- Storm states that the new ramming mechanism was introduced in 9.4, because “the old one was very badly bugged”
- Storm confirms that the mission to get the Object 260 will be multi-stage and it will be very difficult to get it
- a lot of players (even on EU server) reported a garage bug, where the camera suddenly zooms out very far, Storm states he knows about it, it will be fixed
- Soviet tier 8 premium medium T-54 Model 1945 will come next year
- Havok: “when it’s done it’s done”
- it will be possible to get all three IM reward tanks (Object 260, T55A and T28 Concept) on your account
- Char B1 in the game doesn’t use the hull howitzer, because it was aimed only by moving the entire vehicle (it has 0 traverse)
- Q: “French tanks of tier 1-4 suck” A (SerB): “Don’t play French tier 1-4 tanks”
- apparently, EU servers were DDOSed recently, Storm is investigating the situation
- Q: “I have a SSD. Loading battles is fine, but whenever I quit the battle, it takes very long time for the results to load (I am stuck on “spinning wheel”), why is that? A friend of mine has a regular HDD and he has no such issues.” A (Storm): “It’s a problem with connection. After the fight is over, a large volume of data with battle statistics is transferred. And it’s this data pack that the game is waiting for, until it arrives. If you have packet loss, it’s possible to wait for it for a long time, until all the info is confirmed to have arrived.”
- Storm on various Russian “experts” whining about upcoming new tank motion physics: “A country of natural born experts. Sometimes they produce Boeing photos out of nowhere, sometimes they telepathically evaluate the physics at long distance. Why aren’t we colonizing Mars with such people?”
- apparently, to replace the effect of terrain resistance (and to justify some tanks moving slower with the same horsepower), a new parameter will be introduced in the new motion physics: “loss of horsepower in transmission and drivetrain”.
- no ETA on new motion physics test for now
SerB on player proposals: “Everything you can propose to us was already considered a long time ago and either it was scrapped (99,9 percent) or is in the queue, waiting to be implemented (0,1 percent). And so with the game growing grows mainly the amount of old stuff and crap, sorry. ‘The population grows, but the sum of all intellect remains unchanged’”
- Storm on various Russian “experts” whining about upcoming new tank motion physics: “A country of natural born experts. Sometimes they produce Boeing photos out of nowhere, sometimes they telepathically evaluate the physics at long distance. Why aren’t we colonizing Mars with such people?”
Give this man a medal.
+1 :D
Yep, a very brave men, with that Boeing comment. Still, made me laugh :) .
I laughed so hard! Gained new respect for the man, that was brilliant.
You were a fool to lose respect to the almighty SerB!
“Storm on various Russian “experts” whining about upcoming new tank motion physics”
Yea, right, SerB …
Woras being Woras, don’t mind his ADHD.
Man I have never heard of such a high level psychiatrist that can even diagnose people online. You must be some professor. Can you give me some tips?
respect Storm, respect.
+1 for Storm :D Made my day! :)
Fantastic stuff.
LOL I have a lot of respect for Storm for saying that completely unexpected. What a legend.
Translation was deliberately made incorrect. Original post states “То фотки Боингов на чистую воду выводят, то физику телепатически на расстоянии оценивают” (http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3599562.html?thread=280269258). It means “Sometimes they unmask (=reveal truth instead of fake) Boeing photos, sometimes they telepathically evaluate the physics at distance”. So this phrase has the opposite meaning. He doesn’t like people who revealed fabrication. I don’t think such attitude is worth a medal :(
Im really curious about that “very difficult”. I bet its just mindless grinding not actually achieving something hard ..
Get 150 Top Guns?
Deal 5M of damage?
Dont rage-quit?!
Do it all in 24 h :)
Very difficult = 25 wins per day
more difficult would be:
Win 10 battles during weekend
- it will be possible to get all three IM reward tanks (Object 260, T55A and T28 Concept) on your account
While being permanently online….
During the winter holidays, which would translate to no friends, no girlfriend/wife, no family, no parties, no dinners, no booze… I think I’ll wait till they sell ‘em to get ‘em.
If they’re mission reward tanks, they’ll never be sold in the store. Same with the Type59, now that it’s been given out as a reward, it’ll never see the store again.
Who needs a life anyway? I’ll marry any of my reward tanks if they are single. :D
- Char B1 in the game doesn’t use the hull howitzer, because it was aimed only by moving the entire vehicle (it has 0 traverse)
Oh don’t lie Wargaming, it isn’t used because you haven’t figured out the multi-turret mechanism yet.
They are not lying, the hull gun had 0 traverse, and no gunner as well (the driver was the gunner…)
I think the person who asked that question originally meant to ask why it didn’t use that gun instead of the crappy 47mm mounted in the turret (as even THAT howitzer would probably be better).
Just load a 1/4 premium ammo. Tank is not too slow, can actually bounce stuff at times and you only need premium ammo for a few tier 5 tanks and Matildas.
No it wouldn’t. Have you used a tier 4 75mm howitzer? Those things are awful. The 47mm gun needs historical penetration (tested as 106mm at 100mm by the French and 80mm at 15 degrees at 200 yards by the British), and probably a damage buff from 45 to 60, but changing to the hull howitzer is a bad option. It should get the hull howitzer, but it should never be the primary weapon.
Not even if it were the B1 ter? That one had 5 degrees of traverse on both sides and a more powerful 75 mm gun.
- Q: “French tanks of tier 1-4 suck” A (SerB): “Don’t play French tier 1-4 tanks”
A very legitimate question and a totally asshole answer. This makes me wish that SerB could only play the mentioned vehicles, nothing else. Don’t forget, it’s the best Q&A ever!
Hmm SerB did play those vehicles.
no he didnt B1, D1, D2 are not in his list of tanks played
Does this qualify as “playing those vehicles” ?
FT : 9 battles
H35 : 2 battles
AMX 38 : 5 battles
AMX 40 : 9 battles
Probably some time ago since he went from AMX 40 to AMX 12t without playing ELC.
He seems to do as he says : “Don’t play French tier 1-4 tanks”
Yeah, 2 battles in the hotchkiss, 5 in the AMX 38, 9 in the Renault FT, and 9 in the AMX 40. No battles in the D2, and no battles in any of the french heavy tanks. The only French tanks he really has any battles in are the tier VI-VIII light tanks, and the top tier medium tanks, he also has no battles in the ELC AMX.
The only French heavy that he does actually have is the gold tank, which doesn’t really count since he doesn’t have any regular heavy tank crews to train in it.
Q: “French tanks of tier 1-4 suck” A (SerB): “Don’t play French tier 1-4 tanks”
Typical smart ass Serb Response. Response as intended.
“SerB on player proposals: “Everything you can propose to us was already considered a long time ago and either it was scrapped (99,9 percent) or is in the queue, waiting to be implemented (0,1 percent). And so with the game growing grows mainly the amount of old stuff and crap, sorry. ‘The population grows, but the sum of all intellect remains unchanged’”
That’s probably the most arrogant thing I’ve heard in a long time..
Sure, WG has already thought of everything that anyone could possible imagine.
Because they are obviously omniscient gods!
Serb is an idiot. But a funny one
sorry, altrought your mom says you are special, you arent.
all the new proposals were already proposed by other players long ago, and wg doesnt give a fuck about the eu server feedback(or asia, us, sea, kr) because the sum of all these playerbases isnt even half of the russian playerbase.
I didn’t say that i had proposed anything worthwhile. That’s even impossible, since I’ve never proposed anything to them at all.
Sure I believe him when he says that the vast majority of input is repetitive or stupid… There’s no doubt and that’s just to be expected. But simply assuming that no one could possibly come up with something new (and good) is ridiculous..
That’s the same mindset the old men in the Vatican used to have.
World’s most dangerous phrase in business:
BUT We’ve always done it this way
So that means with new physics we finally get rid of the fucking terraine resitance?
would be nice since all it does is buff the russian tanks and fuck up all the other ones.
(example tier 10 meds, the russians are only so fast because they get riddicoulus good terraine resistance)
Can’t you read ? New parameter will replace the effect of terrain resistance.
Tell that to IS-7. Worst terrain resistance in whole game, even worse than maus. While in real life that thing is quite mobile during the test.
- Storm confirms that the mission to get the Object 260 will be multi-stage and it will be very difficult to get it.
As long as it’s not against a time limit (as in, you got a month to get this thing), perfectly fine..
Actually, terrain resistance in terms of movement is a valid technical parameter, only ingame implementation is BS because of “balance”. And the same BS will be the new one, nothing to do with real life values.
The new one is huge. Loss of TQ from slop is very very real. Bad part is the US was the most advanced by far with only 2-3% lost in the hydrostatic gears and transmision bands where the T54 and Rus tanks lost upwards of 20%….LOLOL
-Havok: “when it’s done it’s done”
2017 maybe?
In the year 2525, if man is still alive
If woman can survive, they may find
In the year 3535
Ain’t gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today
In the year 4545
You ain’t gonna need your teeth, won’t need your eyes
You won’t find a thing to chew
Nobody’s gonna look at you
In the year 5555
Your arms hangin’ limp at your sides
Your legs got nothin’ to do
Some machine’s doin’ that for you
In the year 6565
You won’t need no husband, won’t need no wife
You’ll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube
In the year 7510
If God’s a-coming, He oughta make it by then
Maybe He’ll look around Himself and say
“Guess it’s time for the Judgement Day”
In the year 8510
God is gonna shake His mighty head
He’ll either say, “I’m pleased where man has been”
Or tear it down, and start again
In the year 9595
I’m kinda wonderin’ if man is gonna be alive
He’s taken everything this old earth can give
And he ain’t put back nothing
Now it’s been ten thousand years, man has cried a billion tears
For what, he never knew, now man’s reign is through
But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight
So very far away, maybe it’s only yesterday
and Somehow wargaming will still be working on the Havoc engine….
Good one :)
Damn, tell me who is going to win the MLB World Series this year, that can actually be worth something.
The only thing that keeps off of the French tanks is that each and every damn line has it’s own low tiers.
“Storm states that the new ramming mechanism was introduced in 9.4, because “the old one was very badly bugged”
If the old one was very badly bugged, the new one is bugged beyond reason.
I was wondering SS, I remember them saying they would make the current t10 td FV more armored to give it more change from the coming FV td, but they must make that next patch when it actually arrives right? I haven’t seen at all any planning armor changes to it, do you know?
There’s still time. But yes, it should come soon.
- Storm states that the new ramming mechanism was introduced in 9.4, because “the old one was very badly bugged”
Well, thanks for fixing it. can you plz unfix it? or at the very least fix the fix?
don’t worry, they are working hard on hotfix of hotfix of release candidate 9 of hotfix…
Storm states that the new ramming mechanism was introduced in 9.4, because “the old one was very badly bugged”
It may have been bugged by WOT standards (WTF is that?) BUT IT WORKED. Not like the New mechanism that is DEFINITELY BROKEN!
- Storm states that the new ramming mechanism was introduced in 9.4, because “the old one was very badly bugged”
The amount of irony in this post is immense.
- Havok: “when it’s done it’s done”
- apparently, to replace the effect of terrain resistance (and to justify some tanks moving slower with the same horsepower), a new parameter will be introduced in the new motion physics: “loss of horsepower in transmission and drivetrain”.
Wanna bet what tanks are gonna lose the most amount of HP? My money goes on the tanks that used to burn when hit in the transmission(front) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- apparently, to replace the effect of terrain resistance (and to justify some tanks moving slower with the same horsepower), a new parameter will be introduced in the new motion physics: “loss of horsepower in transmission and drivetrain”.
It has nothing to do with hitpoints.
Pretty sure he meant HP = HorsePower
Funniest part is Rus tanks are by far the worst, most sloppy tanks when it came to TQ loss over drivetrain “Slippage” “loss of horsepower in transmission and drivetrain”.
This is awesome as US tanks were amazing with TQ loss. They had mandatory engine/drivetrain loss of 3%…Rus tanks were 15-20% LOL, but have no fear T10 meds like 62a had hover technology and will be fine.
One more area US tanks were a hundred times better but it wont happen for “Balance reasons”
‘The population grows, but the sum of all intellect remains unchanged’”
this man speaks wisdom for once
I actually have a proposal that I think most of the players, if not every, would want: Implement the possibility of stopping the premium account. Reason: I want to play with premium and I’m willing to pay for it BUT, I have a job, life, friends and I like to go out which means I don’t have a lot of time to play the game but i DO want to play this game. I buy 6 month of premium but I must go on business trip for 2 months and all of that time is wasted. Same goes for daily wasting of premium account… I’d even accept paying MORE for that kind of service (month of premium currently costs 2500 gold. Let it cost 3000-3500 gold but I can activate or deactivate it anytime I want).
I second this. Would be even more lucrative for Wargaming if the “stoppable” premium account could only be purchased with real world money and for a higher price. More options to get paid for Wargaming is a good thing, they just have to make sure that the different options don’t have too great of an intersection in the consumer base.
This would be a great improvement and I’d even buy 1 year premium then.
- Havok: “when it’s done it’s done”
woah bro chill, no need to hurry, its just a year late
Why do they make missions hard???
I just want T-55A hopefully it is just like TOG mission
“loss of horsepower in transmission and drivetrain”.
This is awesome as US tanks were amazing with TQ loss. They had mandatory engine/drivetrain loss of 3%…Rus tanks were 15-20% LOL, but have no fear T10 meds like 62a had hover technology and will be fine.
Lol its so funny Rus meds with 580 HP engines are faster than Pattons with 800+ engines.
Hell T54 had 520 HP with 20% loss from crankshaft to drivewheels.
Also T54 V engine was 10 liters larger of a motor and US AVDS still had 300 HP more.
Q: “I have a SSD. Loading battles is fine, but whenever I quit the battle, it takes very long time for the results to load (I am stuck on “spinning wheel”), why is that? A friend of mine has a regular HDD and he has no such issues.” A (Storm): “It’s a problem with connection. After the fight is over, a large volume of data with battle statistics is transferred. And it’s this data pack that the game is waiting for, until it arrives. If you have packet loss, it’s possible to wait for it for a long time, until all the info is confirmed to have arrived.”
I think his answer is partly wrong.
I’m always last to load battleresult in, I have a Samsung EVO 840 1TB SSD where the OS and WOT is installed, and I can’t have packetloss for thousands of battles, rendering me last to load battleresults…
I think its connected to the sheer number of tanks I have in my garage, since even logging in, takes a long time for me.
“loss of horsepower in transmission and drivetrain”
The MT-25 springs to mind. This was supposed to be driven by EACH wheel. This drivetrain would be very complicated and have VERY much power loss as a consequence.
This would make the MT-25 drive at more sensible speeds, and fully realize it’s potential as the worst scout ever conceived.