Storm was just collecting feedback on personal missions (can’t get used to that, I’ll call it individual missions, both names are stupid anyway), no answers there, still – I wonder if anything will change based on vox populi.
- Storm states that the infamous radioman miniturret on KV-5 will not be buffed: “if we do that, it will be overpowered when on the top of the team”
- Storm states that they balanced the 9.5 minimap (specifically the brightness of the tank names) around the way it is made in XVM
- improved garage tank filter: “when it’s done it’s done”
- Storm states that the placeholder stats are not even initial balance parameters, more like some numbers “so that it drives around and shoots so we can test the model”
- developers already have normal balanced tank parameters ready, only they released a really old version on the test server
- according to Storm, the patch is TECHNICALLY ready, so it’s possible to test (things other than the tanks)
- Storm states that to reward most active reporters of bugs with gold and stuff is not an option, because it would just get exploited
- the Ghost Town map will be checked for clipping objects (SS: apparently there are great many objects that should be destructable but instead the tank just clips through them)
- Storm confirms that the IM parameters in the test are not final
- IM’s will not be activated (possible to complete) automatically (like achivements)
- IM’s will be rebalanced to assure that enough players can complete them
- M6A2E1 HD model will not come in 9.6, it will be made according to historical parameters
- Storm reacting on players getting angry about the IM’s: “What a massive butthurt you have here! Next time, we will have to specifically screw with various settings to be able to see such stuff again. Missions are not balanced yet.” (SS: the Russian players were quite pissed about these missions, posting some angry reactions)
- improved garage tank filter: “when it’s done it’s done”
Personal tank groups would be welcomed. I would like to set my own groups like Clan Wars, ESL etc.
- IM’s will be rebalanced to assure that enough players can complete them
Yea, I hope so. I don’t consider myself as good player so finishing mission like 18k damage recieved, stoped by armor and dealt is nearly impossible. 12k-14k would be fair enough for me.
The only thing that needs balancing is the platooning missions there shouldn’t be any I’m ok with the arty mission even if I don’t like it but to force me to play with someone in a platoon that’s a little bit to much I’m a lone wolf. Just as the name says personal missions it should be done by each player alone or else they should have been named social missions
Those are training missions and I appreciate that they make teamwork a part of it.
So I would not worry. You will see an increased number of platoon requests and many player will figure out to platoon and coordinate even without headset communication. And that’s exactly how it should be : 15 random players learn to play they roles and how to coordinate themselves …
And here is a problem: “i don’t consider myself s good player” so this mission is not for you it’s it’s for good (Unicom) players and this task it’s not planned for you
Yea, I wanna see unicums finishing mission where you need to deal, recieve and bounce 18k damage at all. Really, this is one battle out of 10k.
Hm, i had the stronghold mission where u need to stop 4k dmg by armor specifically.
So i took my maus on a stroll and first game in blocked nearly 6k whilst getting detracked and damaged quite several times (bet that was another 5-6k)… Now to sumit up i did 4k dmg on my own, which means i did over 15k on first try (not even a hard try, just a stroll). Gotta add: it was a battle where i just saw one single goldshell, which is uncommon now. So there is the luck.
Yet my point is, if i try hard the 18k is a single days try tops. Since they added the dmg recieved parameter i would say this mission turned easy. Hell i nearly made this in t9s in the past…. So…. There are far worse missions (specifically in the TD section), trust me.
Good 4 u.
Well thats the problem,… u need specific tank for some misions,… not just Tanks grup,.. there are only few HT that in specific stelar situations can do it,.. if it was something like 2/4/6/8 times your tank HP it could be done im much wider field of tanks
That implies owning a tier 10 heavy, which i had no intention to buy, and am nowhere near to researching it and I would like WG to respect that decision
i started they chinese branch just because of the incoming missions over the holidays, i didnt plan to go for them anytime soon.
but you? you just want some nice tenks and you arent even willing to do something for it. you dont want to get a t10 heavy? good, then do some other missions
all those tears are pissing me off, just wait for the missions to be released, everything is gonna be alright.
So I suppose you got at least 4k average damage on Maus right?
Or a single game in the VK 45.02 P against 15 morons.
Yes, this mission is for unicums, which is why they’re all complaining about the parameters being retarded and almost requiring rigging or a shit ton of luck to complete.
wg said they want 10% of the active players to get a 260, when the top 0.1% are saying the missions are retardedly hard and/or luck based, you know there’s a bit of a discrepancy.
shysunny agreed. WG should remove those stupid platoon missions because not everyone has a fucking unicums army at their disposal 24/7 to help them complete such missions.
I do not have mic, so , platooning with some random guy from General chat fail on “socializing part”, because there is no talking, you just play as you would alone. And you/him are bound to wait for other to finish/die battle = wasted time.
Idiotic, who cares about individual missions, I have fuicking 90+ milion credits, I say ner income you earn too much these deys.
Ohh we have a really big gold noob here, it is imposible to have so much credits without converting it from gold or buying it with real money
It is possible when you have started early and already finished everything you wanted to finish and sold most tanks keeping the efficient or just playing with hardly any expenses due to less research/grinds.
I have had people in one of my clans that where in the same position but got bored and quit for WT unfortunately :/
I have premium account so yes, it is gold. But appart from that no I started playing 2013 and I have had prem account one year or so.
And yes I only played 1-2 tanks max and when I started playing other ones I sold the old ones. Now I only play 2 tanks. I dont like grinding and I am not interested in playing other tanks/tires due to training crew skills. If high crew skills would be easier to obtain I would put effort into grinding, because now I want crews with at least repair, 5-6 skilled crews.
As I said, its not the credits that is the issue its the XP. I have prem account solely for the WP boost to crews.
I always struggle with credit grinding.The XP is not that bad with premium account,a few days and you can research any tank.The problem is that they cost a lot of credits and to get them you have to play premium tanks.So,yeah,playing the same tank over and over and over again is annoying and I don’t have the money to buy 4-5 tier 8 premiums….
That is because you have a different mindset than me. To me, its not practical to play many tanks at the same time because that would make my crews level slower. But also I play only tier 8 which is a good balance of xp and credits because you meet tier 10 tanks. I mean I have almost 6k games in my tiger II and I never get tired of playing it, each game is exiting.
playing one tank is annoying?…. if you like play certian tank it is the best thing… im alway looking forward to play Pz.IC…. and i also have problem with xp more than credits
See…its well knowns that xp is lacking more than credits.
Depends what tier you are on. SURE, most of your grinds are for modules that are relatively cheap, or low tier tanks (again, cheap). But when you get to the higher tiers, XP is no harder to earn but a) credits are harder to earn and b) while XP stays on one tank, you can easily splash the cash on modules, low tier tanks while still working towards your next tank.
I currently own only 2 tier X tanks. Given a sizeable cash injection, I could instantly buy 4 more.
Give me all the free XP you want, but I wouldn’t be able to buy another tier X with it.
On higher tiers you earn less XP because you shoot mostly at lower tier tanks or +1 tier tanks. This goes for tier 9 and tier 10 which earns significantly less xp due to only fighting same tier tanks and lowe. That is why I said that if you are above average you will always earn more xp on tier 8 tanks because you fight tier 9-10 often and you dont really have to perform great to get more xp than tier 9 and 10 in your team that does more dmg. You also earn reasonable amount of credits per game if you perform decent, like 35000-45000 on a mediocre game, which gives you at least 15-25k credits after repair and ammo resupply if you have prem account.
As far as credit and xp comes having premium account, tier 8 will give you the most credits and xp. But still the xp is lacking compared to credits I think. And I speak about xp for crew training not for unlocking modules. It takes really long time to get over 4 skills though and that is annoying.
My point is that some people will at some point in the game experiance that they dont need more credits because their only motivation is to get better crew skills. They have alreaddy come to a “end game” in terms of tank grinding.
Personal Missions != Social Missions
Social Missions != Individual Missions
FUCK YOU WG! no more money from me you bunch of Lazy Stupid Devs/Marketing/Sales/Support/Modders/Biz-Dev Retards.
why do i still read SS? force of habit you retards, so FU too
I spent money for WG 3 times in 3 years.
Also – communism is back :D
Thank you for telling us that you are a leecher. I have prolly spent like 150 euros per year in wote.
I spent 3 times less than you, you freak :D
You should appologize for your statement.
I spend tripple diggit € on he game, more than I ever have for any other game.
Why? Because I like to play and and ejoy its mechanics. Without people like us, spends, there would be no WoT.
I know you are some kind of a “celebrity”, but you have to admit, only spenders keep this game alive, not players, spenders.
Celebrity my ass. If WoT had tank customisation options (not ‘amagad paint and decals’) – I’d spend moar.
I spent $18…. in 19 months of play
Less than $1 a month
Aaaaaaand for me that is cca Rs 50 per month. More than enough for a GAME.
At least till I get another job.
Ok…the Mutant 6 is going to get an HD model…does that mean we might actually see it for sale too? Because, why else do an HD model for a tank that has massively low numbers on all servers combined…
What about 260? You will be lucky if you ever see one :D
Maybe they mean they’re remodeling it completely?
I have never seen so many folks that want so much for free.
Dunno, I don’t need free stuff, but requirements for IMs and AC offers are kinda huge fail. Even great players would need a lot of luck to finish some of these missions and these 100 euros offers are as retarded as I expected.
That’s basically it… the game is marketed towards ‘the masses’ as WG calls them, but the average player likely won’t be able to finish these IMs as they are on the test server.
the IMs are coming to the live server you do realise that
I believe he meant something like: “The average player likely won’t be able to finish these IMs in their current state (on the test server).”
There is a difference between well thought out missions with a dynamic nature or preplanned/scripted stuff which is just plain boring.
This reminds me of EVE-online a couple of years ago. All but the players interactions, in the game world were static, nothing was dynamic (always the same missions, felt completely rigidly scripted)
WoT has the same feel if I read these IM missions they want to implement.
They are nothing more than normal missions, but longer chained.
- Storm states that the placeholder stats are not even initial balance parameters, more like some numbers “so that it drives around and shoots so we can test the model”
What’s the point of testing then?
wonder how many kids will see serb in that pic
- Storm states that to reward most active reporters of bugs with gold and stuff is not an option, because it would just get exploited
The best reward for players would be a 100% bugfree WoT…
sorry but here you can’t find anything for free
- IM’s will not be activated (possible to complete) automatically (like achivements)
Why the hell not, this totaly changes them from completing them passivly “while having fun” to purpously grinding them. Those 75 missions will otherwise never be completed, even for good players. Oh you just had a great game and could have completed some hard missions, too bad you weren’t that far.
I rather see them have some hard objectives, but you can complete multiple at once. Although some IMs were immpossible. “Kill 3 enemy arty, which weren’t spotted before.” ?
“Kill 3 enemy arty, which weren’t spotted before.” – counterarty
The difficulty of this mission lies with the fact that 3-arty games are very infrequent. You also can’t counter arty arties that move after shooting, so you need three total morons against you.
Easy enough to do at lower tiers. Many lower tier players haven’t figured out about tracers yet.
The problem with counter arty is that it really isn’t that useful anymore. You’re a better asset to your team if you shoot the visible, big tanks. Hoping you’ll find and hit an invisible target isn’t the best use of your time.
True but 3-arty games are very rare in lower tiers. Might take anywhere between 50 and 100 attempts to get such a game :X
Out of 68 games played by me this weekend (exclusively in tier 3 and 4 vehicles), 13 had 3 SPGs on at least one team, so I’d say you’re off by an order of magnitude in your estimates. ;)
What chance was to kill those arty while they were UN-SPOTTED ? :D
Aren’t those missions meant for tier5+ tanks? That way tier3/4 are out of the equation.
Right, good point (I forgot about that), but still, I was mainly pointing out that games with 3 arties in lower tiers aren’t that rare (i.e. on tier 5 there should be even more such games) and I’m certainly not saying this mission will be easy to complete ;)
- Storm states that the infamous radioman miniturret on KV-5 will not be buffed: “if we do that, it will be overpowered when on the top of the team”
That’s true, there aren’t many weakpoints left then. The “Base armor” is between 250-280mm eff armor, only the obvious weakspots are left to penetrate.
Poo-shing cant pen it anywhere else
I can’t remember what month it was the last time I was at the top of the team. Usually way down in a tier nine battle.
Turret front – easy as cheese.
Cupola is big as your ego.
R2D2 …….. Half of people dont even know about it :D
Then there is reverse sidescrap technique – and ass angling :D
Anyways – it needs SMM++ – T8 max.
Whoreass wants P2W.
All you really gotta do other than reverse sidescraping is to just wiggle between shots. I’ve bounced countless T34 and T8 TD shots just by wiggling my tank since they basically only aim at the R2D2, and disregard any other weakspots.
- improved garage tank filter: “when it’s done it’s done”
– according to Storm, the patch is TECHNICALLY ready, so it’s possible to test (things other than the tanks)
hard to believe, really, with most of the new tanks having placeholder stats and modules (as reported in here), how the hell they’ll add the real values, THEN TEST THOSE, THEN EVALUATE the values for these? in how much time?
I’m always look forward new tank lines (i’m some sort of freak, i have almost all lines at tier 7 at least, but comparatively few tier X’s), so i’m sure to play that from the start, but it worries me sick.
As for the platoon requirement:
For fucks sake, this is a ONLINE MULTIPLAYER Game, people are ocmplaining about playing WITH other people on a TEAM BASED game..
sheesh, why dont they request a Deathmatch FFA mode?
You are turning very quickly into Woras’ es gay partner.Do you have Boy Georges best hits album?
No disrespect to gay people,its ok, you play SPG we play tanks,we are all in the same pc game and im ok with that.
Ilosz I know thats you :D Troll: failed.
Do you actually think its ok for you to post that picture just because you put that 18+ NSFW crap?
Should start wishing people cancer and shit like that in wot chat but put (NSFW) so nobody gets offended… No kid would look at it if he/she sees that
Its a warning, you click there at your own discretion.
the world isn’t a nice place , cry me a fucking river
Yea, I am not sure why he put it there either.
I would imagine it is mostly adults who read this (children tend to hate reading to get info!).. But it was still out of place. Had he linked to the thread that contained such things then I would say meh, but just the picture itself, wrong..
Hopefully he’ll remove it. Plus we are missing out on a lot of the meaning anyhow (Russians view Gays in a way that other civilized nations cant imagine).
Stop talking shit, all nations view homosex the similar way.
Only idiots view homosexuality as a “bad, evil thing”
But then again, I realize who I’m replying to…
Why do you even bother?
This guy proves he is retarded with every sentence he spouts on this site.
Allow me…
@OP@ Fuck off with your holier than thou attitude shitter.
I probably saved myself from nightmares by NOT clicking it :D
I kinda like it. I mean, I get turned on by SerB.
I know it’s off topic, but can anyone tell me whether tank rewards for individual missions are premium ones? I find it hard to believe that WG would give T9 and T10 premium tank… Thanks
CW Tanks are considered premium aren’t they?..
I think that we should expect that the tanks they give out will not be for sale (for a least a couple of years if ever), might have preferred MM, and might make credit bonus.
Others have said that they are not premium, but I would like them to be different in game so we can tell in the garage… Perhaps a blue hue around the elite icon instead of gold?..
theese are ‘reward tanks’. not ‘premium tanks’.
think our current cw reward tanks.
those are reward tanks, not premium ones. You can train your crew but can’t farm credit with them.
@all That’s what I needed to know. Thanks. Btw, not gonna try to get them (there is no point for me if they aren’t money makers), to much luck is needed and I don’t have that in this game (you know those battles when you get the best performance of your life but you lose because your team is made out of rocks).
They are prem but wont have the cred making capability as the real money ones (same as CW reward tonks)
I wonder how off their projection for the IM tanks will be. If that 10% for the Obj. is for only the ones who try, then it might not be too far off (of course, this is assuming not that many people who do so will stop part way because they don’t want any further tanks and they actually are attempting to complete the entire thing). If they were expecting 10% of the entire player base, yeah, I don’t think that’s even remotely close.
I imagine SerB being naked in a bathtub with Storm…
Then I imagine them being hanged for treason by Comrade Putin himself, because CAPITALISM!
*Comrade Lukashenko
Luka is just a puny dog of Glorious Putin… He should be kneeling before the Great Comrade and lick his shoes!
As long as I get my Stug IV I don’t bother :)
- M6A2E1 HD model will not come in 9.6, it will be made according to historical parameters
RIP armor
Depends what they choose to be historical. “what was built” then RIP frontal hull armor.
If what was historically planned then it’s a large buff to the frontal armor.
Side armor and turret armor should/could be buffed as well according to documents from the archives.
Well… isn’t the 18+ BS below of your attitude?
>> – Storm states that they balanced the 9.5 minimap (specifically the brightness of the tank names) around the way it is made in XVM
– improved garage tank filter: “when it’s done it’s done”
If they have so hard time implementing such small features, why bother? Do some other things, we have xvm anyway…
so when they say ” historical parameters ” they mean they are gonna totally screw the tank up like the did the SP when they made it unhistorically ” historical “
- Storm states that they balanced the 9.5 minimap (specifically the brightness of the tank names) around the way it is made in XVM
Red(enemy) tank names need a bit of rework. They are really hard to see on the minimap, specially last spotted markers.
Odem mortis Christmas giveaway giving away headsets ,10 x T-127; 2 x Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f)].
And more !! :)
Dont click the link guys… what has been seen cannot be unseen
please don’t tell me they scraped havok…
As many other ppl who already posted here, i am too quite surprised of just how many cheap-players are there, crying about those Missions and their requirments.
Remember, WG isn’t a charity and it would be bad business to give away freebies, so you WILL have to give them your time, filling THEIR game servers if you want those tanks. And that’s just perfectly fine. You are playing a f2p after all, noone forces you to play it and you got enough regular tanks avaible for you to get anyway.
When i read that Storm or whoever said: “we want more players to be able to finish Missions” i understand: at least one of dem missions. And for me, Stug4 mission requirments are a-OK, just fine, doable. And you get your special tank which you can actually play on daily basis since it will be cheap to maintain, you will be able to grind your german TD crews early on. Hell, it may even be included in Historical Battles once they come back(i really hope that they will), since if you could play Churchill3 in tigers vs su152 then why not Stug4 which apparently was made and used in war?
I feel that if someone can’t finish certain mission then it means that said player doesn’t need this tank, as in- you have no business playing such tiered tank.
Someone would say: “i don’t have time to play everyday to finish those missions, bad bad WG”. To me, it means that you don’t need another tank, since you don’t have enough time to play those you already have.
Tier9/10 missions are too tough? Well i hope they will be, because giving more tier9-10 tanks to the playerbase is not really smart idea. Face it- there is more players that don’t know how to play, than those who know. More baddies than goodies, in other words. We don’t need more tier9-10 tankists who don’t know how to play, there is enough noobs in high tiered games already.
(I’m talking about ‘camping in top tiered heavy tank in base” level of players, or “lets all go to the valley on lakeville, instead of the city” kind of people). So yeah, mission for tier9/10 tanks shouldn’t be easy.
Personally, i’m interested the most in Stug4, because as i said earlier, it may see some historical battles if they come back.
The rest of the tanks are either meh or not worth the bother.
The only thing I don’t like is the tier 4+ requerment
Would be exploited how, exactly? People can’t find more bugs than WG create.