Hello everyone,
VK Wotleaks community published a short Q&A with Anton “Evilly” Pankov, World of Tanks producer, who answered some questions at the current Igromir game expo in Moscow. The asking player’s name was Pavel Popov (so you know who to blame if this turns out to be crap :) )
- there will be a global HE shell rebalance, the developers will also collect HESH statistics (for rework). Murazor (SS: known WG videomaker) proposed that the HE round would “temporarily kill” (stun) the entire crew for 3-5 seconds, the developers liked the idea
- garage battle mode was finally scrapped, but the feature of using several tanks in one battle will come in another mode, unspecified in which one (SS: that would most likely be the new historical battles, the developers actually confirmed that before)
- historical battles will be a full PVE mode
- the feature of player-individual missions (individual missions for each account) will come soon
- gold ammunition will not be removed, developers are however considering lowering the gold shell alpha
- there will be several versions (iterations) of Havok. The first version will bring the “destruction of external objects”
This murazor guy . did he read my comment on FTR 3 months ago ? if yes , i want my copyrights .
Have you people lost your mind? Isn’t there enough trash in this game with Arty splashing 5 meters from your tank and destroying 3 modules and killing 2 crew members, you now want temporary crew disable aswell?
Which arty fires HESH?
ahhmmmm… you know what an 40kg 203mm HE granade do to a tank ?
I would say be happy not to be dead. Because in reality you would be that… DEAD
I don’t think anyone here knows. I don’t think anyone here would even understand the math behind it.
Don’t pretend.
It is a game not reality.
and thats why wots sucks not enough realisum behind it all.
The player base is millions of people, I doubt you were the only one who thought of it (especially considering the effects of HEAT).
Ha, you are at best was maybe 10th to think of that :D
HueHueHue true , i thought of it after seeing real HESH shells IRL being fired , i also have ( actually had ) an idea about HE rework but kept it for meself only :3
Sweet baby Jesus. Imagine those FV4202 spamming gold to stun enemy crews…
So stock gun T49 = inf stun? :D
Try to pen someone with that!
Both FV’s however, that’s another story. :)
But in general that idea is the most arcade-ish bullshit proposal for WOT I have ever seen.. like some electrical teaser or something that could do this.
funny, it’s actually kind of realistic… just imagine how deafening the sound of direct HE shell hit is to the crew inside of the tank… (not to mention other effects of said HE hit)
i guess it only will work to crew inside the splash area, to prevent low calibre spam.
- gold ammunition will not be removed, developers are however considering lowering the gold shell alpha
LOL wut? They are perfectly fine currently. If they gonna do it, that should only be on those gold-spamming tanks (i.e. T-54 etc.)
yep, cause getting a + on one parameter without a – on another is in no way out of balance…
+ = penetration
- = price
Balanced already. The economy is another issue (as is the strength of enemy armour and other factors).
price is generally not a good way to balance things
It is, if you have a closed economy :)
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it for some time now: introducing some kind of closed economy on premium shells would be a nice way to limit its usage (and an “organic” one, as opposed to an artificial cap), as long as it’s properly balanced. The current economy is unfortunately an open one.
yeah cause price is a balancing parameter… *facepalm*
nice i can buy “balancing” with real money … WTF m8 ?
The gold spamming guys don’t care about the price. They got tier 8 premium tanks to earn the credits. It’s totally unbalanced.
The alpha reduction of gold shells is the best parameter to balance it. You want more pen? Sure put you get less damage for it, that’s the deal. ATM you have no negative effect during gameplay if you shoot premium shells. Well, HEAT has some on spaced armor for guys who have no idea about it.
The problem with premium shells are, that you steal some tanks the only advantage they have, armor, specially the german high tier heavie tanks.
Lowering gold alpha ? It’s gold for a reason. I use about 5 gold shells every 50 battles, but I have no problem with ppl ( noobz ) using them. If they want to spend money to win, let them…
if you would have used only 5 gold shels every 50 battles, you would have not post this.
Why yes, I do love playing a 20km/h, 200 ton roadblock and getting penned frontally in the angled turret by a tier9 medium 4 out of 5 times.
Because there’s nothing wrong with mediums ceasing to flank in order to spam gold ammo. That’s what the entire class is about, right? Having speed to meet the enemy faster, not to outmaneuver them.
Also, the problem is not using 5 every 50 battles, or even the poor stock, bottom tier scout trying to do SOME damage on a side facing top tier heavy.
The problem is people systematically using gold, rendering any armor-using tactic unviable.
Hulldown with o140? Fuck you, here comes 330mm pen HEAT rounds!
JpzE100 from 400m away hulldown? lol HEAT.
And it’s not like it doesn’t annoy everybody…
I’ve seen T-62A unicums spamming gold left and right, then complaining that a tomato lowe penned them while they were hulldown.
Sure it’s funny because it’s Karma, but in what universe should a top tier tank using his only armored part correctly be punished by getting damaged by a bottom tier tank?
“You played perfectly? Here fuck you, Tomato Mc Ketchup over here bought skill”
And you wonder why player level has come crashing down…
If you give people the option to play extremely lazily, they’ll take it.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Seriously though, you talk about mediums flanking, but you conveniently overlook the fact that so many maps are corridor maps where “flanking” is suicidal. You want more mediums flanking? Then the maps need to be more open so that those mediums can maneuver around to get those flanking shots. After all, how are you going to get flanking shots on heavies in that eastern brawling corridor on the Tundra map? Or on the brawling corridor on the 2 line on Severogorsk? Or any other number of brawling corridors where there’s no way to flank, short of rushing straight into their guns just to drive up beside them, fire a shot, and get nuked.
Good flanking fire requires flanking friendly maps.
How about learning to fucking aim instead of spamming “skill rounds” at everything that appears at least orange on the reticle?
Those poor 250 pen mediums, can’t deal with a heavy in a corridor. Let me shed a tear.
Yes, I am driving medium tanks.
And you overlook that there are still a LOT of non-corridor maps.
Sure corridor maps piss me off, but don’t try to pin the piss-poor gold spam behavior and its consequences on the recent direction that maps are taking.
+1 for you sir
should be +99999
Exocet, I couldn’t have said it better, good sir!
Also, it just makes sense from a realistic point of view to balance out the gold rounds by decreasing damage, at least for the APCR rounds. APCR rounds gain their increased penetration due to their shape, construction, and higher velocity. All of these things in real life WOULD increase the penetration of the shell, but would DECREASE the probability of causing critical damage to the tank, because the round would often have *too much* pen, and just punch right through one side of the tank and out the other. Lower velocity rounds (like AP) tended to cause more damage (depending on where they hit the tank) because when they did pen the tank, they wouldnt just go out the other side, they would often hit something and ricochet around inside the tank and cause maximum damage. HEAT shells should cause the most damage on pen, due to how they worked, but I do agree that at least APCR ammo could reasonably be rebalanced to lower damage potential. The best way to incorporate this into the game would be to decrease (in a carefully balanced way) the damage that APCR causes.
Flanking doesnt mean circling the enemy, there are many defentions and variations of flanking and brawling. It is proven that no tank needs gold ammo because there are some superunicum players streaming, that perform excellent using NO fucking gold ammo, because they rely on their own skill and the fact that ALL tanks are balanced around standard ammo. I have 4.5k games in KT and never have I used a fucking single round of gold. I have 225mm pen yes that is alot, but I do engage most of my enemies frontaly and 225mm pen is enough to pen ALL tanks in the game frontaly. So no I dont buy the BS that tier 9-10 mediums and heavys need to use gold ammo to pen other tanks. Remembers, most tier 9 mediums have 218-250 and even 270mm pen, that is enough to pen 90% of all heavys in the game frontaly. Even the fucking T54 which has a option to mount a 100mm gun that has 219mm pen, but longer aimtime and little worse accuracy, but that is because of balance reasons.
Dont come here with your crap that tier 9-10 tanks need to use gold ammo. I can possibly think that a few gold rounds for tier 8 heavys like T32 and VK45A (198-200mm pen) is “okay” because they meet tier 10 more often now days and needs to engage enemies frontaly. But appart from that. No, just fucking no to gold ammo on tier 9-10 tanks.
Not even tier 8 mediums need gold ammo because they are not suppose to pen tier 9 and 10 heavys frontaly.
The argument is flawed because the tanks that use gold ammo would easily be able to pen weakspots with regular ammo, not just derp thru hull down tanks. That is wrong.
Though some tanks can perform stupendously with a lot of gold (T54 with fast firing D10), in this case able to make up for the terrible pen but maintain high damage output which would otherwise be significantly reduced by lots of bounces.
How is 219mm pen terribe, on a plattform like the T54? I fail to understand that…
D-10T2C has 201 pen (64% pen increase with gold) and +5% increased ROF over D-54 (51% pen increase with gold). What’s your in-game name and server? I’m curious to look at your stats.
The other 100mm gun on the T54 has 219mm pen ur fucktard. 100 mm D-54. Why you ask about my stats? I have 4.5K games in KT 1895 avr dmg no gold ammo ever used. I dont need no retarded guld.
Dont forget that the speed of the projectile is also that causes damage. Slow moving same objects does less damage than fast moving.
what “flank” do you want to see in world of corridors? Flank where, the other end of your HT corridors?
Just because some maps have corridors doesn’t mean you can’t ever flank.
Strawman argument failed.
i hear ya xD in my kv-220 i get spammed gold at me tank every bloody time i get spotted
So obviously you need lessons on how to angle a maus…
Except that no, I’ve had the Maus since CWs first started.
JpzE100s using AP just cannot pen me 90% of the time, but as soon as they get bored and whip out the gold, Suddenly then can just autoaim and pen.
Because yes, one of them totally did it…TWICE.
If the difference between winning and losing is a few gold rounds then use it.
fucking retarded WG. they came up with PvE now?
sad pussies, they must be scared by AW.
PvE is not invented by AW so fuck off
WG fanboy here ?
pretty hard fanboing there, yes.
making historical battles pure PVE is a really disappointing move and a copout.
No just an idiot with a overinflated sense of self worth, a reduced vocabularly, and to top it all no respect for others. Using bad language, they think they are “hard”, all grown up, but in reality very immature.
PvE was invented long before tank gameplay.
WoT random battle = PvE
Tru fax of lyfe
did i say that? idiot.
WG HQ now is like a bunch of teens in a horror movie… running with no direction LOL.
AW is more competitor than WT:GF, a lot more, because they are not going to catch people who dont like WOT style… they want catch prem players bored of WOT.
Lets see what do WG with new game modes but experience is not very good… maybe because they never care about do this well because they dont have a true necesity now is other history… in months WG needs to all they dont do in years… could work or could be a disaster, lets see.
Ummm reduce prem damage??? this means they are going to LOWER prem ammo price??? because prem ammo =/= penetration… really WG and his ideas… is so fucking hard limit gold ammo to a % of the tank ammo load??? problem is not prem ammo problem is abuse of it, i see guys spaming gold ammo even over scouts!!! tier 10 killing scouts using only gold…
I’m frankly tired of the whining over gold rounds. If I can afford to carry a heavy load of gold rounds in a tank to make my life easier, that’s my decision. I tend to carry heavy gold loadouts in my premium tanks that have weak pen, because I use my premium tanks more for training than credit generation. And I get better training value from doing more damage. I do try not to overuse gold on those tanks because I don’t want to lose money on a win, or most losses, so I’ll only use them against harder targets and use regular ammo against the softer targets.
Limit gold ammo to a certain percentage? No thanks.
Try to learn to play, starting with aiming. That’s even bigger boost to crew training.
I dont think any tank needs gold ammo in the game because they are balanced around standard ammo. If one tank has lower standard ammo pen, it has other traits to balance it out. Gold ammo needs to get nerfed little to not make people use it so fucking much. By lowering the alpha, some people might choose AP ammo again because it makes more damage, even if it involves “more precise” aiming. People only use gold ammo because they like to autoaim and pen, when in realisty you cant use autoaim and pen on some tank.
I personly dont get why one would need gold ammo in tier 8-10 though.
limit the gold shells on a tank to 10% thats all id like.
let me point something out if you get penned 4 times in a row by a hull down t54 and you whine about him being a no skill gold firing noob…maybe you should think about the fingers pointing back at yourself, because imo you are the freaking noob who has no situational awareness that is trying to fight a hull down t54…u need to just fuck off and not allow him to play the tank to its strength…go kill the rest of his team then deal with him when the numbers are in your favor…people need to learn to stop whining about gold and look at the way they are playing…cause most of the time people use the “gold ammo” exuse to make themselves feel better about themselves, when in reality they were the ones being a noob by putting themselves in bad situations….plus you always have the option to return the favor and spam gold back at whoever is spamming gold at you “best strat NA”…i personally think gold ammo is fine the way they have it implemented right now…if they are going to change anything i think they should increase the price of gold rounds cause right now you can fire HEAT all game in a e100 and as long as u pen every shot you will at least break even or possibly make a little money personally i have a problem with that…btw i think the HE shells causing a stun effect is a horrible idea
If the T54 noob didnt shoot gold ammo, he would probably bounce you which would allow you to aim his weakspots and pen hime, or engage him and close the distance. This is the differance. And yes a gold spamming T54 in hull down position is a noob, it takes 0 skill to pen with 330mm pen.
I don’t mind the lowering of the Alpha. Just reduce the cost to make up for it. Many AP rounds had an HE component, and I imagine an APDS/HVAP round being solid would do less damage once it penetrated.
I’m not sure how they’re going to justify it with HEAT rounds though.
Personally, I’d much rather see them cap the “special” rounds to a % of the vehicle’s total ammo, depending on vehicle type. Increase the cost to make up for the lack of revenue generated and increased rarity.
Regarding HESH – I’d rather see them reduce the chance of internal module damage, but increase the chance of crew and vision block damage
How about increasing normalization of HESH? IRL HESH works better against sloped armour anyway!
“How about increasing normalization of HESH? IRL HESH works better against sloped armour anyway!”
Instead of having standard HESH have roughly double the pen of standard HE, maybe make HESH have really, really good normalization so that against that slowed armor, it works really well, but against a flank surface, not so well. I’m sure that WG could find an appropriate balance (or I’d like to think so).
Just no. We dont need more noob friendly ammo in the game. Use AP to pen and make full damage, that is how it should be.
Good at first glance, horrendous at second glance.
One of two things would happen:
1) It would get too little boost, and it would be a useless change, because it couldn’t pen anything new compared to now.
2)It would get too much and be an autoaim to win ammo.
It’s an arcade game, they don’t need to make it like IRL.
They can emulate similar results but not have the same mechanism.
One would be to keep similar pen, but boost module damage.
You use a round that required much more skill to use than an AP round? You are rewarded with more damage.
Right now, apart from 183mm HESH, module damage is a joke. A change to that could make it viable.
More rl the better maybe they can replace the t49s gold HE ammo with the missles it was promised i wouldent mind only careying two of them aka limited prem ammo. use it when i really need to. it opens alot more options. and makes more options the better the gameplay.
Go play warthunder on historical battles for real life-like gameplay.
Why the fuck do we need increased module and crew damage from HESH (gold ammo) shells? I say make a huge rebalance and nerf the shit out of ammo could not be bought for credits (APCR, HEAT, HESH). Fuck gold ammo really, and also kill all crews for 3-5 sec is totally fucking game changing and a huge nerf for all tanks.
First of all, HESH makes damage even if it doesnt pen all way which makes noobs just point and click, and on top of that it will kill all crews. Not balanced. Also why should HESH stun all crews? Then I want my AP ammo from my 10.5 cm 1 shot tier 10 TDs.
Now you are wrong. You can buy premium rounds for credits, it has been implemented long time ago.
It is still unfair to use it and it ruins balance. Of course it ruins balance if you can pen tanks you would not otherwise do because they are in a superior position. Former gold ammo or what the fuck you want to call it makes angling armor and side scrape totaly useless, which are/were important skills.
Devs know gold ammo ruins balance but they earn too much money to remove it/heavily nerf it or make it gold only again.
I dont see anmy reason to use gold ammo really. Specialy not in tier 9-10. In tier 8 you dont need to either because in higher tiers you play support role anyways. Not even in the T54 you need gold because you have a second gun that has 219mm pen which will even pen E100 frontaly.
REMIND ME AGAIN so who is the one sitting in the same place all game trying to side scrape on the same city corner over and over again gettting blapped in the face with gold rounds till death???? then blames enemy team of having no skill or gold firing noobs…LMAO POINT THE FINGER AT YOURSELF CAUSE obviously the noob pancake here is YOU
Just wanted to point out that HESH is the default HE on some tanks like the RU251 and Conqueror. They don’t have to pay extra for it.
How about only allow bottom tier tanks use gold per battle? Nothing worse than being in T29 and IS8 gold’s right through turret front!
Seriously SS, why are you posting such things? There is nothing new in these posts for months…
I fully support the idea that gold ammo damage should be lowered. The only drawback I actually see that tanks with RoF guns (low alpha damage) will suffer even more due to this when faced against higher tiers.
If that ever happens expect a complete rebalance of all guns!
The guns won’t be rebalanced and the price won’t be reduced because you are expected to use standard ammo most of the time. The guns are balanced for standard ammo. What don’t you get about that?
- there will be a global HE shell rebalance, the developers will also collect HESH statistics (for rework). Murazor (SS: known WG videomaker) proposed that the HESH round would “temporarily kill” (stun) the entire crew for 3-5 seconds, the developers liked the idea
Finally. I hope they will introduce something like overmatch for HE shells. I’m sick when my 152mm HE shell does not penetrate the mighty Waffenträger E-100′s 20mm armor on turret (nope, it wasn’t gun) due big angle.
- there will be a global HE shell rebalance
Will this buff artys? I doubt it, but maybe HE will be finally good for something in a non-derp non-arty vehicle too
-Murazor (SS: known WG videomaker) proposed that the HESH round would “temporarily kill” (stun) the entire crew for 3-5 seconds, the developers liked the idea
Biggest BS ever, any tank “stunned” for 3-5 seconds will be gang-raped by everyone around them. (and HESH is already ludicrously OP)
- historical battles will be a full PVE mode
- gold ammunition will not be removed, developers are however considering lowering the gold shell alpha
And what about high-pen low-dmg guns? for example Matilda or Pz II G, they should have a lower pen higher damage shell as a second shell.
I think the whole gold ammunition thing should be completely rebalanced, and none of the shells should cost gold or several thousands credits (so all kind of ammo are available for every player) for example low tier machine guns could have ammo that has increased range (but will pen less often because the distance) or artys could have HE shells with 10% less alfa but higher velocity, etc
honestly the matilta needs a gun nerf remove the top gun and only have a derp gun that has a nerfed armor by mms of 5-10 meters on the sides and ass and limit its match making to t4-5 and slow down the traverse and turret traverse and make it a heavy lol There no longer can be op as shit. but then again reworking the HE mechs would mean finally everyone may have a chance against the bloody thing.
or make it a t5 prem with buffed health and such and only sees t5. as for a replacement. for t4 make the valintine the only t4 tank before you pick sides.
- there will be a global HE shell rebalance, the developers will also collect HESH statistics (for rework). Murazor (SS: known WG videomaker) proposed that the HESH round would “temporarily kill” (stun) the entire crew for 3-5 seconds, the developers liked the idea
This is interesting but perhaps how about just one or two crewmen where you hit. The entire crew being stunned seems at first glance ludicrous, require people to actually shoot at the crew members they want to disable.
“- gold ammunition will not be removed, developers are however considering lowering the gold shell alpha”
Oh my god WG, just put a hardcap on it, that would solve the problem.
A gold ammo percentage cap based upon the total ammo stores of the tank would be interesting to play with.
that would just be indirect buff to those tanks carrying big amounts of ammo. E-100 and T29 for instance could probably spam gold whole game even if it was limited to 10-20% load.
- gold ammunition will not be removed, developers are however considering lowering the gold shell alpha
Why complicating things when you can just limit the gold ammo loadout and cap it to let’s say 10% of total amount of shells(this doesn’t however need to be specifically 10% on all tanks, it may vary from tank to tank like a balancing parameter) just like it was in historical battles(before they were removed) and it worked quite fine. Oh wait, i know the reason. It’s because it would significantly lower WG’s profit that they earn from premium ammo spam. I was strongly against gold ammo for credit in the beginning and now i spam it rather often in tanks that need it(T-54) simply because i can and it ruins game balance by much(raping E100′s turret frontally over and over) But if i had limited gold ammo per tank i would be much more careful about when to load it and use it. Sadly this is not an option for WG because they are too greedy for cash and don’t care for gameplay in that case and will rather go for more retarded solution such as reducing the alpha, because they are aware that people will still spam it(even more because you would need more shells to kill a tank due to lower alpha) and at the same time make it slightly less OP w/o cutting of their own balls(profit).
Making alpha lower on gold ammo, might even encourage people to spam more gold, because each shell makes less damage :). Good one WG, and I who thought lower gold ammo dmg would encourage people to switch to standard ammo. And no, T54 dont need gold ammo, just use the gun with 219mm pen nub.
>implying i’m nub for not using inferior gun http://i.imgur.com/xoHnzIA.jpg
that gun has all worse stats except for pen…so u are telling me to use inferior gun??? and since when is 219 pen good at t9????
I like the idea of lowered alpha for gold rounds. IRL most sub-calibre penetrators were like 37-40 mm in diameter. With such change, the gold-shooting would become a tactical choice, part of the game mechanics.
Also I would remove overmatch for APCR/APDS types, that’s just stiupid.
Stunned crew members? Lol, the next WT: GF feature to be copied?
It’s not a WTGF feature. There was “suppression” in games like Steel Panthers and Panzer General. (Yes, war games and remember, it’s Wargaming.net, not FirstPersonShooter.net). In fact, after Panzer General 2 SSI decided to rework the effect of artillery and dive bombers. You see, they could do a lot of damage so most players would just load up on arty, use their tanks and scout units to find the enemy then obliterate them while not having to engage in tank on tank battles. (This sound familiar?) Well, in Panzer General 3D: Assault they reworked Arty and Dive Bombers so while they would still do damage, they would mostly “suppress” the enemy. The point of suppression was to make it easier for tanks and infantry to kill ground units by limiting the damage the defending unit could do to the attacking units. While Arty and DBs could still kill, it took a lot longer and it was just easier to suppress the enemy and smash them with your ground units.
I don’t know about “stun”. How about knock down their crew skills down to 50% for 5-10 seconds while limited their view range? For HE shells and rebalance their games (though don’t change module damage).
Premium ammo solution is so simple to me:
+25% pentration & -25% damage to the default credit ammo characteristics.
All tanks are balanced around firepower, protection and mobility. This basic method keeps the inherent balancing of firepower on every tank intact, and the intended playstyle of the tank, just offers a tactical option.
I.e. No more lol penning E100 turrets with T54 HEAT, but plenty enough to pen lower plate etc.
Then there is a benefit better players can leverage by using map / vehicle awareness to outplay opponents who sprem spam shots, with the lower DPS this would offer them.
Who is with me on this?
I’m not, we already have idiotic HT maps aka World of Corridors, frontal HT invulnerability would be even more catering to retarded 43% WR 200WN8 zombies going HURR DURR ME HT ME POINT ME SHOOT YOU BOUNCE I KILL
No, the 43%ers are the ones sitting there in something like a Nashorn trying to play as a heavy tank.
Lowering the alpha of gold shells? Wooo they used my idea…
Reaballancing HE, they should make it more effective against structures – like secondary splash radius or secondary damage (multipliers?), they would be useful for something without destroying anti-tank balance.
the HE idea, I find horrible. You’ll basically be penalized for having sharp reflexes, because one “stun” round from a random siemka in E-100 = 5 seconds of being dead meat for everybody else to turn their guns and shoot you.
Will WG _ever_ come up with an idea that doesn’t cater to bads?
The game has catered to you until now, so they decided they wanted to cater to a different kind of bad now.
unicums and “pro” players get the best treatment in the whole game so stfu please, really. HE need to be buffed in order to be effective indeed , i am surprised they only realize it now.
Yaay, moar whine about premium ammo!
>le me in a comet
>le wannabe pr0 in vk4502b ~150-250 meters away
>le wannabe pr0 sees a hulldown comet and pens le mantlet
>le me starts spamming le gold at his cuppola, dodging le rest of his shots
>le me has nao ~1k dmg dealt and 1 frag
>le vk4502b is dead nao
Moral of this story? 1 – best armor doesn’t get hit; 2 – dictate the terms of engagement; 3 – if you don’t want to be competitive and use gold, then stfu welfare warrior.
Yes you so outplayed him.
If only he could press that “2″ button and get your mobility and aim time or double his armour all round. Would you like that?
Exactly, in a game about tanks you’d think armor would be the one thing they wouldn’t fuck with. Now people can just essentially negate your armor entirely. I spent most of my time in game getting to one TD that interested me, the T95. I didn’t care how slow it was, I had armor and a big gun. Now you can buy premium ammo for credits and whenever someone sees me around the corner they load gold and that’s all they fire at me. I tried using gold once, but the fact that all my shots were now going into that heavy instead of bouncing like they aught to really got to me. It isn’t right if your gun can’t pen the guy in front off you you shouldn’t be shooting at him or you should be aiming for weakspots or trying to flank. And for vehicles like the E 100 with the gun having not so great accuracy so you cant aim at weakspots well and the gun having little pen so you have to rely on flanking and the fact that the E 100 is slow and cant flank anything, your argument for gold is more valid. But the Comet? Fast, it can flank pretty much any heavy in game. The gun has really good pen with standard ammo. And its relatively accurate so even if you can’t flank and you are not penning just aim at fucking weakspots. And if you don’t know the weakspots of the tanks you are facing you shouldn’t be loading gold to compensate for that. On a side note : why are you hulldown in a comet?
He could’ve tried to sidescrape or get closer to me but nope – pressing “2″ doesn’t make anyone smarter so he just stayed in place.
“And if you don’t know the weakspots of the tanks you are facing you shouldn’t be loading gold to compensate for that.”
Such chivalry, doge impressed. Look – if you don’t know weakspots and you don’t use gold to negate that – you’re an idiot, you’re lowering your influence on the match and refusing to use gold might lead to losing the game. WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?
“On a side note : why are you hulldown in a comet?”
Because I’m making myself a smaller target and it’s easier to dodge incoming fire (being hulldown =\= staying hulldown, comet can’t take shots on the mantlet from tier 9 tanks). In that situation I was engaging vk4502b in hulldown, because I couldn’t really go anywhere – there were plenty of tier 8&9 heavies on my right and going there would mean 1) possibly taking a shot or two from the vk; 2) I would be facing higher tier heavies head-on. I had to deal with the vk to open some space to maneuver.
The number of crew members stunned should be dependent on the blast radius and the stun length should be proportional to the amount of HE damage inflicted.
- historical battles will be a full PVE mode
one of the only reasons i will continue to play WOT. it was about time that single players got a bit of love.
- gold ammunition will not be removed, developers are however considering lowering the gold shell alpha
because german tanks Need lower alpha, right!??! motherfuckers!!!! is 135 alpha Damage too high for you?!?!?
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HESH rework? Well it’s about time.. Don’t fuck it up now.
Better not be touched by damage drop though, it’s the only thing it has going for it.
Looks like some element of MOBA or mmorpg will be introduced because of that stun on HE/HESH. So FV 183 and JgE100 will ask arty or FV4202 to stun enemy in front of them, then they will use Ulti Skill to kill.
I am so sick of the gold ammo whine…let me point something out if you get penned 4 times in a row by a hull down t54 and you whine about him being a no skill gold firing noob…maybe you should think about the fingers pointing back at yourself, because imo you are the freaking noob who has no situational awareness that is trying to fight a hull down t54…u need to just fuck off and not allow him to play the tank to its strength…Either find a different way to engage him where his position is not good for him and if thats not possible…go kill the rest of his team then deal with him when the numbers are in your favor…people need to learn to stop whining about gold and look at the way they are playing…cause most of the time people use the “gold ammo” exuse to make themselves feel better about themselves, when in reality they were the ones being a noob by putting themselves in bad situations….plus you always have the option to return the favor and spam gold back at whoever is spamming gold at you “best strat NA”…i personally think gold ammo is fine the way they have it implemented right now…if they are going to change anything i think they should increase the price of gold rounds cause right now you can fire HEAT all game in a e100 and as long as u pen every shot you will at least break even or possibly make a little money personally i have a problem with that…btw i think the HE shells causing a stun effect is a horrible idea
T-26 penning every shot from his autocannon on my type 34′s frontal armor? I SCREWED UP, I underestimated the guy and got killed. I SHOULD’VE BEEN MORE CAREFUL and shouldn’ve rushed to get the kill, because “hey it’s just tier 3 tank, what can he do?…”
Lmao, It seems WG does listen sometimes. Maybe they actually got the idea from someone else but on a Facebook post a few weeks ago I suggested that Wargaming should lower the alpha on prem shells.
So basically you’ll have a bunch of people on each team with fast firing, sub 5 second reload, tanks firing all HE permastunning the crews enemy tanks until the tanks are destroyed. All you will see is everyone running around shooting HE. HE ammo is already broken in the fact that non penetrating HE rounds can do significant damage. Adding the stunning effect is the stupidest, most game ruining thing I’ve ever heard of.
HE round was never meant to pen tanks they was built mainly be anti-infantry or to hit tanks explode and to knock lose armor or break gear inside tank or knock out crew members so a HE should not need to pen to effect a tank.
>> – historical battles will be a full PVE mode
Nope, i’m out of this mode. If i want to play with legal bots, i have War Thunder for that…