Check out the Chieftain’s Hatch article on the Ripper camouflage (written for Xbox WoT)
- A-32 will not get its highpenetration HEAT shells back (SS: IIRC A-32 is RU exclusive)
- Storm states that IS-4 armor (during HD rework) will be somewhat improved
- Evilly states that Xbox WoT doesn’t have the same number of players as the PC version, but WG’s not complaining (SS: in the sense it’s not considered a failure)
- developers confirm, that the Panther 88 and other premium vehicles, intended for the premium shop, will not be possible to test on the test servers in the future (funnily enough, in the same thread a day before, the same developer replied that it will appear in the next iteration of the test, later he changed it to the answer outside the brackets)
- M56 Scorpion is still being balanced
- developers confirm: Individual Missions tanks (StuG IV, T28C, T55A and Object 260) do NOT earn more credits (like premium tanks). They earn “as many credits as regular vehicles”
(SS: IIRC A-32 is RU exclusive)
Wasn’t the A-32 the Light Pre-order package tank?
da, it was
Ah, my mistake.
Honestly I’m not surprised about this question. It’s heat shell is useless I’m not using it coz standard AP has 66mm pen while the heat has 75mm, the difference is irrelevant. In T4 battles it’s not bad but in T5 it can only be effective as a scout while spamming HE for big targets.
The gun on the A-32 is bad but it’s not a bad tank. I’m at an overall of 52% WR and that’s been a long time since Beta, so I’d say it’s a good tank. 66mm AP and 75mm with HEAT is pretty shit but oh well, the HE is pretty decent against Matlidas and Tier 5s. WG doesnt’ really care about any of the pre-order tanks, but A-32 is probably the best of the 3 of them. Also, it’s an MT now…
A-32 always has been a medium tank.
Anyway I like mutant M6 and Panzer V/IV better. V/IV is good in t6 battles but underperforms in t7 Sometimes I use it in strongholds. Well the mutant M6 is not the best in randoms but the new limited MM helps still I rarely use it.
However it can be fun in strongholds when the enemy don’t know where to shoot it and they keep bouncing from the 190mm front.
For example amx-50 100 changed target and started to shoot someone else after bounced off 3 times from my front :)
Who bets WG is going to put either V/IV or A-32 on sale this month, in a nice 999,99€ golden package ?
The gun is worthless on this tank, I have a 53% with over 2500 matches played in it.
All you need to know it rams like a beast…used to get 2-3 ram kills a match or kill all the arty.
Fast but not very useful for much other that ramming.
“Evilly states that Xbox WoT doesn’t have the same number of players as the Xbox version”
Umm… What?
Shouldnt it be not the same number of players as the PC version?
Sorry, fixed. I really am rushing lately.
no problem your blog is great SS, keep up the great work:)
Maybe SS is drunk again, yesterday he swapped Czech branch instead of Czechoslovak branch, and now this
.:.:.::::: BUSTED :::::.:.:.
So new premium tanks won’t ever appear in the test server? Or will they just not appear during the release patch? Like will the Panther 88 show up in ct 9.6?
During the release patch. The ingameshop-ones will.
Good news. At least they can be “tested” at some point. What a dick move by WG though. Wouldn’t you want to try something before shelling out $50? I know I would.
It will be shit I tell you already :D
It may be, but they are saying all new premium tanks won’t be available for testing in the current release test, not just the Panther 88. But either way, no test run, no buying a high tier premium tank.
So does anyone think the Pz2J will apear on the calendar? If so I think I will buy it, I bought the BT-SV I cant say its worth the price but then again I enjoy collecting as many tanks as possible.
I hope some of the tier X premium mediums will be in the calendar…Since the tank itself costs around 75 euros i would get one with some gold for 100euros
I can tell you that I’m not expecting to buy one just because of the non pref mm. I’d just get a fcm then.
Nice move WG. So one has to step forward to buy and test the tank. Awesome.
That’s the point?
You waste money for a tank that ends up being shit so you waste more money for another. Yay WG.
Remember, they want to implement renting tanks.
People will pay to rent before purchasing it.
“as many” ;)
Weakish info as leaks are over and test approaches, devs rushing everything. Keep it up, SS! ^^
I Hope we can read soon that platoon IM were scrapped.
But does those IM tanks have reduced repairs costs?
The only advantage they have seems to be a crew trainer like a premium tank. Nothing else
Also get focused first because rare tank.
- Storm states that IS-4 armor (during HD rework) will be somewhat improved
How many times do they have to buff that tank?
’till it will be playable again
But it is very much playable, I almost feel dirty playing mine, as it is such a great sidescraper and brawler. Sure, people try to autoaim me with premium ammo, but a little angling goes a very long way for it, kekekek
Really, I don’t fight them head on, so I can’t really say for certain how strong it is, but I was able to go through the front of one with my Cent 7 a while back
Because nothing says playable like having a slow armored tank with an almost autopen zone right on the turret…
It could be a good tank….if the turret roof wasn’t shit.
E-100 would be amazing too if the lfp was not there….
Weakspots are there 4 a reason… is sn exception rest all tier 10s are well balanced. Not saying is-7 is OP but doesnt fit..
I had also been warned against the IS-4 …
Got it… WTF ? It’s great, I can bounce all day when you know something about angles and its gun is better than the IS-7′s.
Now they’ll buff it ? Oh well, kudos for me, I’ll take it but it didn’t need any :P
SS, do you know why the EU advent discounts on premium account are not in the game too? Where as RU discounts have been in game as well as in the shop?
? The 14% off premium account like today isn’t a bundle though? Or do you mean Bundles of cash?
Any hint of an in game premium account discount? I bought gold for it but I don’t want to spend full price!
well todays is just premium time they could let the people that bought 25k gold with a bt-sv at least spend that ingame on half a year of premium acc for a reduced price
“Storm states that IS-4 armor (during HD rework) will be somewhat improved”
Now why am I not surprised……
Weird when every tank moved into HD gets it’s armor nerfed
No ruskie bias.
+ 1 0000000000
SS: Don’t do that again please
Thats a lot of Zimbabwean Dollars. I probably have that much in my pocket.
Best reply ever.
Yea, you probably did, But it’s later now, so you can go spend most of what was in your pocket and still have the same as what he has.
XD… what the fuck hahaha
best comment by far !
Cent7 got buffed when got HD model. Queen Bias?
So. what is the point of the new premium vehicles?
To watch youtube reviews
great, I am waiting for the same thing as with SU-76i – fuckers
“- M56 Scorpion is still being balanced”
What goober thought they could shoehorn a TD without any armor, no turret, and a 90mm gun into Tier 8?
the same who put a armorless td with a 75mm in t7
clue: e-25
The E-25 has armor (although not much) and Pref MM.
The M56 has ZERO armor and regular MM.
They tried to shoehorn it into Tier8 in order to charge serious $$$. They even had to put complete BS gun stats (much better pen than the same gun that is already in WoT) in it to even “compete” at that tier.
Don’t forget that the E-25 has almost 3 times the ROF of the M56.
imho e-25 is very good despite its gun. 75mm L70 is great gun. Sometimes I cant belive its only 150mm pen.
And its in no way a letdown at tier 7, especially in combination of speed and stealthiness of e-25.
Dont forget stock panther, tiger and jPanther has the same gun! Even Panther M10 has the same gun. And these vehicles can hardly dream about speed, camo and rof e-25 has.
The E-25 has a DPM of 2700 and the M56 has 1845. Combine that with E-25 seeing at most Tier8 while the M56 sees Tier10 tanks and you will understand my frustration of them trying to make it a Tier8 TD with normal MM.
If they wanted a Tier8 American TD then they should have made the “paper-tank” T28Concept a Tier 8 and the M56 a Tier7 w/Limited MM (Like the E-25).
Being a “Paper-Tank” means that they could have messed with the stats to make it fit the Tier.
“(funnily enough, in the same thread a day before, the same developer replied that it will appear in the next iteration of the test, later he changed it to the answer outside the brackets)” – could you clarify this comment? not very clear…..
So the Panther 88 is confirmed for 9.5, what about AMX cdc and STA-2?
Neither will come as a premium tank in 9.5
First to balance this AMX !OP!
- developers confirm: Individual Missions tanks (StuG IV, T28C, T55A and Object 260) do NOT earn more credits (like premium tanks). They earn “as many credits as regular vehicles”
Lel I knew it. As always, greedy WG strikes back. Just like the nerf for M4A2E4. So basically those tanks will have the only profit that they can be used as crew trainers. Meh, not even worth doing this missions (except the StuG missions bassicaly completes themselves :P)
So they’re being greedy by giving you free tanks that make as many credits as their tier-mates? Oookaaay…
That wasnt my point…(also, they are not “free”, you have to unlock em)
The point its that as always, they give away prem tank and then they realize “whoa, we cant give away good premium tanks” and so they simply nerf em or as in this situation cut off half of the “premium” thingy on a tank.
A simple “Ok, here’s a t7 premium tank but fuck you and go buy premium tank from shop if you want to earn monies”
There is a reason why they can’t give credits for these mission tanks. Having a decent premium tank on tiers 9 and 10 would make it too great moneymaker.
Let’s say I would have my IS-7 or IS-4 as premium, I would dish out 2-5k damage in almost every match. That would give me 50-100k credits every match and I wouldn’t be even sweating.
Needless to say, they made a logical choice to deny premium credits income from all mission reward tanks. Of course I would really much liked to have a super money maker in my hands, but for game balance it’s better for not having one.
” developers confirm: Individual Missions tanks (StuG IV, T28C, T55A and Object 260) do NOT earn more credits (like premium tanks). They earn “as many credits as regular vehicles””
what about the T95E2 … will that make you a profit ? or like a regular tier 8 medium?
I wonder as well,… my “friend” ;) is already at tier VIII … would be a letdown to find out I’m grinding… ehm, I mean He is! … he’s grinding tier X for no reason …. :-X
Pingback: 8. 12. 2014
Xbox WoT is really good. I find it very accessible and I like to use a pad to control the action over a kb/m.
Hopefully WG will stick with it and go to Xbox One soon.
I do wish they would be more faithful to the PC version though. ATM the Xbox version seems to pick and choose rebalances, and there are some bespoke maps changes to the Xbox version which I find arbitrary and pointless.
I dont have console so I cant tell, but saw some videos on YT…
it’s kinda meh, but I absolutely love weather! …fog, rain, wind …
…not more money with those Tanks??? well, now i see no reason to grind IM :)
you dont, some other players do.
I dont care if it earns money or not… for real premium tanks are missions like T26E4, IS-6 …. or giftshop ;)
AFAIK CW reward tanks dont earn more than regular tier X either.
This will be very nice addition to the game.
The only thing that can screw this up is if they put them in shop later on.
If you can buy them, they will lost any value. If you can only earn them.. it’s still something small to be proud of ;)
- developers confirm: Individual Missions tanks (StuG IV, T28C, T55A and Object 260) do NOT earn more credits (like premium tanks). They earn “as many credits as regular vehicles”
Wait…I’m confused now, they are premium tanks right, as in I can use them as crew trainers and not need a specific crew just for them, right??
Yes, they are premium tanks in a way that you can use other tank’s crew in them. But I would call them “reward tanks”, as they do not provide more credit income from battles.
A-32 could use a pref MM of T4 max like german B1, I actually bought it and sold that shit because of how bad it was, I asked support to send it back when they announced bonus crew xp on premiums but it’s still really useless in T5 games, these fucking KV’s everywhere man.
“- Storm states that IS-4 armor (during HD rework) will be somewhat improved”
“M56 Scorpion is still being balanced”
Hah. Having a hard time balancing a slow vehicle with no armor and a mediocre gun that’s 2 tiers too high? GEE I WONDER WHY….