
A summary of (hopefully) correct statements of Falathi from the previous post:

- Japanese TDs are to be expected sooner than Chinese due to the latter ones being mostly Soviet clones (and WG doesn’t want more clones in the game), neither will come in 2015
- T-35 and Char 2C might appear, but in 2 years perspective
- we can expect a certain polish tank (TKS or 7TP) as a gift tank
- In Havok, if artillery uses AP round, it is possible to penetrate the wall and the tank behind the building, with a penetration loss
- In Havok, different round types (AP, HE) will have a different effect on the building. For example, it will be possible to destroy a wall and hide behind the rubble
- Type 59 might come back in a mission in 2-3 years, but the mission requirements would be hardcore.
- there was a bigger Ensk map, but big maps are huge problem for devs, because some tanks will be useless there eg Maus or TOG II
- On EU servers WG is not going to publish list of prohibited mods, so you can use them and not be banned. WG leave decision of using them or not using them to your conscience
- WG hasn’t got plans for LT on tiers 9 and 10
- Havok will appear in 2015, will work on a separate core

Answers from WG developers regarding the Stronkhold mode from “Let’s Battle” magazine (RU edition), thanks go to FTA VK community for transcript:

- there will be six Stronkhold mode consumables, divided into three groups: artillery and bomber raid, smokescreen and recon plane, minefields and bunkers
- artillery consumable starts firing 5-7 seconds after target designation with standard HE shells and using standard trajectories
- bomber air raid arrives after 20-30 seconds, the bombs count as HEAT shells with very high damage and penetration, falling directly from above
- smokescreen consumable completely obscures vision in an area (including spotting). The area size increases with the level of the consumable. It will work for 2-3 minutes and it will be usable 2-3 times per battle
- recon plane is a plane circling high above and scouting enemy tanks. It cannot be shot down and it sees everything.
- minefields will be invisible for enemies, your team will see them on minimap. With the increased minefield level comes increased amount of mines distributed.
- bunkers are basically tank turrets (ranging from KV-2 to E-100) on concrete pedestals. They shoot only HE shots but have a LOT of hitpoints and good viewrange. They can also track targets (shoot in front of it to compensate for its movement).
- last two (bunkers and minefields) are used by the team commander only within the 30 second countdown
- the others can be used by commander in battle, or – if commander dies – the next member of the team, that assumes the top team slot (first in the team list)
- you can select only one consumable from each group (SS: as in, either minefield or bunkers for example)
- consumables will be implemented in groups, first will be the artillery and the air raid
- there are plans to connect strongholds and clanwars
- after reaching a certain level of development, a clan will get the opportunity to buy various bonuses for credits, including unique tanks
- WG wants to allow the use of all the bonuses at the same time (XP, credit gain bonus etc.)

Random news:

- confirmed: RU9 server from RU cluster was launched in Austria

84 thoughts on “4.1.2015

  1. - On EU servers WG is not going to publish list of prohibited mods, so you can use them and not be banned. WG leave decision of using them or not using them to your conscience

    Well this sounds like it will go well, no restrictions on mods at all

      • I may be interpreting it wrong, but -So you can use them and not be banned- seems to imply, you can use them, and not be banned

        • I think it’s the other way around (it’s commonly used like that in Czech and probably Polish too, and likely got mistranslated somewhere), but can’t be sure with so many translation steps. Clarification from some Polish person would be nice…

          • It’s more or less like this:
            “Cheats are bad, mmkay, there’s a lot of cheats and we can’t monitor all of them, mmkay, and if you are using cheats, you should feel bad about yourself, mmkay.”
            So yeah, if you’re using cheats, shame on you, but at this point they are not going to do jack about it. He also said it outright that until they get some tools or Minsk starts twisting their collective arm about the subject, they are not going to do anything. Just awesome.

          • I am Polish and I confirm the statement, I watched whole review and Falathi said that if certain mod is not oficially prohibited, it is legal.

    • Palm->Face

      I dunno in which parallel world WG EU is living, but you rarely can see it as clear as with this statement.

  2. On EU servers WG is not going to publish list of prohibited mods, so you can use them and not be banned. WG leave decision of using them or not using them to your conscience

    SAY WHAT????

  3. “On EU servers WG is not going to publish list of prohibited mods, so you can use them and not be banned. WG leave decision of using them or not using them to your conscience”

    Dig out your warpacks people!

  4. we can expect a certain polish tank (TKS or 7TP) as a gift tank
    - and the crew nationality will be…..??????

  5. Biger maps are problem for devs….

    Yes, we dont need biger maps. We just press W and after 2 min battle is over. And You can be spoted in 20-30 sec of a battle and destroyed 10 sec later. Call of Duty – Tanks.

  6. After watching the review with Falathi for the 2nd time, I noticed a few other pieces of information, I was about to post them in the previous post but there’s already a new one :D

    - Currently, there is no plans to change any premium tanks
    - The process of migrating the game to another engine (having in mind upcoming competition such as AW) is very unlikely because there is no certainty that it will be successful. BigWorld engine will be optimized constantly.
    - It is debatable that a mod is a cheat if you can’t use the amount of information the mod gives you (e.g. if you don’t look at the minimap, you won’t use extended information on it)
    - No plans to nerf IS-3, it’s a decent tank but it’s not OP.
    - Enemy team HP bars and infinite zoom are considered cheats, especially in a situation when you zoom out and look over corner to see if the tank is looking at you.
    - Global map is going to be expanded only if there are more clans participating
    - WG cannot do anything in a situation when Clan Leader steals all gold from clan’s treasury, it is a matter of clan members who do they trust as a CL and they “can’t involve”.

      • Sorry, to be precise – I meant those under nicknames on the right, they are updated every time an enemy tank is visible. It gives you lategame advantage in situations where there are a few remaining enemy tanks because you know if you can rush them and afford to lose hp or not.

    • As for cheats when is World of Tanks going to go after their moderators that help some top clans that they are friendly with, rig clan war battles and tournaments. Many clans have stopped doing both because there is no way they can win against this kind of bullshit plus having to put up with top clans also using warpack and other cheats. Plus getting their TeamSpeak servers attacked using denial-of-service hacks. As for the clan I am in we will still be doing pub battles while we exploring some other games. Good luck to the clans that play clean they are at a great disadvantage and will most likely be leaving World of Tanks also.

  7. “- there was a bigger Ensk map, but big maps are huge problem for devs, because some tanks will be useless there eg Maus or TOG II”

    LOL! They don’t maje bigger maps because if two tanks out of 7 complete branches.

    • Its not only about two tanks, or if it is “only” about two tanks, they simply cant add big maps to the game, because it´s not fair for that tanks, you will be scared to drive them, because you can get these maps…. And there are more tanks, such as: T95, T28, T28 Prot, Ferdinand…

      • Yep. Can confirm that in War Thunder it takes a very long time to get anywhere on certain maps, especially if you’re driving the early shermans or heavy tanks.

      • No. Of course it’s not only two tanks. Let it be 20 slow tanks. So once again, are they balancing the maps around 20 tanks out of how many? Still doesn’t make sense, to balance map sizes around really slow tanks that are only a minority of the tank pool available.

  8. - bomber air raid arrives after 20-30 seconds, the bombs count as HEAT shells with very high damage and penetration, falling directly from above

    1. HEAT? Aren’t bombs supposed to be HE?
    2. Directly from above? No way unless it’s heavy bombers dropping from high altitude.

      • But isn’t bomb more like a large HE shell with “0 penetration”? It does not penetrate but destroys the target with blast force only and has considerable “splash”?
        High penetration and damage HEAT falling from the sky sounds more like orbital railgun attack or something… And it appears to be too random, even more than artystrike – either instagib or no effect.

        • A bomb, has a steel nose, even the HE ones. And given enough height it will punch through a decent amount of armor plate. Although an AP Bomb would be much more effective. But considering the thickness of most tank roofs HE bombs are more then effective enough.

        • You get Semi Armour Piercing (hard targets, steel concrete) and Armour Piercing (heavily armoured ships) as well as General Purpose (light or medium armoured ships like destroyers, hard targets) and High Capacity or Light Case (thin walled heavy bombs to blast large areas, often used in conjunction with incendiary) bombs – there are many other type but these were the main types used.

          The AP and SAP ones tended to be quite heavy though during WW2, earlier ones could range from 30lb to 500lb but were mostly obsolete.

          Tanks usually have thin armour on top with many armoured vehicle having thin armoured sides and or open topped.

          Even near misses can damage those – it depends on the bomb type and size.

      • If you would use HE bombs you could splash the shit out of a group. I think its probably a balance decision. Splash or lots of focused damage (arty vs bomber)

  9. - recon plane is a plane circling high above and scouting enemy tanks. It cannot be shot down and it sees everything.

    If both teams get it, the game changes for the worse. If just one team gets it, there is no game, just a one-sided roflstomp

  10. – Type 59 might come back in a mission in 2-3 years, but the mission requirements would be hardcore.

    Nice trolling. 2-3 Years from now.

    I see it in front of me next headline …..

    “-Type 59 might come back as a new year gift tank in propably 10-15 years for very good customers (moneywise)”

  11. 2 to 3 years?! I hope they are expending their resources on Havok and multi-core support. That is probably why development in WoT is slow last year. It’s shouldn’t be that slow if it wasn’t the case for a big company such as WarGaming.

  12. - Japanese TDs are to be expected sooner than Chinese due to the latter ones being mostly Soviet clones (and WG doesn’t want more clones in the game), neither will come in 2015

    Well WG fuck you then.

      • no they just off their meds or back on them…now i am not sure which but judging from what WG has done over last few month’s i would say some of both but mostly i think WG needs some one to give them a clue that they need to get a clue and not the board game clue cause i get the feeling they would think that.

  13. SS, has WG made any comment about the SU-76I? Are the SU-74, SU-76, or SU-57b being considered as replacements?

    I made a few suggestions for implementation on your article for implementation for these 3 vehicles, as well, though I know it matters little.

  14. - On EU servers WG is not going to publish list of prohibited mods, so you can use them and not be banned. WG leave decision of using them or not using them to your conscience

    Always know so eu wg usllesss :D

  15. “Japanese TDs are to be expected sooner than Chinese due to the latter ones being mostly Soviet clones (and WG doesn’t want more clones in the game)”

    Don’t want more clones? Shouldn’t have added the fucking Chinese tree then.

    • Chinese tree was added only to make Chinese players play WoT, shortly after it appeared on Chinese market.

      • But… but…but… I like my chinese tanks D:

        And I think most of them are played differently like the russian counterpart.
        110 IS-3
        WZ-120 T-54
        113 IS-7

        Low tiers? Yeah i give you that, but hightiers are unique in playstyle :(

  16. Type 59 might come back in a mission in 2-3 years, (Carrot/Horse) (Hang around Don’t go away play our game, never mind those other tanks games).
    but the mission requirements would be hardcore. (Sadists) OPG online punishment game.

  17. Hmm Havok in 2015, I think they meant november-december of 2015 there. They speak about illegal mods and stuff, yet they don’t ban bots. So why they even care about mods ?

  18. OK it seems there are still some problems with translating that Q&A with Falathi. Btw dude never used 2015 in his answers but “next year” so I left it that way. I also skipped some personal questions. In some places previous translations skipped key word “maybe” and it made it sound like a solid info. Guy is clearly in PR cause he is candywrapping BS here and there.

    -Polish theme/flavor “next year” (host suggested it might be a tank or a map but WG dude gave no more details so I have no idea where did you get that TKS/TP7 info)
    -Havok MAYBE “next year”
    -switching to Havok will increase quality of graphics, introduce more buildings/objects destruction, lower hardware requirements
    -debris from destroyed buildings MAYBE will stay on map and become some kind of (destructable) cover (one of possible ways to implement it)
    -damage control about Panther 88 – basically when asked about morality of the marketing move with Panther 88, he refuted (derailed) it saying they could have done nothing about refunding it so players should be happy there is a refund … pretty much sounded like an answer taken straight from “SerB’s Guide to Answering Inconvenient Questions”
    -no arty nerf planned at this moment
    -historical battles will return but changed form, no info about new scenarios, possibility of individual missions for historical battles
    -”WoT became less p2w than it was in the past” *badum tssss*
    -Char 2C is in the same situation Firefly was … so stuck in the hold until someone decides what to do with it
    -the most probable new tech tree to appear in the game is European tree (he was quite sure about it)
    -the most probable new branch is for the French tree (he wasn’t so sure about it)
    -big maybe on weather effects and different times of the day (even though it was in their Havok presentation)
    -damage control about AW (he actually compared WoT to WoW and AW to “WoW killers”)
    -WoWs MAYBE “next year”
    -no news about alternative hulls or any changes to E50
    -(again) Havok should reduce hardware requirements
    -there is a chance for a Polish gift tank (no details)
    -there is planned HD version of camos
    -no chances for possibility to buy a premium tank for 24h to test it, you can test it on test servers, but if tank is not there … tough shit kid. More damage control about Panther 88 – “we wanted to surprise players that’s why it wasn’t on the test server”
    -when asked about nerf of TDs he said about planned view range nerf … but he said that nerf is planned only for TDs and some Heavy Tanks. Also for 100% it wont happen in next patch.
    -no info about any mission to get Type59. But he said it’s rather not probable
    -again about arty nerf not being planned at the moment – they have been nerfed enough, less players play them now, nerfing them would cause TDs plague
    -there is a possibility we will see T35 and SMK tanks in WoT (I have no idea where did that “in 2 years perspective” translation came from other than it might have been bad literal translation, if you aren’t talking about for example “pair of shoes” or other items that go in 2s by default, “pair” in Polish means few, so it may be 2 or 5 or 7)
    -final individual missions will be similar to the ones on test server but with some changes, the general idea will be the same
    -Fatton buff in future is very probable
    -there are planned bigger maps as well as more specialized maps (only for low tiers, Team Battles etc.)
    -it means both that maps currently in game like Ensk could be increased in size and new maps bigger than 1000×1000(m) will appear, but it will come along with Havok and “other” changes
    -long part about some shady mods, which was mostly a personal opinion, but in parts about WG stance he says – WG is observing what is going on in game and their politics stays the same – if they don’t say something is not allowed, then it’s ok to use, but if they decide in future to change it, they will
    -dude agrees that all the racism and extreme insults (concentration camps, cancer, death wishes) in chat should be treated more seriously and penalties should be much more severe but it’s not up to him
    -question about why WG is so passive about people that steal clan’s gold, leave the clan and go completely unpunished when reported to WG – he answers that he agrees that shouldn’t be like that but WG decided they don’t have a reliable way to confirm the accusations in those cases
    -no plans to buff or nerf premium tanks atm
    -with Havok it will be possible to shoot through buildings
    -it’s hard to say if it will be possible to shoot through buildings with high-caliber arty AP shells
    -he confirms PvE Ensk mode
    -increasing players number per clan probably wont happen
    -that what’s-its-name-arty-cheat-view mod is legal
    -report system works and there were a lot of people banned for botting on EU
    -multiple turrets will come but it doesn’t have a high priority – soon TM
    -no planned buffs for Japanese tanks tiers 1-7
    -no planned credits earning buff for premium tanks
    -”Why there’s no list of banned mods on EU?” – “Because it was decided that way”
    -no need for new EU servers
    -no info about any new types of ammo in the game
    -8-bit mode will last more than a week
    -no light tanks of tiers 9 and 10
    -Japanese and Chinese TD question – he actually says there is a chance to see Japanese TDs “next year” and that Chinese TD line is problematic cause they started working on them when those kind of tanks became obsolete, so they would be mostly clones of Soviet tanks to fill the branch(I don’t know how is that different from current Chinese lines in the game but OK)
    -if there are more Clan players then there will be more detailed or multiple (parallel) Campaign maps
    -there is still no final decision about what will happen with FV4202 – as in giving it to players that already have it, getting it as a reward for a mission, simply replacing it with new tier 10 tank but not giving premium FV4202 to players for free or something else
    -multicore support will come with Havok

  19. “- Japanese TDs are to be expected sooner than Chinese due to the latter ones being mostly Soviet clones (and WG doesn’t want more clones in the game), neither will come in 2015″

    inb4 more T-54 and T-62A clones for the Soviets by the end of 2015.

    “- bomber air raid arrives after 20-30 seconds, the bombs count as HEAT shells with very high damage and penetration, falling directly from above”

    This doesn’t make any sense. They should count as regular HE shells that have a wider than usual splash radius and greater damage upon a direct penetrating hit, unless these are explicitly stated to be hollow-charge bombs (like the German SD 4).

  20. - there was a bigger Ensk map, but big maps are huge problem for devs, because some tanks will be useless there eg Maus or TOG II

    Duh – make the battle times twice as long, and the teams twice as large.
    It’s not like if the battle was longer the earnings potential wouldn’t be higher with more people to kill, more land to “scout”, and more ground to cover. I won’t even get into how easily this will solve 99% of the artillery hate/whining/bitching that never ceases to end since the time-on-target for arcing shells would multiply exponentially (direct hits would only affect the hardest of camper).

    These excuses (which is exactly what they are) – are just a feeble attempt to keep the game “dumbed down to the lowest player” – or the “instant gratification” type player.

  21. - recon plane is a plane circling high above and scouting enemy tanks. It cannot be shot down and it sees everything.

    So basicly it is like arty?:P

    • those high angle on SFL (the TD with FlaK gun on Pz IV) won’t be usefull,, although it can hit those scout plane,, GG WP WG,, now no need to use LT anymore,, just launch those planes and let it spot for you

  22. “On EU servers WG is not going to publish list of prohibited mods, so you can use them and not be banned. WG leave decision of using them or not using them to your conscience.”
    - time to go back to tier 5/6 tanks, because the higher the tier, the more Warpack players u will encounter…