- in “cases, that are interesting for WG”, WG cooperates with mod-makers
- other projects based on Tiger chassis, apart from Sturmtiger and Bergetiger? “Rammtiger” (SS: just… google it :) )
- WG plans for whole next year won’t most likely be published (“because you, dear players, could drown us accidentally in your tears, if anything gets delayed”)
- Highway and Port colors too much off? “Don’t play Highway and Port”
- the E-25 proves to be very popular on RU server to the point that players are afraid of Type59-style flood
- despite some of the ingame tanks had a smoothbore historically, this won’t be implemented, as the smoothbore versions belong to a different tank generation already
- developers don’t care if the players negrep them on forums, they won’t change their policies because of whine: “Players will begin to control the game development only if they buy enough Wargaming shares to control the company and join the Board of directors”
- multicore support? “When it’s done it’s done”
- SerB likes the way how the camouflage skill works, as for sixth sense – he’s fine with it, for now
- there will be no special server in Kazakhstan (SS: very important info)
- it’s possible the KV with autoloader will appear as a premium tank, but not guaranteed – and not planned for now
- patch 8.6 was financially very successful for Wargaming (SS: oh well, so much for the OMGARTYGOTNERFEDIQUIT whiners and Czech forum community)
- WoT Tweaker is not only not supported by WG, it has been actively removed from RU forums (SerB states that he has the same computer for WoT he had 4 years ago when he started working on WoT and he doesn’t need WoT Tweaker, he also suggests that if you want better computer, go get a part time job isntead of playing like he did when he didn’t have enough money)
- apparently, Centurion top and stock gun weights are just fine
- Q: “Will you make the game as cool as War Thunder”? A: “No, we don’t want to be so cool as to sell pwnage for money. It’s simply not profitable.”
- KV-85 and KV-1S have been unified into one tank in World of Tanks
- Sixth Sense won’t be touched anytime soon
- SerB states that when it comes to rocket projectiles, they will have either a HE or HEAT warhead
- the fate of Taiwanese tanks has already be decided, otherwise “no comment” (SS: at least one will come as a premium) – developers did check the Taiwanese branch, but it didn’t work
- Soviet light tanks projects with combined armor and gun capable of launching missiles from the 60′s are too new to be implemented into the game
- it’s theoretically possible in a random battle for one team to have tier 10 tanks as top and the other tier 8 for example: if the battle takes too long to form (for example early morning, when there are very few players), MM basically disregards the rule that both teams should have their top 3 tanks of the same tier and other rules too
- for now, captured tanks won’t be implemented
- some of the “more odd” captured tanks (such as KV-2-88, KV-2-150, T-37-75) will be implemented
- Highway and Port colors too much off? “Don’t play Highway and Port”
yeah how does that work… that trolling is getting more and more annoying…
It’s not even a direct translation, the original answer was even more trollish :)
What was the original answer if you translate correctly?
Yeah, Serb is a dick.
exactly.. but if WT ground forces will be any good (doesnt seem like that now) I will make SerB happy, I will stop playing Highway, Port and… pretty much all the maps :D
I stopped playing WoT month ago :)
Why are you still here, then?
If the game change much (and Serb stop being a dick) I will play it again but… i think this won’t happen.
And BTW there is plenty other info about tanks generally… SS and the others do great job
We miss you terribly, I’m sure.
How terrible!
I love SerB’s trolling <3
And an idiot, encouraging players to exit the match, because they are on a disliked map… You can turn off assault, or encounter if for some reason you don’t like these mods, but can’t turn off specific maps. You can always exit the game, but I suppose that you really have to have a soviet mentality like Serb, tobe allowed to say something like that when you are an employee…. Why doesn’t WG have any standards? This is just silly.
Why *wouldn’t* SerB be allowed to say pretty well whatever the fuck he wants in a half-informal Q&A he does more or less as volunteer work? Your finding it unpalatable is very much NOT a reason for his superiors (ie. Kisly and the Board of Directors) to so much bat an eye.
This sounds… khm… oddly stupid… or stupidly odd…
Something is really wrong with new Port brightness. I have to reduce it manually each time I play that map.
i stopped “PAYING” for WoT. as it’s a free to play game with no features to premium users.
if i pay for a game i expect to “pwn” poor people, that how life should work.
lol, what’s your WN7? If it’s less than 800 then pwn premium doesn’t matter, you are just too stupid to play WoT.
Back to your Secret Volcano Island Base, John Galt.
Hi SS!
Could you explain the reason behind removing WoT-Tweaker from RU-forum (if u know it ofc)? What do devs dont like about it?
SerB thinks it’s useless, because he considers his machine pretty weak, yet he never had to use it. Which is something I agree with. Not sure why remove it from the forums tho, but it’s not illefal AFAIK.
It’s not useless…i for example use it every patch cause my PC eventough decent it has fps drops when i ran over the house on prokhorovka for example and when the destruction animation starts and all the dust particles are flying around it drops massively….i agree that there isn’t big of a difference with or without tweaker but little things like that means…
Easy, if you as a developer can find third-party applications that cast in doubt your work, you have two options, deny or delete them. And you can’t deny a community spread one. That’s happens a lot with modders that make better than original devs. As a near example you have Il2 Sturmovik Olegs game.
Except wot-tweaker is intrusive mod which modifies things not allowed to modify, no sane developers allow such. Have zero comparison to il-2 games.
As far as I was aware all it does is unpack some of the pkg files into your mods directory, then turns off effects within the mods directory. That’s how nearly all of the mods work.
funny thing is that during the closed testing for WoWp the developers themselves pointed us to use a variation of the WoT Tweaker tool specifically designed for WoWp to cut explosions and smoke effects
because those effects have a huge negative impact on the engine’s performance
and they still haven’t fixed it – they either have no fucking clue on how to fix it or they simply do not care
Until my gpu died, I used to play on a 7(? maybe older) year old pc – amd x2 5700+ (or whatever, I don’t remember now – 2 cores, 2,7ghz), 2gb ram, geforce 8600gts 256mb. I didn’t play on max settings, but hey – you can lower them, and that’s actually a smart thing to do.
What bothers me – what the hell you people run wot on? A freaking nokia 3310? A calculator? Or are you using some 5+ year old pc and try to run wot on max settings? Seriously? I don’t even.
if not mistaking overlord himself told us that WG has little to no experience on how to optimize WoT client, look at how incapable they are at delivering coherent multithread support
WoT’s performace did improved after 0.8.0
they’re using the same engine for WoWp, but with disastrous consequences
take note that BigWorld 2.0 is a 4 years old engine, you should expect it to run on architectures 4 years old
BigWorld is so freaking bad WarGaming chose a different engine for porting WoT to the XBox360
Yeah, optimalization is bad. But still, I was able to run wot on 7+ year old pc, 60-80 fps, without using tweaker. It wasn’t high-end even at the time I bought it, and yet was powerful enough to play wot comfortably (until my geforce died of old age).
BTW – earlier I had pentium 3, 500 mhz, 256mb ram and riva tnt2. When wolfenstein enemy territory came out, that pc was already outdated, but I still somehow managed to play it (and didn’t suck… Most of the time :D). My friend dropped by and when he saw how terrible my fps rate was, he asked “how the hell are you even able to score a frag with that kind of shitty pc?” Good old times, too bad I was so stupid back then :D
“multicore support? When it’s done it’s done”
Oh boy… that means 2015 at best.
No, that means WoT2 at best.
I thought it was already in the game – they said it several times! *trollface
Hello Silentstalker! What is your opinion about pan-european tech tree in WoT, is it possible?The hungarian military development had got several tanks in WWII, 3 TD, 3-4 medium, 2-3 light tanks, i think some tanks could be fit. Tas TD, better than 8.8 Jagdtiger, Tas medium almost equal with VK.36.01, 43M Turan > PZIV
Ah, come on. I don’t want to be rude to you as a fellow countryman, but it has been discussed like a MILLION TIMES.
YES, there will be a European tree, not sure when, but definitely after the Japanese tree.
YES, there will be Hungarian tanks. I’m 100% sure about that, even though there has been no official confirm. Tas will probably get into Tier 7, Tas TD is another story though.
Let me guess, Taiwanese tanks will be used to fill out the Chinese tree?
It doesn’t make any sense.
No, they will be a branch in the Chinese tree, if anywhere at all.
Taiwanese Tanks inside the Chinese branch?
You put STINKING CAPITALIST TAIWAINESE TANKS into a glorious communist china tree?
Dont think The Chinese Authoritys will be fine with that…..
It’s not the tanks that are “capital”. As a Chinese (from Mainland China), I don’t see big problems about Taiwanese tanks being implemented into the Chinese tree.
The Japanese tree will be the real problem for *some* Chinese players to accept though.
There was already a reply of WG collaborators in China few days ago.
They consider Taiwan as a rebel province of China and thus don’t see any problem to put Taiwanese tanks as a branch of the Chinese tree.
That… actually makes a weird kind of sense.
Though in *practice* it reads as rhetorical-gymnastic exercise in Bullshit(tm) to give Profit!!!! a politically kosher fig leaf…
I want the Rammtiger….NOW! I just wanna pull enemy tanks off cliffs and shit xD
Rammtiger vs TOG II*
Almost like a bloody Godzilla movie. ;)
“Players will begin to control the game development only if they buy enough Wargaming shares to control the company and join the Board of directors”
We should buy WG instead of purchasing gold from them, so we can give infinite gold for everyone!
Good plan.
OK, which stock is it registered on?
Count me in!
Good thing you dont have money.
If i have the money to buy WG, my first step would be to revert artys back to pre-8.6 status
*insert trollface here*
“Players will begin to control the game development only if they buy enough Wargaming shares to control the company and join the Board of directors”
This makes me imagine a Board of director in a meeting angrily standing up and yelling “Nerf those goddamn artys!”.
“- Q: “Will you make the game as cool as War Thunder”? A: “No, we don’t want to be so cool as to sell pwnage for money. It’s simply not profitable.””
I’ve been playing with War Thunder for a few weeks. There are many good ideas.
During the battle, you can repair your aircraft and reload ammunition at airfields or naval carriers.
These are the things that I miss from world of warplanes.
But the ingame economics – credits, XP – are much better in WOT and WOWp
Finally, I don’t want two games that are exactly the same and copies of eachoter.
Indeed Warthunder looks like a lot more effort went into it than what WG does. All the small details work out, even though it is more realistic and by extension sometimes punishing (how many head on attacks knocked by pilot unconscious the last weekend?) it is still more fun than WoT (dont play WoWp at all, because I know its WoT with planes) because you can equally obliterate your enemy the same way provided skill and luck, while WoT throws any kind of realism out the window for their accessibility instead of giving the players the detailed realism that would allow some skill to actually develop (as in flying a twin-engine aircraft with a single engine towards the airfield, Do217 shouldnt be capable of flying with one engine at all except for diving, still somehow managed to do that… odd)
I stopped playing WarThunder as soon as I found out that I could routinely, and safely land a plane whose tail was shot off, then sit around on the ground for the rest of the match. Like damn, evidently “realism” means that I’m an amazing real-life pilot, as I can, with relative ease, perform a near impossible feat, time and time again….
For now, I’m sticking to my tanks, love dat rolling armor, too much to leave :P
if you want realism in WoT SerB says join the army
if you want realism in WT, you can choose between Arcade (i wonder what arcade means then…) Historical or Full Real Battles.. or join the army, your choice
you wont land in HB with your tail of
but yeah, there are still many questions, I seriously doubt that gaijin will make that work but… I play WT and I play WoT because as you say.. tanks are tanks :D I tried closed beta WoW asd I had to vomit, it was… worse than shit
Have you tried playing with joystick at all in 3rd person?
- for now, captured tanks won’t be implemented
Bye bye German captured T-34 and KV-1.
Panzerjager 35R too.
88mm gun on a KV-2? seriously? why not give it no gun at all anyway? the 88mm gun is crap (dont think they meant the L/71 version) plus all the drawbacks of a KV-2 (slow turret, big target, slow…), wtf are you thinking?
If its premium, why not?
Any info (link) on KV-2-88?
G00gl3 1t, dumb4$$ :D
I did google it, nothing to be found, tho
It’s not exactly rocket surgery.
KV-2 with 88mm gun.
Hi SS,
I’m curious to know why it’s important that there will be no special server in Kazakhstan.
I guess he was sarcastic.
Rammtiger is actually based on the Tiger (P) hull.
Official name: Raumpanzer Tiger (P).
Without gun – useless.
Not if it goes 80 kph and rams everything, something along the lines of KV-5 but sacrificing the gun for better mobility and armor :) That would be fun!
I dont think it could get past 40.
Bitch was meant to fight HOUSES.
Which, unlike tanks, neither maneuver nor shoot big guns at you.
Somehow I’m reminded of that Victorian fetish of fitting ironclads with rams…
- Q: “Will you make the game as cool as War Thunder”? A: “No, we don’t want to be so cool as to sell pwnage for money. It’s simply not profitable.”
Wow thats a retarded answer. Type59 hmmm? gold consumables? gold shells? WG did that too in the first years of WoT, to gain profit, become financially stronger, then they eased down.
The same will probably happen with WT too. We dont sell pwnage for money. But you already did in the past. Duh fucking ignorants.
1.Type was a mistake.
2. Gold ammo is available for everyone.
3. Gold consumables are pretty much same as normal ones.
Your arguments are dumb.
You are dumb ignorant. Premium consumables for 20k silver could very well cost 2 milions of silver, they are too expensive to be used without paying real money for premium tanks or gold itself. Same with gold ammo, tanks earn not enought credits to be able to use such overpriced stuff.
Sheit nggiaz plz dnt do thiz . Deunt ergue plox
Free to play – feel free to play.
Without anyone buying premium tanks/acc, you would not be able to play for free.
And if you want to spam pretty valuable ammo, then you go buy something with real money and keep WG happy.
And not to spam too much – its pretty expensive too.
So shut the fuck up and think for a second what the fuck did you just said.
Its so annoying to explain economics for freebie pubbies….
I think u are very young and got money from your parents. In real life u would go to other side of street with your head down so keep your idiotic comments for yourself.
Not me whining about gold stuff, kiddo :)
Back to the Secret Volcano Base with you, John Galt the Kid.
1. Type was not a mistake
2. Gold Ammo was originally only available for gold
3. Gold Consumables too
4. Exactly what he was trying to get at originally everything in WoT were pay to win.
Your responses are dumb
1. Somehow its not for sale anymore.
2. So what? Things change.
3. Only fire extinguisher is somehow useful – others are for CW maybe. And so what? Things change.
4. Oh yeah, pay to win – have you seen army of red stats? Not even fuckload of gold ammo can save you if you are fucked :D
Another dumbass….
We dont want u here, go away.
I have avatar picture – I’m more superior :D
Don’t speak for everyone…
*I* don’t want *you* here, ian666 the Whiny Kid With Pretentious Nick. And I have seniority. >:(
I agree, the game, aside from the Type 59, was never really “Pay to win”, as gold ammo spam hinders, not helps players, gold consumables don’t help that much more than normal ones.
Pay to win means that I pay money to gain an advantage over other players, but if I can pen better, but that’s about it, I may do better, or I can still do shitty. The only pay to win element was the original Type 59, as it’s the polar opposite of a premium tank. It was vastly superior to it’s same tier counterparts, and at times, still is. I still find those tanks rolling teams. At least you can’t get a flood of them again, with them no longer for sale.
hook, line and sinker, but here we go (nothing better to do, anyway lol):
1. while i don’t have a type 59, general opinion seems to be that it’s a good tank on it’s tier, with no glaring weakness (which premiums usually have), that for some stupid reason has preferential MM and as a bonus makes a ton of credits. a good developer should have realized how broken the thing would be before it was even put on the store.
2. “Things change” is exactly the point of the original post. WG used to sell pwnage for real money, now they don’t (even tho people who pay have much easier access to it). WT could (and hopefully will) do the same. SerB is a trolling hypocrite. don’t defend him, it’ll only make you look bad.
3. agreed, sort of. they still offer an advantage, and i’d argue that prem fire extinguisher is the least “OP” of them. with quick rection you can mitigate the difference between prem and regular FE. however, no amount of practice will make you small repair kit fix 3 broken modules, or make the small first aid revive 2 dead crew members (both situations are common from HE/HESH hits). also, the proposed change to FE is stupid and will bring a bit of p2w back in the game.
4. agreed about the reds. but again, it does offer a huge advantage that is basically not viable for the vast majority of non-paying players. while prem ammo won’t automatically turn 1-armed, mentally challenged, 12-year-olds into unicums (no offense if you’re one), it can help boost the performance of an average player. watching streams of the so called super unicums i noticed 2 things: they fired prem ammo almost 100% of the time; they always played platooned with 2 other “unicums” who did the same. sort of made me lose the respect i had for them, considering i already had unicum stats while playing from brazil with high ping/lag, 0 platoons in 8000 batlles, and very, VERY few sprem shells fired (this was 2 or 3 months ago, before i started playing TERA lol).
stupid wg is trying to make money that is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!
they shuld pay me for playing 1500 gold monthly
Supertesters get gold for playing.
Type was nerferd hard and is no longer on sale.
Gold (ubersilver?) ammo/consumables… Anyone with at least two functioning brain cells can come up with a solution, how to grind credits without paying for premium account or premium tank. You just have to play more without using premium stuff on tier 5-6 moneymakers. Simple as that.
Still wondering what’s the logic behind giving other team 3 more top tiers instead of just 1.
Try to login at morning – maybe you will understand.
But I doubt that….
“- WoT Tweaker is not only not supported by WG, it has been actively removed from RU forums (SerB states that he has the same computer for WoT he had 4 years ago when he started working on WoT and he doesn’t need WoT Tweaker, he also suggests that if you want better computer, go get a part time job isntead of playing like he did when he didn’t have enough money)”
Haha go fuck yourself Serb. Since 0.8.6 I have terrible frame drops and I am not alone. Nothing helped and the support is a joke.
And we are still waiting for Mulicore support. This is just a joke in 2013.
Use CPU-Control – fake multicore for WoT but helped me with +10 FPS :)
I dont use wot tweaker to get any fps. I use it exclusively to remove smoke and fire from the barrel so I can see my traces better and aim better as a result. It’s one of the must have mods for me lol.
- the E-25 proves to be very popular on RU server to the point that players are afraid of Type59-style flood
I’m afraid that won’t happen on the Chinese server. 401536 Type 59′s practically rip the fun out of every low pen tier 6/7 vehicle.
What makes the E-25 so popular over there? Haven’t tested one, but it seems to have meh-tier gun and low armor. The ones I’ve seen so far on EU server die easily.
A fun vehicle with a high skill cap :P . What is not to like?
They f**ked up MM again , well they returned to MM from few patches before , before this 8.7 patch battles usually looked like this: tier 8 and 9 together or only 8 , or 7 and 8 , 9 and 10 and now its back to old tier 7 and 9 together or 8 and 10 almost every battle … dont like it especially if you play tier 8 in tier 10 battle which i usually end up
Before 8.7 Tier 8′s regularly saw Tier 10. Tier 7 regularly saw Tier 9. I don’t know what game you were playing but they didn’t fuck up the way that Tiers match up.
Sorry but they won’t change Tier spreads. I find no problem being down 2 tiers. I even have games where I am down two tiers and put out 1k damage.
If you don’t like it get a Tier 10 and be top tier every match.
I agree with the above comment, I’m hearing a lot of whine about the MM from certain members of my clan. That said, I have seen KV-1S’ get into Tier 10 battles recently at peak times, so there may be issues with the MM in this patch, but they are rare. Personally the ‘best’ MM screwup I have seen is the tier 10 arty balanced against heavies, decent scouts will win the game every time with decent arty, no scouts and you lose that advantage. It’s a double-edged sword, adapt and pwn…
it’s theoretically possible in a random battle for one team to have tier 10 tanks as top and the other tier 8 for example: if the battle takes too long to form (for example early morning, when there are very few players), MM basically disregards the rule that both teams should have their top 3 tanks of the same tier and other rules too
It isn’t just “theoretically possible”. It’s the norm on the North American server. It is not uncommon in prime time to have matches with 8 tier 10s vs 6 Tier 10s, with the “balancing out” being the team with more Tier 10s get Tier 8 scouts instead of Tier 8 heavies or mediums. Of course, pointing that out to a dev would get a “HURR DURR working as intended want realism join the army how terrible”, but really, when there is over 30k players in game and 90 eligible-tiered tanks for a match in the queue, I fail to see how a properly tuned algorithm cannot produce balanced teams.
There was a known issue with MM and the 8.6 patch, as arty wasn’t fully MM fixed. So teams could be unbalanced, this is supposed to be fixed with 8.7, hence why we had the 3rd session of the 8.7 test, to test a MM fix.
- Soviet light tanks projects with combined armor and gun capable of launching missiles from the 60′s are too new to be implemented into the game
shouldn’t there be “composite armor” ? (never heard about “combined armor” when the topic was about armor of an armored vehicle)
other than that, you are doing great job Silent
Probably just armor plates attached over main armors.
No, “kombinorovana bronya” is composite armor. It includes all kinds of composite armor, including multi-layered high-hardness steel as does term “composite armor”. Only those that never did serious research call only ceramics armor “composite”.
That’s called “appliqué armor”, Woras. Although during the War the Soviets called it “ekranami”, “screens”.
- SerB states that when it comes to rocket projectiles, they will have either a HE or HEAT warhead
Does that mean rocket launchers are planned for WOT? (ex: the Katuysha, Sherman Calliope)
- Q: “Will you make the game as cool as War Thunder”? A: “No, we don’t want to be so cool as to sell pwnage for money. It’s simply not profitable.”
hmm… let me think Mr. SeRb. I play WT and with rank 5 i can kill whatever rank i found on map with no problem. And i play literaly F2P. Now WoT? after i lost my premium acc (from nvidia), my accuracy went down by 25%, average dmg by 25% and winrate by 15%. Than most of people cant buy gold ammo (no premium tank to farm) so T69 with 173pen in tier X games? GL. So WHO sell pawnage for money?
“…after i lost my premium acc (from nvidia), my accuracy went down by 25%…”
Self confidence got lower? :D
i knew someone named woras will go witch charge saving WG reputation :D
no i play like i did before with same tanks … but for instance i never did more than 790 damage with T30 nonpremium but did 1k damage quite oft with premium
Save WG rep? Since when?
Im just extremely hostile to stupidity :)
T30 – well, thats….deep sea low, hm, I have 1.8k average with T-54.
Get your skills UP!
what is skill about +/-25% damage? You cant control “randomnes”. For penetration it is meh as 207mm pen is quite good. But if in 450+ (pemium) games you get nothing less than 700 damage from 155mm and after that for next nonpremium ~120 games you do even 570dmg 2x in row … you just cant justify this as free2play. pay 2 skipp, or pay 2 grind less maybe. But F2P? no way
do you have premium tank don`t you :D
KV-5 – lowest pen of tier 8 :D But a troll tank.
lololo stupid kiddos epic its epic :D
Im just extremely hostile to stupidity :)
Hearing this from someone that spams youtube with embarrassing Hitler videos is priceless.
I have no shame. Problim?
Plus they’re *funny*. That forgives man a lot in my books.
That’s a lie. If you were hostile to stupidity, you would’ve thrown yourself into traffic years ago.
It’s virtually the definition of stupidity that those guilty of it aren’t aware of it.
You confused alpha and DMB…
“Players will begin to control the game development only if they buy enough Wargaming shares to control the company and join the Board of directors”
hmmm… the moron thinks WG is a public traded company?
I expect he knows it specific financial structure a lot better than any of us. Hardly makes a difference for his point either way, now does it?
this last Thing with the MM happend to me a couple of times after 0.8.5 but I was playing then there were a lot of Players online, I conteacted the support and they told me this story (which I already had known) and after my request that I thought there have to be very few players online they said it could happen anytime -.-
I have no shame. Problim?
Phone posting ftw! That message was for Gino.
I heard a nice saying a while back – Repeating is the mother of intelligence. Maybe it’ll help him.
…of LEARNING. Which isn’t directly related to intelligence, as even quite simple invertebrates can be surprisingly good at it.
…not that I’d ever imply Gino and the like are on an intellectual level comparable to such, nosirree.
Indeed. My mistake, but as I said, it was a while back.
There’s good odds that I’m actually vastly more educated than yourselves. Fortunately, the internet is a place where I put my brain into R&R. And it’s not like I really need much combat your wits. I can fall asleep face down on the keyboard and post better and/or funnier thoughts.
In your case, it’s more like “on the internet nobody knows you’re a dog”, except you’re not a dog – you’re a steaming pile of shit.
FYI, Gino, “educated” does not equate either “smart” or “intelligent”. Not that you had empirically demonstrated any of the three anyway… :v
- Highway and Port colors too much off? “Don’t play Highway and Port”
oh wow, that’s fucking beautiful, just beautiful, look at that ignorance right there? oh, wg mods, you stupidity knows no limits
I know it’s getting old and overused, but: How terrible…
Completely OT: these “how terrible/want realism – join the army/etc” responses are funny, but are getting repetitive. SerB needs to come up with something new to keep us entertained.
And I would love to read his rant. Just thinking of SerB going “rant-mode: ON” makes me laugh. Too bad I can barely read russian (I don’t know much vocabulary, and I read really, really slow) and some funny things might get lost in the translation :(
- Q: “Will you make the game as cool as War Thunder”? A: “No, we don’t want to be so cool as to sell pwnage for money. It’s simply not profitable.”
That was really (and stupidly) funny. Do they even know what they are talking about? What pwnage for money? Additional slots for crew for gold? You begin with 3 of them, next 2 you can buy for regular currency. Only sixth and + are for gold. And you really have to be very bad/have really shitty luck to need more than 3-4 for one battle. In WoT IIRC you need to pay 300 gold for EVERY new slot.
What’s next? Ah, yes crew training for gold… Like WoT is any different. In WT crews at least remember how to operate a plane they flew few ranks earlier.
And premium currency itself. In WT everyone can actually win it from time to time, not only when there is some kind of of contest/competition on site, that requires you to put some effort and/or real world money giving you only the slight chance to actually win anything, but you can win it in normal in-game events. Ah, and there are premium plane giveaways.
Face it WG, you are lightyears behind WT when it comes to PR, fanbase treatment and premium currency economy.
Ah, yes, I forgot one thing: Amongst many, many different ammo loads in WT, not a single one is bought for premium currency. In WoT sometimes 2 out of 3 ammo types are premium shells.
qq moar!
You’re seeing things, mate. I’m just stating the facts. Had you tried WT, you’d know.
And prem shells can be bought for credits these days. I fail to see the problem, save the one at your end.
Oh, boy here we go… First of all there is a problem with premium shells for credits. They cost a crapton of them. In WT you just buy the ammo belt (which all are cheap) and that’s it. You only pay for resupply of the ordnance like bombs/torpedoes and rockets.
I don’t want to glorify WT and say that WoT is awful. I just see that WG is constatnly playing the card “WT isn’t play for free! It is pay to pwn!”. That is blatantly false and everyone can see it, if only he or she will actually try WT. But many people won’t give WT a chance, simply because WG is portraying it as ultimate “pwnage for money”. I just wanted to tell people how it really looks like.
And yet there always will be WG fanboys who will defend their beloved company, because it will always be 100% right. All hail WG!
I’m not interested in WT because I’m not interested in flight games in general so moot point – pretty sure the last one I played was the by now positively ancient Crimson Skies.
As for prem shell costs, so what? I don’t even run a prem account and can well afford the ones I use, so that argument rings terribly hollow.
That is why I’m not trying to say that WT is better. It is certainly harder to find yourself in than WoT because of addition of third dimension. But there are many players that play tanks and ARE interested in flight “sim” and WG policy aims clearly to discourage them from trying WT maybe not by telling lies, but by twisting the facts for their favour. It is cheap, it is unfair. WT is good enough games that it deserves to be noticed and tried out.
About premium shells – every seasoned WoT player can afford using few premium shells per battle, that is not my point. The difference is that in WT you can use such better quality ammo all the time, without running dry of money, paying only small sum of credits once, after unlocking that ammo load for exp. Difference is between paying small sum of money once and having the purchased goodie forever versus paying (comparatively) huge sum of money for every use of such goodie.
Constructive criticism is something good. Quality of WG services will continue to decrease if people won’t criticize them and/or praise them no matter what they do.
P.S. “positively ancient Crimson Skies”? My last combat flight sim, was Birds of Prey. No, not IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey from Gaijin. 1992 Birds of Prey from Argonaut Games/EA on IBM PC :D That’s positively glacial :)
Your retirement home has Internets, grandpa? :v
Anyways – I’m shocked, *shocked* to learn of an enterprise trying to belittle the product of a competitor! Scandalous! :O
And still not seeing how the difference in “premium” ammo purchasing systems is supposed to mean anything given that the end result is effectively the same…
Also if you’re going to throw out lines like “Quality of WG services will continue to decrease” I hope you’re prepared to try convincing the audience the implied premise actually holds water. Because as far as I’ve seen WG’s services and the thinking behind them have only developed in a *better* direction thus far.
I’ve never said I’ve played it in 1992 :). It was bought by my father and it spent quite some time just lying around, until I picked it up, when I have had a really shitty PC, and my Windows died, leaving me with only MS-DOS and retro games. It was 2001 I believe.
I’m not “*shocked* to learn of an enterprise trying to belittle the product of a competitor! Scandalous! :O”. Just I don’t like the way they do it – spreading lies and misconceptions. So I just wanted to play a role of WT advocate, knowing that there are probably people here, who, being interested in WWII era tanks, may be interested in planes from that period too. And WT really isn’t game that they’d want to miss, especially due to not true exaggerations.
About “decreasing quality”. Look at events and discounts year ago and now. Remember how US and USSR heavy line changes worked then? And now, how arty changed worked in 8.6? Or events/discounts – a year ago if there was a discount for a tank it was 50% discount, no matter the tier. Right now its 50% for tier 5 max, tier 6 and up only get 30% discount at best. Remember how there were events like +100% earnings on a PzIV? Right now what do we got? +30% on T5s and up? And a whooping +80% on Tier 2 or 3. x5 exp was a pretty standard bonus during events year ago, right now it is x3, and x5 are only for very very special occasions. Of the bonus codes, the invite ones often seems to be better than codes for already registered players. Even gift tanks – compare awesomness of the Tetrarch to the genreal ordinariness of the T6something.
I’m not saying that game quality decreased, that would be madness. Of course it increased. But hell, community treatment is going downhill, and that is what I mean by “decreasing quality”.
Considering the number of WT ads I see popping up all over that place, I daresay people interested in such things will give it a spin regardless of what either you or WG reps might say. ‘Sides, from what I recall SerB only comments on it because people keep asking him about it (and presumably was told by Powers That Be that making some kind of statement is called for) – whether he merely disagrees with some of the design choices or has an (easily enough imaginable) ulterior motive is really a little irrelevant, as it’s hardly a secret no amount of goodwill can make an impartial observer out of him.
And your criteria for “decreasing quality” seem a tad silly, not to mention rather self-serving. WG has clearly been experimenting with their overall policies and business concepts for a while -I like the current aggressively anti-P2W one- and developements in events nigh certainly primarily reflect feedback from Accounting.
I’m not aware that WT is advertising heavily , I do know that WoT is, as it slips through my AdBlock from time to tome. If yes, then OK, my point seems more moot, yet clearing some overstatements and misconceptions still seems like a right thing to do. And it really seems for me that WG policy used to be more user friendly. But maybe it is only me growing tired by WoT, after 2 years? RIght now I know that I’ll skip WoWP, as WT is clearly superior for me. WoWS on the other hand is something that I can’t wait for.
Your adblocker must be better than mine, ’cause I’m constantly running into WT ads. IIRC they’re even in those Mediafire popups these days.
There’d also be something wrong with their heads if they didn’t advertise their Open Beta six ways to Sunday just like WG used to… ;P
Personally I’ll likely skip both WT and WoWP unless social activities oblige otherwise, but WoWS I want to check out if only to see how exactly they intend to make it work – warships being horrendously complex pieces of machinery and by what I know of it naval combat a topic positively arcane in its intricacy.
Yeah, Warships. I don’t know if you know about game called NavyField? I really hope that WG product won’t be similar. Not that NavyField is bad, I just want something different, to be honest something more like WoT on the sea.
Tried it a bit, actually. Didn’t really like that much.
NavyField was just OK. A bit too outdated for my taste, ridiculously complicated controls and rather long and painful grind all the time. Very steep learning curve. Still, I fould it entertaining enought to play it for a few weeks. Never got past the destroyers.
the rammtiger wasnt bassed on the tiger chassis