplying problems. Most of the main supply routes were already heavily bombarded/attacked so imagine that germany had to make more trips from the safety zone to the frontline (which would end up as more frequent attacks) or to load more vehicles / carry more stuff (which would end in heavier losses although same percentage of damage).
Just adding to your alternate timeline :)
Not really true with point A. The US were actually quite anti-British at that time. They resented the fact Britain was still an Imperial Power with a vast worldwide Empire; this went against the whole idea of American Democracy.
Plus, the americans were quite happy to sell stuff to the nazis, even after they declared war on them.
Correct me if i’m wrong but F.D.R. could have see an empire to fall for another, “republican” empire which was a friend of another and hostile empire. Even the “isolation” broke at Pearl Harbor. And the latter was coming from since 1937.
BTW although the nazis also bought US materials i bet this “friendship” would have ended IF Germany would be victorious at the western front.
(my hypothesis is that Hitler would go for USSR after that, leaving africa to the Duce, and as soon they conquered almost all of asia they would have continue their “crusade” against the “rising sun” and onward to cleanse the world from the “untermensch threat” (jews in US, canadian royalists etc). So either ways the US would be involved in the war but with different “win chance” and i think Roosevelt knew that. He just needed Hawaii as a reason (like Bush with 911).
TL;DR: Yes, UK was a HUGE difference in the war but in my opinion it wasn’t the “flagship” of the allies. It needed at least 25 countries to take down at least 19 nations. None of them were more important then the other.
PS: “awaiting moderation” because i used the word: Hitler? This blog surprises me some times. :D
How terrible…
Hey don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Jolly Finland pulled of a similar feat as described but just with a hammer.
Im not entirely sure on how the russian mind works…. but they are aware this is the internet right, and this stuff gets seen world wide…. they are also aware that a fair ammount of british people that may stumble upon this video might just take offense…. and it may make a teeny tiny dent into their income?
We just don’t care anymore about since anything that good for EU/USA is good and anything is bad for EU/USA is evil ;)
If they gave a damn what the world thought about them, they wouldn’t have invaded Crimea.
Ofc, Crimea was Inveaded, and peoples whom voted against Russia was executed. Ah yes, referendum wasn’t approved by westerns (except one thing, international law say: referendums don’t need to beapprovedpby external powers to be legitimate ;)
Erm Putin has since admitted that there were Russian troops in Crimea, which is essentially an invasion.
As a Brit, and bearing in mind I don’t understand the commentary, I can’t say I find it particularly “offensive” – it’s little different to the type of sketch you would get in the TV series “Horrible Histories.”
One of the most popular comedies in the UK has been “Dad’s Army” whose whole premise is based on the Home Guard, their “amateurishness” and the desperate defence measures that were under consideration at that time (remember the Butcher’s van?). In no way, however, did it denigrate their bravery and willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice in defence of their country and loved ones.
What many forget is that the Home Guard was intended as a delaying force should the invasion come – in essence their job was to help, together with regular troops, delay the enemy forces for as long as possible to enable an effective counter-attack to be made. Knowing that they were to be sacrificial lambs and had little chance of survival should not be forgotten.
For those that haven’t read it “Sealion” by Richard Cox makes for an interesting read. What it outlines is the British strategy of defence in depth, i.e., how the GHQ lines, Home Guard, and regular troop units, would probably have been succesful in delaying the German advance for sufficient time to allow reserve forces from the Midlands and North to join the fray. Unlike the Allies in 1944, the German Sealion invasion plan did not appear to take into account the significance of transport links, such as the railways, which would allow rapid British reinforcement en masse.
Undoubtably, the Southern counties would have taken a pasting and British military and civilian casualties would have been high. However, once the RN had reached the channel, with the support of RAF top cover, and combined with the German’s lack of suitable seabourne transport, it does seem likely that any initial landing would be contained, starved of supplies, and eventually defeated. The Home Guard, and their somewhat unorthodox tactics, were an important part of this defence plan.
TL:DR version
Chill out, take stuff like this with a grain of salt. Jokes are just that, it doesn’t try to discredit the real people.
Hilarious. Please insert picard “WTF is this sh1t” meme below.
The HG were the last line of defence for our beleaguered isle, and anything to stop a tank would have done the trick.
Poland strive to fight against superior nazi forces with horses – funny
British strive to fight against superior nazi forces with hammer – not funny
Who the hell ever said that the Polish cavalry were funny? Insanely heroic yes, funny no…
Heroic and quite successful.
Actually the whole “fighting tanks with horses” thing was a shining example of a spectacular failure at trolling on Germany’s part. They made it up to make the Poles look stupid, but the Allies took it and changed the meaning to portray them as brave, if desperate, in the defense of their homeland.
Pls don’t spread this shitty myth of Calvary charge against tanks. It sounds funny, but makes Poland look in eyes of world even more mentally damaged than in reality.
There IS indeed a thin line between bravery and madness. If that charge actually happened, it was both. And no, I am not Polish. I am from a country that is forever gratefull for General Sosabowski’s paratroopers tho……
….the Polish mathematicians who did so much work on Enigma before their country was invaded and helped the code breakers at Bletchley Park get a foothold into the German code system saving untold lives and shortening the war in Europe by years.
Read it and learn.
BTW in Afghanistan the US troops also used “classic” cavalry with success IIRC.
Looks like the Russians borrowed the sense of humor from their 1940 German allies…
Gun barrels for nipples on the card girl costumes. Very funny.
So I guess the next movie is to show how the US Army in the 30′s training with sticks since the could not afford the actual weapons?
Funny how WG does not want infantry in WoT, and yet they are always referring to infantry in one manner or another.
Actually we had plenty of weapons for training, but they were mostly World War I surplus.
Seeing how desperate everyone was in that period, I’m not surprised that the brits would try something like this – in a sense that they were known for coming up with different…erm…what’s a nice way of saying retarded?! ah yes…UNORTHODOX methods of dealing with threats. Just think of that rocket powered…barrel? Or wheel thing?
I remember a funny little story about the first countermeasures they would have employed against U boats.
While themselves didn’t use them(being ungentleman-like), among the first countermeasures used was sending a couple guys in a dingy with a mallet. When they would see a periscope, they’d go to it and whack it, essentially blinding the Uboat.
Don’t know how true it is, however it is funny and it does convey a sense of desperation if they were forced to employ such measures.
Now looking past the funny parts, this speaks volumes about the bravery of the people involved…
We always had a knack for bizare and essentially uselss wartime “inventions”, like the Panjardrum you mentioned. The list of similar “odd” projects is quite extensive!
Still, when needs must one has to think outside the box.
Ah yes, the Panjardrum was the name. Sorry, momentary lapse there.
And yes, the brits did have a penchant for weird ideas…but as the old saying states: if it’s stupid and it works…it ain’t stupid.
This whole british “outside of the box and slightly retarded” method of thinking gave us the tank in the first place, the HESH round, the Harrier Jump Jet… and a few other(still used) pieces of technology.
Hat’s off to you lot for those ideas and the amount of balls those people had back then, going in the face of danger with only the most rudimentary of tools…
Want some more examples look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobart's_Funnies
A group solely there to try weird and wacky (and sometimes retarded) ideas.
Ok, all You guys have this piece of really funny, yet somehow unrefined Russian animation. With new English subtitles. Seriorusly, more enterentaining then anything WG comes up with nowadays.
(courtesy to mr. Maziomir)
As a Brit myself I found the cartoon itself quite amusing. I liked the style too. Couldn’t understand a word of course but a as far as I can tell it basically to me says “Britain in 1940 laughable militarily, desparate and in dire straits”, which isn’t wrong IMO. Sometimes it is hard to shake the feeling that, asides from the defensive actions of the Battles of Britain and the Atlantic and our handy geographical location, the war was won despite our involvement rather than because of it!
Unlike various other nations we Brits tend not to take ourselves too seriously.
…that’s what we like people to think, anyway.
That war won because all allies country fought together including GB, french resistance and others.
Maybe ussr could win w/o allies but for what price?
Sadly today, especially in US that work-together is forgotten. I know enough peoples in western countries told in school /university what WWII won mostly by US
The US didn’t win they made the most profit, which is winning in their thought.
Us Brits take the piss out of ourselves all the time, you are right, we don’t take ourselves so seriously, We are nothing if not known for our comedy. But then, we don’t have the KGB ready to come down on us if we said anything that may be seen as offensive to the glorious motherland.
It would help if the vid was translated though.. did they say anything offensive? I doubt it. Maybe they were presenting facts but in a funny way.
A bit like if I were to say, Stalin lay in a puddle of his own urine partially paralysed, breathing with difficulty and vomiting blood for hours before anyone was brave enough to go see if he was alright, for fear of being shot. Unfortunately for comrade Stalin though, his best doctors were in prison because of a new purge… That might be seen as offensive by some people, but what if I were to say it in a funny voice? :)
Also, WG should do more vids, how about one of Chairman Mao? and his policies of the ‘Great Leap Forward’ and the ‘Cultural Revolution’, those would make for great vids! I am sure the Chines would love that. Then again, I wonder if WG would have the balls?
I really liked the cartoon’s styling, found it quite hilarious actually. But it’s only fair if they continue series and poke fun at the other nations.
I wouldn’t get personally upset about trolling the Brits though, if this was a one-off.
It was funny, *Shrug*
Brits would make that and it would be funny and any nation who would make such a animation about themselves yes – If WG made one about the Ussr first then I might see this as funny but when they poke fun at another nation its with a very pointy stick intended to draw blood.
Although it’s a bit propaganda-ish i realy like those “obsolete ideas” videos. I want to see more weird ways of defense/offense because it’s really fascinating how “dumb theories” could might actually work (looking at you “batbomb” and “grand slam”)
BTW some more “crazy stuff”: http://www.city-data.com/forum/history/1573479-weird-weapons-war-tactics.html
I’m laughing so much now, this video was really wonderful. Hey, can you make another one about russian soldiers gang raping 8-year old girls as they advanced into Germany? That would be hilarious. Or one about Stalin executing all his generals and then realizing he’s just killed the only guys who knew what to do? It would be really funny too.
I wonder if Wargaming will make a video about how Russia didn’t make enough guns for all it’s conscripts and just sent them into battle anyway with the intention of getting a gun from someone who is already dead. And if they tried to retreat they would be shot by a back line of Russians with machine guns.
Or I wonder if they will make a video about how more people died in Russia because of starvation and disease due to Stalin’s horrific regime; than the entire allies losses combined.
Or I wonder if they will make a video about how Stalin was considered by most people as being much worse than Hitler, Hitler who was loved by his people. Stalin who was feared. But of course they won’t make such videos, because Russian propaganda is stronk.
It is western propaganda.
According to our propaganda Stalin was a great leader and we like him)
Did you live during the time of Stalin then. Cool please tell me all about it. No, you didn’t, and what I said isn’t ‘propaganda’ it’s called fact. Go look some facts up.
And where can I read about these “facts”?
I think you’ve misunderstood Nord1ing (NA)’s answer…
I actually refereed about recent Russian movie called Burnt by the Sun 2 full of crazy unhistorical moments like continuous attacks of russian unnarmed hordes of german’s tanks in name of Stalin.
All this “more people died in Russia because of starvation and disease ” it is just like pro-western propaganda in Russia (so opposite to pro-soviet propaganda ;) ) about millions (and each year this number increasing) killed personally by Stalin. It’s just facepalm :(
>I wonder if they will make a video about how more people died in Russia because of starvation and disease
Oh, oh, and I think the video about people who died in USA in the time of Great Depression also will be very entertaining.
or about this:
or about the japanese-american internment camps in arizona etc.
SS stop getting anal about shit like this.
I’m serious!
It was just some innocent fun!
Im from Uk, and a huge fan of the Dad’s army series. People who are ignorant of English humour and/or Dad’s army may feel upset, but otherwise SS, please get a life, chill, have a (lukewarm) beer. As for history, the Home GUard was, in its early years, very poorly equipped and trained, and certainly not taken seriously by the Brits themselves in 1941.
This video captures the truth while being funny, rather more than the rage post.
I think these Monthy Python comedy scetches as more funny than WG will ever do. :)
Communist quiz:
Execution in Russia
Ypres 1914, The Short Straw
Thanks for posting this… some people here really need to watch Pyhtons!!! :D
some people here
some people
I bet you meant “all”. :)
Yes that is what he meant. Well done have a medal.
If we want to judge how well a nation did in protecting its people during World War 2 we simply need to look at statistics.
United Kingdom: 0.94% of 1939 population
Soviet Union: 13.6% to 14.2% of 1939 population in Soviet Union borders.
Thus 10x more likely to die as a Soviet citizen than UK. Be proud of your country, but don’t be foolish over who was more successful (unless those population numbers are incorrect).
Did you ever heard something about funny thng called English channel?
BBC isn’t relevant in this case. :)
You Sir, get an internet cookie
You were less likely to die as a UK citizen than Soviet during WW2 and even safer to be Swiss than both, it’s a fact. I’m not arguing why one nation was more successful than other.
Switzerland was “neutral” (by neutral I mean they sent some materiel to Germany during the war, but that’s about it), so your argument is invalid.
Its really special when you consider most of the Soviets were killed by those who were their allies at the start of the war …..
Anyway i thought this was pretty funny, i think most British people would see it as a source of pride so i don’t really get how its insulting. If Russians really want to pretend we don’t know what we are doing they should just remember it was tillys, valentines and hurricanes that saved moscow in 1941.
Am I the only one who noticed that the guy who managed to land on the tank had balls of steel?
And since when did people start getting angry about caricatures, I though this was funny.
Because they wouldn’t be laughing if we pointed out their own stupid anti-tank projects (Anti-Tank Dogs come to mind)..
404 sense of humor not found.
“….The idea was to run up to a tank and forcibly halt it by jamming a log into its treads; done just right, this gave an opportunity to deal with the tank and its crew at a more leisurely pace. One exceptionally burly Finnish ski trooper was decorated for immobilizing a Soviet tank with nothing but a crowbar, prying the treads off by brute force, after which another soldier came up to the tank with a satchel charge and blew it up. Finnish tank buster forces endured a fatality rate of 70%, yet had no shortage of volunteers. It was a very dangerous business, but also very successful. Of the around 6,000 total tanks deployed by the Soviets during the course of the Winter War, the Finns managed to take out more than 2,000; of these, about half were destroyed using mines and satchel charges or burned using Molotov cocktails.” – thats so funny, isnt it??? So the russians must be in a deep silence rather than joking with the desperate british tactics
There is a book named “The Bridge At Andau:” by James A Michener about the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. In the book there is a paragraph about how people took dinner plates and painted them brown and laid them on a street upside down.
A tank comes down street and sees plates and thinks they are mines, tank stops. People immediately come out with logs and pipes and jam in tracks so tank cant move. Tank is now immobilized.
in another case workers jockeyed a live power line in place and dropped it on the tank electrocuting the crew.
From what i remember of the book, and its been a number of years since I read it, the main anti tank weapon was the Molotav cocktail.
When the Russians want to make fun of Brits anti tank tactics ask the Russians how the anti tank dogs worked out for them?
Frankly, if the Russians wanted something to make fun of that Britain did in the Second World War, they should have gone with the Great Panjandrum, something that NOBODY can deny was batshit insane.
I didn’t know about that, wow that is insane. The Home Guard tactics were borne out of genuine desperation, a product of the situation more than anything and tactics that were viably used all over the world, but that thing is mad.
So, when do we get the comical animated video on the state of the Soviet Air Force about the start of operation Barbarossa, or the 3 day delay while Stalin had a sulk.
Normal funny ridiculing videon as milions others on-line. Probably the fact it makes fun of Britain/British makes it “too much” for the westerners.
I cant remember an article on FTR which would criticize ridiculing videos about Russian drinking. And did anyone make a reserarch why they drink? How much desperate some of them are? No, because it’s only Russia. But now, there is huge difference, someone dared to ridicule our beloved British?
Oh, I forget – poor British, thay had to have emergency plan IN CASE OF INVASION. Maybe you didn’t know that Russians faced real invasion, being technically well beyond British. But drunken muzhik never raise any attention when it is so normal in Russia.
Shouldn’t we sue WG for such a scandalous video, Silent?
The video *was* funny. Get the sticks out of yer a$$es, all ye political correctness nazis – including you, SS.
Perhaps they should do a cartoon about Russian tank crews at the beginning of Barbarossa using their T-34s to try to run over German guns and troops because they hadn’t been trained to shoot their own gun yet. That would be a riot, I’m sure.