- Tier 8 premium German medium – Panther with L/71? Evilly: “You almost guessed right!”
- Leopard 1, AMX50B and FV4202 will get small buffs
- switching FV4202 for another tank? “Wait for the news around the end of the year”
- the “atmospheric Prokhorovka” mentioned as coming in 9.2 – Storm adds that the map will remain the same, but there will be more traces of combat (SS: wrecks, destroyed guns etc.) – in case you are wondering how it will look like, here’s a leak
- Storm confirms that small names of tanks on the minimap will come
- few new HD tanks coming in 9.2 – because plans changed, the models were simply not made on time
- regarding game performance – “no hopeful solution yet for now”
- KV-1S will be split in 9.3, despite the fact the split was announced like a year ago: “only now the possibility to do that appeared”, the changes were tied to its new HD model
- until now, the developers did work on a strategy “how to rebalance tanks in the future”
- Hellcat will be rebalanced in the same patch as KV-1S (9.3)
- the artillery barrage will be a stronkhold consumable apparently
- “no changes were said” about FV215b (120)
- the new lowlevel tank that will be an objective of a mission in summer will not be Te-Ke
- 183mm HESH rounds of the FV215b will not be removed
Any news what the KV-1S will be split into? Probably the KV-85 but what else…
Probably KV-122 at tier 7
KV-1S at tier 5, KV-85 (and KV-122) at tier 6 with nerfed mobility
Didn’t they say that it will be a Tier 6 and a Tier 7 split?
- KV-1S will definitely be split in 9.3 – into two vehicles: tier 6 and 7, everything is already prepared.
KV 122 would still be way better because the KV 85 would have the T34 85′s gun and the nerfed kv122 wouls still have the op canon
KV-152 please? >:D
Its called KV-2.
KV 152 was a KV1 with IS turret with 152mm gun so NOT
Oh god, that lack of vertical gun movement. I bet the tank itself had to go over slopes, to aim up/down.
It seems they will make sth like that:
• VII – KV-122 → current KV-1S with addidional HP pool
• VI – “KV-100″ → current KV-1S with removed 122mm and added 100mm from SU-100.
That way both tanks would be equal to Tiger I and VK3601.
So for Tier 6 the top gun will be the 100mm and that probably will be starter gun for Tier 7.
To what the fuck property they will be equal?
Kvass will have same DPM as Tiger?
Kvass will be as shit as VK36?
VK36 ain’t shit. It’ ain’t a go-to tank for TCs anymore, but it’s still very good at pubs.
VK3601 is a Tiger Jr. in Tier 6 and below.
So, shit, since it has no good gun (like, you know, the TIGER) and no good RoF (like, you know, the TIGER). Drives like a beached whale, but hey, it’s got 100hp….so you have to pay more repair costs.
In short, new VK3601H is pretty shit, compared to old VK or Tiger.
It has the gun the, you know, TIGER had in real life
It’s RoF with the Konish/Waffle/whatevernameithasnow is good enough to just stand there and kill the KV-1S 1v1 everybody seems to bi*ch about being OP
It’s armor is the classical german cube, at tier 6, which is a great opportunity for people to learn how to sidescape before they start derping around in the, you know, TIGER.
Not trying to start an argument here, just wanted to state that it had a gun that half of the world was pissing it’s pants because of.
What’s the point in KV-122 when we already have IS on T7 which is only slightly different?
KV-1S will be faster and IS will be better armored?
Is has pretty shit armor unless you have tier 5 and 6 opponents. Even turret armor can be penned by tier 5′s easy if aimed properly
If WG gives the KV-122 a better gun (which is possible), the KV-122 might become an interesting alternative.
A weakly armored, mobile and deadly KV-122 because there is a small chance of the KV-122 getting a gun which is similar to the BL-9 (IS-3 top gun).
Also, I hope WG will give the tier 6 vehicle a 100 mm gun at the least! Because it shouldn’t become a horrible tank. If they give it a D10 or something, it’ll be allright because it’ll have 140 damage per shot less. Reload should be better though.
KV-85 and KV-122 most likely. KV-1S is just faster and less armored version of KV-1 and should belong to tier 5, because it only has 76mm gun. KV-85 is KV-1S hull plus IS turret with 85mm gun. KV-122 is modified KV-1S hull plus IS-2 turret with 122m d-25t gun and less powerful, but more reliable 520hp engine.
If you guys don’t put a 240 damage, or good forbid u try an make a profit by giving it 260 damage gun, this Panther will be a failure. The die hards will buy it, but /w the release of ur OP Type 59/ 54 Rus Med.will just take Wargamings credibility to “Non Existance Status”.
Just a little reminder in case the you’ve talked ur selve into belive people will buy a 135/150 damage gun.
Plz, don’t do this.
If the E-25′s any indicator, some people will (the reason being its ridiculous ROF).
Almost guessed right?
What are they going to do?
Panther with the tier5 waffletoaster’s 88mm L71 flak?
This will be probaly cech autoloader
project ;D
That would be horrible. They are already buffing the T54 light. See the aim time, 2.3, Good Lord, common. Its a premium and its already got German Mechanics.
my guess is Panther mit KwK 43 L/56
8.8cm KwK 43 L/71.
pene 203
DMG 240
That would be the worst case scenario, which wouldn’t suprise me. WG sometimes does such horrible shit things. But maybe it will come out as the T-44/85 scenario: Gun buff.
I think it will be Ausf.F with L/71
I think that gun is a joke at Wargaming. Has to be…. Would any of you release a produccct like that, with that history, and think, “yea, this looks really good”………………
Actually that wouldn’t be too bad – it’d basically be a partly-upgraded Panther II, with the top gun and probably the stock engine.
Oh good old times when the Panther was Tier 8 and it’s top gun was 88mm L/71.
It looked much better than now with the L/100 broomstick
I still have the 3D model of it ^^
Waffletoaster XD (giggle !)
“Almost” being that they’re specifically looking at the plan to upgun an Ausf. F Panther to the 88mm L/71 as per Krupp’s proposal with Daimler-Benz’s design. They made it clear a few months ago
if they do that/ with the current Panther chassis, Which looks awesome Wargaming, I would buy that.
Has to be a 200/ 240, 2.3 aim time.
No Phukin way am I buy a german premium if the Russain version gets a better gun. Aim is crucial w/ the New Reticle Bloom parameters.
And what’s the difference to the P2?
gj with your translation, but dont try to be mr inch pincher like your leopard 1 fail and the wall of shame fail
I smell an EFE member here :D :D
Hall of Shame is a success as far as I can tell :) Also, do not annoy me with it anymore.
im no efe member and i dont wont to relativate anything they said.
I just think SS should not use this blog to bitch around, i like this factual topics here.
With such Bitching thing like the wall of shame the hunt for efe and the teambattle leopard fail article u flush your credibility away.
So annoyed that you had to ban me on Ritas stream? Srsly Silent what the hell is going on with you lately? Whats up with all the unicum hate? That was childish and totaly retarded. Could have asked me not to write it directly like a normal adult person and not being a douche.
I don’t know about SS’s unicum hate, but I know when it comes to me, I have no problem with unicums IF they aren’t: trolls, elitest bragers, racist insulters like EFE, or they think they are more important than others xD
So if you aren’t any of those, I have no problem with you :D :D
I presume that you didnt saw the post r2d2 relates to? Its normal to make mistakes, but instead of editing the post and cleaning the bad reputation he was acusing EJ of, he rather removes it like nothing had happened. Acusing of botting on WoWp for free exp? Like srsly Silent… Halls of shame is fine since nazi fucks deserve it, but such acusations towards EJ aka VirginSlayr without ANY proof is not cool.
My two cents. Now feel free to remove this too and ban me.
Poslal jsem ti PM na Twitchi. Za ten banán u Rity se omlouvám.
ENG: This topic is closed. Any further posts on this topic will be deleted.
“Guys, this is his personal blog, in here, he can even swear at WG employees’ families, so if you don’t like it, please, get the fuck off.”
Sehr gut warnung ja :D
and when I use Google to translate:
I sent you a PM on Twitch. For the banana at Rita sorry.
I dont know what is the banana context about ;-)
banán is kind of a CZ/SK sleng word for a ban aka BANán :)
Makes no sense in English ofc lol.
but u could show some balls and clarify your mistake, what u are doing is quite childish. U pillory this kind of things and do the same mistakes yourself. I want the old SS back. Dude u are losing readers
I don’t see it that way. I did let this thread go on in respect for Lonigus, whom I apologized already, but at this point, the topic is closed. If you have a problem with me and want to talk about something, feel free to drop a PM or an e-mail or anything, but I do NOT want all the posts spammed with this, for me the matter is closed.
Stronk English, comrade.
Waiting for all of those: “OMG, Leo1 rebalance, why they nerf Germans” whiners.
Haha, true, but it states Leo is getting a small buff ;) not nerf :D
Ohhh boy I cannot wait. I wonder what it’ll be. A DPM buff? Reticle bloom buff? Speed buff??? So many opportunities, I am excited. Unless it is an armor buff, that would be just stupid.
Oh, I am sure they will make some essential adjustments.
Something like:
- Radio module hit points increased by 20,
- hull remodelled – 1.5 cm shorter,
- turret made 5 kg lighter.
Anyone else want the second french heavy line without autoloaders?
Yes YES! I keep hearing that it has been ready for so long, yet they keep holding it. France probably is the least appreciated nation in WG eyes I guess.
If you think french tanks are the least appreciated tanks in the game then you probs have never tried british ;) Instead of auto loaders we get human rofl loaders.
(Rate Of Fire Lol A.K.A. rofl)
I’d like to draw attention to a comment made by Apex Predator in the RU stream QA
“Fuck what? Leopard 1 needs a rebalance, freaking nerf?! Fuck you WG. First the Tiger I then now Leopard 1. Leopard 1 doesn’t need a nerf in any shape or form, it’s by far inferior to a T-62A!! Why the need for nerfing it?! Fucking Belorussians, WG, kissing Putin’s balls and I thought gays aren’t permitted on Russia, but here we have WG!”
Seriously. This is a perfect example of why you wait till you have more information before making yourself looking like an idiot.
But if he waited, I wouldn’t be laughing my ass of from that comment you pasted :D :D
yep, classic :D
Well considering how the word “rebalance” together with german tanks usually meant nerfs in past i can’t blame him for his assumptions despite how stupid was to expect Leo1 nerf since it doesn’t overperform in any way.
As far as I am concerned, still an Idiot (yes with a capital I). Tiger I hasn’t even been nerfed yet, let alone had the previous numbers confirmed. And 2 they hardly even touched the Tiger I with the previously announced changes. There was nothing to cry about then, nothing now. The least people can do is WAIT until the changes are officially announced and try them on the test server. Then they can complain.
People were complaining about the Tiger I nerf because it was happening so soon after it was buffed (only a few major updates), which is something we call “yanking our chains.”
- until now, the developers did work on a strategy “how to rebalance tanks in the future”
SS,did you forgot to write the “not” or did you simply tried to highlight what they did ?
No, it is correct. Storm wrote that they did work in it until now (that’s why the nerfs and buffs were postponed, until they could be a part of a valid strategy)
Okay,thanks for the fast reply!
“Leopard 1, AMX50B and FV4202 will get small buffs”
Finally!!! about Damn time…..:
Leo1, could be getting a slight rof buff
AMX50B should be brought in line with the T57 Heavy
FV4202, the only tier X Med I have never seen in CWs, Should be replaced with Cent-don’trememberwhat X
But I recall SP buff being announced way back in December or January but nothing has come up till now so these changes would take place about a year from now
Well… Imho M48A1 Patton III is in more of a need for buff than Leo 1… Wonder if WG will rebalance that tank properly…
Useless view range – this tank gets spotted before spotting anything himself, despite having “best view range on its tier” IIRC
Weak armor – it’s penned easily and you can’t even go hull down due to that huge weakspot on it’s turret… Make it into M48A5 please… M48A1E1 is just… Well the turret is bad…
Slow speed – i know it’s historical, but it’s weak… Needs to be balanced in some way…
Accuracy – ugh really? It’s the least accurate Tier X Med… why is the gun less accurate than the one on Leo 1 and FV4202? IT’S THE SAME GUN!
Thing is, AFAIK they can’t buff it in any way other than gun accuracy, changing turret and/or more ROF… Or with soft stats… If they tried to buff armor, engine or anything like that, that’d be unhistorical :/
It’s a fun tank, but unfortunately it’s quite hard to master and unforgiving…
Here Here.
The M48 Patton in the REAL WORLD was a T54/5 and T62 KILLER!!!!
But for obvious patriotic reasons, WG decided that the T54 and T62 will own the Patton in this game. Same goes for the Centurion 7/1.
Hell, in Israeli hands, the M50/51 Super Sherman owned Centurions and Pattons and T-54′s as well.
Yes, Pattons, Centurions, and Super Sherman’s were also knocked out in combat, but that is the nature of the beast. Kill ratio’s were heavily in the Patton/Centurion’s favor.
Its just pointless to play nowadays.
Fixing the FV4202 is pretty easy if you ask me (ignoring the ahistorical armor and gun for now): Up the RoF. Beyond that it’s a solid tank.
I wonder when WG add the Japanese medium tank Type 89 I-Go and Type 98 Chi-Ho.
I-Go was IIRC a heavy line tank of tier 2
Huzzah, now my Cromwell will take its rightful place as the most OP tier 6 tank \o\
Hail to the Derpwell!
I bet “rebalance” on Hellcat means nothing good for the drivers.
I still state that Hellcat is only as OP as it’s driver is. Like many “OP” tanks excluding KV-1S which is so good that even reddest tomato can get Ace with it.
no its OP when a noob like me can play with it like a pro it seriously is a problem imo the Hellcat is more OP than a Kv1s not saying the Kv1s is not OP. Both are OP but hellcat is more OP
While any tank is “only as OP as its driver” the Hellcat, Tiger I, KV-1S and many more, are far easier to be OP with than others. That’s why they get rebalanced. It only is “nothing good” for those who want to statpad and have easy kills. IIRC the nerf they posted before and had to postpone was mostly to its mobility, so you couldn’t play it like a medium tank. It’ll still have its gun and its speed, so shoot and scoot will still work fine. It just won’t be so versatile anymore.
I like how they change tanks to be more uncomfortable to play and not less OP. Hellcat would still be OP with great camo, great gun and view range. It will just be more annoying to play with shittier mobility, but it sure won’t turn down padders from playing it.
This is what I was thinking as well. This nerf seems to be aimed more at decreasing the Hellcat server population than the actual power of the vehicle.
I must be most tomato driver ever because I have more than 150 matches, 56% victory rate and I have not got the ace badge yet ;(
interesting. How many guns will the KV-1S have to it’s arsenal, and how many are available to the KV-85, I will have to wait and see. Interesting nonetheless. I hope we get 100% crew for each.
New tier 8 German premium medium will be Panther with L/100. :/
I knew it. 1 week after I decided to buy myself a KV1-S they finally announce they’re going to nerf it.
in 3 months.
Don’t worry you can statpad all you want in those 3 months.
2 times prokhorovka, 9.2 is gonna suck.
At least my leopard is getting a buff.
Prokorovka is an awesome map.
At least we’ll have another map with higher chance to get it other than just Himmelsdorf and Ruinberg.
I agree, they should not change this map. I love it. I think this map is good for everyone, even for TDs and Arty this is a good map. I normally have good games when I play this map.
German T8 Premium with 88 L 71?
Pretty sure we will get the old Beta Panther.
Panther: check
88L71: check
worse than Panther2, normal T8: check
- Tier 8 premium German medium – Panther with L/71? Evilly: “You almost guessed right!”
Bet it’ll be the GT series Panther.
That would be great, much more interesting than L/71
Panther with the 105/L52? That would be nice :-)
i don’t get all of this nerfing..i don’t mind that kv-1s has 122mm and no i don’t own one..we need to have good tanks in one line like hellcat.it’s all because of whiners that whine all of the time.what is the point to play only to get tier x(good) tank..usless.
I agree, I have both, the hellcat and the kv1s, I do better in the Hellcat but still I have a 56% victory rate on the KV1S. They are good tanks but you need to be a great player to carry on a Tier 7 match on those.
It’s pretty obvious you’re new to this game, since you have the illusion that every tier X is considered “good”. Most of them are slight upgrades to tier X, and the only merit in getting one is to constantly be in the top of the MM list, meaning your actual skills reflect highly in tier X.
As for the nerf, how fun is it when a heavy tank with medium-like mobility with 8 degrees of depression starts hauling around 390 damage shells with 175 penetration, when there isn’t a single tier 6 tank that can reliably bounce that? I have the KV-1S myself and it’s clearly broken, and it NEEDS a nerf. It’s not even fair when I can one-shot anything that’s tier V and lower, outrun most of the heavies and even some mediums, AND still bounce shots, while shooting from hull-down positions that no other Soviet tank around its tier can take.
Hellcat? How fun is it being shot at by something you can never hope to see? AP pen for the gun isn’t that spectacular, but APCR on that thing is over 245mm of penetration. It’s able to pierce literally everything it sees from the front.
It doesn’t matter how the sealclubbers and statpadders think of their broken toys if their toys are breaking the game. Currently, tier VI’s match outcome depends (more or less) on how well the Hellcats and the KV-1S will perform.
Let me tell you: Hellcat/KV-1S whine is called for. Whining about their (much needed) nerf shows your ignorance.
Is draw distance and spotting range even on non-mod minimap?
Of course not. WG doesn’t even post in game what size the maps are.
- “no changes were said” about FV215b (120)
And here I am, looking forward to playing the Chieftan in it’s place before 2033…
Been grinding the Conqueror (not a bad thing) for that very reason myself. Guess I can take it slow…
Conqueror is an insanely good tank.
Maybe Premium Med will be panther with Schmalturm and that awesome looking 10.5mm he gun ^^
Be nice if they buffed the Panther M10 before bringing a new German premium Panther in; its worse than a fully stock Panther ffs.
Panther M10 has better bloom.
1.) It is not worse than a fully stock Panther
2.) It’s got special matchmaking to compensate for low pen
Drive it with a good crew and it is a nice mid- to long range damage dealer that can also brawl from time to time.
kv1s split to two tanks – does it mean a chance to get a free slot again? :p
“- Leopard 1, AMX50B and FV4202 will get small buffs”
I wonder how the Leo may be buffed. Its gun, top speed, and maneuverability are already top notch. The only thing lacking is the armor but WG has always maintained to keep armor historical “unless absolutely necessary”.
-Find it a new historical turret that has better armor
-Increase ROF to STB-1 level
-(Wishful thinking) Get rid of some of those frigging ammo racks, or increase their HP significantly
Accuracy on the move I guess, and maybe turret rotation speed.
I’ll believe the OP-1S nerf when I see it in game and not before.
- KV-1S will be split in 9.3, despite the fact the split was announced like a year ago: “only now the possibility to do that appeared”, the changes were tied to its new HD model
this sounds like a very weak excuse after the stug and pz4 split
Was the T8 Panther Ausf F with 88mm L/71 the one that was also supposed to get the turbine engine?
Didnt Serb say they were going to do a Premium Panther with turbine engine?
Tier 8 premium German medium – Panther with L/71? Evilly: “You almost guessed right!”
- Tier 8 premium German medium – Panther with L/71? Evilly: “You almost guessed right!”
I swear, if those sons of bitches give us a Panther with the 88 mm L/56…
Oh, I forgot this gem:
- KV-1S will be split in 9.3, despite the fact the split was announced like a year ago: “only now the possibility to do that appeared”, the changes were tied to its new HD model
*slow claps* Really nice, WG, first you delayed it to 8.11, then to 9.2, and now you delay it again to 9.3. If you don’t want it nerfed, then just do us all a favor and knock it off with the attempts at bullshitting us. Nobody’s buying it.
Even if T8 premium Panther has the 88mm L/56 I’ll take it. At least it will do 240 alpha damage and not 135.
Yeah but with such ridiculously low pen it won’t stand a chance against tier 10s (okay, maybe it might, but it’s slow by medium standards so flanking a tier 10 with it would be a situational tactic at best). If it gets that gun it would need preferential matchmaking (and ridiculous DPM to make up for the underwhelming penetration).
Leopard is borderline OP already, at least in my good hands. If it will get dispersion on the move buff I will play only this tank from now.