How Wargaming Works – Really!

Hello everyone,

do you know how Wargaming works? Well, you could certainly watch the original Wargaming video (and you should, so you know what they talk about – there are English subtitles):



but one Russian player created an improved and more accurate version (unfortunately without subtitles, but the sound is the same as in the original)…. enjoy :)


37 thoughts on “How Wargaming Works – Really!

    • The original one seems excessively utopic. And we all know what ‘workers’ utopia’ ended up like.

      It’s quite funny when skycancer shoots that poor tank and it begins to swear. Seems like WG admits how retarded artards are.

      • Or, they have two eyes and a brain that works well enough to deduct what is usually enough to make an asshole reveal itself. Which nowadays constitutes just implying the existence of arty apparently.

      • The arty hatred and ease of using the word “cancer” is becoming excessive.
        Bandwagon, meet people, people, meet the bandwagon.

        You may proceed to jump on it.

        • Hello, I’m the conductor for the WoT train, and I’m sorry to inform you that the “arty hate” bandwagon is already at full idiot treshold, but you can still choose between “map design complaints”, “KV-1S is OP” and “fuck WG in general” wagons which still have some seats left.
          Thank you and enjoy your ride.

        • People hate arty? Write it off as the new trend. That way they don’t really dislike it-it’s just the cool thing, amirite?

          Also, while arty is at least grossly underpowered, anyone who denies that the KV-1S overperforms is being ridiculous. FFS, look at the winrate vs player winrate charts on that thing.

          • People disliked it before, but the rage stayed in arty topic of the forums and the game.

            It didn’t get called cancer and people didn’t go in a blind rage of pure unadulterated fury as the slightest insinuation of its existence.
            So yeah, that idiotic hatred to a new level IS new, as people didn’t hate it as much when it was a much bigger problem.
            That’s why it’s a “cool” bandwagon,

            • I’m not surprised that people complain more even when arty has been rendered ineffective and unrewarding to play. The problem is not how good it is, but why the fundamentals have been allowed to remain for such a long duration of time.
              If you were poked with a needle every day, but it were changed so that you only got poked with a toothpick, I wouldn’t be surprised if you continued to get angrier about your situation over time-not because it’s so bad, but because this silliness still hasn’t stopped.
              “Cancer” as a term for arty may not have been a common term in the early days, but that doesn’t mean people are using it simply for popularity’s sake. It’s because many players feel it represents their opinion of the mechanic accurately in a simple, identifiable fashion-just like British colonists in NA described their ruler as a “Mad King” during the days of rebellion. (This example is not used to knock the UK or King George, who was certainly not a tyrant as often viewed at the time, but rather to explain why certain nicknames catch on with people.)

          • it’s not cool, some of us have actual reasons for how arty works right now and wish for it to change, i used to use the word “cancer” because it briefly explains what it is to this game but at the same time you can’t really remove it as it would create more issues.

            right now I just want it to be redesigned from it’s one-shot machine and 5 other misses.

            i mean why the hell should a person sit there for 5 minutes missing anyway(on a bad day, on a good day you can hit everything so it equals out) and then suddenly hit someone for 1k+.

            if the first shot hits you, you’re fucked and have no way to retaliate as you’ve lost the majority of your hp, lost a few modules/crew and now need to play much more conservative than before.

        • please stop calling them cancer, they are an important part of the tanking community. They feed the light tanks, they squash tomatoes, and they keep heavies from camping. If you are intelligent and are able to predict where arty will be and plan accordingly they become nothing more than a useful exp source. That being said I am so glad they are nerfing the fv304 so it cant permatrack me anymore.

          • “They feed the light tanks”
            I’ve seen very few LTs that manage to kill arty in the early or midgame. In a way, can’t blame them-the lanes are locked down too tight to pull off flanking attacks most of the time. This is also why people who tell you to flank heavily armored tanks when you have crap pen are often speaking nonsense.
            “they squash tomatoes”
            Unless they hold their fire for the entire match to get a shot off at better players.
            “they keep heavies from camping”
            Holding a chokepoint? What else are heavies supposed to do, rush ahead and get killed or kemp behind bush all day so they never get spotted?
            Heck, I can’t even sit in the same place and reload between 2 shots in my M46 without risking a massive caliber shell dropping on my arse. In fact, the only thing arty makes me do is execute a dance routine until some seconds after I’m no longer spotted (important to do that-once you disappear, SPGs often take blind shots at your last known position) or hide behind a building, and then proceed with what I was doing before. Unfortunately, this is often not possible during a fight, because apparently moving in and out of cover while shooting every chance you get until the enemy is dead is “camping”.
            “If you are intelligent and are able to predict where arty will be and plan accordingly they become nothing more than a useful exp source.”
            So arty locks down sections of the map (as if much of it weren’t already useless) and forces players to limit themselves because…why? They get smashed out of the sky by vehicles they have no chance of retaliating against?

  1. Funny how they think a cute animation saying a bunch of utopic garbage will make people have different image of WG. The recent leaked emails and inside stuff shows their true face, no stupid animation will change that.

      • I wonder why would they feel the need to release a “commercial” about this subject now. Maybe because people don’t know their products? Nah!! Could it be because people see the exact opposite image of WG? Very likely.

  2. irl: all have sadface, russian man choir sings in the background and it’s in black and white.

  3. 2nd one is way more realistic (well from EU side) WG doesnt give 2 shits about EU or NA community, they just care about their precious rusek fanboys…and they still keep delaying and messing things up (still waiting for Havok and T26E4 ultra buff…)

  4. Developing new game modes ?
    Game Masters keep a watchful eye ?
    Make the map always fun to play ?
    Working on physics to make everything behave realistically ?
    Passes the players suggestions to the devs ? (EU…)

    Jesus…just no. I cant react differently to that than with this one

  5. :/ I haven’t had a bad experience with WG. everything I personally have experienced was just how they advertised it. sorry, can’t join the hate bandwagon.