- Storm confirms: Sixth Sense will not be simply a perk, it will be radioman’s “ability”, that will work always
- a player was complaining, that the role of armor in the game is decreased by vehicles (guns), that are too new, being introduced into the game. Storm states that it’s not about the age of the vehicle, but only the gun’s penetration. Whether gun penetration will change Storm cannot say for now, he needs to analyze additional statistics. He thinks that he’ll recieve the statistics soon.
- Storm played a lot on new Murovanka and he thinks the map improved, you have more freedom to act.
- Q: “Maus had 265mm frontal armor, buff!” A (SerB): “That’s complete crap and ignorance on the matter unfortunately.”
- SerB states that the situation where you have the Intuition loader perk, that activates as soon as the countdown reaches 0 when you switch shells during countdown is correct
- 9.5 will come around New Year apparently
- Storm thinks 9.4 is not “some half-patch” – “there’s a new map, premium tanks being tested in order to be released for New Year, noticeable optimizations and new version of Stronghold – many things that are pointless to postpone”
- it’s possible 9.5 will contain a new batch of tanks with transmission/engine split
- in 9.4 Test 2, Stalingrad has increased chance of dropping
- Panther 88mm will not have limited MM according to Storm, bit he admits it might still change
- developers are currently balancing new tanks for 9.5 (“there are many of those”)
- developers will consider the fate of KV-5 radioman after the Sixth Sense is reworked
- 9.5 will bring no reworked HD tanks, only new tanks (the Firefly branch, premium and special tanks)
- the Firefly branch WILL have its own tier 10 (SS: FV4005 Stage 2 – because this game TOTALLY needs another FV215b 183, only without any armor but with better gun handling)
- few patches back, developers were working on doppler effect of “shells whistling by” – but Storm is not sure where did that go
- Storm confirms that the 1/1/1 armor of M56 Scorpion is correct (“it will suffer if rammed”)
- there is a chance Havok might until New Year, but no guarantees
Storm states that in 9.4 Test 2, they did the following with the sounds:
- lowered the deafening shot sound filter niveau in the turret
- made the metallic clank element of the shot sound louder
- tweaked the volume levels
- made the sounds of large calibers a bit louder
Another death star? Great. They need to introduce The Force to deal with them…
Time to buy the AT-15A and start taming the Noobs :)
That isn’t a bad idea since it is getting buffed in 9.4 :P
Who says that? Maybe they’re gonna find something “historical” in “old british archives” to fit the top of the branch?
The turreted tortoise, Fv100 series etc. We can only hope that some drawings exist somewhere.
I’d love to see the screams of rage if the stage 1 fv4005 was added…
no more problems with wt e100s! you could kill a three man wt e100 platoon in 1 clip!
unfortunately its not happening though :(
I really dont get all this whine about fv183…
I got oneshot by this tank about 5 times since its release…
And that was ALWAYS my fault – I was sitting like duck, he had ebnough time to aim…
Another thing is, if it shots and miss, its already dead.
because a good death star is as rare as unicums.
with the reworked winrate(global wnrate vs tank winrate) the unnerfed fv only overperformed at 55% winrate and over.
that’s what I’m saying. Yet everybody whines…
The same could be said about arty and the whining about that will never stop.
What’s wrong with T-54 clones I love em
Aw yes, the FV4005 is back.
Rightly so. It actually existed, should never have been left out.
Badass KV-2 Derp Teapot is back :D
“there is a chance Havok might until New Year, but no guarantees”
SS can you clarify the meaning?
Havok in 2014 – slight chance.
Surely not. Havok will come with 9.5 at the earliest, and that won’t come until January 2015.
9.5 will come this year.
From today’s Q&A: “- 9.5 will come around New Year apparently”
= January 2015
Or New Year will come with patch 9.5
Woras pls
AROUND new year =/= after new year. It might come before new year.
You must be new around here.
WG ‘around New Year’ = ‘after new Year’.
You too.
WG ‘around New Year’ = ‘Summer Holiday’.
I’m guessing he left out the “come”
im thinking 9.5 before christmas for new prem tank sales as gifts.
yes with 124032785623476456234673478 bugs because of pushed patch release
The Fv4005 is going to be a horrendous tank for the game. It should not be added, almost solely on account on the negative impact it will have in regards to balancing.
Either it is going to be underpowered and completely unworthy of note, or the WTE-100 round 2.
It’s a Brit tank, WG won’t mind if it’s underpowered.
I’m expecting it to just be not much different from the 215, but honestly I care more about it because it would be IN the game. When it comes to nations that WG doesn’t care about like the British, that alone is an achievement to accomplish to sort out afterwards.
So you care more that it gets in rather than that there will be a good tier 10, especially considering that the FV4005 stage II was virtually a test tank. And just to be clear, there are other options out there, though the collection of information is not entirely complete
What other british TD could fill the tier 10 spot?
I expect new brit tier 10 MT and HT will be OP for 6 mths or so and then nerfed as WG said they want UK tanks played more.
FV4005 Stage 1
Give us tha 3 shot autoloader with 1850 hesh alpha wg
you know we need it !!!!
Yes, I care that it gets in there.
It’s better for an appropriate turreted end line one to be there, maybe somewhat underpowered and then later get balanced with future TD lines making use of the lesser known ones. I know of the Prodigal that Listy dug up after all, but thats not going to be ready in time for this line. Better to get one in now and get more later.
With Wargaming, you ALWAYS have to think in the long term with getting things done.
- Panther 88mm will not have limited MM according to Storm, bit he admits it might still change
So, there is no incentive (for me) to buy it, since the Panther II is the better choice.
How about more credit earnings, lower repair cost, crew xp bonus, and the ability to use your Panther II crew in it without retaining?
It’s a premium tank, it’s SUPPOSED to be worse than a regular tank during battle. It’s the rewards at the end of battle that are the reason to buy it.
This ^^^
I’m always amazed by people who think premiums should be better than same tier elited tanks. Just look at all of the Fury threads in WG forum on why no one should by it because it is not as good as a elite E8 :(
IS 3 is better than the IS6 but people still have it. It will be for crew training, and cred grinding just like every other premium.
i sold my IS3 to move the crew on as i like the IS6 better than the IS3 since the UFP nerf to the IS3, but that means a lot of APCR in the IS6. Even so, u still make around the same creds as the IS3.
IS-3 might have the best gun, but everything else goes to IS-6. I did compare them in the test server in the same conditions (3 skill crew, fully equipped). Although listed accuracy is lower, it seems to perform much better on the move with D-25. Much lower bloom it seems. Don’t forget higher DPM is a favourable thing at this tier. D-25 can I’ll check it up in Tank Inspector…
And the credit output does undoubtedly make a bunch of gold rounds affordable for those times when you can’t flank !
IS-6 + limited MM + gold ammo only = more fun than IS-3
You need gold ammo to have fun? How sad… What are you, from the Murrican server, or what?
Well, lots of the IS-6 drivers I encounter in randoms spam gold rounds to push their stats or for having some kind of “fun”.
Note: I play no IS-6 and I don’t use gold ammo regularly. Stop complaining about somebody you don’t know.
Oh, and since you are not very polite: FU, too!
with only 217mm penetration on gold ammo, try having fun in tier 9 battles. you can’t even pen E75′s lower glacis or T-54′s frontal with gold rounds. At least, IS-3 still doing fine in tier 9 or even tier 10 battles with 225/265 penetration.
Learn the game mechanic noob, and what a PREMIUM tank means. It has lots of benefits, but its performance – if there is a regular counterpart, is wors. Use it for what you suppose to use it – various crews training, credits earnings, XP farming etc.
Stop explaining the game mechanics I already know. I have a Loewe, Panther M10 and Jagdtiger 8.8 for these purposes (credits, crew grinding) already. I don’t need a Panther 8.8 with regular MM any more.
Right, the released stats of the panther 88 make it look like a very slightly worse FCM.(Worse depression being the big killer). Without limited MMing it will be a clearly inferior choice to the FCM. People are quick to try piss on others without realizing they are making a fool of themselves when they don’t know what they are talking about.
If it has limited MMing I’ll get it since I like the FCM. If not, not a chance. There is no point to playing a tank when I have another very similar one that doesn’t risk seeing tier 10s.
The main purpose of a prem tank is earn credit and train crew. Sure you can keep the old panther when you reach the E-50. But then what?
- a player was complaining, that the role of armor in the game is decreased by vehicles (guns), that are too new, being introduced into the game. Storm states that it’s not about the age of the vehicle, but only the gun’s penetration. Whether gun penetration will change Storm cannot say for now, he needs to analyze additional statistics. He thinks that he’ll recieve the statistics soon.
What? So you wanna nerf accuracy AND pen of all guns? Well my Maus is happy.
That’s called powercreep, and it’s been noticeable in WoT for two good years.
yayh so even 9.5 wont bring new HD Tanks gg Wargaming and yep we totally need another deathstar srsly what kind of BS is this?
and havoc will maybe come in 9.5 wow…. maybe=it wont
Storm confirms: Sixth Sense will not be simply a perk, it will be radioman’s “ability”, that will work always
so everybody will have sixth sense? will be a standard perk?
If you have a 100% radioman, the effect will work.
yes, so that you can spend 200g to retrain radioman when moving to new tank… or not having 6th sense for like 45k xp.
And when everyone’s super, no one will be…
Sixth sense is a ridiculously good skill and not having it severly cripples you in many tanks. You guys keep whining about noobs being too noob to help the team and always die. Well, them not having sixth sense is a pretty fucking huge reason for that.
No, the noobs dont die because they actively push flanks and help team mates, they are dying because they get blasted in their “safe camping spots”. Now with 6th sense, they can just pull back once spotted and then continue their camping.
I kinda missed it, do we know from which tank the Firefly branch will start?
It was said, that it will start from the beginning – with Grant (modified Lee) and few other tanks (regular Sherman, Sherman II or whatever). The thing that interests me, is from where there will be a link to that branch. From Cromwell to Firefly? It would be useful to know.
Medium I.
Will go to M2A4, M3 Honey, M3 Grant, Sherman II, Firefly, Challenger, Charioteer, Conway, FV4005.
Where the Archer and Achillies fit in though, I have no idea. Although the Archer coming off the Valentine and leading to the Churchill Gun Carrier would make sense. The Achillies is likely going to be premium or a link off the AT-2/Archer to match into the Challenger.
“Whether gun penetration will change Storm cannot say for now, he needs to analyze additional statistics. He thinks that he’ll recieve the statistics soon.”
To me it’s not as much about pen increasing (it is at some level), more about a lot of thin-skinned vehicles that have been introduced since the British tree. Most people we see in randoms don’t even know how to position themselves or flank, and get obliterated even by lower tiers. Whine never changes.
- Q: “Maus had 265mm frontal armor, buff!” A (SerB): “That’s complete crap and ignorance on the matter unfortunately.”
Sooo, what about the impenetrable IS-7 turret, Storm? Mmmm…
IS 7 get 30 mm more armor near mantlet, cuz of stalin whiners. Non historical but who givea fu**. In mause case, NO!! It must be historical, if sucks, well what WG can do……
That’s how things in soviet belarusia works
No idea why everyone is so butthurt about the FV4005 Stage 2. Its not like everyone is going to be getting it for free so they can spam the queues with them.
Please for fuck sake, dont make more of these noob friendly high alpha wagons. I think 1050 is max damage that should be allowed, and once it was true when jagdpze100 was the only TD in the game which has suck alpha. Nuff said. I generaly hate TDs and arty, but not all of them. Some of the german turretless TDs are okay because they never were overperforming.
- Storm thinks 9.4 is not “some half-patch” – “there’s a new map, premium tanks being tested in order to be released for New Year, noticeable optimizations and new version of Stronghold – many things that are pointless to postpone”
He’s right… it’s a 1/10th patch. All we’ll get to see is 1 new map – Supertesters got the lion’s share of new content to play with.
SS did storm say it will be the 4005 or did you say its going to be the 4005?
KV-5 radiomen will be even more of a target with the new 6th sense…like they don’t get executed often enough as it is :p
like KV-5 lives and dies on having 6th sense …
Best passive scout in the game, m8.
You made my day – now i have one monitor and one keyboard to dry…
note to myself: never read FTR and drink at the same time….
kv-5 doesn’t need 6th sense – you will hear the enemy when you’re spotted…
-there is a chance Havok might until New Year, but no guarantees
Interesting, havok was THE big announcement on the 2014 roadmap back on the end of last year, so much they said they were slowing the development of new tanks to focus on that
what we got this year? the tier 8 lights… one or two Premiums…… Stronghold mode (which i love)
still no havok.
“because this game TOTALLY needs another FV215b 183″
Yes, it does. And I don’t care how many T-59 clone fans whine about it. Diversity is good. For me, shooting a tank 20 times to kill it off pew pew pew pew pew is boring.
NO, we dont need any fucking tanks that can 1 shot tier 8 heavys and tier 9 mediums. I say make the max damage 440 in the game, no matter what tier. So people can survive a few shots. Tanks have HP for a reason and these high alpha/pen guns makes HP and armor useless. Fuck TDs and arty, and fuck all TD and arty player cowards. Wonder how tough these kids are irl…
lol, you know how many shots it takes to kill a tank irl? most of the time only 1 penetrating shot is needed to kill just about any tank. even with 75/90mm gun they would 1 shot the opposition most of the time. and in case you didn’t know, because of idiots like you moaning like this, tank destroyers and artillery have already been nerfed to death, and are almost unplayable. so learn to play the game, and you will survive for quite a long time if you are not playing like an idiot.
And since when is wot a fucking simulator your prick? If we want 1 shot capabilities then the whole game needs to get rebalanced. In a game with HP and specific damage per shot, too much alpha is bad. Also arty and TDs unplayable, AHAHA, they are too easy to play. That is why TDs are more played than heavys, lights and mediums. TDs are noob friendly noob/doom invisicannon-cowards.
Also “playing like a idiot”, meaning you will not play “dynamic” in fear of beeing shot by invisinoob-arty and invisinoob-tds? Lol, just fucking lol. There is a reason WG nerfed arty and now makes TDs less easy to pley.
Diversity is good, but there are way too many high-alpha guns already in the game. if one team only has such high alpha guns, the enemies cant really advance without getting cleared 1by1… if at least armor was still worth anything, and high alpha guns get lower penetration, but that is hardly the case…
too many high alpha guns turn this game into a campfest.
Also i don’t understand why 2 branches of the same Tree should get the same tank… those fv TDs would play pretty much the same… also the 3 russian T10 mediums are pretty much all the same, apart from little differences, that won’t really change how you play them… I wouldn’t call this diversity…
For me, shooting a tank 20 times to kill it off pew pew pew pew pew is boring.
Words of a baddie. I wanna “I win” tank so i can have my revenge upon better players. Compensate lack of skill with broken tanks.
We all know what tanks punish good players that wants to play active, and these are most TDs, all arty and all autloaders. These vehicles differ too much compared to all other vehicles in the game. And they all prey on tanks moving, so they can invisi-snipe/clip them. While with regular heavys and mediums you usualy take risk in making damage, you move to the enemy and brawl/flank/support in close to medium range.
As long as there are tanks with high alpha/high pen these will always have a harder reward because for the time you are exposed you will make more damage. Not to mention that most TDs and arty dont even play active, because they are “tools of cowerds”.
In the old days, TDs were not such a big threat due to worse accuracy and only 1-2 of them MAX. Now days you have like 3-10 TDs on regular basis, as well as 2-3 artys. This makes mediums and heavys nothing but cannon fodder.
So no, we DONT need any fucking tier 10 TD with a 183mm gun. The fv183 is already extremely overpowered even shooting regular AP, because it has higher alpha and pen than the jpe100 to beginn with.
Stop behaving like a little girl with a slapped ass.
“Good Players want to play active” is your own misguided opinion.
a “Good” player looks at the enemy team’s capability and calculates the risks accordingly.
I play all tanks, and i (like you apparently) tend to push to far, to fast.. and (like you) that makes me a bad player..
Live with it. and stop fucking whining.
I dont fucking get it. Why even speak about the role of armor when you have gold ammo and TDs? Which are made to make armor useles from the first part? Also what about many tanks that just have enough AP pen to damage tanks aiming carefully at weakspots and lower plates for example. Why reduce their pen? I am talking about tier 8 tanks though. Should tier 8 medium and heavys pen be reduced, that is totally bullshit since they in some cases alreaddy struggle penning tier 9-10 tanks even aiming for weakspots. Think tanks like vk45a and T32. They have sub 200mm pen, hardly enough to pen tier 9-10 tanks frontalt aiming for weakspots. Totally bullshit if they reduce pen on all tanks. Reduce pen/nerf gold ammo, that is the fucking issue. Since most tanks using standard ammo still need to aim for lower plate/cupolas and other weakspots to pen.
Can’t nerf pen because APCR in real life is all about increasing pen. What you *could* do is nerf damage. After all, it’s a sub caliber round that penetrates so you could make a case for it being less damaging.
Also, the pen for APCR drops faster than normal AP over distance because the APCR is lighter than AP for the same cross section, hence it is more affected by air resistance. APDS though probably has better pen at long range because it is denser than AP. OTOH, the loss of the sabot probably adversely affects accuracy at long range. So in both cases, gold would be best used at short range. HEAT has already suffered a nerf in that spaced armour now affects it.
You dont get it, they may nerf pen on standard rounds. And the issue is and alway were gold ammo, nothing else.
We have one Death Star, now we’ll have a Super Death Star!
Two points:
1) Armour works, but only on Soviet tanks; not even Chinese copies (IS bounce more shells/damage than IS-2, WTF).
2) No way they will NOT introduce another 183 for the gold; UK line is their gold mine.
Armor still works decent as long as all shoot standard ammo. In fact some tanks have too bouncy armor as it is compared to others. Problem is WGs approach to this, instead of nerfing gold ammo, they will probably rebalance standard ammo, just like when they reduced standard ammo on tier 10 heavys some patches ago. In theory, yes armor gets more valuable if they rebalance pen on all tanks, but in the same time having gold ammo in the game that has much better pen….makes it bullshit. For armor to become more valuable, all gold ammo has to go.
HESH in game is useless.. Since the nerf, even on the 183.
They don’t make money on gold rounds from Brit tanks, trust me.