You can check Listy’s new article about bombers over Italy. Also, Overlord is collecting feedback on the new AFK/leaver punishment system, be sure to write your opinion under his post.
- it’s not planned to split the gun caliber and the shell actual caliber (for subcaliber shells, for the purposes of overmatch for example) because such a mechanism would be incomprehensible to players
- there will not be any “anti-medals” for bad behavior in game in order not to provoke idiots, who would collect them on purpose
- oddly enough, Storm and Yuri Pasholok are publically arguing (wut?) about sending/not sending some small things about the vehicle HD models (postwar lights on ISU-152 if I see correctly), apparently there is not a very good chain of communication between the HD modellers and historians (SS: as in, modellers ignoring feedback – I wonder if this is connected to the fact that “there might be no HD models in 9.4″)
- Veider on general LT class buff: “We didn’t scrap that. We will change the view ranges. We simply have to have a look at (new) LT’s on main servers. How did they fit in the game, if we need to fix anything and so on. Everything according to plan.”
Off topic question : is anyone having 3 mins loading times and/or constant freezes upon proxy spotting someone or is it tied to my diying harddisk drive ?
I don’t. This is however a known bug on some computers, it was supposed to be fixed. Try defragmenting your drive, might help.
In one of the Q&A i saw storm adressing one of those problems saying “its because of defragmented blablabla” and its annoying alot
Get an SSD already, then you will be annoyed having to wait 35-40 seconds for battle to start.
just this
Getting SSD because of WoT is biggest bullshit i have ever heard. If you have SSD and you play WoT it wont last long, WoT is destroying your SSD quet fast.
I concur. I am playing WoT on a SSD (now back on NA though, so EU inactivity _doesn’t_ count) for at least 2 years and the SSD is still up and running well.
” If you have SSD and you play WoT it wont last long, WoT is destroying your SSD quet fast.”
Well, unless WoT somehow gets to write 700TB of data “quet fast” then yeah, the SSD would be “destroyed”.
yeah, get and SSD and be a BETA tester on your own money … NOT!
In the absolute worst case scenario a cheap SSD will die after writing 40TB data. I have had my Samsung 830 256GB SSD for about two years now, and i’ve written 23TB data to it, i install and uninstall programs a LOT, i download stuff to the SSD rather than storage sometimes just to watch it fast, and i unpack everything to the SSD.
I torture mine to hell and beyond, i excessively absuse it for its speed, and its very very far from even the absolute worst case scenario lifespan. Install Everything on your SSD, every single thing. Use its speed.
I load in before everyone else and I use a HDD =/
Move your temp. to fastest drive this helped to me
“- Veider on general LT class buff: “We didn’t scrap that. We will change the view ranges. We simply have to have a look at (new) LT’s on main servers. How did they fit in the game, if we need to fix anything and so on. Everything according to plan.””
Wasnt the old balancer (forgot his name, Zlobny??) better?
Anyways, here is LT:
1. Buff WZ-132 (especially HP to 1100 or 1120)
2. Buff WZ-131 (especially HP to 900)
Make most Light Tanks have 410-420 base view range.
IMHO that is enough. No need to nerf other vehicles, or at least not by a lot (5-10 is what I mean).
I am not sure why everyone thinks that it will be a lot. There were no numbers told anywhere…
Well… Zlobny was a really nice guy, I liked him, but he apparently made… mistakes so to say.
Zlobny made only one but big mistake, and that was the 8.6 arty nerf
I guess this was the reason to firing him
That wasn’t his call.
Telling SerB it’s time to nerf kvas :P ?
I agree. The arty “nerf” was a huge mistake. It made the artilleries far more powerful than they ever were. I remember a time when IS-3 would meet Hummels at most when top tier. Now guess what, It’s GW Tiger P with 2k dmg per shot. The only problem were the T10 battles overrun by jerks with arties but that could have been handled much better and smarter.
The only good thing is that the idiots who play arty still haven’t figured out that it wasn’t a nerf, it was actually a huge buff.
What mistakes?
Telling the WarGaming marketing team (that are NOT developers but morons that should be fired) to fuck off?
as an LT user, imo, unless WG plans to extend the 445m max spotting distance;
all classes except LTs should have 400m base view range at best.
currently, not only are there less and less maps with good scouting spots/areas (many of those that had got reworked), but we also have 410/400m view range meds running optics, plus 400-420m view range TDs with binocs AND camo net.
imagine if we have tier X LTs (with all tanks having their current view range);
*only 10-20m more view range than Batchat 25t, equal to or 10m more than FV4202′s, 10m less or equal to M48A1′s/M60′s.
*speeds around that of the Batchat 25t
*1400-1500 health points (400-300 less than a Batchat 25t)
*guns only as good as T-54′s at best.
for what?
*max camo on-the-move (around 25% more than the mediums’ ?)
*better traverse speeds than even T-62A?
- Veider on general LT class buff: “We didn’t scrap that. We will change the view ranges. We simply have to have a look at (new) LT’s on main servers. How did they fit in the game, if we need to fix anything and so on. Everything according to plan.”
Easy light tanks can have over 500m spot range if equiptment will allow that.
so they will spot you in the base from their base….genial
Nope, view range cannot be higher than 445 metres.
Nope, SPOTTING range is capped at 445 meters. View range isn’t limited, or at least it’s not possible to get to the limit even when maxing out all view range modules and skills. View range higher than spotting range is useful when the enemy has good camo or is in the bush. At max spotting range you need some extra view range to overcome enemies camo to spot them.
- there will not be any “anti-medals” for bad behavior in game in order not to provoke idiots, who would collect them on purpose
War Thunder made the mistake of introducing the “Rammer”-tag a while back. You can now instantly spot assholes and avoid them because of the title, but I think it does provoke people to actively engage in ramming.
But why not take away medals or bust the crews of frequent AFKing tanks to lower ranks and remove or freeze experience. Negative juice for negative play.
Rather than nerf other tanks view range how about giving scouts unique ability, like being able to ignore cover modifiers of other tanks, so they can see TD’s easier in bushes, or a colour/marker so they know what tanks they are spotting rather than being spotted by others.
Not a bad idea.
It’s annoying as hell taking the wz-132 out and being spotted while sitting behind a bush and spot no one in return.
I ask, What’s the point of a tier 8 LT when a tier 10 meds can do the same thing better. Hell even tds outclass them in spotting range and camo.
Camo bonus while moving… Big deal, like that is worth a damn when I’m spotted behind Bushes.
Take AwfulPanther, you will discover new levels of “annoying”…
“Veider on general LT class buff…”
Don’t know if LT class needs a buff but the new american LTs are clearly overpowered (or the germans are UP), I’m grinding the T37 and it feels superior to VK2801 in almost every aspect (I have both now), if they are on the same tier and are of the same class, my guess is they should perform on the same level right? And for what I can see the M41 is also pretty good (and I also have the Aufk. panther and it feels hopeless)
There is a reason the VK2801 was called “Mehrzweckpanzer” (multi-purpose tank) and not “Aufklärungspanzer” (recon tank) – T37 is a real light tank, VK2801 was basically a medium tank dressed for lighter service.
Well, it was “light” in the standard that the Panther was a “medium”
Just the trend with Germany’s weight class inflation
Putting the classification aside, VK28 really does scream for a rework. It should either get a competitive non-derp gun ( L 70 with adjusted rof as balancing factor? ) or it’s 105mm derp should get a solid buff or leave it’s firepower as it is but buff camo and buff mobility even more.
It should get normal MM, and all other scouts as well…
In my opinion they are balanced, cause walker bulldog is as good as tier 8 mediums, T37 is nearly as good as tier 7 mediums (i think T20 or T-34-1 are better) and they have same MM. So why not.
Btw T71 was considered OP when it was introduced and there was whine how superior it is against AMX 13 75. Then people moved to T57 and unlike KV1S or Hellcat no one played it, cause whole class was underpowered and further nerfed by map changes.
Now T71 is complete crap compared to Walker Bulldog. Not even mentioning Type62 that is like worse T37 with higher alpha tier higher (same penetration, more hp, extreme chance of exploding or catching fire)
I think leaving new LTs as they are, some better, some worse (every branch has bad tanks) and buffing old ones is better idea.
Only problem I see with new LTs is, that they are pretty annoying. Like E25. It is probably not better TD than T25AT, but people don’t understand why are they killed by invisible tanks while being killed by perfectly visible SU-122-44 is ok.
AMX 13 75 is bad as compared to the T71, and the T71 is bad as compared to the M41.
AMX 13 75 has been twice outmatched and is the worst of the real LTs…
maybe AMX 13 75 should also have 400m view range.
its weaker than the other two, but with 400m view range and its very good camo it should be balanced then.
and those perfectly visible SU-122-44s are either noobs or good players intentionally letting enemies spot them.
SU-122-44 has very good moving camo, and very good stationary camo. heck, even firing camo is good despite having that huge 122mm gun.
I meant brawling one as top tier, cause it has alpha, dpm, armor and speed. I dont have it, but I consider it as one of the most dangerous T7 tanks. I can compare T25AT and E25 and imho T25AT is superior due to alpha and penetration combined with good flexibility (not like e25, but still good enough).
I also get small freeze some times in 9.3 when tanks appear and shit. And yes I do have SSD, in fact I have two, one for OS and one for games. I think its most likely the cpu maxing out, due to all new features added in the game. Watch the cpu usage and you will see that from time to time the usage reach 99% and this is when fps drop and we experiance hickups etc. This is similar to the issues introduced in patch 9.0 though, so WG definatley broke something with this patch. I personly think the issue is more HD models on the battlefield and new track effects that are using more resources. And yes I have good sistem.
- it’s not planned to split the gun caliber and the shell actual caliber (for subcaliber shells, for the purposes of overmatch for example) because such a mechanism would be incomprehensible to players
Brain-dead must feel right at home.
Yet the ultimately retarded team balancing mechanism is a-ok.
There’s noone complaining about being put on the bottom of a team without any compehensive explanation, right? Things like 6v9 top-tiered tanks in one battle don’t ever happen as well, right?
And don’t even even make me start on the maps streaks, 6 out of 10 battles in one sessin on Prokhorovka and its twin sister is fucking insane.
Devs don’t know shit about what is and what isnt alright for an average player.
For that matter, they don’t know shit about their game at all (hell yeah, no one ever rushes the K3 on Malinovka).
What we need is ingame polls on certain things, that’s the only way to really know the opinions.
- polls would be completely incomprehensible to players and would confuse them too much, because of having to choose an option, so we decided not to implemented
- it’s also worth noting, that our community team was confused as well and are now working on finding x, if 2 + 2 = x
“yes, polls are too complicated, our internal testing has shown that with 2 or more options players don’t know how to chose so we chose for them”
DB, that is arithmetic!, no no no!, if you want arithmetic go to school!, we make a game for braindead fucktards numbers are too complicated for them!
And this is why WG is a developer “for retards from retards” that caters to shit, crabs, and noobs.
half their answers are patronizing crap
and don’t bring the “this is a game that caters to daddies” justification because daddies can be engineers, technicians, researchers, uni students, professors, astronauts, etc.
“this is a game that caters to fucktards” is the correct term if you judge the reponses.
anything that will being true fun realism is shot down with “will be too confusing to our play0rz”.
fuck you WG fucktards
wow, much anger… if thats really how you feel about WOT, I suggest its past time to find a new game to play…
oh and you guys do realise just how many people struggle to understand the current mechanics? and you think it should be made more complex? we have tomatoes because they cant understand the mechanics, your ranting about tomatoes yet you are arguing to create more of them? meh whatever
i already found a new game to play, i’ve stopped playing wot on 9.0 and was on a death spiral waaay before that when i realized the game keeps getting worse and that each “patch” ruins it more.
You know why people struggle to understand?, because the mechanics are unrealistic SHIT that are counterintuitive and unreal.
You need a fucking GUIDE to understand the retarded “spotting” mechanic, when there shouldn’t be ANY mechanic: if a tank is in sight, it’s in fucking sight, use your fucking eyes, PERIOD.
terminal ballistic and penetration mechanics can be explained with those short videos, no need to “understand” anything to be effective, the hordes of shit reds use the “green=shoot” and don’t give a fuck about mechanics anyway because it doesn’t get more retarded and simplified than WOT where a armor penetration “reduces” some fantasy stupid HP pool.
Meh…i’m fairly certain that those players who understand overmatch and use it actively in the game will be able to understand the concept of subcaliber shells as well.
Also, it would be a much welcome nerf to APCR. A small one, but still nice.
overmatch is broken in game, contrary to whatever shit WG devs spews
>> – Veider on general LT class buff: “We didn’t scrap that. We will change the view ranges. We simply have to have a look at (new) LT’s on main servers. How did they fit in the game, if we need to fix anything and so on. Everything according to plan.”
You should finally remove that !@#$ square render limit. Or at least make it a circle…
never “players will find a circle confusing” :D
and if they remove the retarded spotting system “players will see too far and their brains will overload al explode, it’s too much info for our retarded fanbase”
>> “players will find a circle confusing” :D
You made my day :) . Shortest definition of WG…
- it’s not planned to split the gun caliber and the shell actual caliber (for subcaliber shells, for the purposes of overmatch for example) because such a mechanism would be incomprehensible to players
It’s hilarious how dumb overall WoT player base is when such simple things would be too confusing for them. But i think WG is plain lazy to do it and they just use that as an excuse not to do it.
“everything according to plan.”
We know where they are pulling those plans from!!!!!!!!!