Interview with SerB on Zvezda TV

Hello everyone,

here’s an interview with Sergei “SerB” Burkatovsky on Russian “Zvezda” TV.

Notice his title: “President of the Wargaming company”. Here’s what he said.

- the popularity of World of Tanks is a complex issue. One of the elements is that the game is online and people are interested in playing with other people, not with NPC’s. Second is the free to play model, the game is free, you don’t have to pay. Third element are tanks: “In Russia, tanks are iconic” because of WW2, T-34 is a “symbol of victory”.
- another element of the popularity is that the game is simple and correctly put together
- European market and Chinese market (game market) are fully comparable to the one of the former USSR, US server has fewer players because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks
- SerB considers WoT one of his main successes, he is still both developing and playing, he is returning to his childhood dreams, he sees the mankind’s future in space and states that “if it’s possible to make even a small step in that direction, we have to do it”
- the reasons above are why he is investing into space industry, he states that the rockets he is investing it are made for small minisatellites, for example for student research. He then explains the plans with the rockets (3 launches per year, he believes it will be profitable, he invested 5 mil rubles, he has the option for another 5 mil)

99 thoughts on “Interview with SerB on Zvezda TV

    • True.

      What SerB says: “In Russia, tanks are iconic” because of WW2, T-34 is a “symbol of victory”.

      What SerB means: “We favour Russian tanks a little by making them easier to play and easier to master and thus serve the neo-imperialistic and nationalistic feelings of the Russian playerbase.”

  1. - the reasons above are why he is investing into space industry, he states that the rockets he is investing it are made for small minisatellites, for example for student research. He then explains the plans with the rockets (3 launches per year, he believes it will be profitable, he invested 5 mil rubles, he has the option for another 5 mil)

    lel SerB (future) CEO of the universe

  2. I too must agree on humanity’s future in space, but we need a giganteous step forward in understanding physics and creating powerful power sources.

    • Exactly, the way rockets work now, they use far too much hard fuels and in turn, are expensive as hell..

      Untill we make an electric car that does not need a battery the size of a flat screen TV, we can just dream about going to space with human crew regularly :P

      • Fuel is only a fraction of the cost of any launch. That is why SpaceX is pushing his R&D towards reusable launchers. Their first try at landing on a seabound platform is planned for tomorrow, using the F9 of CRS-6 mission, with retractable landing legs.

      • Fuels is the least of the problems – even traveling at light speed is too slow.
        Gib transformed space buble pls.

        • Travelling outside the solar system in populated vessels is a super longer term goal to begin with. The first major goals are populating mars and the moon which would be profitable in the long run. It would also potentially reduce the whole overpopulation of earth if the colonies grow large enough but that would take a significant amount of time.

          Problem is getting the stuff there and building up the colonies. Once life is sustainable there we could mine the shit out of mars. The moon is problematic for mining but a far better launching patch than earth which would mean that harvesting asteroids/spacial debree might prove profitable for a moon-colony and it would be a gateway to the rest of the solar system.

          Moon and Mars bases would obviously be constructed by unmanned robots and probably eventually expanded partially by human hand. The most profitable way to do this would likely be to use materials on site. Which in the case of the moon is limited, but a burrowed moonbase could potentially be done. Providing a permanent living environment at this time however is still not possible, human bodies can only last without gratify so long as well as being bombarded by the sun having negative influences on the human body.

          The moon is however still very far away from earth, you can put all planets in the system between earth and the moon…. But my point is, colonizing other celestial bodies (mars and the moon) in our solar system is a more realistic goal for something major that could happen within our lifetime.

    • 1 : make miniaturized fusion reactors
      2 : develop magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters and ion drives
      3 : profit

      • Also

        >Work out how to harness zero point energy
        >Build an Alcubierre drive
        >Laugh as you demolish all celestial bodies around you

        • More reasonably in the field of undeveloped stuff, finally make the EM Drive a workable concept and use it with the said fusion reactors. We’ve got a whole solar system to explore before starting any long trip !

          • Has the science behind the EM/Canae drive been cracked yet? Weren’t scientists getting in a flap over it seemingly breaking the laws of thermodynamics a few months back?

  3. -…US server has fewer players because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks-

    So does this means that in the US region, WoWs may will attract more players than WoT ?

    • this is bullshit. before wowp fail overlord says USA is aircraft nation. they will come for wowp bla bla… :D

      Serb is rich a liar…. if they have dota game on production He said USA players mainly intrestes dota type games. :D

      • I’m not from the US but I feel like Overlord was right about planes. I mean, while US tanks just seeked to be as universal and cheap as possible, their warplanes are definitely worth some pride of in terms of diversity and performance… and sexyness too.

    • I don’t know what planet SerB is beaming his transmission from. Everything I ever learned about WWII – from books to movies – always glorified tanks, airplanes, and even submarines. I never got the impression that ships were our main-stay of the war.
      I’m not saying that ships weren’t, I’m saying that they are hardly ever glorified as iconic representations of the USA’s involvement.
      If the NA server has fewer people playing, WG IS NOT AWARE OF THE CORRECT REASONS. I have numerous possible reasons I can blab about, but I need sleep.
      I hope he was just doing a song and dance for the interview. If he really thinks the US isn’t prone to glorifying our tank involvement, then he is seriously out of touch.

      • I must agree, SerB does not understand the NA market. By the way the USA produced 102,410 Tanks and SPG’s. Russia produced 106,025 Tanks and SPG’s.

        • Aside from Fury, can you recall a US war movie that was about tanks? There are tons of movies about the Navy, Air Force, Marines and the Army.

          • wow has any movie? WoT or WoWs didnt support US market needs. Just real reason. not about movie or culture about tanks planes etc… Many russia and korea games fail @ west market. Because we really seek some quality.

          • Here’s the problem about making a movie about tanks: Actual running WWII tanks are rare and expensive to operate, particularly on a Hollywood-style production scale. (Notice how the Fury tank was trashed?)

            Aircraft can be mocked much more easily and ships are relatively plentiful. You can also shoot a movie on a ship and easily make it look like it’s at sea.

          • Sahara with Humphrey ‘Bogart (1943) – in minor role, Loyd Bridges as a British soldier.
            Kelly’s Heros 1970 too many big names to list.
            Battle of the Bulge 1965 again, a lot of big names. A lot of the movie focused on Allied and German armor.
            The Tanks are Coming (1951) only name I recognized was one of the writers, Samul Fuller.

            Google is your friend.

      • It’s a relativistic view; SerB is speaking from a USSR/CIS perspective.

        The US, like most countries, doesn’t focus interest on any type of vehicle. I imagine ships aren’t too popular in landlocked countries, but Russia is the one obsessed with tanks. So from a Russian perspective, Americans care more about everything that isn’t tanks.

    • US server has fewer players because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks.

      Hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about. Having built models of every tank used in World war 2 straight to Modern day equipment (1970′s- 1980′s stuff) that’s when I was doing that and winning competitions for completed vehicles and dioramas.

      Knew every vehicle on the WW2 battlefield by the time I was 16. Loved tanks to the point when I enlisted I went into Recce work, but never the big vehicles. Mainly because we didn’t have them. Loved Aircraft too and Warships from that time. There are many more out there in North America that are like me.

      Wowp was a dismal failure. WoWs might do well who knows. but World of tanks is on the decline. Non nonsensical comments like that from Serb and others in the Dev team are what highlights their stupidity.

      Their poor customer support and this view point that they are so superior in train of thought to any person playing the game just stupid and arrogant.

    • They are right we choose to play and when something better comes out Serb you arrogant F**Ker we will play that instead. So you can fire your “rockets” up well you know where..

  4. After reading through Elon Musk’s AMA on Reddit this week, I’m much more inclined to trust him rather than some greedy guy like SerB. He’s with no doubt a good business man, but his visions about moon is just another way to earning millions.

    • As long as you are socially and environmentally conscious while doing it, there’s nothing wrong with earning millions.

  5. It’s just good that he is interested in space projects. Space study sure takes lots of resources but space is just interesting: there are so many questions yet to be answered.

    For me the mechanical tricks mankind can use, for doctors the performance and health questions for one living in space, better measuring capabilities for physics, great opportunities for mankind to experience something very different. And much else sci-fi bullshit in my limited mind that is just imagination… Or is it? Who knows, human is smart but not enough to predict the future.

    But for one thing I’m sure: This shit called satellites will cause problems in the orbit in the long run. Could be useful now but for later generations… They are mines.

  6. “- the reasons above are why he is investing into space industry, he states that the rockets he is investing it are made for small minisatellites, for example for student research. He then explains the plans with the rockets (3 launches per year, he believes it will be profitable, he invested 5 mil rubles, he has the option for another 5 mil)”

    Soo, what is that today? €50?

  7. This bastard wanted to be a cosmonaut? Oh my, prepare your ABM’s, guys, we’re going to hit the bastard right from his asshole!

    Seriously, I wish he’ll die like how many of Ghost Cosmonauts died. Fucking Brezhnev-minded bastard.

    I hate SerB? Totally and dearly. Come fuck me for that if you want.

    • “…Come fuck me for that if you want….”

      I think you’re mind fucked enough already.

  8. “- European market and Chinese market (game market) are fully comparable to the one of the former USSR, US server has fewer players because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks”

    SS, this is wrongly translated.

    It actually says: “- European market and Chinese market (game market) are fully comparable to the one of the former USSR, US server has fewer players because they have higher standards and don’t fall so much for our shit-for-players economic model and very low level of technical competence, but I’ll just make up some bullshit excuse… I know….because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks”.

    • US has higher standards in gaming…
      Explain CoD and LoL and DOTA. Please.

      Also how mediocre games like Bioshock Infinite get GOTY there?
      Is it because, like NA players, it was so “Meta” ?

      • you deserve the prize for the most RETARDED commenter on FTR.
        go and suck stalin’s soviet dead-cold-dick.

      • You are wrong, but I don’t want to get into a thing with a zombie fanboi. But anyway, my point was that this is a blatant (and really poor) excuse by Serb (and others at WG). No serious person would accept that WOT’s relative failure in the US is due to them ” not being a tank nation”. That really is a pathetic excuse.

        • Lol… a zombie fanboy. What makes you say that?

          Is it a fact that NA is console gaming land?

          Is it CoD land?

          You talk about NA gamers as if they are better then the rest?
          HAHAHAHAAH. At best they are the same as the rest of us.

          Correct, SerB’s explanation is only partly correct.

          • And your response shows why I don’t want to waste time with a worthless zombie fanboy… “only partly correct” lol

  9. - SerB considers WoT one of his main successes, he is still both developing and playing, he is returning to his childhood dreams, he sees the mankind’s future in space and states that “if it’s possible to make even a small step in that direction, we have to do it”

    Hopefully, the future of mankind does involve Serb in space, preferably without any spacesuit or breathing apparatus.

  10. “US server has fewer players because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks”

    M4 Sherman & derivatives built prior to end WWII = approximately 42,459
    T34 & T34-85 & derivatives built prior to end WWII = approximately 64,549

    So the USSR did build more of their most common tanks, but the Muricans sure built alot!

    Although interestingly this wikipedia page on economic production power of the various nations involved;

    gives total Tank & SPG production as;

    Britain & Empire = 47,862
    USA & Territories = 102,410
    USSR = 106,025

    The same page also shows the production of warships in WW II where the USA and Britain have an enormous lead on any other nation.

    • Does it say where you got your info how many of those Sherman’s and other armoured vehicles were sent to USSR and other Allied via Lend-Lease throughout the war? They built a lot of tanks but didn’t use them all in their theatres of war for a simple reason.
      Absolute most of Pacific Campaign was fought from island to island without a need for large armoured forces where air and naval power was much more important.

      • I only mentioned the Pacific Theatre which was main front for US so no need to be sarcastic.
        American armour was in action since operation Torch so I know that American tankers were there. My question was about the ratio of total produced tanks by US and the actual amount they used in combat operations.

  11. on “US server has fewer players because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks”
    no the reason your game has fewer players on NA server is because your advertising in the US BLOWSSSSS, how about some better live action commercials.. online advertising is good but so much of america plays on consoles and watches TV so how about some awesome commercials not the GARBAGE ones they have now.. also the reason why US server is less is because WoT is not the most beautifully graphical game. America loves graphics and game play.. And in all honesty Wot gameplay is hindered by MM and the SOUNDS OMG THEY ARE SO BAD, In the US people thrive off of being immersed into a game.. and Wot doesn’t do a good job of making you feel like you are actually in a battle.
    And in my opinion the biggest reason for not being immersed are the sounds.. i run every sound mod i can and my game sounds freaking awesome.. i love playing because i get that feeling of focusing only on the battle not anything else. For serb to say something like the US has less players because we fought mainly with ships is just fucking retarded. Its because in America the gamers are more serious and we all run high end computers and not the shit comps that the RU server plays on. if he want more US player base optimization needs to be an important part. Also low tier MM is abysmal.

    • If American loves graphics…
      Why are all the graphical powerhouse studios and games European :P ?

      Immersions is not high in US gaming preferences either. At least for the masses that is. Else STALKER and Metro would be highest selling games there.

      Yeah, sad on the console part. I cant get why NA is a console market. Seems… absurd to say the least. Peasantry…

      Agree on the trailer and sounds part though. That would help a lot. WoT needs better PR and marketing in NA.

    • As a Yank I think Dimitri has something. I would agree with his opinions regarding the US player base. There is absolutly no advertising in US about this game, outside of internet gaming sites.

      • I run old American modern tank crew sounds.. Along with radio chatter from old modern war sound mod.. Then I run gnome fathers engines and guns .. Love my sounds .. Ya I think players in the us need a game to grip them by the balls and take them in and wot is a slow developing game once you get into it you love It but low tier mm blows so it’s hard to get into also advertising just sucks huge dildo here .. I see really crapy commercials once In a blue moon.. They need better commercials and better newbie intro crap

  12. “Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks”…

    In the US, it is the individual soldiers who are lionized not the hardware. The ETO GI/Paratrooper/Ranger with his Garand and the PTO Marine with his Tommy Gun. This is why WW2 first person shooters have always done so well in the US. This just mirrors our films made over the last 20 years (Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Pacific, etc) Sherman Tanks are always props that supported the troops, much like in real life.

    Even ships were mostly used to support amphibious landings. The average US gamers does not know much about Midway, Coral Sea, or Leyte Gulf.

    IMHO the main reason why airplane simulators may never do as well in the US is that all of the fighting B29, B17, Mustangs, and P47 were involved in were long sorties where you fly for 4 hours fight for 15 minutes, then fly 4 hours home. Shorts ranged dog fights during the Battle of Britain or over the Eastern Front make for better game play.

    • Yes, I think a cultural difference between the individualistic nature of Americans vs the Socialistic Collective of Europeans/Russians is at play here.

      Just as in the recent “workplace violence” in Paris, I was wondering “Why didn’t any of those victims pull out their guns and shoot the bastards?!”, but the Sheeple were probably waiting for the police.

      Actually, they didn’t have that choice, did they?

      When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

      • How to solve problem with to many ppl having access to guns and doing suicide runs in schools in the us?
        Hand out even more guns, for example to teachers and kids. Problem solved…


    • Funny as a Canadian I know all about Wake Island, battle of Coral Sea, Midway, Battle of Guadalcanal, Battle of Santa Cruz, battle of Leyte Gulf, the great Marianas Turkey Shoot, Okinawa. The Burmese Campaign

  13. “- the popularity of World of Tanks is a complex issue. One of the elements is that the game is online and people are interested in playing with other people, not with NPC’s.”

    In fairness I would rather play with teams of bots than most of players I had in my teams over last few months.

    • Judging by the way most of the North American gaming population works for WOT. They aren’t interested in playing team oriented game it’s all about ME.

      They play for themselves, Or they play with themselves as they hide behind a rock until the are dead thumbing out another WOT’s loss. Plenty of tissues and lube.

      • Don’t know about NA server. I play on EU. Recently battles feel like swimming in tomato soup for me. All those red players running around like headless chickens… All they know how to do is getting killed in the most stupid ways possible.

  14. “- another element of the popularity is that the game is simple and correctly put together”

    Citation Needed.

  15. “- another element of the popularity is that the game is simple and correctly put together”
    Correctly put together…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…oh dear Cthulhu, I nearly fell off the couch!

    “US server has fewer players because for the Americans, WW2 was fought using ships, not mainly tanks”
    49,234 Shermans built in four years. 84,070 T-34s built over 18 years. No, tanks had nothing to do with America in the Second World War at all. I wonder what his excuse will be when WoWs fails to get any traction in Murica?

  16. Didn’t you know World War 2 “Great Patriotic War” where Russia single highhandedly defeated the oppressive Nazi’s.

    No word to Lend Lease equipment.
    The second front in France 1944, the War in the desert, The Italian Campaign. All those took men equipment and fighting vehicles…. Nope.