The post about the leaked tank statistics was deleted. It turned out that the statistics were only placeholders, so it was pointless to publish and it would only confuse people. The T-55A should be leaked later today, we’ll have to see.
Otherwise, there’s really nothing going on I think. Check in a bit later for the T-55 (if it goes out today).
Isnt the T-55 a bit too advanced for WoT ? if no , what was its armanent ?
100mm Kanone D-10T2S
100mm Gun, basically the same as on the Type 59.
Uh…T55 is the upgraded T54 with NBC protection and a few other tweaks but it does not have a smoothbore gun.
If they don’t stick chemical warfare in the game, the T55 shouldn’t be functionally different than what you’re already used to with the T54.
Now if it’s the A variant(most likely a “prototype” lol) it might have some other things changed.
WZ-120 is a Chinese licensed copy of T-55A.
“WZ-120 is a Chinese licensed copy of T-54A.”
oh, is it? nevermind then, I stand corrected.
World of T-54
Well) there’s something you may be interested with :
TTX (or how it will be in english – technical parameters?)
of the T28 cocept, T-55A, obj260 and the Fury sherman
and the pics of T28concept and T-55A
Вот такие нас ждут танки:
- Восточногерманский Т-55А
- Объект 260 (ИС-7 с другой башней)
- Т28 (ПТ, есть только деревянный макет)
- модификация M4A3E8 (в честь фильма Fury)
А теперь обломайтесь, танки не просто не будут исследоваться, но и даже премами не будут. Их будут выдавать за глобалку и, конечно же, за очередные задротские говнобоевые задачи, которые нужны для искусственного раздувания онлайна, а то Кислый с Сербом не погладят по голове отвечающих за WoT в данный момент.
Translation will come in a couple of minutes
Ooops. SS made the translation in an earlier post(
Still i will try to get another t54 to my collection ^^