Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- Type 62 + slot
- 4500 gold
- 30 days of premium
Price: 42,70 EUR
Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- Type 62 + slot
- 4500 gold
- 30 days of premium
Price: 42,70 EUR
we can hope for T59 tommorow :D
BT-SV 300USD ? U buy ? Y U no buy? U make WG sad.
Type 59 Gold. Milk them whales!
Maybe it will be Pz38H.. but in a 100 Eur bundle.
20 euro bundle with MiniMaus would be too easy :)
Not going for it; Expect to pickup a Type64 when it hits the discount though…..all we need to do now is wait till tomorrow……Prepare for shitstorm lads ;-)
I’m passing to; the WZ-131 is much better if you want a chink scout.
Type 62 is just weaker WZ131. It doesnt have anything to go for.
Had a type 62 from the missions, it sucked for me, sold it back.
I got mine from mission too, but aint selling it,.. I like it
i sold it too. Good for XP/training, but not good moneymaker (unless u have permapremium acc. or can kill T9/T10 tanks with 148 pen gun with easy:))
Wot no BT-SV?
nothing will happen tomorrow, only free low tier tank
HAH, i allready got one, wg u suck :3
I hope tommorow we will see a Type 59, not a T23E3 or some other piece of shit.
The Type 59 is NOT coming ever. Just renounce your hope and buy another BT-SV!
You never know. WG never said it won’t be sold again, they were not planning it. Just like BT-SV and other “rare” crap. WG is greedy, but we will see tommorow what they got for us.
They said countless times it would never be sold again and is now exclusively an event thing… you come to FTR, you should know this.
Pz. II J bundle tomorrow… It will have an insane cost… Whale hunting open
Tomorrow will be “upgrade your type62 to type59 for 1k euros” offer. …. NOT :D
How is the Type 62? Is it a nice tank to play?
No, its WZ 131
It’s a WZ-131 that can afford the prem ammo you need for this. 160 pen in tiers 8-10?, no!
Not that bad at all, has a kind of “fun factor”.
However I know I will be corrected soon
Yes, I guess tomorrow BT-SV to end the crappy calendar with something unexpected.
Although… I am guessing they will come with E-25 :P
type 62 is a shit tank with no penetration with X tiers MM..
don’t be funny WG..
23 days of that offer and only 2 tanks were good..
i hope tommorow will be type59 or M6A2E1 <3
Sure :)
Wait, the only tier 8 premium beside the Type 59 that didn’t get an offer yet is the FCM 50 t.
That’s why I thought it would the FCM 50 t today, and a type 59 offer tomorrow, I guess there will be no type offer on the 24th then, just the FCM 50 t one!
My fear is they will spread their cheeks and dump a Panther 88 ‘offer’ on us tomorrow or the 25th.
Damn, that sends chills down my spine. At this point, it is unfortunately to be expected from WG!
So, any guesses for the tomorrow’s offer? My guess is the M6A2E1.
T23E3, I’m hoping.
The M6A2E1 is supposedly never to be sold or even given away. The Type 59 they have old us for 2 years it won’t be sold!
preorder tanks will never be sold in any form again dude
wake up
Yeah, I reckon the T23E3 for tomorrow’s calendar
There was talk about it being available to buy at some point when it was announced as a prize for the 2nd Tier VIII campaign
I hope they will put 50% off on gold and premium days bundles, like they did in RU server
Just read on wot page Winter special for 24.12. All premiums on 50/30/15% discount in shop and for gold (except e-25)…
It’s just your dream. This won’t happen on EU server… We are too rich for discounts….
Another shit offer….
What a surprise, another special tanks that we took a month to get through a mission, being sold a month or two after for anyone to get with no effort…
Ha ha. I bought Type 62 long ago when it was a tier lower and it was on discount.
Offers getting better and better !
I hope there will be BT-SV… i want it so badly !!!