Source: FTA VK community
Hello everyone,
on the supertest server, STA-2 upcoming tier 8 premium Japanese medium tank was buffed thus:
- DPM buffed from 2029,3 to 2115,1
- reload time buffed from 7,096 to 6,808
- ROF buffed from 8,456 to 8,813
- aimtime buffed from 2,21 to 2,11
- accuracy loss from moving a turred buffed by cca 20 percent
- hitpoints buffed from 1400 to 1420
- repair costs very slightly nerfed
New vehicle statistics are like this:
Tier 8 MT
Hitpoints: 1420
Engine: 500hp
Weight: 34 tons
Power-to-weight: 14,71 hp/t
Maximum speed: 45/20 km/h
Hull traverse: 44 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,918
Hull armor: 45/35/?
Turret armor: 70/60/?
Gun: 90mm
Damage: 240
Penetration: 185,9
DPM: 2115,1
ROF: 8,813
Accuracy: 0,355
Aimtime: 2,11s
Depression: -10
Turret traverse: 43,8 deg/s
Viewrange: 380
Radiorange: 720
Still don’t know how i feel about this premium it looks ok but the guns pen is kinda lacking it needs buffed or it needs tier 9 max MM
It’s propably going to be the case as with majority of premiums
o rly? 185 is average penetration for nonpremium t8 mediums, and if you dont know how to use it, its not tankĀ“s fault… sure, you hope you have 300 pen on every t8 tank, because armor in WoT is still a little bit usable, lets ruin it completly…
WG backed themselves into a corner with the FCM 50t and Type 59. As long as those things have pref-MM, its almost impossible to justify NOT giving this thing pref-MM too.
Those stats generally do look perfectly fine for a tier 8 medium, but its hard to convince someone to cough up $50 for one if its going to just get blasted away by tier 10′s.
this thing was already really close to a regular tier 8 tank and it didnt need a buff in my opinion so this could end up being a type 59 but instead of the armour you get the gun depression and pretty good dpm and dont forget this is without a rammer so the dpm can get even better.
also if all of the new tier 8 prems including the panther 88 dont get tier 9 max games then that will be a complete shit fest for wargaming because of the type 59 and the fcm 50t. which could result in these vehicles being under bought but this one is almost as good as a pershing right now.
There is no such thing as “Like a T59, except with no armor”
-10 does not equal -7 with amazing armor….Not even close. Armor makes a tank able to not trade DMG with baddies and save your HP vs good players who will pen you.
Exactly the difference between this and normal tier 8s is pretty clear this costs 30+ quid and a normal tier 8 costs nothing in terms of real money if am buying a tier 8 premium with low pen 185 AVG I don’t want to fire off gold rounds because what’s the fucking point of playing it when I could just play my normal tier 8 mediums like my Pershing and Partner 2. I play tier 8 premiums for credit grinding or training crews nothing else.
if you have to shoot premium ammo on tanks like Pershing and Panther 2 to do something, you are playing it wrong… i recommend you check some YT video guides (sir foch for example) ;-)
Exactly as Jack_SVK said.. it’s maybe more than average t8 meds.
Sweet. Give this thing pref-MM and life is good.
You really don’t need much to make your life good :D
If preff-MM for an in-game tank is the only thing which can make your life complete you’re doing something wrong ;)
I would never buy a premium if it did not have preferential MM.
Its almost like the good old days after beta, when whole balancing departments idea of buffing a tank was to give it 10 more hp, because in 1 000 battles that 10 more hp will statistically make that tank win one game more than it would without it, hence the tank is balanced because it doesnt have 48.5% wr but 48.6% now (or whatever, I dont even math)
Haha nice one forgot about that idiot balancing back in the Beta :D
it still can suck t-54 model 45 dick hard
But they said that T-54 model 45 will be similar to superpershing, so expect a slow medium.
Also STA-2 275mm pen HEAT says hi.
I’d say that the T-54 mod. 45 will be very close to a small 112 with a 100 mm gun instead of a 122 mm. Your 285 mm HEAT shells will bounce off of that just fine.
When hearing about it’s supposed lack of speed I was worried about that it would suck, but after playing the 112, which have similar top speed, hp/ton, ground resistance and armor I’m more worried about how painful it will be to knock out without outnumbering it.
Only if the model 1945 has stronger armor than the tier 9 T-54, which requires about 200mm AP pen or 220 HEAT pen to damage from the front.
No way it will have 275 pen gold shells. That is a la la land dream.
The 2nd gun on the STA pen is one thing but I very much doubt it will have that.
So even the STA2 will have problems vs the T54 mod 45 while the FCM wont.
T54 mod 45 will be a monster IMO as it has the T54s hull.
that’s why i will buy it, my first 8 tier prem for money ;) i have SP from mission, so i’m not concerned about T-54-m45′s speed, it can’t be worse than SP !
Barrel, probably?
Still inferior to FCM 50t.
In terms of pen maybe, but mobility between the two is going to be similar and the STA-2′s firepower outside of raw penetration is actually generally better than the FCM’s. It also isn’t gigantic, which helps a lot for staying in hard cover and not being spotted in the first place.
FCM’s only other real advantage is that its side armor can be used for scraping, and it isn’t hyper-vulnerable to mid-tier artillery, but overall the balance between the two is fairly reasonable.
Oh my, oh my, you did put an effort in this one. You could just say that as long as you want high penetrating gun and don’t care about HUGE ASS LIKE A FUCKING SCHOOL BUS then FCM is better but if you want something sleek, STA-2 is the way to go.
Oh yeah and sidescraping and masochist tracks are another FCM’s perk
FCM doesnt take a tenth of what the STA1 does in module dmg.
Its not as good now that the meta changed but it damn well is still solid.
Its 215ish pen is a monster at T8 where as 185 is good not great.
Also if the STA has japans derpy gun handling it wont be sleek at all. If thats the case the FCM`s laser is 100% better.
The ONLY way the STA is better than the 50T is if it gets pref MM, otherwise, 50T is better.
Pingback: Info ze supertestu: STA-2 dostala buff
Compare to STA-1?
- hitpoints buffed from 1400 to 1420
dat huge hp buff
Excellent,a Type 61 and a STA-1 combined together.
Lower Pen and Power-to-weight
Higher ROF
Really nothing impressive
Still gonna be much more inferior to the Panther 88:
MUCH more slower
Worse gun in almost every respect maybe apart from 3 degrees of gun depression.
Plus Panther has somewhat troll turret armor while STA has paper thin…..
Size might be smaller than 88 but not that much…Noone is gonna but that unless they will give the STA premium Mm and not to the 88….