Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- BT-SV + slot
- 27500 gold
- 30 days of premium
Price: 122,70 USD (99,99 EUR)
Seriously, how many fucking times will we get this BT-SV shit? It’s like Wargaming shoving it down our throats over and over again. What are we, geese?
I need to take a restraining order out against this offer.
They are pobably showing this BT-SV over and over again to laugh at the retards who bought this for like $500 on ebay xD
I went ahead and got the btsv bundle for $100. Then got e25 with some of the leftover gold :D
This tank never costed on ebay more than 150€, there were few offers BT-SV + Pz II J for like 400€. But You can still buy the BT-SV in many internet shops for like 90€ together with box version of WoT.
While that is true, I grabbed it earlier not that I’m really that interested in the tank itself (not 100 euro worth imo) but more to restock the gold and another month of premium comes in handy as I actually plan to play a bit.
Yea I agree its a bit of a dick move to put it in with the highest price gold packages as a “free” addition (27500 + 2500 in one month premium form isn’t terrible gold value for cash). But I have to admit I kinda like collecting tanks and it was time to restock some gold to spend over a long long time might as well do it now. I normally buy the gold in 30k packages whenever the time comes anyway so for my use it is actually a free extra.
If they did it with the 20-40 euro price range packages as a free extra I’d have no big issue with it but I guess they don’t want too many of them around.
Why not PzIIJ in this one? Why 2 bt-sv:s?
It’s the third time we got this BT-SV in the advent offers. It comes back like a persistent urinary tract infection.The issue with the PzIIJ is that it is a broken tank and their sale would unbalance the lower tiers.
Yeah ofc my bad this is the third one already :P
And tomorrow it will be the fourth time. :)
Implying the lower tiers have ever been balanced.
Ok, unbalance it even more then.
There are enough seal clubber going on gold round killing sprees in the 2j as it is. Putting six in each team is going to make it even worse for newbies.
Is there even a way for 2j to kill another 2j?
There are escape hatches on the side of a 2j you can shoot though with another 2j. But trying to exploit it is a bit of a bitch.
been there, done that.
WG are demonstrating a singular lack of imagination. I keep waiting for an AT15a offer (yes, yes, I know) but its like the background of a Scooby Doo cartoon, BT-SV-KV220-KV5 repeat.
Where is a this ‘rare’ content???
Despite the hate it gets, I always enjoyed the AT-15a, its not a great tank, but it used to hold out rather well even in some tier 9 games. The 200 extra hp and lowered MM has just improved it. Grab it during the Tank discounts next week is my suggestion… it will end up cheaper than any offer on this calander
Will do bud, cheers!
BT-SV was rare, I heve never seen it in battle before, but I get the feeling they want to make that tank common with so many offers.
WG saw what Star Citizen is doing and they really liked it.
SC will be biggest scam…
Nah, Chris Roberts isn’t a scammer. He’s just overreaching alot.
Star Cititzen will be released, but it will turn out to be a déjà vu to the Wing Commander movie. There is simply no other logical way things could go, even if SC is a great game. The expectations are skyrocketing for years now, and show no sign of slowing down.
Nobody could ever meet them. Not after people paid thousands of dollars for a few pixels. Never, ever.
Its a joke …
Ga ga ga…
The day Wargaming introduce “concept” sales is the day i wave buh bye… literally the main reason im playing Elite and not Star Citizen is because of the utter money grabbing behaviors of RSI…. that and because Elite is a fully fleshed out game where as Star Citizen is a grandeous tech demo.
BT-SV for the third time, yay…. Worst Advent celebration by an MMO game… ever. Eve is giving all players multiple character training for 20 days, and free ingame loot… Even Trion threw a token gesture of 7 days patron time and a loot box for Rift all for the price of nothing. Wargaming is just harpooning
One wonders how much pressure they might be under to release the 59 and/or the 2j to raise some ready cash. Must be tempting for them to pull the trigger…at the expense of some integrity going down the shitter.
The BT, 2j, Fury etc really dont grip my attention at all…. Throw a 59 bundle up and they might get me to struggle with my impulses… beyond that, the “rare” tanks i dont have already, just dont interest me enough
I’d prefer a 2j for the novelty over a 59 which is over-hyped IMHO.
Given how much codes for the 2j go for they probably can’t sell it without seriously alienating their whales and veterans.
If they are desperate for money though…
“Seriously, how many fucking times will we get this BT-SV shit? It’s like Wargaming shoving it down our throats over and over again. What are we, geese?”
IKR…. Gawd give us a Type 59 exclusive offer already!!! Not this repetitive shit no one wants. Tier 3 tank for over US $100… LOL!!! WG are kidding themselves….
Although im sick of the offer, and wouldnt buy it for the tank… in fairness to their monumental fuck ups of late, The BT-SV code alone was going at almost 250 on Ebay last i checked…. and you are getting it for almost free in the bundle. It might be annoying to see, and it might be a ridiculous price, but WG saw proof enough they could charge double what they are and -some- people would still buy it
Meh…Tier 7+ and preferential MM is where its all at in WoT (imo anyway). Can’t see what all the hype is with the BT-SV, at Tier 5 and below you’re only gonna be surrounded by hopeless tomatoes and bots with the odd average player every couple of battles.
Not for me thanks.
No. Its hardly worse than some high tiers. The btsv is amazing. 0-60 in about 3 seconds, i got high caliber my first game in it.
Why are you so mad on WG, what you expect from them, why you play this game… Too much “why” and only one answer, you pay for premium accounts and waiting for discounts on premium tanks tier 8, right?
Sorry for bad english.
sory for your existence @ this world…
WG eu has “captain ahab syndrome”
And this is why I do not play WoT since last campaign finished. Full of bullshit
I just want the T-34-85M on sale :/
What an awsome offer again, I always wanted a BT-SV for 99.99 Euro, thanks Wargaming for making my wishes true. :D
I have a much better idea:
- Sturmtiger + slot
- 27500 gold
- 30 days of premium
Price: 122,70 USD (99,99 EUR)
Shut up and take my money! :)
Now we’re talking!!!
LOL they said they will never do the Sturmtiger because it can’t be balanced. Besides it fired a rocket assisted mortar anyway so is against the spirit of WoT’s ‘guns’ only.
Im thinking, isnt WG full of monkeys ? Or even drunk monkeys ?
122 USD for what? amazing people buy this crap, wow.
for 122usd you can buy now on Steam like 15 Amazing games on top discounts….
If the Xmas day offer is another BT-SV I’m gonna climb a clock tower.
I would like to see that :DDDDD
Totall fail. Drunken monkeys have more sense!
OMG who the fuck came up with the calendar this year?? This is a joke!
WTF WTF!!!!!!!
Because of the falling Ruble, its not 50% but 10% discount. Basicly Russian currency is screwed and they need to get them this 50% discount to compensate
Prepare your money, 24.12 is Type 59 ;)
Such pathetic nerfed homotank?? I was really hoping for Ausf. J…
Still decent gold price… and tier 8 premium in game discounts are coming.
Somebody, please buy me this tank. PLS.