- World of Warplanes will officially be released on September 26th in the USA and EU
- SerB states that Russian archives are such mess that you never know, what you will find. It’s possible to dig in them only in general direction (for example “self propelled guns”)
- no plans to add rotating ventilators on tank models: Storm states that the rotating blades wouldn’t be visible anyway over the grill cover. French tanks with clearly visible ventilators won’t have them rotating either (SS: if I understand this correctly)
- the infamous WZ-132 engine difference lies (apart from the 10kg weight) in the fact that the top engine has much more hp and thus is more difficult to damage
- installed modules are not taken into account when calculating vehicle position in the team (SS: as in, modules don’t increase/decrease MM weight, the only exception is that newly researched (stock) vehicles have limited MM for a small number of battles (5-10))
- optional reward for quests/missions (SS: as in, you pick whether you want gold or a reward tank for example) will not be implemented
- WoT Blitz is being developed as fast as WG can
- terrain deformable by tracks is not planned (SS: as in, tracks leaving holes etc)
- with the implementation of Havok, not all buildings will be destructable
- 2014 graphic increase will mean increased number of polygons on models
- so far, no info on historical battles will be disclosed: the mode is being developed and the ideas are changing a lot
- there are no credit/XP modifiers for fighting when your team is outnumbering the enemy team or being outnumbered by them (SS: as in, you won’t get more XP when you are fighting 6 vs 15)
Any idea when Stage 2 beta starts in WoWp?
The WoWP is going to be released here next month from what I have heard
“- no plans to add rotating ventilators on tank models: Storm states that the rotating blades wouldn’t be visible anyway over the grill cover. French tanks with clearly visible ventilators won’t have them rotating either (SS: if I understand this correctly)”
There is a mod on drongo-lab.ru that does this for some tanks (mostly German and some French), though I’m not sure if it still works.
“… that newly researched (stock) vehicles have limited MM for a small number of battles (5-10))”
Newly researched maybe, but that does not work for researched long time ago but newly bought.
And they expect that I get something better in 5-10 battles……
I just boughed my IS3 and the second game I came direct in an tier 10 battle. with 175 pen IS gun. so what is that limited MM you speak of?
these “5-10 battles” its just a myth…i tested with numerous vehicles..FMPE – T7 suffer the most when stock in T9 battle
It means you have a better chance at being top tank not a guarantee. If there aren’t enought tanks in queue to give you an optimal battle it has to give you regular MM. Its not that difficult to understand.
On prime time? Oh sure…..
Same here … researched and bought T-44. 1st battle was t8 … the following 4 battles were t10.
If I undersand it correctly, this limitation is only for newly researched vehicles. If you research it and then e.g. 2 weeks later you buy it, you won’t get that special treatment. I almost never buy tanks right after I research them, so I’ve never encountered that limited MM. Maybe WG implemented this option to encourage people not to wait for discounts and buy their new tanks right after they finished the grinding of the previous one.
Nope, I’ve still found this claim about “better mm” for newly researched tanks to be utter bullcrap – last week, i had just researched t49 and bought it in the same day and guess what? Yeah, thats right – 2nd game vs t6 tanks and 3rd game vs t7 tanks…preferred matchmaking my ass
I guess it’s like the exp malus for TDs. The devs always claimed that there is no malus … and then in one patch the malus was suddenly removed. WTF?!
What if you just unlock a tank but you use some free xp to elite it or to unlock some modules, does the limited MM still apply?
I’ve only experienced it for the 1st battle, but yes, it applies to the first battle regardless of what you already have on it.
Wow, if they plan to release WoWP in its current state it IS going to flop hard…
Speaking of WoWp release, what’ up with their pre-release bundles? They come with “unique* planes”, but if you read the fine print it states “*While the aircraft above are exclusively available via these bundles, they may become available to other players after a year from the World of Warplanes release date.” Anyone can get gold or a premium account at any time, so the planes where the only interesting thing. If they go up for normal sale later at a fraction of the price, what’s the point of buying an expensive bundle now?
They didn’t have this text on the WoT bundles, right?
More polygons? Does that mean my integrated card won’t work anymore?
WoWp is shit, we want alpha WORLD OF WARSHIPS!
Hell Yah
Wtf, they didn’t start beta stage 2 yet, how can they release the game so soon? Silent, how legit is this?
It is legit. It was announced on the World of Warplanes website.
Funny, because some itme ago they announced UK planes to arrive in OBT stage… Maybe it will be mark of 2nd stage, giving everyone like 1 weekend to “farm” tokens and trade them for premium.
No Offense to anyone liked WoWp, But….
War Thunder is clearly a much better game on the Air Battle Category and it hasnt been released yet (I know it havent been finished, but You know what I mean), And WoWp with many bugs and interface Flaws should NOT be released that early. You have excuses to be bad in Beta (As it’s in Beta, right?), but if you released it, WG should guranttee this is a COMPLETE game. Unfortunately, I dont see this game is finished. Are they trying to rush the game so that the game can go out before Gaijn? That would be really disappointing for me to WG, for me at least.
- no plans to add rotating ventilators on tank models: Storm states that the rotating blades wouldn’t be visible anyway over the grill cover. French tanks with clearly visible ventilators won’t have them rotating either (SS: if I understand this correctly)
This is kinda b/s – there’s a great remodel of the Löwe and the AC48 TD that have animated fans on Wotskins.ucoz.ru
What if you research/free XP some low tier vehicle (like the Renault FT) but play an already elite vehicle, like say, an IS-3. Do you still get the special MM from the Renault?
If the MM is “time since you researched it” based, it would only make sense. If you could get the special MM regardless of what time you researched or bought the vehicle, it would make sense if it was for that vehicle alone.
I think so.
Havok is interresting.
Will we be able to damage a tank through debrits ? A tank hiding behind smt, we would shoot a HE shell on a building hover the target, and debrits falling on the tank would damage it.
Get my point ?
Havok is clientside-only.
- SerB states that Russian archives are such mess that you never know, what you will find. It’s possible to dig in them only in general direction (for example “self propelled guns”)
This happens a lot. Half the time what you want is not where you would rationally think it would be. Each archive also has its own unique classification system and filing system. And when you add in other archives to an existing one it only compounds the researching problem. I honestly feel bad for the guys doing the digging but would so join them in a heartbeat. Since I enjoy digging through archives.
‘the only exception is that newly researched (stock) vehicles have limited MM for a small number of battles (5-10))’
Every time I play a completely new/stock tank I’m in with stuff 2 tiers higher than me. Buy a BDR and I’m in with tier 7s for the first 5 games, thats all I’ve played so far. So either SerB is just plain lying about this, or the fact that I have a 58% global W/R means the MM is rigging games to drag me down to 50% – I’ve lost all my 5 games being in a stock tier 5 against half a team of 7s.