Storm is writing from his vacation, so there is some new info today :)
- 90 percent of all feedback on El-Halluf rework was apparently positive
- Storm confirms Malinovka will be reworked
- 9.3 test will come soon
- supertest of 9.3 will start on 28.8. (this Thursday)
- Havok: “when it’s done”, it’s apparently almost ready, but there is a lot of content to rework to make it work properly under Havok (its ETA is close to medium future)
- it is not sure whether the premium Panther will have limited MM, as the vehicle was not yet created, it should however come around New Year, unless the outsourced modellers screw it up
- FV4202 premium tier 8 for free? “We will decide closer to New Year”
- new LT’s in 9.3 will come in HD quality
- there will be further development of the Stronghold mode
- SerB like the Panther a lot when he played it
- there will be tank descriptions on minimap in the future
- Storm does not apparently consider “corridors” on maps a problem (“It’s not a problem. It’s variety. And an advantage for certain classes of vehicles.”)
- Storm on map corridors: “Earlier it was not considered a problem. There were maps with corridors and there were maps without corridors. Together, it made for normal variety. Why did lately everyone start to take interest in it? Because El Halluf and Severogorsk got reworked?”
- Storm will meet and discuss the “corridor issue” with the chief of map departments, one he (the chief) returns from vacation
- Storm states that it was cool that WG banned 8000 botters (most used a bot program called “Cyber tank”). He does not know however why WG doesn’t sue the bot makers like Blizzard did
- Storm on bots: “If bots start to play better than players, I think it will be possible to play with them together.”
- developers haven’t thought about marking players with disabled chat in battle
- there will be no “premium account freeze” button, it is unprofitable for WG, this was decided long ago
- new motion physics will come in close to medium future, developers already found a way how to make it correctly
- new camo system and reworked landscape to HD will come in medium future
- first premium tanks to be reworked to HD will by Type 59 and Jagdtiger 88
- developers decided not to change the damage model of hatches (SS: as in, earlier there was some idea that hatches hits should cause less damage as the shell doesn’t penetrate the tank directly, or to turn them into spaced armor), it would be counterintuitive for players
- 25 percent RNG does not have a linear distribution, it’s considered sufficient and won’t be reduced
- it’s unlikely that Type 59 armor will be changed when the vehicle gets reworked into HD
- it’s unlikely that any premiums will have their HD model armor changed, because they are premiums
- some maps that people were satisfied with got reworked because their stats were not very good – base winrates differed too much
- for now, it’s difficult to say how the new LT’s will play in the game, Storm hopes they will not become simply nimble medium tanks with nerfed hitpoints
- no major buffs are planned for premium tanks, but some of them will be buffed a little
- RU251 will be the fastest and more agile light tank of all the new 9.3 light tanks
- apparently, hightier light tank income will not be buffed since developers also have to consider that such a change would cause more gold ammunition use
- T34 premium tank apparently will not be rebalanced
- a lots of bad players getting drawn into the game by bonus events destroying the game? “Those people live around you” – Storm is not bothered by them: “dumb but sincere and good people I like much more than smart but evil”
- Storm confirms that Kharkov and Windstorm both have 7-8 percent lower FPS than other maps
- developers haven’t thought about tying the gold-per-money course to Euro
- Stalingrad will have the same type of gameplay as Kharkov (SS: a “labyrinth”)
- developers are not working with mod makers when it comes to UI development
- FV304 nerf is planned
- developers do not want to make more turrets on tier 10 vehicles (SS: as in, Maus II turret for Maus is not planned)
- there is not much info on top tier Soviet and Chinese mediums turret armor, it’s not sure whether their turret armor will be changed (the way T-54 was in HD) when they get reworked to HD
- T-34/100 as tier 7 premium? “No guarantees”
- Panzer IV Schmalturm will not get its side armor screens as spaced armor: “we decided not to do it, because the plates are huge and they will generate tons of 0 damage hits, when the shell hits the plate, but passes beyond the main tank armor” – later Storm adds they will think about it more
- Storm will not participate in the “developer car trip”
- Slava Makarov (one of the original WoT producers) moved on to work on new upcoming WG projects
- introduction of new LT’s is connected with the need to improve the LT class as a whole
- more “atmosphere” will be added to maps to make them look like battlefield, but slowly – as it turned out, it’s actually quite expensive to produce
- the split of engine module to separate transmission and engine modules is already being worked on and will be done soon
- IS-3 in HD will come in 9.4
- IS-6 will definitely not be buffed, it’s doing fine statistically
- Object 907 will apparently be worse than regular tier 10 tanks, just like a premium
- regarding the alleged incorrect armor of the 113 tank (SS: something about side spaced armor and mudguards), Chinese sources confirmed that it’s correct the way it is in the game
- 9.3 will bring more punishments for AFKers, leavers and suiciders (developers are however aware that arty players don’t move much and sometimes do no damage even if they try)
- if you commit suicide even against unwinnable odds, you will be punished
- there is no plan to award top 3 tanks of the team with bonuses, because there are cases when the entire team sucks (even top 3 get very little XP) and developers don’t want to reward that. A threshold of minimum XP is also not a solution, because people will complain that they got for example “required XP-1″ and didn’t get a reward
- the XP reward system wasn’t changed for a very long time
- Garage battles will not anytime soon (not in 9.4, 9.5 or 9.6), the previous info that a hightier mode for solo players will come soon was wrong info
- FCM 50t will not be buffed
- M6A2E1 “Alien” will be reworked to HD soon and its armor will be fixed. It will also recieve a buff.
- experience for “tanking” (soaking up damage with armor) will come in 9.3, only XP (no extra credits)
- no plans to introduce more Chinese medium/heavy regular tanks
- no plans to buff HE shells
- IS-7 will also not be buffed in armor
- roaming will be introduced at some point
- VK4502B with rear turret will definitely be switched for Maus prototype
- there are not enough tanks to create two separate British branches (TD and MT), hence they got merged into one (the Firefly one)
- apart from 9.3 LT’s and the Firefly line, no more regular tanks will come this year, only a few premiums
- new motion physics will not come in 9.3
- Jagdtiger will not be reworked to HD along with JT88
i miss these posts so much
the nice long ones
So is the “free” FV42 confirmed or not ? other day it is 100% certain and now they are thinking again.
Most likely they let us think that it will be free then at the christmas they say “You got sh*t for christmas, no free prem tank for you EU capitalists!”
They want to remain vague about that to stop everyone powergrinding the British mediums if they announce a definitive answer too early.
It’s already happening anyway, but a definitive answer will make it worse.
That and the whole, “It’s not for a while”, they could change their mind, and there’d be a massive backlash from the community, as they take info like this a definitive.
Haha, too late WG. I’m already power grinding the Brit Med line and at 10k xp from FV4202! :D
DAMN brah, you could have split this one in three and spread it out over a few hours. If you just give em a lil taste, it keeps the junkies coming back.
You cant always have a nice thing everyday, Either way im glad Silent always update and more info on this blog
- SerB like the Panther a lot when he played it
remind me this 8-bits tale =]]]
447 DPB ;)
I am better then SerB???? WTF?
I like this version of the site.
Dammm a lot of stuff :3
Oh please let them give me the FV4202 as a Tier 8 premium. Even a crappy one!
Not enough British tanks for a medium and TD line? I see Storm has been smoking some of the strange Mogolian herbs again… You only need to look at the forum thread of the Brit tank aficionados and get all the info you need.
He may not love ‘smart and evil’ but I don’t like ‘arrogant and stupid’, like him. If you intend to bullshit someone, do it right.If he said it’s not profitable enough to work on both lines, and the Firefly is the only reason you did it anyway, I’d not like it, but at least it’d be true.
He is right though. The Firefly medium branch has very little for high tiers.
No, he’s not. The turreted TD line could easily go from Tier 2 to Tier 10.
The Lend Lease line, yes, that should rejoin the Comet at Tier 7, but the British absolutely have enough for at least another 2 TD lines…and have some left over for premuims.
A second British full medium one is oh so close to being possible, there’s just a tier 7-8 gap that needs filled to join two bits up, something I’m certain could be found very soon with a little digging.
Oh, don’t worry. Then they can make a new WG work of Fiction, like the WTF E-100 and FV 183 :D
The FV183 did exist as a concept. It’s not a fantasy like the WT E-100.
It’s the Heavy tank version of the FV215b that didn’t exist. FV183 was definitely a thing. (Albeit only a mockup made)
183 is 100% real. The FV have heavy is the fictional tank.
how about the fv scout series hmm?
Well if they had 2 options to replace fv4202 (vickers MBT and active X centurion) then there is clearly a spare tier 10 (even if it should really be 9) med going about. And there are many many low tier tds which could have filled a pure line. I mean are we really going to have no Archer until like 2018 or something?
They could easily use commonwealth tanks as well (Israel/India/S.Africa all have high tier possibilities), though of course how many centurion variants do you want I guess.
Israel isn’t part of the Commonwealth. It was Palestine that was part of it. The UK handed over power the local Palestinian government, then 3 years later Israel was established. So no, it wouldn’t be considered part of the Commonwealth.
sowill the lttb actually be pretty mobile because of its amazing pw/wt ratio or will the ground resistance ruin it????
Currently it’s got low ground resistance (0.7/0.9 something I think) which would make it very mobile indeed.
no it has a 0.863/0.959/1.534
For comparison: T71 has 0.7/0.8/1.5 and 23.58 HP/t
WZ-131 has 0.6/0.7/1.4 and 24 HP/t
So IMO it won’t be as special in this regard as looking just at its power/weight ratio would suggest.
It’s more a case of me looking at the T-62A’s 0.7 resistance on regular ground and how mobile it is with only 15 hp/ton.
112 and 113 are modeled (visually) as if they have the IS-3 style hull sides – that is, paper non-armor stowage boxes that WG considers spaced armor, which should give them stupidly good sidescraping performance. You can see the slant of the side armor from the front. But the damage model is just flat sides. WZ-111 (both the regular and the premium) appears to have it modeled correctly.
I myself find it hard to believe that the front of some stowage boxes was equally armored as the front of the tank.
And it’s not like the 113 doesn’t need a buff…
Even SS did not understand that when I took it to him :( …
You are 100% correct though!
Also, its side should be DIAMOND shaped. That is how it is f*cking modeled. Its CORRECT on WZ -111… but they fucked it up on 113.
Well, maybe the visual model is just incorrect. The 113 was, after all, not a production tank and was a much much further removed departure from the Soviet IS tanks that the WZ 111 Model 1-4 was based on.
im enuff gud nou baff niidid
SHUT UP AND TAKE THE BUFF (im with you m8)
you seem to be….special… :D
>> – FV4202 premium tier 8 for free? “We will decide closer to New Year”
I guess this makes the previous ‘confirmation’ invalid?
yea, most ppl started grindin 4202 and will not make it prem ;)
yea, fuck this. i read serval times that its confirmed ….
while its unlocked since a year now i bought it and leave it without crew in garage. at last i hope the replacement is good …
I, however, believe that storm is releasing smoke bombs….. he said that WG will decide around new year so that less people will be encouraged to grind the line. That way less free fv4202s will be given.
Just my thoughts, don’t bash on me lol
Of course that’s the idea, misinformation. Too many people will grind it if they know for sure it will be given for free. I’m 99% sure it’s gonna be given for free, if I could place a bet on this for money, I would.
Here’s another idea: They announced that it will become premium. people start grinding it and fast to be sure. They pay for premium accounts and whatever. Then they say they haven’t decided yet. More people start grinding it, just in case. More premium accounts. Then they announce that it won’t be a premium tank after all. So, they get the money from premium accounts and all those players that had been online to break records on the server while giving nothing back except a “Haha! Screw you!” and a middle finger.
They said many times before there will never be anything like T34 conversion to premium again with giving tier 8 premium for free. So I’m 100% sure they wont give away premium fv4202 for free.
In best case scenario they will give players some ridiculous mission like earn 500K xp in fv4202 in a month or something like that to get it as premium for “free”.
and i would be perfectly O.K with that… I love my fv4202, and one particular reason is that it is so rare..somewhat unique..
I don’t wanna see bunch of t8 fv4202 prems (like type59 zergs) in battles in the future…
wow finaly seperate transmission and engine
and Maus swith for Vk does it mean Vk will be completely removed ?
If they nerfed the aus.B to historical levels it would actually make a good tier 8 premium – just sayin’ ;p
I wouldn’t mind a free tier VIII german premium heavy. :P Im grinding for it right now.
hallelujah, no more “haha german tank, lets shoot it in the lower glacis and see if my russian lasergun accuracy hits it and sets him on fire”
- Storm does not apparently consider “corridors” on maps a problem (“It’s not a problem. It’s variety. And an advantage for certain classes of vehicles.”)
- Storm on map corridors: “Earlier it was not considered a problem. There were maps with corridors and there were maps without corridors. Together, it made for normal variety. Why did lately everyone start to take interest in it? Because El Halluf and Severogorsk got reworked?”
Interest is peaked because of massive increase in corridor maps and less “open” maps (I include flanking routes as “open” here).
Yes. It gives an advantage to one class of tank.
One, singular class. And invalidates tanks with low armour that rely on range or camo from performing as well.
- introduction of new LT’s is connected with the need to improve the LT class as a whole
Heavy tanks can snipe or move in close on open maps. Scouts can’t brawl with +2 tier+ Heavies in corridors.
They want to make lights more viable? Stop changing the damn maps to invalidate their roll then!
agreed. lately I am unsure if Storm is just that completely unaware of how things work in the game, or if he’s trolling less obviously than SerB.
“he hopes LTs won’t be relegated to gimped mediums”
what other choice do they have when they have deforested every single map, and/or put up funnels/channels to hide advancing flanks
severgorsk is now the worst map in the game. funnel all of the heavies into east/west funnel/brawl pits where arty can pre-aim, and let the central mosh pit be a place where eggshells strive to be relevant.
a light tank that lights only for the purpose of getting lucky arty rounds in on targets as they flit through an intersection is not one that’s going to get very much damage upon detection, so they are FORCED to play hard-mode-medium – or they are forced to simply avoid puggy play and be over powered at their own tier in skirmish battles.
well in severogorsk in the first 3-4 minutes im enjoying the view, if i spawn to the southern base i go fishing and do such stuff…after a couple of minutes i can start rushing mid, or helping the eastern corridor (thats a somewhat zigzaggy corridor, so i feel a bit worthy with my wz132 there…sometimes i can even backshoot dumb heavies or tds) aaaaand thats all..nice strategy for severogorsk…it works in 10% of the times…
i agree i am neither a good LTer nor a good scout, but hell…new severogorsk is bad for LTs…. that one is for sure
Split engine and gearbox modules? Took them long enough…
Also: “Will the IS-6 get a buff” Really?
It will be pretty much a buff for german tanks :P
“- Storm on map corridors: “Earlier it was not considered a problem. There were maps with corridors and there were maps without corridors. Together, it made for normal variety. Why did lately everyone start to take interest in it? Because El Halluf and Severogorsk got reworked?”
- Storm will meet and discuss the “corridor issue” with the chief of map departments, one he (the chief) returns from vacation”
What maps with 3, almost completely separate were before, Storm?!?
“Variety” my foot! Support (long range) class is almost completely useless on the recent map changes, brawling for everybody!
- FV4202 premium tier 8 for free? “We will decide closer to New Year”
…..aaand the about-face has already begun. C’mon people… don’t waste your gold converting gobs of exp for a tank you “may or may not” get for free. This is all a money-grab gimmick to give people false hopes that it might be free or might not. Think about all the gold people may be buying up converting exp to blow past crap tanks of that line just so they “might” get a free tier 8 premie.
If you already own one, it doesn’t matter either way – if you’re grinding for one, do it at your normal pace “just in case” WG pulls the rug out from under you and says “Well, we never promised it would be free – you spent money on gold on your own accord on a ‘rumor’ and that has nothing to do with us.”
“to blow past crap tanks” ? like what? Its one of the best lines in the game, when it comes to consistency of quality of the tanks in it.
Most brit tree tankers already have the FV4202 unlocked, they just stopped with the cent 7/1.
I’m at a funny position right now though, IS-7 and the 202 unlocked, only enough creds for one. chance at getting both a prem and the action X, or just the action X? If it’s better than the cent 7/1 it’s really not much of a loss.
Nice post btw, SS.
Anyway, wut? they’re replacing the VK4502B? I thought people liked that thing, despite the hate most people give rear mounted guns.
Well, that was until I met one in my cent the other day. It was an intresting fight, I was hulldown and probably below his gun depression, he was sidescraping like a boss. Every shot I fired went through his side what I’m pretty sure should have been autobounce angles.
The tanks past the crusader (and some people like that tank too) are all good to awesome. The Cent 1 looks to have a brutal stock grind, and the Cent 7/1 is just plain module marathon- almost 150k for tracks, guns and turret alone. The 20 pdr guns look okay for tier 9, so it looks more like a long grind than really awful.But I haven’t done it yet, and maybe this is wishful thinking.
So its more people converting free xp to avoid stock tanks, not bad tanks.’ Whether I get the free premmie or not, at least I have a goal now – something missing since I got my Leo 1 and T57 Heavy.
OTOH, remember a premium tank is usually about US$50. Spending fifty bucks in gold to convert free xp for maybe getting a free premium doesn’t make much sense.
Having been grinding the Centurion line (just got L7A1) I can confirm that it can feel like a long grind, but it is relatively painless.
On Cent 1 the 17pdr is at or above what you would expect for a stock gun on a tier 8 medium (yeah I have BP so didn’t need to grind it) but I don’t recall it being too expensive xp-wise.
225/226mm on the 20pdrs is really nice. Took me about 50-60 battles with the B-barrel to notice that I hadn’t loaded any prem rounds after the gun upgrade (on cent 7) because the AP pen is really pretty good.
“the crusader (and some people like that tank too)”
Wait, you mean there are people who DON’T like Crusader?!
- a lots of bad players getting drawn into the game by bonus events destroying the game? “Those people live around you” –
One of the things that scares me every day.
These people drive, and vote.
Not so worried about the <2k games newbie, but the 12k+ tomatoes that haven't yet learnt a thing about tactics, target priotisation, reading the mini-map…
Votes are rigged anyway but yes, they do drive! And more they may even regulate traffic (police)! That explains the accidents…
- Object 907 will apparently be worse than regular tier 10 tanks, just like a premium
I dont think so. 1 and half year ago, when Vietnam sever still operate by VTC, my friend in VietNam Support team tried obj 907 in support account (like press account but can play in public) and he said 907 have better armour than T62A (thank to design of turret and front hull), only worse gun stat but not so much. 907 have better mobillity than T62a (like curent 140). It can be T-54 in steroid in tier 10
i thought it had something like 220 pen, or am i mistaken?
Yes, I forgot this bcs he use full of gold shell and consum for testing,normal ammo is AP, but gold ammo it HEAT with 340mm pen so that not a big problem (like T-54)
In CW where you usually fire gold rounds, regular penetration doesn’t matter that much.
Nice, must intoduce it to my vk7201k :D
- VK4502B with rear turret will definitely be switched for Maus prototype
Are u sure there was no “no” in his answer?
I wonder also… vk4502b is pretty good tank, it looks badass, and its great sidescraper.
Anyway… what kind of “maus prototype” do they mean ? Maus itself was a prototype, wan’t it ?
There were VK 100 and VK 120 predecessors to the Maus that was built
googled vk100.01 ..looks like mix of tiger2 and e100
pitty, I liked 4502b
Didn’t have to google it, it’s in FTR’s history tab
This was known since last year. Where have you been?
Erm… no? Everything was speculation and rumors. It still is unless we get that on WG’s front page.
Another premium Panther?
What, the Panther/M10′s not enough? It’s a premium Panther…
Why are Germans still getting premium tanks when other routes are sorely lacking? US still doesn’t have a tier 6/7 premium medium or a premium TD at all. Other routes are in even worse shape when it comes to premium tanks.
Why are Germans getting even more?
“(“It’s not a problem. It’s variety. And an advantage for certain classes of vehicles.”)”
That’s the exact opposite of variety…
Is a reward tank and unavailable for purchase.
It will be available for purchase soon.
and nobodys gonna buy it because its even more crap than bloody Panther M10
So will this Panther apparently.
The US prem TD will be available Soon™ too.
The M36 GMC will get the Ford GAA Soon™…
P/M10 is fun to play although the 7.5/L70 is a bit underperforming… pen is okayish for medium but the damage is low. it doesnt earn as much credits as one would expect…
sure you can get ~50k in a very good game without prem.
but you can get 80-90k in such game with my Superpershing. Just the +100 dmg can make such a difference.
Anyway.. there are people buying tier 5-6-7 premium tanks ? Why ? Regular t5-6-7 makes almost the same amount of money.
How would a premium Panther differ in any way? It’d still have the same gun. Same armor. Same mobility…
Obviously people are buying them if they’re spending the resources on a premium Panther.
- developers started to look into the Maus line. There is a vague idea of upgrading the Maus, possibly with another turret (SS: “Maus II” turret is historical) with deadlier weaponry. The problem with this approach is that Maus would become a “grind” tank, which is not exactly good. Shifting Maus to tier 9 or splitting it into Maus and Maus II are not an option. There is no ETA on this, nor is it sure that it will move past concept work.
- developers do not want to make more turrets on tier 10 vehicles (SS: as in, Maus II turret for Maus is not planned)
- VK4502B with rear turret will definitely be switched for Maus prototype
So, the insider info were wrong
Well, there is more than one developer… plus, if they really thought about that, do you think they’d confirm it just so?
Maus Prototype could be the VK100.01 so they arent wrong
VK4502B definitely switched to something else, im sure its VK-100.01 Mammuth and what Silent reffering Maus Prototype is VK100.01 and Maus Prototype and Maus II is different tanks/design..
“- regarding the alleged incorrect armor of the 113 tank (SS: something about side spaced armor and mudguards), Chinese sources confirmed that it’s correct the way it is in the game”
Do those retards have eyes dammit? Damn… either they did not understand the question or are absolute morons…
is the MAUS proto officially confirmed???
It was confirmed last year, when the hot topic was alternative hulls and the VK 45.02 merger(all of which aren’t coming until next year)
And neither the year after that.
“- Jagdtiger will not be reworked to HD along with JT88″
Yeah, I don’t get it either. It’s not like there are many differences between the two, except for the obvious guns…
Plus, there are several other odd statements. Why the fuck is the FV4202-thing something that is not definite again? Why is Roaming a theme again, didn#t they just scrap it already? Also, didn’t Storm insist on Kharkov/Windstorm not having framerate issues? Gawd, these guys can’t get their shit sorted out…
they also said “there are no bots in WOT” and now they are proud to ban 8000 of them :D
reading QA is more like reading horoscope or weather forecast.
“XYZ will definitely happen/come/change, unless it won’t”
“Storm hopes they will not become simply nimble medium tanks with nerfed hitpoints”
That’s exactly what they’ll be. Lol.. Especially the ones that’re armored like mediums.
“- more “atmosphere” will be added to maps to make them look like battlefield, but slowly – as it turned out, it’s actually quite expensive to produce”
Can’t spend money improving the game, but can sponsor car trips across Europe, buy a Humvee, sponsor tank restorations…
But making the game better is expensive.
maybe they meant “time-expensive” like everything they do takes them forever.
- Storm confirms Malinovka will be reworked
Misread it to “will be removed” so close…
- FV304 nerf is planned
i bet Bert will be nerfed maybe in patch 10.x
Didn’t they already nerf FV304? I felt some light accuracy, shell speed and pen nerf, but I’m not sure…
Nope, they did not touch Bert yet.
Bert drivers are still perma tracking tanks who’s drivers are too stupid to move after using a repair kit to fix their tracks. The morons just sit there until the Bert driver tracks them again and keeps them tracked until destroyed.
“- experience for “tanking” (soaking up damage with armor) will come in 9.3, only XP (no extra credits)”
In 9.3? That’s faster than my expectation. To congratulate I will drive all of my KV line tanks and try soaking as much damage as possible.
Meanwhile I’m also ready to start the new light USA line. I hope they’ll also buff the WZ line, though.
Tanked 4,1k dmg lately with my KV-220, some tomato KV-1S was alwas shooting my hull while extremely angled (as if he never shot at a KV-1 stock turret – this thing is useless against above 80mm pen guns literally, unlike the hull)
Ha, today I aced the tank, even though we lost I made 1,9k EXP :D
That’s nice, mine hasn’t reached ace yet. It produces awesome WR (best for all of my tanks with >50 games), but the ace threshold is quite high and I still haven’t found a late game carry which involves late game enemy survivors who has no idea that the whole turret of KV-220 minus mantlet is a weakspot. Well, maybe later…
I am more curious to use thing such as ST-I, though. About time for WG to reward games where the potential damage on one tank alone is equal to HP of the damage of the entire enemy team.
p.s Funnily when I was looking around the second best WR tank in my >50 games is tier 4 chi-he, I have no idea why I am enjoying Japanese tanks this much, even that lolsobigsopaper Chi-Ri.
There were maps with corridors and there were maps without corridors.
Yeah… only we are kinda lacking maps without corridors atm. brawling with T71 against E75 ftw
- if you commit suicide even against unwinnable odds, you will be punished
ye, like i care if i get 20k credits or zero. i will still rather suicide and earn nothing than letting the faggots in the enemy earn more.
You win 1 ( one ) Internet.
Stupid thinking… maybe you get one shot off into the enemy searching for you… still xp/credits to win :)
EDIT: And what does killing yourself even accomplish? so they get less xp?
wow… you have problems… >_>
He’s just a typical moron playing this game with the mentality of a sheep.
I’d rather shotgun an opfor player than suicide.
donno, maybe not wasting 30sec waiting for that one useless shot?
Plot twist :
OP is faggot.
Plot twist:
Now you read /b/.
I always suicide to prevent enemy top gun out of spite, if odds are overwhelming. I figure I get dicked enough by the odds, so I might as well dick back. I managed to get an Ace Tanker this way; my team lost decisively, but I got top gun (which I wouldn’t have got due to the XP tie-breaker rule against an enemy that would have gotten top gun by killing me), giving me the then newly introduced ‘courageous’ resistance XP bonus from earning a heroic achievement, which put me over the line for Ace.
- VK4502B with rear turret will definitely be switched for Maus prototype
waiting :3
“- if you commit suicide even against unwinnable odds, you will be punished”
So, the lead designer of WOT admits that games are unwinnable. In a game that revolves so much around competitive play, such an admission is pretty startling, even by WG’s very, very low standards.
Personally, I have better things to do with 5 to 15 minutes than engage in a totally futile activity.
“Personally, I have better things to do with 5 to 15 minutes than engage in a totally futile activity.”
pretty much this.
Although, rushing towards enemies and die might be considered as “scouting” not “suiciding”
..hell there will be a lot of arties scouting :D
i think he means near endgame-situations… like 1 arty against 8 tanks, and the arty kills itself, which is pretty pointless, because there is still xp/creds to farm >_>
Thats exactly why I dont understand why arties suicide a the if they are left alone against a huge enemy force. You can still land a shot or even kill someone. (a full hp Tiger I tried to simply drive to my GW Tiger P once, got 1-shotted when he crossed over the hill, done more damage than during the rest of the battle with that one shot…).
because clickers are fucking faggots that drown themselves as soon as someone spots them….also lack of balls
I don’t drown myself if I’m the last man on my team. I take the time to shoot one more opfor. Like the Hellcat, on full health, who drove up to the front of my leHF18B2 and put an HE round into the front of my hull. I returned the favor by putting an HE shell into the side of his vehicle for 400 h.p. worth of damage and watched the rest of his h.p. fade away as he burned. The arrogant bastard forgot that the “B2″ in leHF18B2 model number is for the B2 hull the 105mm gun is mounted on. What a dumb ass!!!
Or they turn at the enemy and wait for them to show up for the “SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!!!” shell to deliver.
Seen (and done) that more times than the suicide.
i on the other hand love doing, experiencing miracles…for example facing with a scout against 5-6 HTs, TDs…even if i lost the battle i received positive feedback for killing 5 out of 6 remaining enemies…. i just simply report those who commit suicide
I used to play “shoot me if you can” at that point… I love those HE explosions near my scouts. Gives a Bay-ish movie feeling. :3
And if they run out of ammo i can still shoot at them. :)
” FV4202 premium tier 8 for free? “We will decide closer to New Year”
Yes, you better do. I will be erm, quite pissed if your decision will be negative.
Devs don’t want to reward the top 3 performers on a crap team, the makeup of which they 0 control over. Bravo, way to be dumbasses.
These “devs” have got to be some of the dumbest people regarding human decision making ive ever seen.
Why not reward for doing more damages than your entire team? :p
Don’t get behind this either…
i mean, what else can he do? being in top 3 and then seeing the afkler got more xp than him because he is in the winner team?
yeah… that’s pretty frustrating :/
Well then maybe the WG EU team shouldn’t have advertised the Pz IV Schm. with “sideskirts reducing damage from explosions” (at least the german translation advertised it that way).
Also why won’t they use the outside labor to make both Jagdtiger models? I’m afraid the jobs will be handed out to different studios and we will end up with 2 completely different models, like the 3 different Matilda hulls. (regular, BP and russian, don’t know if they fixed it meanwhile).
Storm on bots: “If bots start to play better than players, I think it will be possible to play with them together.”
They already play better than some players! :P
Since I have seen a full KV1S being raped by an AT2, despite he was in his back…….
Derp-1S did not even turned his turret during the dogfight.
Give us a PVE mode and screw those morons. ^^
- Storm does not apparently consider “corridors” on maps a problem (“It’s not a problem. It’s variety. And an advantage for certain classes of vehicles.”)
- Storm on map corridors: “Earlier it was not considered a problem. There were maps with corridors and there were maps without corridors. Together, it made for normal variety. Why did lately everyone start to take interest in it? Because El Halluf and Severogorsk got reworked?”
no, the problem is, every fcking open plain has now millions of bumps and small “hills” or whatever. While I do understand it’s supposed to work as cover, I dont get why some tanks slow down to 4km/h to get through this “plain terrain”.
Its pretty stupid seeing my panther “rush” 20km/h in open space to flank something…
SS did you think about putting some dark-backgound theme for the site? Just a suggestion… (those gray sides look weird, like an old monitor when it needs degaussing :P) Otherwise great job with the site.
And what is a maus prototype? that maus chassis with a sqare box on top of it?
The new design “Catch Box” theme that has been selected with the black gradient at the edges… ugh, makes everything hard to read.
But otherwise.. nice to many improvements
“- VK4502B with rear turret will definitely be switched for Maus prototype”
Don’t see why. The recent buff made its front armor better than the E-75 at tanking damage from the front and sides. Too many tears, I suppose.
Yeah… stronk tenk… here: have this maus prototype which is even worse than the unbuffed VK B -______-
-Bert the avenger nerf is planned.
noooo :( why
Because of tears of fags who whine about that they can’t play while “skycancers” can hit them for 2 HP and detrack them at the same time every 10 seconds.
“- 9.3 test will come soon”
Oh yeah, I can’t wait for these new awesome American, German and Soviet LT’s =)
Because arty must not have to be funny! EVER!!!
Because: mimimi, rate of fire constant-track…
Even without ANY consumables/skills which boost repair-time, the shot is just 1-2 seconds earlier, so even packing a great repair kit will spare you constant-tracking…
(not talking about bertoons) :3
If a tank moves immediately after repairing tracks the first time he is hit, Bert does not have a fast enough reload time to track the tank, again. The majority of tankers use their repair kits to fix their tracks within a few seconds. After which, the tank remains in place.
It’s not like the FV304 is something new. Bert has been around since the 8.7 patch. Tank drivers have to know what’s coming next if they remain in place. i.e. “Critical hit!” And… They are tracked, again. There they remain undergoing death by a thousand cuts unless one of the Bert’s teammates wander by and puts the tanker out of his misery.
Placing a short-ranged, quick-firing arty with underwhelming alpha into the game was a good idea. It’s what many detractors of artillery called for as a compromise since WG want pull artillery from the game. Unfortunately, tankers fail to make good their escape by simply moving to another location when being targeted by a FV304 driver. Thus, WG will have to dumb down the game by nerfing Bert.
- Storm states that it was cool that WG banned 8000 botters (most used a bot program called “Cyber tank”). He does not know however why WG doesn’t sue the bot makers like Blizzard did
He is right, a lot of these bots, especially advanced bots are not free, you have to pay money to use them. -This is illegal as you cannot use another party’s content to make money without their permission, bot makers are using WG’s property to make their money.
Not to mention WG can sue for potential loss of profits such as subscribers quitting the game due to bots and damaging the product’s reputation. Not mention botting reduces the necessary to use gold for free xp/buy prem tanks as you can simply use bots at lower/mid tier to farm credits and xp.
Hey, SS!
New theme is nice, but font is awful!
So to sum it up.
WG likes corridors, they are great f(or brawling heavys and heavily armored td’s only) with the intent to give advantage to certain classes. But they will still look into it?
Fv4202 is not confirmed anymore.
113 is awsome and dosn’t need a buff.
Roaming was scrapped but now they pulled it back from the scrapheap.
People are stupid and wants a buff to IS-6… Who the hell ask these questions anyway? If anything, they should buff the 112, which is crap compared to IS-6.
Some premium tanks are going to get (small) buffs. Lets hope they buff T-34-3 asap, worst preforming tier 8 medium together with the non premium T-34-2… Because the combination of flammable chinese plastic armor which burns and melts modules and low pen, no gun depression (works extremely well with the armored turrets btw…) guns are awsome
you forgot: instant ammo-racks :3
Oh yeah, that too. :(
- if you commit suicide even against unwinnable odds, you will be punished
-T-34/100 as tier 7 premium? “No guarantees”
So aside from the turret and high profile, how would this be compare to the Elite T-34-1 in terms of performance? Like, aim time, accuracy, etc.
If there on about changing the VK45.02 (p) hintern to the maus prototype why not change the current Maus turret (on the Maus obviously) with the Maus II turret then they wouldn’t have to worry about the grinding to get it only thing you’d have to grind for is a bigger gun unless the current 128 is swapped for the bigger gun.
You’ll notice, they only said “Maus will not get Maus II turret” and “VK45B will be changed to Maus PT”. Add it up and you can get VK45A->Maus->Maus II ;)
No, they said vk45b to Maus prototype, maus pt isn’t the actual Maus is it, so in the current iteration of the Maus it won’t get the Maus II turret cause of the need to grind the turret out. Meaning if they changed the vk45b to Maus pt that would likely have 2 turrets, Maus pt turret and then the current Maus turret, then the Maus we have now would have the Maus II turret as its standard turret, see where I’m going, so the tree could end up like this, at tier 8 both vk45s, tier 9 Maus pt, tier 10 Maus with Maus II them.
- Storm confirms Malinovka will be reworked
How many times already? Not bumpy and corridorish enough for morons in heavies?
- FV4202 premium tier 8 for free? “We will decide closer to New Year”
More likely they will monitor the numbers of FV4202 until new year. Too many players have it by then=won’t give it as a prem for free.
- Storm does not apparently consider “corridors” on maps a problem (“It’s not a problem. It’s variety. And an advantage for certain classes of vehicles.”)
- Storm on map corridors: “Earlier it was not considered a problem. There were maps with corridors and there were maps without corridors. Together, it made for normal variety. Why did lately everyone start to take interest in it? Because El Halluf and Severogorsk got reworked?”
When whole map is basically 3 corridors it’s an advantage ONLY for heavy tanks you stupid fuck. Ask LTs, TDs and even mediums to some extend how are they enjoying maps like that where they need to fight in their scout tank against +2 tier heavies frontally.
- it’s unlikely that Type 59 armor will be changed when the vehicle gets reworked into HD
Even the mentioning of something like that means they will change something just like they did with most of the HD models(T-54′s turret nerf). If it was really unlikely they wouldn’t even mention it.
“dumb but sincere and good people I like much more than smart but evil”
We already knew WG is preferring idiots/noobs. That’s why most of the game changes are made to help bad players.
- Panzer IV Schmalturm will not get its side armor screens as spaced armor: “we decided not to do it, because the plates are huge and they will generate tons of 0 damage hits, when the shell hits the plate, but passes beyond the main tank armor” – later Storm adds they will think about it more
That’s the whole point of side screens you stupid biased fuck. God forbid german tank can actually eat a shell with it’s armor. KV-1S on the other side, shitty armor on paper, no spaced armor, no side screens and yet his tracks and whole hull in general eats shells all day long.
- introduction of new LT’s is connected with the need to improve the LT class as a whole
Yes, you will surely improve them by reworking every single map into corridors where they can’t abuse their vision/camo/speed and are forced to engange heavy tanks frontally.
“That’s the whole point of side screens you stupid biased fuck. God forbid german tank can actually eat a shell with it’s armor. KV-1S on the other side, shitty armor on paper, no spaced armor, no side screens and yet his tracks and whole hull in general eats shells all day long.”
The ‘side screens’ on German tanks were to protect against rounds from small-caliber anti-Tank rifles. Most notably, the PTRS-41 and PTRD. They wouldn’t even stop the round. They would force it to tumble after penetrating so it couldn’t penetrate the hull or turret.. They weren’t even armor-quality steel and their effectiveness in even decapping a large-caliber round or prematurely triggering a HEAT round is very questionable at best, let alone stopping one completely.
Schürzen doesn’t stop tank rounds.
Do stowage boxes? The IS3 seems to think so.
SS nothing on the chieftain? Have they given up? People have been waiting for the best tank of the timeline to come to life. It seems they do not want us British beating them at there game.
I really hope the Brits get the Chieftain.
Just so we’ll have a real viable argument to get the M60A1.
What’s there to say about it? It’s not like the FV 4202 because the fake FV 215b is just getting deleted and we know the Mk. II is replacing it
I need 3,2k xp on centurion every day, until emd of september when it will be 900k cheaper… thats quite industrial grinding without premium account, so wg better decide right around new year, or i’ll bang serb with a bat
3.2k XP per day are the equivalent to 4.8k in “premium XP” per day. That amount is trivial on a T8 tank (perfectly doable in 5 to 7 matches or less). If you can’t manage to do that, then I’d suggest to improve your playstyle instead of heavy handed grinding into a tank that doesn’t fit you.
the xp is not much, but if i dont do it for only one day, 6k will a lot more.. and when there is a losing streak im happy if i can make even 1k..
but yeah it could be worse
“If you commit suicide against unwinnable odds. you will be punished” at last, an anti-harakiri patch is coming.
the punishment sys for suiciding, i assume that means when you’re stuck in a unwinnable match, you’re screwed either way. you suicide, punishment. you fight, you’re still screwed with the bills. guess only way is to hide and/or completely stop firing the gun…
btw i assume “leavers” mean ppl who left the match before having their tanks destroyed? because it would suck a lot if you got fined because you dont want to wait 10 mins after death for the match to fin.
“- SerB like the Panther a lot when he played it”
When did he play it? 1994 in Panzer General? Yes, sweet tank there.
“- it is not sure whether the premium Panther will have limited MM, as the vehicle was not yet created, it should however come around New Year, unless the outsourced modellers screw it up”
massively successful company – doesn’t even hire model designers.
And people wonder why the work market is so fucked up.
Outsourced modellers work for free now? Here I was thinking WG had hired them.
Panzer General in general was sweet.
If they are outsourced, they are not hired employees. That’s what “outsourcing” means.
” more “atmosphere” will be added to maps to make them look like battlefield, but slowly – as it turned out, it’s actually quite expensive to produce”
Cheap bastards…lol.
Storm on map corridors: “Earlier it was not considered a problem. There were maps with corridors and there were maps without corridors. Together, it made for normal variety. Why did lately everyone start to take interest in it? Because El Halluf and Severogorsk got reworked?”
NO, because every map starts looking the same!!! 3 bottle necks, choose one.
New erlenberg, new severogorsk, everything flat, dumbed down, so noobs can roll forward and click.
“FV4202 premium tier 8 for free? “We will decide closer to New Year”
so, no free premium, too many tankers will get it until New Year, me sad :/
Glad to see finally they going to start punish these AFK`ers windowlickers who think its great to sit @ spawn point entire game then scream for help once team is dead and call team noobs lol
“- if you commit suicide even against unwinnable odds, you will be punished”
Best part of all, I hate players who rather suicide than try their best.
Although I wonder if some situations would trigger the suicide detection system, example: You are relocating fast because you really need too, no enemy very close to you but still, the danger is there, and oups, while crossing the bridge or on the side of the river, while you are stressed and looking around, you accidently fall in the water. I’d like to know if this would be an automatic system like for tk’ers or if it will be based on the complaints. Also, for afker, will the system detect if a connection lost or crash happens: I played a game yesterday and my platoon mate got disconnected because (he did’nt know yet) the maintenance team were working in the wires in his appartment block. He text me to warn me and I had to tell in the chat the situation because to many stupid idiots would’nt believe it, some even said that my platoon mate was a bot I was carrying around. Anyway, would just like more details from the devs.
“for now, it’s difficult to say how the new LT’s will play in the game, Storm hopes they will not become simply nimble medium tanks with nerfed hitpoints”
What the heck does he think they will do when Wargaming hasn’t addressed the overlap in View Range while they continue to reduce the viable spotting locations on every map they update? Scouts are finding fewer and fewer places left to go passive, forcing them to play as nimble medium tanks with nerfed hit points. Storm, if you want Scouts to be Scouts, quit putting out Scout-unfriendly maps and fix the View Range overlap.