Hello everyone,
in this post, you can find 9.4 model changes. Most are quite subtle. The patchnotes tell us that visuals of some models were fixed (you know, SU-100 and others). Well… not exactly. From what I could gather, what WG basically did is they fucked up the texture resolution in 9.3 and introduced some HD models with lowres textures. In 9.4, this is getting fixed.
You can see it really nice on the SU-100 example, watch the mudguards (rightclick-view image for higher pic resolution – the pictures are big, so be careful):
Jagdpanther gets a new track color and a brace for the gun:
KV-85 – top turret gets these purple… thingies, that detonate HE shells. Kinda important if you don’t want HE shells flying inside the space of your cupola, but nothing gamebreaking. Nevermind the missing mantlet, I removed it in the viewer when I was checking the space behind it for changes (gotta be thorough, you never know when WG fucks up)
M24 Chaffee – apart from slight recoloring of top turret, I haven’t found any changes in visual or collision model.
RU251 – it’s widely known that in 9.3, the collision model is wrong, the turret doesn’t correspond to the visual model. In 9.3 common test, there was a bug where they moved the turret too low (it “sank” into the hull). In 9.3 release, they corrected the visual model but not the collision model, which remained “sunk”, now they are correcting it again.
and finally, T-34 – the tracks got a bit thicker and the turret got the periscope on top removed (collision model did anyway).
Apart from these changes, there was a bug with the tracks of several vehicles (specifically Jagdpanther and Panther), where they acted weird, when it came to seeing them highlighted as silhouettes in WoT, I suspect this got fixed.
Oh and M41 Walker Bulldog got a depression buff actually – in 9.3, the vehicle has limited elevation (worse by 2 degrees) in the sectors between 70 and 169 degrees on each side (from the axis of the vehicle, facing front). This was corrected and now M41 has the same gun depression it has when facing the turret to the front all around. It’s not really a buff, it’s a bug fix – the worse depression was there before because the early model had some visual elements that caused clipping, which were removed when it came out.
So SS , bit off topic but , do you know whats the point/goal behind the tog mission ? i’m sure there is a reason for it
Yes, im also pretty interested.
Yea, the new Jag panther and Su 100 look amazing. Definitely on the buy back list.
Maybe they are trying to make TOG more popular. Barely anyone is driving it, so in a first week after completion tier VI games will be 90% TOGs ^^
Good time to bring the anti-Tog Kv2 out to play. I love worthless juicy targets.
SMM to T6 only and its good tank. Otherwise – NO!
smm to t6 only? Tog can meet tier-7-tanks as well…
I guess that they are trying to get some players back…Wot is losing players, and it is their tactics with these type of missions…Like they did on na server with T34, again on our(EU) at the same time with is-6, sp…But that is only my opinion…
Its not because of the missions why they are losing players…
Not sure what the question means. In any case, if you are asking “why are they giving TOG for free”, the answer is simple. As wacky and funny as TOG is, it is a vehicle with relatively poor sales, at least that’s what I heard. Since they can’t make it “cool” and make people buy it more (because it’s widely regarded as XP pinata), they might as well use it for a promo to draw people to the game itself.
Most people will rage sell them very quickly. Still, it is a nice gesture, and maybe TOG platoons will be more common.
I think that the OP asked wheter WG is not planning for some TOG event, because AFAIR you have mentioned something like that. Not a race, something simmilar, 15v15 TOGS, or whatever.
This easy give away of a premium vehicle has raised a lot of angst on the NA server.
Angst doesn’t even begin to describe how we feel about this issue :/
Yeah. I mean, it’s not as if you get a free premium vehicle with every On Track or anything…
Nobady cares about these tards. NA server had its fait share of specials and missions we coud only dream about, but this is Murrica for you – one special thing dor the eU, and they are crying… Not to mention that they will get something similar in the future too. Probably also much better, as in not TOG, but maybe Churchill III or Matilda, you know, tanks, that are not a joke like TOG.
Could it also be a sign that the A45 is on the horizon? since once that arrives TOG will truly just be for novelty and what sales there are will drop..
About the lowres textures, I noticed that on my otherwise awesomely HD ISU the gun mantlet and gun are of relatively shit resolution, very blurred and smudgy compared to the rest of the tank, I wonder if they’ll fix it now.
Get a t-34 with the 57mm and a rammer, see TOG platoon, shoot until ammo runs out, profit :-)
For the TOG platoon, since you will be dead in 6 seconds ….
get T-34 with 57 mm, see TOG platoon, proceed to bounce all your AP because you still think they are loltraktors, cry about shit RNG and lose 20k in APCR…
Nah, you’re going about it all wrong. Play a KV-2 platoon. Eat togs for breakfast.
and this is the only proper way. KV-2 platoon will never be caught with their pants down (if they have even half a brain), or it may be even not a full KV-2 platoon (2xKV-2 and e.g. Cromwell, or even better Sherman Jumbo – something fast shooting, and with enough bounce for these fast targets that would try to get KV-2s betwen reloads).
Or pure KV-2 fest, was it 18,99 seconds with all of the upgrades nad premium food? Split that in 3, just enough time for them to be changing places and fire constantly :-).
Get a KV-2 with the 152mm and a rammer, see TOG platoon, shoot HE, profit even more.
I wonder WG fix camouflage on Jagdpanther. Currently it looks completely faded-out :-(
Hey SilentStalker! Did you know that under WoT/res there is a folder named ‘awesomium’? :D
(it doesnt contain anything)
What are you, a newfag? Of course he knows, and this folder is not completely uselss, just can be deleted safely, and it was advised some patches ago, because the awesonium used HDD too much, which resulted in micro lags when textured had to be read.
What are you, somebody who randomly insults people? but I have to say that I dont know where the ‘it doesnt contain any’ part comes from xD that was an utter fail from me (I was referring to the text-document inside, which didnt contain anything ^^) and for the ‘newfag’… yes I only play WoT for roughly a year and I dont know for how long I read ftr so I ofc missed the thread concerning the micro-lag stuff ;)
What are you, somebody who randomly insults people? but I have to say that I dont know where the ‘it doesnt contain any’ part comes from xD that was a fail from me (I was referring to the text-document inside, which didnt contain anything ^^) and for the ‘newfag’… yes I only play WoT for roughly a year and I dont know for how long I read ftr so I ofc missed the thread concerning the micro-lag stuff ;)
To gives a more proper answer, someone can precise it but I know “awesomium” is actually a version or some sort of implementation of the Chromium (opensource Chrome project) into game environment. It alows the game to bring you browser based content into the game. Don’t have any example to give you though sry.
note: wana, why don’t you keep forums and blog cleaner of that kind of useless post that not only insults a user asking a simple question, but also doesn’t even answer the question at all. Long story short: If you don’t know the answer and have nothing usefull to say, just simply…. well… I’ll stay polite here :)
About the M24 Chaffee, Did they fix the problem with the tracks sticking trouth the skirts after a jump?
I did not have updated the test server to look for it, someone did?
SS; What viewer do you use? I use tank inspector but I have never been able to remove a whole part from the tank (ie: the mantlet with that KV-85.)
P.S. You should do a “Ask SS!” by weekly. I’m sure a lot of people would have some questions you could use for this blog. Something like Reddit”s “IAmA”
Hi, I know I’m not SS :) but I happen to have read this page a couples days ago which might answer your question:
well anyway they are giving 3500 gold to me
About the JagPanther.
1. it is not a brace, it is the 1st part of a 2 part barrel. This is needed as the Weapon mount/collar is of the mid/late bolted type.
In the model presented it is about 2 x large, VERY POOR modelling