Thanks to everyone, who participated in the historical battles today. If I recall correctly, next week there will be another round possibly. It was fun.
Unfortunately there are really no news for today (and I spent an hour just looking through everything). Summer’s always “emptier” than winter and autumn, holidays and all that.
was good to see you in battle…even if it was only 1…but at least I claimed your scalp :D
“Battle achievement awarded: Silent Hunter” ;)
I met Listy and SirFoch :)
I noticed that the germans have a generally easier time winning because of superior numbers. PzIII apcr has little trouble with Matilda armour. And the PzII… too slow to scout, gun which does nothing, meat shield?
I found as long as the brits defend the base and the tillys angle right the APCR is ineffective…had a 5 Matilda vs 14 German battle today and we won as the APCR was bouncing
So far 6 Matilda losses in a row.
From what I’ve seen, most Matilda players fail to understand the concept of keeping their frontal armour facing the enemy, dying in mere seconds to assaults of Panzers III.
Of course, even if they do, they stand no chance when outnumbered 3 to 1 by enemies with such vastly better mobility.
Well, me and my co-Matilda were the last ones standing after everybody else ran off and got shot one by one within minutes. Can’t do much against 8 enemies even if the Matilda is a fantastic tank. Finally got killed by PointyHairedJedi, which is ok since I like his youtube channel.
Pz4 have trouble even splashing with HE, mostly 0dmg…
The best way to dmg a matida with 75 mm HE is shooting the gun or the commanders hatch.
And pz 4D’s main tagets are Crusaders, that eat HE like there was no tomorrow.
First hit anything with that L/24…
If you are using the derp on the PZIV, then you better shoot the side of the Matilda if you wish to oneshot it.
Dammit, Totally forgot about it.
I played historical battles for almost all day long and I still haven’t met you, Jingles, Listy or Foch. Oh, well. At least I’ve won most of my battles, in contrary to what other people said. It is very hard to win with germans, but as long as you have some coordination with your team mates, or people who you queue up with, you can have some succes. I got 66% win rate in over 30 battles played with my Pz IV D. It was damn hard, but I did it.
I played five matches in my Crusader, and lost all of it, but I met SS in his StuG III B, so I got that goin’ for me which is nice
Was fun playing with you guys!
I wonder what HB would have looked like if they had started with the current one instead…
Much better maybe? And without empty queues? :D
I only saw SirFoch, no Jingles, Listy or SS :( Maybe next week?
I managed to get in a match with Jingles and we won as the germans:) It still took awhile to get into a match if you played as germans. Seems most wanna drive their Matildas.
I only drove my PzIII (10-12 matches) … even I have my little OP Matilda in the garage
It was a pleasure killing you. I mean that in the nicest way possible of course.
I wonder how long was your session SS? (from 15:00 GMT to ?? GMT)
BTW who is SirFoch? I met him, but no other [SS, Listy, Jingles] (but i wanted to claim your scalps tho. even if friendly fire ;) )
Google it?
And friendly fire is a no no in the so far underretarded, compared to randoms, enwiroment of HBs.
And i say under retarded as I saw some StuG TKing a pz 2 that was ina bush in the middle of the map.. And 10% Matildas ever tried angling, most tried running away showing ther backs.
I know TK-ing is punished in Brussels, i was just kidding!
BTW ty for the YTchannel link! Finally i found something new to watch. :)
played whit ss and jingles (to bad he always went rambo tho)
got some scaps of the ppl that killed ss and jingles tho ^^
SS, have you noticed recent “walking dead” bug? Many wrecks are moving… Extreme example here: