Hello everyone,
Anton “Evilly” Pankov confirms in a video that Wargaming will soon remove one (unspecified) vehicle from the game shop. This is likely to apply to all servers. The reason for the removal is that this vehicle starts to be too numerous and it’s too powerful for a premium tank, so in order not to have to nerf the tank, it will be removed from the shop (like the KV-5, LeFH and Type 59 were before).
There is a very high suspicion that the vehicle to be removed is the E-25, but it was not confirmed yet. It was mentioned numerous times (even by WG staff) to be too good however.
IS-6 or E-25, maybe S35.
The su12244 is far more op than e25
Butthurt, much? Its actually a pain to drive since you constantly get into Tier 9 games without the derpy SU-152 sniper gun.
Where is the butthurt? All I see is a fact being pointed out.
no it’s butthurt, the 122-44 isn’t far more op it’s just really good. If it had special matchmaking I’d definitely consider it OP tho.
Wow, someone is living in denial… Firing 122mm shells every how many seconds?
While I agree that Su122-44 is not OP it is however far from weak
you’re awful
Yep one of those two.
It is?
Wow I must be unicum because I kill them all the time.
My guess goes to the E-25 and S35.
S35 is very good tank… Maybe little bit too good.
My money is on E-25
1.1 aimtime….+enhanced gun laying drive = 0.9? 0.8?
Yeah it’s a little too good.
S35 is a seriously OP vehicle in tier 3 and even 4, but it gets one-shotted in tier V. If you don’t have it, it is a blast to play.
Just thinking… the FCM 36 Pak 40 is bit OP too.
400m view range and awesome gun on tier III… So it would make a good candidate too.
FCM is a pure monster.
Prokhorovka, Province and Malinovka is overkill in this thing.
Seriously doubt it, it’s balanced due to its very slow speed and relatively low ammunition supply (I’ve run out of ammo in several games when my team sucked).
there is no s 35 French premium tank. I think you mean the FCM 36 Pak 40 right? If so, the FCM 36 pack 40 is one of the worst premium tanks – I take that back – one of the worst tanks in the game. Great gun at tier but no armor nor camo not mobile. It’s basically a fixed placement gun position. And it sees tier five all the time where it’s useless!
No camo? LOL. Since when? And 400m VR + binocs by the way…
And someone still thinking S35 only for the frenchy ;D
If you find a TALL bush, great – this tank is too tall to hide easily. The traverse is so narrow that you will rarely be able to keep the camo rating maxed out.
At tier 3 in Province, great. At tier 5 on Prok, Himmel etc. you are toast. I see 50%+ tier 5s…
he meant the german captured S35
Thanks – I didn’t understand. Neither gets pref MM – tier V will crush either. I don’t have the Pz S35 though – so no other opinion.
To be honest, the FCM 36 Pak 40 is probably as OP as the Type 59 was back in the day. You can one shot most tanks, faster firing then the E-25. And at that tier if you are good you can do a lot in a battle.
s35 doesnt seem that op with full mm…
Not often but it does go to T5 – got couple of Leve….Levshn……KILL TWO MTs TWO TIERS HIGHER medal :D
Unlikely. I think probably – FCM36Pak40, T-127 or S35.
IS-6 is not OP… i have underaveraged results with this tank.
I doubt it would be the S35 with the mm. You have to fire gold to even have a chance of penning most tier 5s. And if you see a KV-1, just run, there is nothing you can do….
If the S35 had the same mm as the T-127, then I would consider it being removed, as at tier 3, it is a bit op. Says “a bit” when I have 347 battles in thing with countless battle hero awards….
It’s beyond me why people think that the Pz S35 is OP. The thing only has a tier 2 gun, and even with gold rounds, can barely do much damage against any tier 5 tank with decent armor. And even in tier 3 and 4 battles, while the gun is OK, it’s not the quickest medium around either.
My bet is on the SU122-44. That thing seems OP for a tier 7 premium, much more so than the E-25 or the IS-6.
Also, I’m hard pressed to see WG remove both of the Soviet tier 8 premium heavies. The IS-6 may be good, but it’s not OP. Seriously … the gun only has 175 pen with AP, and only 217 pen even with premium rounds. That doesn’t scream OP to me for a tier 8 premium heavy tank, even with pref MM.
You forgot armor. Oh wait, noobs dont know how to use it…
i want to know what it is so i can make sure i have it so i can laugh at people in the future who don’t have it
They will sell it of course, only in 100 USD bundles.
LOL “Get this tank and a shi*tload of gold that we put in just to raise the price and make us more money !”
E-25, IS-6, but that’s unlikely as it’s way too popular or the tier 3 FCM thing
If they remove the IS-6 they have to remove the 112 as well.
By what logic? IS-6 is far better than 112.
by what logic?^^
Armor, gun reload, mobility?
which on the IS-6 are ALL superior by miles
the 112 is a heap of fail
Let these guys go away bro.
Either way
I can’t penetrate it or
They can’t penetrate me.
t34.. damn.. how much i want this tank removed
Wut …?
Let me guess. He already has one, and has rectal discomfort about noobs blasting away with 34s.
Well, in that case, I want the Slöwe removed asap! Its far worse in noob hands!
Hey! I resent that! Being a noob with Slowe I’m completely sure it sucks as intended, recently skipped with buff, because “it has good armor”.
Yes remove the Schwere Lowe!
so I cant stop laughing from those who couldn’t ace it
Dude r u on drungs?
Poor Slowe has become so raped by power creep it doesnt even scare an E-25 xD
Depends on who drives it
I myself am a pretty competent lowe driver.
well what are the most popular gold tanks that are buyable in game atm?
i doubt it would be removed it replaced the kv-5
The Old Gang
What is “soon”? What do you guess? January 2015? I assume it’s the E-25, even tough it’s only OP in competent hands.
Yeah, this would be nice to know
Most likely E25… WG ( and many players ) consider it OP, and, the germans having the most premium tanks available in the game isn’t helping it’s case either.
this ^^ very likely to be the S35
SP :)
I wish it was sp…. bad bad bad bad bad post nerf
Pz 2 J ?
Its the most OP i can think of
It’s not in the shop
Its not in the shop anyway .
My SU-76I says hello :)
You sir, I hate xD
My pz 2 j isn’t nearly as rare :(
my su-76i says hello too it feasts on pz2j tears :D
This tank is too over-powered, we must remove it from the gift shop immediately – and start passing it out to super-unicums like blow at a Lindsay Lohan party!…
or put it in some random “Cheap” bundle with gold,, alot of gold
Shitta, so no xmas promo for e-25 Haunebu? Or, will we manage to get it 30% off? How “soon” is that?
There’s going to be a sale on premium tanks sometime during the festivities. On the NA server it’s from the 24th to January 11th. I’m not sure about the other servers.
its Super Pershing :))
Nerf it some more plz, “super” Pershing is so OP!
Yes remove it please….. I dont wasnt others to torture themselves
I sold my SP for gold as soon as I could after they nerfed it…. Never really liked it even before the neft.
probably su100y or su12244.
The butthurt on the Russian server would be immense, so I doubt it.
maybe su85i?
e25 for sure :)
There are twice as many T34s in the game as there are IS-6 (1.6 mil compared to 800k) and only 591k E 25s…
source: http://www.vbaddict.net/statistics.php?tier=0&tanktype=0&nation=0&premium=2&modeid=0&team=0&battles=100&groupby=0&fieldname=battles&server=
I wouldn’t mind them stopping to sell the T34 as I already have one, but I doubt that their numbers ingame are the deciding factor. Besides, the T34 is far from OP. Anyone trying to play it like a Heavy Tank is nothing but dead weight.
you should not check anything else but Russian server, since that’s their main point of interest.
And E-25 recently sells better than IS-6 there.
I didn’t say that it would be the T34, I just said that over all there are more T34 than IS-6 or E 25.
Remember that the T34 used to be a normal tank and a very old one too. Many players will have grinded it.
I play on the Russian server (and grinded the T34 myself). At the time, everybody was playing US heavies to make sure they got one, because most people there don’t buy gold.
it must be the e-25 This Video is the biggest proof of OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KodYS14PiI&list=UU29UT064J63Raa1NgAZ1n4A
WG are nerfing it by creating more corridor maps though.
ya but i am sure good players can change and adapt
with 2700 wn8 I couldn’t adapt, I sold it. Turretless low alpha TDs are a relic of the past. The whole “OP’ hype is silly.
Same feeling here, WG is streamlining the game for HTs, for some reason, taking abilities from TDs over and over, so why play TDs at all?
Sold my e25, wasn’t any good with it anyways, holding the advancement on the WT line, will play TDs only if WG makes me, as in missions.
God knows why they do it, making us play arty/TDs/LTs after they nerfed the hell out of them, directly or by map design.
This video represents nothing. Being top tier in tomato teams in an E25 does not show it’s OPness, the same could have been done with a Stug.
Played one game with the E25 this weekend as part of a platoon, hadn’t played it in months. End of the game I was sole defender of our cap, the rest of our team was trying to cap. A Tiger 1 and T29 were bearing down on me, 3 shots as quickly as I could reload and they died.
Major lol.
FCM 50t cause limited MM + Good gun (Penetration) = OP (for WG)
That is the same reason they didn’t give the new Panther limited MM …..
No other prem heavy for the french line afaik…. not likely
I have never heard anyone call the FCM OP. It is very difficult to play, and even unicum players struggle to leverage it.
IMO Churchill III is the OPest.
Maybe stupid question but with 30% discount have much gold will cast E-25 ?
4,690 gold. normal price 6,700 gold
Probably FCM 50t. IS-6, 112 and E-25 are good but overhyped.
1. Spread rumour that one premium tank will be removed (soon™)
2. Watch everyone buy all tanks in question for prestige reasons
3. Do not specify which tank it is so people who already own an IS-6 buy an E-25 and vice versa
4. Do not remove it from the shop but nerf it to death instead
4B: reove it from shop so everyone wants it and sell it in super expensive bundles ;)
4C: Remove it then nerf to underworld
You may have all my +1s.
Its the E25. Go on test server at anytime. You’re likely to see at least 6 each game.
The decision is not mainly based on op…its the quantanty of use.
Because test server is so representative of live.
now all of you good little consumers go ahead and buy up large because this article tells you to.
its going to be removed for being too powerful? big fvcking deal.. didn’t want to nerf it? like they ruined the t26e4? made a competitive tank a joke?… taken out of the shop like the type 59? that keeps getting handed out as a reward/competition tank? this is all utter bullshit…
they promised to not mess with premium stats once the tank was released… lies.
they advertised that certain tanks have matchmaking bonuses (the t26e4 hardly facing tier 9- complete bullshit unless the word hardly means something different in Russian)
I’m done with this game… it’s nothing but a money hole… forcing addictive tendencies on its users and changing the rules whenever they see fit.. a corporation faced by a manchild who gets off on being told how useless he is.
Forcing addictive tendencies? Exactly how is WG forcing you to do anything, let alone “addicting” actions. Have they tied you down to a computer while injecting Methadone into you while simultaneously forcing cigarettes to be smoked by you? If you don’t like the direction the game is going, then by all means, stop playing. But Don’t get mad at a game company, changing things in a fashion you don’t like, and accuse them of “forcing” people to do anything. And yeah, they can Change then rules when they want to, kinda in the EULA you read and agreed to.
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I love my e25, but the SU-122 is the best tier VII TD, period.
According to vbaddict, of the Premiums that are available in the shop/game, the one with the highest win rate is the:
Matilda IV….
lol. Better nerf it; its obviously OP…
Interestingly, the next highest WR are S35, FCM Pak and T-15.
The two “available” tanks that are top of the dpm and xp/m lists are the FCM50T and the IS-6. The E-25 doesn’t really appear high up in any of the rankings.
It is rather weird though. They are taking a premium out of the shop because it sells too well? Say what now? I really have no idea which premium it might be, though. The E25 is often named, but in the hands of bad players, the thing is really bad. Only good players manage to get decent performance out of it. The IS-6 is a staple. I cannot believe they would take it out unless they have a replacement lined up. The Russian T7 TD is very good indeed, better than the SU-152, so it would qualify, except that it is fairly rare.
Really puzzling.
Also, why not nerf it? By taking it out of the shop, you give the people who have it an advantage that can never be met by those who do not have it.
Because they’d rather have people who have it to have an advantage rather than lose however much money they would lose by nerfing it like they did with the Super Pershing.
Every tank is really bad in the hands of bad players…
SU-122-44 is by far the most overpowered of all tier VIIs. Especially for a premium tank. The RoF is insane.
gets shafted by the fact it doesnt have pref MM, otherwise i’d agree with you in every possible way
also, despite the rof, accuracy and pen are lousy, and at least for me a tank who has BOTH bad pen AND BAD acc isnt a good tank.
Its just massive butthurt from getting shot in the ass.
That’s how you name IS-6 a good tank
SU-152 has even more RoF, better tracks and a gun mantlet that stop nearly all shells. But it is rather slow and clumsy.
SU-122-44 however trades some DPM (but still enough) for much better mobility and frontal protection against everything under 130 pen (SU-152 has worse armor in that aspect).
Its not the RoF that makes the SU-122-44 that good, its the combination of huge alpha, RoF and fucking great mobility.
Great idea- tell people that there will be one tank taken out from the shop, because of OP reasons.
People(some of them. the ones hesitating whether to spend more cash on the game or not) remembering how they didn’t buy Type or SU76i in time and wanted it after it got taken out from shop, will rush and buy a random premium tank(which has semblence of being OP), “before its too late”.
Pockets of WG gets filled. Profit.
Well, that aint a bad marketing strategy, they make heaps of money based on something that would be soon-to-be exclusive
Wait a sec… I stupidly sold my IS6 long ago (needed credits then) but if it suddenly becomes a “special” tank that means I could rebuy it for credits through the support system like I did with my KV5… Muhahaha!
if you needed creds, why the hell you SOLD the is-6 instead of.. y’know… PLAYING IT?
So, you sell a tank with high credit income in order to gain credits. Better inform the nobel prize committee, we have a genious here.
Cause I have no patience at all. And I have a Mutant six, type 59, and T34 I enjoy playing much more. And that $50 doesn’t mean much to me compared to the time spent grinding credits…
Darwin would be so proud wouldn’t he? :P
My guess? the E25 indeed
they wouldnt remove the IS-6 cause one of the main functions of a prem tank is to be a crew trainer, and the soviets already “lost” a T8 hvy trainer on the KV5, removing the is6 would leave them without an option
as for the E25, the germans have not one, but THREE (soon to be 4) prem TDs, and by far its the most OP thing on its tier (its russian cousin, the 22-44 does not have the Pref MM advantage, so its less OP than regarded)
i doubt they’d touch teh S35, their focus isnt low tier play anyway.
Well I’m glad I bought the E25 and the SU-122-44 recently and I’ve had the IS-6 for ages now. The only other premium tanks that I still want that are currently buyable are the Jagtiger 88 and the Type 64 and it doesn’t sound like either of them are in danger of being removed from the shop.
My guess is the T34. The only thing it lacks is RoF and mobility, and it’s like the most common premium at tier8
But it’s common because a) like every idiot got it for free when they remade the US TD tree, not because it is any ‘good’, and b) it tends to be driven by rather skilled players because it is one of the ‘oldest’ premiums.
There is no evidence that supports the thesis that T34 is any OP. Statistical-wiese even T34-3 is doing better than T34 (EU server)…
Either Su-122-44 or IS-6. E-25 OP? lol wut???
Please be a tank I already own.
my guess would be the T34 its an extremely popular tank at the moment
KV-5 was too powerful?
It won’t be the FCM, thats having its view range nerfed so it wont be anything special
Box tank mabey
It all depends on the owner of the vehicle. The E25 needs a very unique playstyle what needs to differ from map to map to be the “most wanted” bandit in the match.
Very sadly I see lots of tmatos what don’t really use the power of the tanks. They either camp in the corner instead of using the speed or rush to the front and die instantly after 2-3 hits.
Thank god, I hope it is. E-25′s are the most annoying little shits around. Along with the super-Stronk SU-122-44 – a tank that is easily as good as a regular, earned vehicle. Personally I’d just be happy if they nerfed the Su-122-44 and stopped selling the E-25.
I BET YOU IT WILL BE EITHER E25 OR SU 122 44. i find e25′s really annoying having quick reload and a OP camo rating. the 122 44 on the other hand is like a T18 at tier 7, but doesn’t 1 shot too much and the armour is actually penetrable. the 122 44 is a REALLY good tank. this is the only tank i have exceeded 2000 damage in, getting a 4600 damage (IN A TIER 7!!!), 5 kills and a carry against 3 enemies.
i must say fcm36pak40 as well. that thing is really, REALLY good.
My candidate is FCM36Pak40. This little crap is damn slow, but in good hands is the total killer. Excelent penetration, excelent viewrange. Actually has the highest OP factor (WR 55% > 62%).
Tog II* obviously OP, battleships shouldn’t be allowed in a tank game.
I’m gonna call t-127. I think it’s the same issue as with the su-76i: it pwns the lowtier newbies too hard. It is far superior to the LTP. Other contenders: 122-44, E 25 as everyone has already said, or maybe FCM PAK. I don’t think FCM50t or IS-6, but I have an IS-6 so I may be biassed.
I agree. The t-127 is a pubstomping tank. FCM is too slow. Not enough armor. FCM won’t be either…. IS-6 though. That one MIGHT be removed.
Fuck it, just give the E-25 a stealth nerf by way of the soft stats or something.
SU or IS-6. MAYBE the E25 but I doubt it. It does not have enough alpha or pen.
Also, is there an ETA on when this will occur? Before Christmas?
Nobody is thinking about Dicker Max? It has same pen as SuperPershing, 300 dmg and 7.7 sec reload.
su76i was removed fast :o
I doubt it will be IS-6. Last year they gave it for “free” and hard to say it’s OP in any way.
I wouldn’t call E-25 “powerful” (rather “stubborn”) so it must be SU-122-44
They will not remove any russian tanks that’s for sure. Sooo… That leaves the E25. Mistery solved.
I highly doubt that they would remove IS6, its the only tier 8 russian HT left now since they removed the KV5. Actually, I dont think its any of tier 8s that will be removed.
It will most probably be E25 or SU-122-44. Both tanks are really popular and OP for its tier.
Havent got the E25 myself but I can say that the SU is OP as hell. Yes it does get into tier 9 MM but its so rare. Maybe once in 10 battles, while you kill everything in your way with 122mm rounds shooting every 6.75s. You have 2x faster reload then IS.
E25 has preferal MM but its penetration is very weak. Not to mention that only good players will know how to play it right (seen a lot of people rushing with E25 like idiots thinking they can scout xD).
SU is more “noob friendly” since you can actually rush with it like a medium :P
E25 is allaround monster tank – TD, MT and LT in one deadly sneaky package.Any competent player cant make a mistake by buying it. Just do it.
Ah yes…what a way to drive up sales of premium vehicles…scare the crap out of everyone that something they’ve been eyeing is going to get removed, but don’t say which one. Very sneaky WG.
T8 normal prems : Liability to their team compared to regular tank
T8 pref MM : See above
T7 : Su-122-44 armor doesn’t work at any distance and it’s actual DPM is killed by acc and pen at long range. It’s also pretty rare to see one. On the other hand E-25 has pref mm, is a lot more common and has much better actual DPM at long range due to acc, and retarded mobility and camo to turn a game around late game.
T6 and below : All liabilities in most players hands exept for FCM Sealclubber40.
I won’t be sad to see E-25 with retarded mobility and rof go, but FCM needs to be dealt with as well, they are losing customers to those same as with T18s. You can’t allow beginners to be clubbed one by one by a camper ending with 7-10 kills and hope that they will keep playing. Maybe the recent Su76i debacle made them look a bit deeper at stats.
Lets buy all the tanks so that we get the one they will remove… ohwait.