Hello everyone,
just a quick update for the previous IM post (it was edited to reflect this one):
- currently, you need 20 tokens to recieve the IM reward tank
- each final battle in the chain (five chains) gives you 4 tokens for the primary requirement and 1 token for the secondary requirement
As a result, it means that you can complete only 4 out of 5 mission chains (avoiding for example playing artillery), but ONLY if you complete all primary AND secondary goals for those four.
fuck this….
doesn’t matter, i still suspect they will force players to play Arty.
anyhow doesn’t matter, next year AW is coming and bye bye WoT,
AW has arty
War Thunder Ground Forces had arty too.
As always, grass is always greener, and whatnot.
As if it’s the dismal amounts of arty that makes people leave.
Christ, children….
War Thunder has arty, yes.
The key difference being that arty in War Thunder isn’t a oneshot finger of doom from some twat camping on the other side of the map which even if it *misses* will splash and potentially still cause massive damage; instead it’s indirect fire support meant to pressure an area. You CAN die to WT arty, but it’s unlikely to do more than disabling damage, whereas in WoT if you sit for a moment to aim at something you instantly get your ass handed to you, and if you’re in a slow-moving anything trying to advance there’s a good chance of arty taking a special interest and…welp.
I won’t say that WT does everything right, or even the majority of things, but if nothing else artillery is handled in a far less game-smothering way than it is in WoT.
Also, fyi, calling others “children” on the internet doesn’t make you sound superior, it makes you sound like a condescending prick. I just thought you should know.
Actually no it doesn’t…
Why so overly defensive? Did you get another game “ruined” by arty recently?
Actually…yes, it does. You can call barrages in on small areas, it’s a purchasable upgrade for a lot (most?) tanks. Unless they changed or removed it in the recent major patch, anyway.
Not overly defensive, just explaining why the “grass is greener on the other side” idea isn’t quite right in this case. With some added color, since I’m one of those who thinks artillery shouldn’t be in the game, at least not in its current form.
Haven’t played WoT for more than a few matches in the last week or so, due to being sick and/or busy with other games. So no.
Anyone else just had a War Thunder flashback?
This is turning into “yet another WoW-killer” joke.
What’s killing world of Warcraft?
Warcraft itself, judging by the shitstorm that erupted after this new expansion.
So if I finish T55A with LTs, HTs, MTs and TD, can I still do arty missions upon starting Obj260? They seem easiest to do
Is there a tier limit? Tier 2 would be my obvious choice for some of those.
for example 20000 blocked armor?
I said some. Killing 3 TDs with Medium I doesn’t seem too hard?
I think its tier 4+
Tier 6+
I just hope these “individual missions” can be done individually and will not force you to platoon, team battle, or anything else that kind of defeats the object.
Yeah… imagine:
Individual mission ____
Requirements: • Must be in a clan
As I recall, in a yesterday`s blogpost it was stated that some of the missions would require playing in the platoon.
Screw these tanks,
Not worth it whatsoever,missions are almost impossible to complete.
WG you can take your T55,260 and Concept and shove it to your ass…..
On the contrary. If there’s no time limit, completing these objectives should be doable with enough tries. There’s plenty of 8000+ spotting damage malinovka games on wotreplays. It requires you to drive in the same spot as them and have some luck with your team shooting the targets. And is getting 3 TD kills that hard? If there’s no tier limit, you can do it in a single game right off the bat with medium I.
Good luck with that.
Except there is a time limit, even if it isn’t weeks or just a few months.
Good luck getting lucky in the WoT era of autism.
only no-lifer optimists would try to complete such crappy missions.
says you. theres no time limit for missions like these. watch theres no limit. and that means you dont have to worry about it. also devs will be watching you try to whats the word. plot. to get it.
so it gets rid of the gamebreakers and rewards the real try hards :)
You cant, its LT mission and Med I is MT and then they have to be 2 tier higher than you and tier 1 can meet only tier 2′s.
One tier higher, not two tiers…
“MT: destroy 3+ enemy TD’s, that are at least one tier higher than you (secondary: survive, win and deal 3k+ damage)”
Primary is doable on t1, but not the secondary.
yep, not grindy at all…
Nope, since you need them done in a single battle. Grinding = getting resources over battles.
useless missions. it isn’t worth the trouble IMO.
there is nothing free guys,mybe u will make it mybe u wont,but the game will suffer more than you..there will be tons of kids and noobs of all sorth trying to get the tanks,and fucking up the gamplay that is allready fucked up with ebay acc giving retards tier 8,9,10 tanks and they cant even play in tier 2 ,if u remmember how it was when the mission was connected with kill count….plus the hollidays are here..i need to start drinking more
“As a result, it means that you can complete only 4 out of 5 mission chains (avoiding for example playing artillery), but ONLY if you complete all primary AND secondary goals for those four.”
Well.. OR you play with a branch you maybe don’t like, OR the mission becomes much more grindy/nolife.
Maybe I’ll just try to get Stug. and T28C only if it seems possible to me.
(I hope missions will be doable in low Tiers. :D
My Te-Ke, T127, FCM36 and S35 are waiting for this.
But I don’t think WG will allow this. :( )
my pzb2 kv220 su-76i and leftb2
Damnit! I need a 76i!
Question: Has this been confirmed to happen on the EU server?
This system is common for everyone.
SS, do you know if there are tier limits on this one? 4+, 6+, or any?
its 6+
Just funny how some ppl expected those missions to be something like:
Successfully log into the game -> get stug
Press battle with a TD/Med/Heavy/Ary or Light tier 4+ -> get t28
Find the minimap on your screen and click where the enemy cap is -> get t55
End one battle without shooting your own teammates -> get obj 260
Seriously… this is no charity.
Giving us free tanks doesnt cost them anything, they dont make the tank in factory needing over 60 tons of stalinium-bounceonium
Yep because the files for those tanks dropped from the sky and no dev and/or military specialist was hurt ehhh I mean involved in the process of creating them.
Giving free tier X would break the game even more, and breaking your main income source will cost you.
Fuck it , i’m not gonna do it , so not fucking worth it , only if there was a real premium that you can make money with …..
So… We have to get the same amount of tokens to get any of them?
I think its more like:
the first 20 tokens you need for stug. Then you get other missions and need 20 tokens for T28. And after that, you will again get other missions and the need of 20 tokens and so on.
Thanks :D
Well if nothing else, this has sure brought out the dramaqueens.
Grow up, deal, play or don’t.
We don’t care about your whining.
I for one will likely give it a go.
Are you a spokesperson for WG? =3
Yep I like it. It wont be easy, it wont be fast, but it will be satisfactory when you finally finish the missions.
I didn’t play CW and didn’t get those t10 premiums, and I am not complaining it was hard or whatever. Some reward tanks are supposed to be exclusive, and I am fine with that.
I don’t think there are tier 10 premium tanks in WoT.
VK 72.01, M60?
i do have a pzb2, lefb2, Su-76i, Kv220 :p
Just played battle with RU supertester on Obj260 in the enemy team, 47% bob did 1,1k damage, rushed our base and died. And people like that are testing the stronk tenks, no wonder they come out OP. ^^
In fact, those missions will be super-hardcore. I played today and got 20% WR instead of my 56%. No way to got a team whoch covers all flanks and plays smart.
Imagine hom retards will play when they will know there is free tanks…….. -_-
Anyone else missing the “individual” part? This is just hardcore grind stuff for skillless no-lifers or unicorns, who score these results in every second game.
But then again, WoT is just a better Call of Duty. I wonder why they even go through all the trouble.
These are the FINAL missions for Tier 10 tank. The previous ones will be easier.
Individual = the numbers are accustomed to your results, to be above your average. These numbers are just test placeholders.
So… it’s good to be bad? meh..
So, WG now caters the tomatos? I mean, even more than they already do with statements like “even a 46% WR player can carry a game”?
Wow … speechless …
Those tanks are “reward tanks” or “premium tanks” ? Was hoping for a money maker :P
they are not premium tanks.
I wonder – if you do one goal and fuckdup another of two – what then? you can try again ??
I’d just be happy to get the T28 Concept. The T-55A is a T-54 clone which I can get through regular tech tree grinding, and the Object 260 is really just a better IS-7, not really too unique. Of course it would be awesome to get them all, but I’d be fine probably if I never got the final two.
I’m ready to fire! Give us a date SS! When can we get this party started?
Hard quite a Bit, but easier with a proper platoon.
Will habe to grind the wz 120 from my Elite 131 on though for the med mission since I hardly play meds. That arty mission is a joke. Did this in almost any good m44 game.
Gameplay will suffer and rigging will flourish, would like to have them all, though the 260 is the one I can Do without most.
The only reason I am likely not going to try to rig is acc ban (dont bother the research, different nick than in wot).
Still happy no japs are involved though.
WTF… Why should i play with these scumbag artys??? There are no arty in the invidual tanks, so WTF??
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