Storm Gathers 9.3 Feedback (QA)

Hello everyone,

while we are waiting for the 9.3 patch (not today), Russians already have it (be grateful, that also means the worst bugs that sometimes appear get to be fixed before the patch comes out). From the discussion:

- some mods again stopped working with 9.3, but other players reports their mods to be working
- the shots sound more muted when in sniper mode, Storm states this is intentional: “The price of realism” (later, he adds “try hitting a tank with a hammer with someone inside – he will barely hear it”, although he adds that he forgot the physics he learned, so there is no need to bash him on that if it’s not true)
- XP for “tanking” will definitely not come via a micropatch, Storm states that currently, they will fix the formula, then they will upload it to the server, they will collect statistics and only after that it will be applied – “when it’s done it’s done”
- Storm on new easy-to-obtain medals: “And I, as a noob, really like them”
- one of the T-54 turrets has its weight incorrectly displayed, this will be checked
- Storm states that there were various optimizations and fixes when it comes to graphics in 9.3, for some players, FPS grew

- developers implemented (unknown where) the difference between rolled and cast armor (SS: both armors have different properties when hit by shell, it’s actually quite complex), but decided not to implement it, as it would be incomprehensible for players.
- the separate HD texture pack was made because “it was easier to make”, it’s possible in the future it will be changed to be automatic via launcher (SS: oddly enough, WoWp has it via launcher I think), it was made “so it would be downloaded only by those, who need it”)
- apparently, there is a nasty replay bug in 9.3 where if you try to quit the replay prematurely, you will be punished for early leaving the battle (not sure whether “it counts”, but the window with a threat appears).
- no plans to implement skill MM in random battles
- some player reported the game crashing when quitting combat, Storm replied it’s probably a buggy mod fault
- the “players online” on server is available when pressing Escape
- Storm does not watch My Little Pony
- camouflage mechanism will be reworked (so tanks don’t disappear in the middle of a field anymore just so)
- Storm will talk to the sound makers, whether there will be more pronounced sound of “tank insides” when in sniper mode (loading, engine etc.)
- old LT8′s (AMX-13/90 and the Chinese one) will not be rebalanced in any special way in near future, more like “as usual”, based on their statistics.
- Storm does personally not like playing IS-8 apparently, there was a really nice conversation in the thread about how Veider sits next to him and always hears “bail out” from Storm’s speakers.
- Storm on HD textures: “Only enthusiasts need them. And they’ll get it.”
- apparently, some players in 9.3 had freezes during the beginning of the battle. This was fixed in 0.9.3
- two more patches will come until the end of the year. 9.4 it will definitely not contain Havok. Storm admits he’s not sure whether WG will succeed in releasing both, as the schedule is really tight
- Storm check and the “normal” 9.3 patch does NOT contain HD textures, they need to be downloaded separately
- Storm confirms some HE explosion effects were reworked when hitting the ground, allegedly the armor hits look better as well, but he is not sure
- there is a bug in 9.3 where the kill rings (marks) display on the tank even when the option is disabled. Storm states that fixing this has low priority.
- Storm really likes the new Murovanka
- Veider, when asked why the KV-85 122mm alpha was not nerfed: “Many vehicles have this gun. Should we nerf it for all?”

81 thoughts on “Storm Gathers 9.3 Feedback (QA)

  1. The non rebalance of AMX13-90 and WZ132 shows that WG are a band of donkeys… now both lights underperformance compared with new lights, specially the AMX.

    Again no skill based MM… looks like AW needs hit them hard on rear to made them do what players want… is so fucking hard have a random game mode using skill based MM???

    PD: FIRST!!!

      • You test the new lights??? i do and are superior by far to AMX, think that AMX now has WORST GUN in all areas, lower pen, aiming time, accurancy and ROF AND it cant mount rammer… even T49 using 90mm do a lot better job. Oooo and mobility is bad to in AMX compared with new scouts.

        Sorry but they are going to buff WZ and AMX … or they nerf new scouts… something not fun in world of corridors where active scout is dead..

        Before call somebody idiot test things first, if WG are morons unable to balance tanks doesnt means tanks are balanced, since french line introduction game has a serious problem.

        • Seriously learn to play first before giving stupid comments. The 13 90 has an autoloader which will never make it obsolet by the new lights. Its mobile and small enough with good camo rating to be a scout and still has the high burst potential of its autoloader. The WZ has to be reworked yes since its dpm etc is now outdated but the amx will be just as popular as it is right now.

          • I doubt you can teach me play with 8700 effiency, 44k battles and all vehicles in game researched.

            Revolver tanks for me are very hard to use and unlike many noobs i dont think are op… well maybe is because i know their problems.

            • Efficiency in 2014?
              What the fuck, retard, not only is that value entirely obsolete and broken, but 8700 would make you the SINGLE best player in the game. Nice believable story.

      • It doesn’t, he’s just parroting what he’s heard. The T49 is lining up to be the worst tier 8 light, will be popular with tomatoes because they can blap someone for 500dmg before suiciding, though honestly with that accuracy most will die with no damage. In the hands of good players it still doesn’t have the DPM that any other tier 8 light does.

        The Light T54 is just a slower WZ132.

        And the RU251 is a great tank, but still overshadowed by the 13 90 in tournies by the lack of autoloader. In pubs it’ll be great fun, possibly the best tier 8 light in terms of being able to put the hurt on tanks, but honestly it isn’t a gamechanger.

              • It might mean that to you but if you study your English language a little more you’ll find that tier 8 matches means tier 8 matches. If you want to talk about strongholds and TB you should be clearer. You twat.

                Also are you serious? T-54 light in team battles and strongholds? What a laugh. You might see them from time to time but it will never be an optimum vehicle for it.

                • C2 level in English.

                  Considering the fact that I am the person that explains something as basic as light tank MM both here and on the forums, I find it suprising that someone wants to tell ME that.
                  I do need a damned avatar it seems…

                  Yes I am serious. Wanna bet? It will make WZ-132 useless in T8 competitive modes for sure.

        • I talk about AMX, is very inferior to new tier 8 lights in all main areas IF you need fight, revolver helps him in certain situations but if you face a guy that use hulldown and hit and retreat tactics with the shit aiming time on AMX you are really fucked.

          WZ problem is in gun, it needs a better gun and a little more HP and maybe increase mobility a little.

          T49 for me with derp is inferior that using 90mm because derp is very situational gun and is not the best gun for pasive spotting because when you shoot it even guys from other battles can detect you.

          I test all new lights and i know what i say, wait see them in a TRUE tier 10 battle not the 7 VS 7 or more scouts you see in test.

    • Because the lights were so great on test server – playing mostly against other lights.

      Let’s see the whining start, players crying for buff when their first bunch of heavies will rip their awesome light apart.

      > Random
      > Skilled

      Pick one.

      • Test only good info provide is tank performance and stats, is a lot diferent try a tank in test than try it in regular server… specially with this lights… T49 and derp “rules” in test but this is in very fluid battles with a lot of scouts, when you be the only scout good luck surviving as primary target for enemy… derp is an horrible gun for a light sure can score some amazing hits but 90mm for me is more average and give you a better performance, you can do many not aimied shots to retreat fast and stay alive… maybe people miss this but a dead scout is an useless scout, if you can deal damage ok, deal it BUT if you are hide in a good position spoting enemy… well better hold left click and wait.

    • Because the skill based MM is the worst idea ever. It would solve nothing – after some time the rating/win rate or whatever used to determine skill would converge to mean value.

      There are some other issues – it would not motivate people to get better, because always they’d be owned some good people in their team.

      And the last one – I believe that skilled players DO HAVE the right to kill the less skilled (to some point, it must be also fun for non-skilled people and they must feel/be useful for team). This is the core idea of the competitive games.

      • Win rate is useless to know player level.

        And again, the point is in add a SECOND random game mode that uses skill based MM, if you want normal MM play it but are a lot of players who DONT LIKE IT because MM fails a lot to balance players out of tier split.

    • What players want? No, because only BAD players want it. Only below average players would benefit from skill based matchmaking and this game would become trash.

      • True, below average players would get their WR close to 50% and above 50% WR players would get their WR nerfed. In a skill based MM, you can never improve stats because when you perform better, gradualy you will meet better players which means you cant maintain the stats. Not to mention that better players would work even harder to maintain good performance, while bad players no matter how they play will get even out stats to 50%.

        You play to become better so you, yourself can use that advantage over others. You dont play to constantly facing better enemies (as you become better) because that would be pointless in a public random fucking mode.

        Whats next, handing out free prem accounts to all poor noobs and give them 5 skill crews and free equipment by default? Because that is also “unfair”.

        • You and many others, miss the point of a skill MM. It should make fore more interesting games. Personally, I do not particularly enjoy onesided games. There is little fun in trashing deep red noobs who have no clue and getting trashed because your team is deep red is not really all that rewarding, either. Balanced games, not necessarily with everybody of the same level, are much better. In the end, I play this game to enjoy it, to relish the challenge. If I get to play high quality matches, I could not care less about my WR dropping back to 50%.

    • “Looks like AW needs hit them hard on rear to made them do what players want”

      Correction, to make WG do what YOU and a few band of idiots want. Skill MM is a shit idea.

      In essence, it doesn’t mean shit if you say that the AMX 13-90 and WZ 132 are under performers.

      • And Tell me (if you have children’s or much younger-about 10 years-brother) do you watch with him cartoons and if you do so you enjoy them? I for example do coz they are funny relaxing you don’t have to concentrate on plot just enjoy.

  2. Veider, when asked why the KV-85 122mm alpha was not nerfed: “Many vehicles have this gun. Should we nerf it for all?”

    WHAT EXACLY tank on tier 6 have 390 DMG ARTY?

  3. Maybe they are unable to implement DIFERENT AMMO in diferent tiers… i never understand why they cant use same gun but with diferent ammo loads… lower damage/pen but cheaper shell… many guns use diferent AT ammo shells (i dont enter in special ammo like APCR).

    Is a little stupid leave WZ and AMX 2 months as they are now when we all know they are going to buff them because new scouts simple have a better performance.

    • It is more likely that the new lights will get hit hard by a nerfhammer. Just like the latest german TD waffenträger line.

      • If they want lights in game or they rework maps and improve their size or buff lights to made them fake meds AKA “fighter scouts” because a med is more usefull than scouts on a top tier battle.

        WG is adding changes all the time in trees but dont care about balance game to deal with them… meds tier 10 leave obsolete high tier scouts the new tier 8 scouts are capable but not enough to do a good job in tier 10 battles maybe this is why they talk about tier 9 scouts…

        PD: other think i dont understand is why dont made scouts less “jumper” because active scout is seriously out of game since drift and jumps made that if you move at full speed you can lose easy a track… something not fun in a scout.

  4. - apparently, there is a nasty replay bug in 9.3 where if you try to quit the replay prematurely, you will be punished for early leaving the battle (not sure whether “it counts”, but the window with a threat appears).

    Not sure how it could count, watching replays doesn’t require you to log in (or even have a connection to the internet)… unless that has changed in 9.3?

    • Maybe affect people who has active the option to save pass and when they leave replay in game is counted as they abandon a battle… with the new auto systems against bots and similar maybe count as a fault.

  5. “- old LT8′s (AMX-13/90 and the Chinese one) will not be rebalanced in any special way in near future, more like “as usual”, based on their statistics.”

    At this point I wonder.. is it laziness or complete incompetence?

    “- Storm states that there were various optimizations and fixes when it comes to graphics in 9.3, for some players, FPS grew”

    Still not good enough WG. Come on, 20 times smaller developers make you look stupid in comparison…

    • Maybe WG uses 2920 trained monkeys to deal with player tickets… nobody says they employees work to improve game… burocracy, something horrible in all countries but in east maybe worst.

    • I think it is laziness, which leads to incompetence. But the old tier 8 LT’s are not really the problem, there are other things in 9.3 which are overlooked big time.

      The WZ-131 performed ok imo in the few games I played it on test, compared to the new it’s to be honest.

      • They won’t buff 13-90 and wz, so you’ll be forced to spend for xp convert to use those new lights. Then after a while will either buff the old LT or nerf the new LT. cycles repeat.

  6. - Veider, when asked why the KV-85 122mm alpha was not nerfed: “Many vehicles have this gun. Should we nerf it for all?”

    IMHO yes. As no other subsequent tank uses this gun as it’s top gun and I think at tier 6 it’s 390 alpha is just a bit too steep. Not that he’ll ever read this lol.

    • 390 alpha and 175 pen is fine if everything else about the gun is awful. Really, really awfull. -3 gun depression is bad enough on the Chinese mediums, and at least those are squat and low to the ground.

        • Low ROF+bad aiming time+random accurancy… since the buff in accurancy the D25T is overperforming as sniper gun… before the buff i never has problems with this gun but buff made it simple OP.

          The fun think is that on paper T-150 is better than KV-1s but in game D25T made KV-1s THE TANK.

  7. i don’t fkn get that downl.separate..are we all have to do it..or just with bad/good i going to be guided so that i can grasp what i need to do or what..for ffs wg much wow much complications

  8. Looks like some ppl still need a dictionary to understand what “random” means in Random Battles … anyways, I’m looking forward to have something to laugh at on WoT EU forums :D ( yes , cryfest about skill based MM )

    Different ammo for every tier ? … hmm .. YURI ! Time to invent new things and say they are historically correct! :D

    And I’ll just stop right here, I could joke with you guys all day long, cause you’re never happy with anything :P

    • Random game means random players BUT a lot of games use SKILL to balance teams something that WOT doesnt do one thing is random other “lets made one team green the other red” and well i remember when in 90s with dedicated servers if you dont performance a minimal ok you are banned from battle, in old times there was a lot less pacience with idiots, if you dont have the level we dont have you here works very well VS TKs and guys that forgive what means TEAMPLAY.

      I play to have fun not to teach a monkey to stay in cap to win… sorry but if people can kill kill kill or do stupid things they can do them in training and dont fuck teams.

      • And you tend to forget that the reason the MM is not considering “skills” as a value, is because WG never intended to divide players with this crap … XVM is only using the data WoT collects, thus your color callings make no sense if looking at the clean install of WoT … cause they don’t exsist…

        Therefore, why would devs take this “skill measure” as a value to the MM when they have absolutely nothing to do with it ? The only thing WoT uses to “measure skills” is their Player Score or whatever in everyones profile, but I have no idea how that is calculated…

        Ball on your end Squady , but I doubt there is anything reasonable you could say apart from raging about tomatos .. who have exactly the same rights to play a F2P game as you do… plus , everyone seems to forget that these tomatos might be kids of ~ 8 or 10 years old, who you can’t expect to play as “Mr. God all mighty Unicum” …

        • And this is why i want a game mode with skilled MM, again, i dont play to teach others specially when they ignore all advices you give them… one euro for every guy that move where i say him dont move because is a rat trap and i can play WOT for free forever.

          And talking about pay… i am a premium player and i dont like waste time in teams made of “solo warriors” specially fail solo warrios… no individual skills no teamplay skills.

          Again, i play on-line games since middle 90s and in dedicated servers if you dont play ok or for the team and specially if you are a TK or a moron you are baned fast… and kids… well, same here, i dont care if i play with kids or no, a bad player is a bad player and if is ruining team well, why not put him in teams where he can face guys on his level?

          • You don’t have kids I suppose :) No surpirse there :D
            And you probably are the kind of guy who cares more about his/her stats in WoT more then a good party with some friends.

            Guess what, I’ve been playing online games since I could reach the keyboard and had internet connection, yet I never got as sour as 80% of Unicums …
            Go play in WGL or ESL if you wanna have pros with/against you , leave randoms to those who wanna have fun :)

            Also, if you wanna chose who you team up with, there’s a special place for you -> *points towards the team/company battle modes*

            I wonder why you people tream WoT like a scientific experiment, where the ones that don’t meet YOUR standards need to be thrown out … Bad news buddy, it’s made for everyone … not just the “I have a wallet to pay, so gimme what I want …” and you don’t pay to have what you want, you pay to have some advantage over the others ( premium acc , gold , etc. ) but that doesn’t give you rights to say who can and can’t play with you. What you want and don’t want … well, that’s your opinion, I could probably find millions and millions who just don’t care :P

            • I dont have kids but if i have them i dont force others suffer them… you know, when i was a child if i fuck a “big guy” or my fathers put me on my line or do it the guy… this is why in schools are grades, you know.

              I play to win and if i need suicide for team or sacrifice my battle to win i do it, i like battles with big damage deal or similar but if i need cap to win or suicide to provide cover with my dead body (cover cap, help a tank to survive more defending) i do it.

              AGAIN, who want play with total random MM do it BUT who dont want this has the same rights to see as option a random with skilled MM, i dont say you need play in a game with skill based MM, i say I WANT the option to SELECT a random mode with skill based MM.

              • Skilled MM will make all good players WR and stats more mediocre because they will meet other good players more often and have to work 10x harder. Hos is that fair? I think squadman is a green noob who thinks he will become better just because of skilled MM.

                • We need those tomatoes one way or another, you will hate them on your team but I’m sure you harvest them and very happy to see them on opposite team.

      • My point exactly :D

        And it seems like there are so many “special” ppl lately :D

        But tbh, I think it’s about ego and nothing else …

        “I’m stronk vegetable, or blueberry or smurf , I don’t want to see nub tomatos and karotts! ”

        Correct me if I’m wrong …. oh and

        *Newsflash* Everyone was a tomato once *Newsflash*

        • After 10.000 battles if you leave cap in a cap race to move to your base and try decap sorry, but is something out of your example.

          I learn what do and what dont do in less than 1.000 battles something i think that when you reach 5.000 learn to.

          And i dont say add the skilled MM as only option, no, i say leave rando as is now BUT add a 2nd random mode using skill based MM, who want dance with tomatos can do it but in a top tier battle has red guys as top tiers driving tier 10 tanks when enemy team as unicums as top tiers…

          • The only reason people are better is because they face enemies that are worse the majority of the time. Some times you are unlucky if bad cunts are in your team, but you will like it when these baddies are on the enemy team. Theres no reason to have skill MM in any mode at all, if you are good you have the right to pwn, but also the responsibility to carry (if you want to win).

  9. >> – Storm will talk to the sound makers, whether there will be more pronounced sound of “tank insides” when in sniper mode (loading, engine etc.)

    They should definitely make different effects for open-topped vehicles and for closed ones. That stands to reason.

  10. Although the current light tank performance in their combat capabilities can probably be viewed as acceptable and continuing to be acceptable (WZ-132 might need some buffs but I haven’t played it so don’t know how it really matches up), I don’t see why they should have speed limits that are 10-20 kilometers lower than the new tanks despite having similar engines and overall automative systems. They should both get bumped up to around 70 kilometers per hour to match the new ones.

  11. - camouflage mechanism will be reworked (so tanks don’t disappear in the middle of a field anymore just so).

    Thank god they’re actually thinking on fixing a REAL problem this game has! There is nothing worse when tank disappears in the middle of field for no apparent reason! Well, there maybe on thing worse and that’s a tank in a bush 50m in front of you, shooting you but you can’t see it even though you see its shells flying from the bush. If they could fix that as well, I could actually caring for this game again…

    • The bush thing will never go away.
      Only a few tanks have enough camo to do it with only a single bush, though.

    • ^QFT, it’s the most unrealistic shit and total turnoff ever, it’s one of the “death triad” that make me abandon this game (stupid arcade HP system, retarded spotting system, fantasy tanks and fake characteristics)

      • WOT menchanics are good if you learn to use them to your advantage, which is kinda the point if you play for real. If you fail in understanding and use this mechanics to your advantage then gtfo and dont blame the game. All mechanics does make sense if you know how to play the game, they make sense to 100 fucking percent. Want realism the play WT, which was supposed to be a “simulator”, right?

    • Why would that be a problem? This will be a buff for campers and people who take little risk and shoot far away. I say, if you want to make damage det fucking closer and stop bush wank using your superior camo and view range to outspot people who are trying to move.

  12. “- developers implemented the difference between rolled and cast armor (SS: both armors have different properties when hit by shell, it’s actually quite complex), but decided not to implement it, as it would be incomprehensible for players.”
    it’s all like this, every fucking answer related to deep gameplay is some patronizing answer catering to fucktards.
    “will you implement realistic XX feature?” “ehh no, it would be too “confusing” for our players” fuck you to fucking hell retarded developer.
    this is one of the things that pisses me off the most about WG.
    So thanks to WG all tanks have a “nominal armor value”, screw real thickness, screw metallurgical properties which made the difference day and night, screw the players who care, and that’s fucking bullshit, i want REAL depth to armor, i want my hits on german steel to shatter the armor and kill everyone inside with spalling AS IT WAS i want their armor to FALL APART on impact due to brittleness of their rolled armor

    • All tanks have to be rebalanced and down tired/up tired if all realistic featurs was to be added. Also who the fuck cares about realism in WOT, its a arcade games with some realistic elements. Go play WT, which was supposed to be the real realistric thing and look at the WT community, its a fucking joke with no balance at all and powercreep and a decreasing community.

      Let me guess, you are a tomato that sucks playing and therefore want more realistic features so you can bushwank and 1 shot enemies because it “was liek dat in real lyfe?”

  13. - two more patches will come until the end of the year. 9.4 it will definitely not contain Havok.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    - Veider, when asked why the KV-85 122mm alpha was not nerfed: “Many vehicles have this gun. Should we nerf it for all?”
    And how many of those vehicles are at T6? I’ve said he is a moron from the beginning. Zlobny was the man and not this faggot.

  14. ” no plans to implement skill MM in random battles”
    - Good, why should scrubs automaticly get WR closer to 50% and good players getting below 55-60%. If you are good, you have the right to use that advantage over other weaker players and benefit. If you are bad, then accept it and dont ask MM to magicly fix your WR for you.

  15. - Veider, when asked why the KV-85 122mm alpha was not nerfed: “Many vehicles have this gun. Should we nerf it for all?”

    The only two vehicles that rely on the D-2-5-T are the KV-1S\KV-85 and the SU-100

    Both are tier 6 vehicles.

    Both are proof that 390 alpha is too high for tier 6.

  16. Tank disappear in the middle of the field with camo on, real story, like 300m from viewer is what all you need.

    How about tanks that just disappear in the middle of the field without camo on, how is that make sense