Hello everyone,
just a really short info from the Insider about what’s going on in Wargaming:
- Insider mentions that there have been MANY at WG reports of one bug (apparently on live server, this info comes from the day before the test started): HEAT is apparently broken, the mechanism of spaced armor triggering HEAT is allegedly not working and HEAT works thus as a regular AP shell. It was allegedly tested on E100 spaced armor (mantlet) and T110E3 mantlet and confirmed. I personally was not able to reproduce the results, so it’s possible it was hotfixed server-side.
- developers are now strongly discouraged from mentioning War Thunder and comparing it to WoT and encouraged to focus on their own game design instead.
- some developers (including apparently, Richard “Challenger” Cutland) found an interesting info about British ships for WoWs, they are asked to scan it over immediately, as the WoWs team wants to have the Royal Navy tree concept ready before the end of the year
Heat working as AP…theres gona be some buthurt….
There was and thankfuly it was productive so they hotfixed it
E100 put a HEAT shell through my T30′s gun mantlet
e100 can put shells over tracks, and they are old model ones without holes
WT has better gun sounds then WoT in 9.4 who agrees?
i don’t give a fuck about it, music over 9000% volume, can’t hear any shots
True that… new gun sounds in WOT sucks hard.
So go play WT if you dont like WoT -> problem solved.
^This. Too bad that sounds and graphic alone dont make a good game (Except for all those Cod kiddies)
There are things WT just does much better and this has nothing to do with not liking WoT.
Their overall performance/CFX/well coded multithreaded game engine/better sounds/better lighting….yes and BORING gameplay!
So no people saying WT is better, do not necessarily mean they like WT more and dislike WoT.
What about gtfo WT hater ;) his post was not about what is the best game. Fcking moron.
I don’t, but that’s just mah opinion, man.
So? Anyone can see that WT has certain aspects better (like e.g. general game performance/optimization, looks of the game, cool features (like the newly integrated tank inspector e.g.), superior plane part etc.), but WoT gives people more fun. WT has matched/surpassed WoT in many areas, but not in FUN. Not yet.
i have fun in WT compared to WoT that i ended up opening it just to get more angrier and angrier and violent, just openoing the game already put me in a foul mood knowing what was coming ahead. So to prevent cracking my keyboard in half or punching my monitor clean through because the game is shit i stopped and now i have oodles of fun in WT
for a newbie, wot is super fun, until they get to the high end competitive unicum gameplay, then it’s pure trash
That is definitely not the game’s fault, you seem to have a bit of a problem there.
game is broken, it’s arcade trash with broken mechanics.
those mehcanics make the game shit at high level
I see no broken mechanics in WoT. Everyhing works just as advertised.
JgE100 was shoting HEAT at my front and i just bounced like it was nothing(i was in IS7) . I was like lel
I play tanks in work of tanks, planes in war thunder, soldiers in heroes and generals.
It’s nice being able to choose.
War thunder is damn pretty though and runs quickly with it, maybe wargaming devs should compare engines to see where they can improve things.
For anyone whinging about music in war thunder, try changing settings, it’s easy :-)
Have you tried tanks or planes in H&G? I’d be curious what’s the overall opinion….
Not great, they’re enjoyable enough, but physics and suchlike are nonexistent. Planes can turn in 50m circles no problem. Tanks are fodder for panzerfausts.
They’re an extension of the infantry play, rather than a thing to play standalone.
Pingback: Insider: Co nového ve Wargamingu?
“found an interesting info about British ships ”
What.. you mean us Brits actually made some warships??
Fook me, I never knew!!